Posted by -STUCK- A Complete Guide to Mutations

Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 17:07:13

Yup, it's yet another mutation guide. This was meant to be a sort of continuation of the Mutation Masterpost which has gone without an update for a while. As such it will bear some similarities to the Masterpost while I also try to make it different so it isn't an exact word for word copy. This is going to be a huge WIP so please bear with me as I fill this out as best I can. More information and such will be added so it will hopefully be as in-depth as the Masterpost was.

Note: "Passable" in the descriptions is related to if the mutation is naturally passed on to offpspring without the use of items.


Birth mutations are mutations that are visible on the lion from birth. Most of these types of mutations are present for both sexes though there will be exceptions as well.

If you want to view all the full sized images you can view the imgur gallery here.


Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Achromia lions lack melanin in their skin, coat, and eyes making them white with pink skin and accents along the paws, mane, inside of the ears, and tail.

Lions with this mutation still posses genetic info such as bases, mane shape/color, eye color, and markings and can pass their traits on to their cubs but the mutation covers them on the lion itself. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.



Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Males cannot become king or patrol. Females cannot hunt.
Lions with the blind mutation have a milky layer over their eyes which renders them unable to see well, if at all. Despite that they still can have eye colors and pass them on to cubs.


Bobbed Tail

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Bobbed tailed lions have a nubby stub for a tail and as such lack a tail tip. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.



Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Lionesses cannot hunt. Strength stat drastically reduced at birth to 5% of what it would have been originally.
These lions have the paws but not the pointy parts that are useful for you know, lion related things. While they lack any claws they can still live full and healthy lives and can still patrol or lead a pride but unfortunately, they cannot hunt.



Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Lower agility than normal lions. Due to their stubby legs Dwarf lions have half the agility of normal lions.
Dwarf lions are much smaller than their full sized counterparts with stubby little legs, squat chubby bodies, snaggle teeth, and bugged eyes. Males do not have visible mane shapes but can still pass on that info to their cubs.

Despite their wonky proportions, they can do anything normal lions can including leading a pride, patrolling, breeding/studding, and hunting.



Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Males cannot become king or patrol. Females cannot hunt.
While Blind lions have non-functioning eyes, Eyeless lions lack them completely! They have no eye openings at all and their skin covers their eye sockets entirely. They can still possess eye colors though and can pass them on to their cubs.


Folded Ears

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
These funny looking lions have weak cartilage in their ears that causes them to flop over themselves instead of standing upright. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.



Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
The opposite of Achromia. Lions with this condition produce extra melanin in their skin and that gives them their incredibly dark appearance.This mutation covers them entirely apart from their eyes.

Unlike Achromia which all have pink eyes regardless of their genetics, melanistic lions show their eye colors through their mutation. They can pass their markings, bases, and mane genetics onto cubs.

A good way to tell melanistic lions from Onyx based lions is that they have less highlighting on the fur, darker lineart, and are darker in general color. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.


Patches (Croupe)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
Dark somatic patches in a webbed pattern on the hindquaters. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Patches works on the female poses!

Patches (Dense)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
Dark patches across areas of the entire body. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Patches works on the female poses!


Patches (Frontal)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
Dark somatic patches in a pattern on the forequarters and face. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Patches works on the female poses!


Piebald (Bisected)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
White splotches cover these lions in differing patterns. Bisected covers the back end of the lion the most but also appears on the legs in an asymmetrical pattern and on the face as well. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Piebald works on the female poses!


Piebald (Broken)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
Broken piebald offers most of its coverage on the face and spreads along the belly legs and tail. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Piebald works on the female poses!


Piebald (Clouded)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
Clouded piebald covers the belly and spreads across the back in a notable pattern that gives a dappled affect. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Piebald works on the female poses!


Piebald (Harlequin)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
This pattern is marked by a large patch on the face that almost perfectly splits down the middle. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Piebald works on the female poses!


Piebald (Heavy)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
The most invasive of the piebald patterns, it covers a good majority of the lion. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Piebald works on the female poses!


Piebald (Light)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
The least invasive of the piebald patterns, it mostly covers the underside with some patches of white on the face and tail. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Piebald works on the female poses!


Piebald (Mosaic)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
This mutation features many small white splotches all over the lion's body and mane. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Piebald works on the female poses!


Piebald (Mottled)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
This piebald pattern covers the lion in many mottled places, most notable on the back end. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Piebald works on the female poses!


Piebald (Slender)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
Pattern on the lion is spread mostly along the underside with some areas crossing over to the back. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Piebald works on the female poses!


Piebald (Symmetrical)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Can be passed from either parent.
Piebald pattern on the lion features a symmetrical look on both sides. Markings and bases still pass underneath the mutation. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.

Piebald works on the female poses!



Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Males can pass the mutation, females can only inherent it meaning they cannot pass it onto their cubs.
Lions with this mutation are slightly larger in the case of males and feature a bobbed tail, saber fangs, and a thick ruff around the neck area in both sexes. It appears at birth with newborns appearing the same as newborn bobtails. As they age they develop longer fangs and extra fur around the neck and forelimbs. Males show mane markings and colors and can still patrol and become king. Females can still hunt as well.


Primal (Felis)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Males can pass the mutation, females cannot pass it on but can display it.
Another variation of the Primal mutation. Lions with this variant have short bunny tails along with a long-lined body and fuzz around the neck, cheeks, and at the tips of the ears. They are about the size of normal lions but have arched backs and heavy muscle mass.

Primal (Smilus)

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Yes. Males can pass the mutation, females cannot even display Smilus let alone pass it on.
This mutation is a variation of Primal. As cubs and adolescents, they share the same art as Primal with only adult males displaying different art. The variation is slightly smaller than traditional Primal with saber teeth, a longer tail, and longer fur though not as thick. They look more like a lion than their Primal counterparts but the genetic data is the exact same in the game's coding. Smilus males can function like a normal lion can in that they can patrol and become studs but having the Smilus mutation does NOT increase the chances of the trait passing. MOD: Primal will not apply Smilus.



Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Polycaudal lions are born with two tails - well kinda. The tail starts off as you would expect from the butt end but things start getting weird near the end as the tail splits into two tail ends complete with separate tail tufts. Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.



Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Can't hunt, patrol, or lead a pride but they can be broodmothers. Health message appears at birth.
While most mammals are born without teeth, these lions apparently never got the memo that they were supposed to have them at all! Toothless lions are odd but despite their gummy mouths they are capable of living full, albeit boring, lives.



Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
These weird lions are born without one notable feature, their tails! Males can patrol and become king and females can still hunt.



Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Cubs sired by tigon fathers have 10% less stats and are born infertile.
Yes.1st generation (10% chance) and succeeding generations can pass it on with lower odds (5% chance). Males can become king but cannot pass the mutation.
Tigons are a hybrid of a male tiger and a lioness. Goddess fertility females are the only ones capable of producing a litter with these hybrid males and their resulting cubs are born infertile and with 10% less stats than normal.

All 1st generation tigons are born with the Mandarin base, White Undersides and Mottled Stripes markings, Tawny Skin, and Sunglow eyes.


Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Much lower stats than normal lions.
Yes. 1st generation (10% chance) and succeeding generations can pass it on with lower odds (5% chance). Males can become king but cannot pass the mutation.
Leopons are a hybrid of a male leopard and a female lion. They look very different from purebred lions and are smaller with different proportions. Males lack a full mane but can still show hints of their mane color. Females can hunt and males can patrol and become king.

All 1st generation leopons are born with the Kimanjano base, White Underfelt and Mottled Rosette markings, Dudley nose, and Yellow eyes.

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Edited on 15/11/18 @ 12:15:44 by Spectre [CLEAN] (#8680)

Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-01-01 17:07:34


Adult mutations are mutations that don't show until the lion is 2 years old. In the case of Maneless however it can show up at 1 year old but since it is still not visible until then I've classed it under this section as well. Some adult mutations are present only in a certain sex while others can happen in either sex.

Double Uterus
Double Uterus is a coded mutation and does not change appearance!

Appears at:
Gameplay effect:
Lionesses will give birth to double the amount of cubs adn can be bred to 2 seperate studs at once.
A female only mutation that grants a lioness the ability to concieve double the amount of cubs she'd normally have. If bred to two studs the second father's genetics will be given to half the litter so half will be his and half will be the first male's cubs. The birth of the cubs will happen 3 days after the first breeding even if the second breeding happened at a later time during the heat cycle.



Appears at:
1 year old.
Gameplay effect:
Maneless lions are as the name states, maneless. These bald male lions lack a mane and tail tuft but that's okay! Even though they lack a visible mane they can still carry genetics for mane markings, colors, and shapes and pass them on to cubs. This mutation is male only.


Mane Feathery

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
Mane Feathery is one of many female mane mutations but only one of three that show off mane colors and markings. This is a full mane that covers the neck of the lioness in question making her resemble a male lion. This mutation is female only.


Mane Fluffy

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
Another mane mutation for females. Females with this mutation are fluffier than normal with excess fur around the neck, legs, back, and ears. Like the other "mane" mutations it is female only.


Mane Frizzy

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
Mane Frizzy is another one of the three mane mutations that display mane color and markings. Unlike the other to which are full manes, this mutation instead resembles a "mohawk" going down the back of the head and neck. This mutation is female only.


Mane Fuzzy

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
This mutation is a bit subtle with slightly longer fuzzy fur along the back, ears, paws, and back of the neck. The tail tuft is also a bit thicker than normal. This mutation is female only.


Mane Imperial

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
This mutation displays as a notable ruff around the neck and cheeks as well as a crest of fur along the top of the head anf back of the neck.
the elbows and hindquarters also have extra hair.
Mane Ruffled

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
Yet another more subtle mane going down the back of the neck in a "mohawk" fashion but unlike Mane Frizzy it does not display mane color/marks. This mutation is female only.


Mane Scruffy

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
Slight scruffy fur along the back/neck and along the legs. This mutation is female only.


Mane Shaggy

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
The second full mane mutation that covers the entirety of the neck like the mane of a male lion. Displays mane color and markings. This mutation is female only.


Mane Silky

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
This mutation features long, smooth, silky fur all along the undersides of the lioness, the tail tuft is a bit longer as well. This mutation is female only.


Mane Whiskered

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
This mutation causes the fur to grow very thick along the cheeks, throat, chest, and elbows. It also features a tuft of fur on the head/neck as well as fuzzy knees and extra fuzz on the chin. This mutation is female only.


Mane Villous

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
Lionesses with this mutation show a markedly curly coat with thicker fur around the neck and chest as well as slong the back in addition to a curly tail tuft.


Overgrown Claws

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
The claws of the lion are excessively long to the point where they no longer retract. This mutation can happen in either sex


Overgrown Fur

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
Yes (5% chance of passing).
Another female only mutation but this time your lioness can pass it onto her cubs without any items needed! This mutation is marked by excess fur growth all over the lioness, giving her a nice a poofy appearance. This mutation is passable with a 5% chance of passing on to her female offspring.


Overgrown Teeth

Appears at:
2 years old.
Gameplay effect:
The teeth of these lions are overgrown to the point where they jut out slightly like small little "sabre teeth". Can happen in both sexes.

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Edited on 19/08/18 @ 16:19:45 by Lamm [Çß] (#8762)

Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-01-01 17:07:46


Lethal Mutations are, as the name states, mutations that will complicate the lion's life so much that they die early from complications. While all current lethal mutations die during cubhood this does not mean all future ones will, it simply means they die early. Certain mutations are more deadly than others and as such they die at different times.


"This cub appears to be conjoined at the hip with its sibling- literally! Two bodies don't work so well merged together like that, though."

Age of Death:
2 months.

Birth message:
"Your lioness notices her Cub... Is two Cubs, joined together at vital places! She isn't sure if they are one cub or two. It... They both suck the milk though, but don't move much."

1 month:
"While cubs this age learn how to walk and meet the world around them, Cubs are having trouble functioning and struggle to move. They constantly trip and get into trouble."

2 months:
"Cubs died last night due to the lethal condition of the bodies."



"This cub appears to be lying in the fetal position, with its legs curled into its chest. That isn't the only thing odd about this cub though! Cyclopia Cubs have one large eye."

Age of Death:
1 month.

Birth message:
"Your lioness notices her Cub is different to all the others. It doesn't move, barely breathes, and its muzzle... It's just causing her heart to shatter."

1 month:
"Cub died last night due to being lethally deformed."


Deaf is a coded mutation. It does not change appearance!

Appears at:
Age of Death
4 months to 4 years.
Gameplay effect:
Cannot hunt, lead a pride, or patrol. Lions with this mutation can die randomly between the ages of 4 months to 4 years old. Health message will appear at birth
Unable to hear, these lions are vulnerable to all manner of fatal accidents that cut their lives short. A deaf lion will not live past 4 years old due to these accidents and even pregnant lions can have a premature death. Lions who are nursing will survive long enough for the cubs to reach 5 months.


Extra Limbs

"This cub appears with exactly as the title states- Extra limbs! 8 legs, to be exact."

Age of Death:
6 months.

Birth message:
"Your lioness notices her cub is different to all the others. She can't even count all the little legs! She's very worried but the cub curls up and suckles milk nicely."

1 month:
"As cubs at this age learn to walk and wiggle around, poor Cub just drags its body and squeaks sadly. The appetite isn't as great either."

2 months:
"Cub has trouble following its mom around. It often gets left behind and prefers to hide in the bush."

3 months:
"Cub sometimes plays in the den, but sleeps most of the day, looking sad while its mom nudges it to be more active."

4 months:
"The multiple legs of Cub prevent it from developing muscles correctly. Shaky limbs won't let it play too long and its general health is noticeably declining."

5 months:
"Apathy of Cub is preventing the cub from moving or eating much."

6 months:
"Cub died last night due to being lethally deformed."


Harlequin Ichtyosis

"This cub was born missing fur and other important cub parts!"

Age of Death:
1 month.

Birth message:
"Looks like Cub was born with a skin thick like a shell. It has trouble breathing and suckling."

1 Month:
"Cub died due to breathing complications."


"This cub has numerous fatty tumors throughout its body!"

Age of Death:
5 Months.

Birth message:
"Your lioness gave birth to Cub, and notices it is different to all the others. It has lumps all over its tiny body, but appears healthy otherwise."

1 month:
"The lumps covering Cub's body are getting bigger.."

2 months:
"Cub has trouble moving. Looks like some lumps are growing deeper inside of the little cub's body as well."

3 months:
"Cub no longer plays with other cubs, having all its energy drained by trying to stand up or walk with all that weight."

4 months:
"You notice lumps covering Cub's spine and back. The cub doesn't move very much lately and is very apathetic."

5 months:
"Cub passed away due to health complications."



"This cub has fused back legs, which gives it a 'mermaid-like' appearance."

Age of Death:
5 months.

Birth message:
"Your lioness gave birth to Cub, a slightly deformed baby. She's unsure if it will survive but it seems to crawl for milk like all others."

1 month:
"Cub crawls around using its front legs only. The merged hind legs don't seem to bother it, and it seems to be able to poop just fine."

2 months:
"Other cubs this age prance around, but Cub just paws at nearby insects, making it a bit of an outcast."

3 months:
"Cub's mom is worried for it - it does not seem to grow much lately."

4 months:
"Cub has trouble digesting and hasn't been eating much in the past few days. It meows quietly from pain."

5 months:
"Cub passed away due to health complications."


Two Heads

"This cub has fused with it's twin at the head."

Age of Death:
3 months.

Birth message:
"Your lioness notices her Cub is different to all the others. It has two mouths, two noses, and four eyes! She's scared for its life but the cub suckles milk from both mouths."

1 month:
"Cub seems to be learning how to walk and play properly, although it is very apathetic and prefers to sit and look around with its widened field of view."

2 months:
"Cub has trouble feeding and controlling its body. It had a seizure last night."

3 months:
"Cub died last night due to lethally deformed head."

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Edited on 19/08/18 @ 16:13:20 by Lamm [Çß] (#8762)

Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-01-01 17:08:11


● There are many items related to mutations in the game. This section will go into what these items do and where they can be obtained.

Cotton Root Bark

Places to obtain: Oasis, purchase from other players
Price: 1 GB
Description: "This herb induces a miscarriage. Lioness will be breedable again in 3 days. Her mutation chance will increase, as well as lethality of the mutation."
Usage: Cotton Root Bark (CRB) can be a little tricky to use. Breed the lioness you wish to use it on first THEN use the item on them, wait 3 days and breed her again. If using additional breeding items, use them after using the bark!


Places to obtain: Prophet Shop (September Event), purchase from other players
Price: 150 JB
Description: "In response to locust plaguing the crops, humans created genetically modified cattle. Who knows what will happen to lioness's next litter if she eats some of this meat! - [next breeding, high chance of mutated cub but not 100%]"
Usage: GMO Cows are fed to females to give them a pretty significant boost in mutation odds. The chances are described as higher than 50% but not 100%.

Lion Meat

Places to obtain: Carrion Shop (January Event), Boneyard (January Event), Slots, Gorilla Enclave purchase from other players
Price: 2000 SB, 100 LB, 300 MT
Description: "Cannibalism is unnatural enough to cause your lioness's next breeding to have a low chance to result with a mutated cub. (Chance is much greater than 1% fertility would have, but lower than GMO cow)."
Usage: Lion Meat is fed to females to offer a slight boost in mutation chances. It has a higher chance of 1% fertility or Cotton Root Bark but lower than GMO Cows.

Lion Scrotum

Places to obtain: Slap Shop (February event), purchase from other players
Price: 80 HS
Description: "When given to female, her mutation has 25% chance to pass in next breeding (Hybrids excluded). This effect triggers last if bred cub still has no mutation. Uses GMO/LM slot."
Usage: Fed to females, offers a 25% chance of passing her mutation but will not grant mutations if she does not have any present.

Mutie On Demand: Overgrown Fur

Places to obtain: Carrion shop (January Event), purchase from other players
Price: 4000 SB
Description: "With this item, you can apply Overgrown Fur mutation to chosen adult lioness that has no mutations, and has default pose. This mutation has a small chance of passing."
Usage: Applies the Overgrown Fur mutation to a chosen lioness, it is a female only mutation. It has a pass rate of 5%.

Mutie On Demand: B&W Patches

Places to obtain: Black Friday sale, purchase from other players
Price: N/A
Description: "With this item, you can apply randomly 1 of 6 Piebald or Patches mutation patterns to chosen lion (any age, stage and pose as long as no mutation present). This mutation has a small chance of passing."
Usage: Randomly applies 1 of 6 mutations, 3 being new Piebald patterns and 3 being Somatic Patches. Patches pass from either parent just as Piebald can and also work on female poses.

Mutie On Demand: Piebald

Places to obtain: Black Friday sale, purchase from other players
Price: N/A
Description: "With this item, you can apply randomly 1 of 7 Piebald mutation patterns to chosen lion (any age, stage and pose as long as no mutation present). This mutation has a small chance of passing."
Usage: Randomly applies 1 of 7 piebald patterns to a selected lion, this mutation can pass from either parent and also works with the female poses.

Mutie On Demand: Primal

Places to obtain: The Boneyard (January event), purchase from other players
Price: N/A
Description: "With this item, you can apply Primal mutation to chosen adult male that has no mutations, and has default pose. This mutation has a small chance of passing."
Usage: Applies the Primal mutation to a selected lion (applied to males only). This mutation can pass to females but not from them, only males can pass it on to cubs. Primal males have a chance of producing a variant called Primal (Smilus) but the applicator will NOT apply this variation.


Places to obtain: Oasis, purchase from other players
Price: 1 GB
Description: "This item will boost chances of a mutation variation for your next breeding's litter. Works for only one breeding. Currently works on Primals only. Fed to studs. (1 use)"
Usage: Pennyroyal is an herb fed to a stud to increase the chances of a mutation variation in the next litter bred. It currently only works on Primal males.

Safou Fruit

Places to obtain: Monkey Business, purchase from other players
Price: 1000 SB
Description: "Ancient lion medicine for removing bad genetic mutations from the body."
Usage: Fed to a lion in order to completely remove its mutation.


● Here are some other items useful for mutation breeding or mutations in general. These items don't increase the chance of mutations directly but can increase the odds and are in general helpful.

Black Stallion

Places to obtain: Slots, Serengeti Shuffle, purchase from other players
Price: N/A
Description: "This amazing stallion will make your female burst her ovaries in awe of the shiny looks and yummy taste! Once used, she will become pregnant next breeding ignoring fertility! This cannot be used on infertile lionesses."
Usage: When fed to a lioness she will become pregnant on the first try regardless of her fertility. This doesn't effect mutation chances but it can make lionesses with very low fertilities easier to breed.

Buffalo Scrotum

Places to obtain: Slap Shop (February), The Peddler (August), purchase from other players
Price: 60 HS, 600 Bones
Description: "Guarantees at least 3 cubs in next breeding. Eaten by male."
Usage: When fed to a male who is then bred to a female she'll give birth to a litter with at least 3 cubs.

Crunchy Worm

Places to obtain: Manticora Shop (October Event), purchase from other players
Price: 300 BB
Description: "Upon use next breeding will have a 25% chance to duplicate mother’s looks onto 1 cub from the litter. This item will not copy mutations."
Usage: Used to transfer the looks of a lioness to one cub of her litter, this is only a 25% chance when using the item.

Grain of Paradise

Places to obtain: Flirt Shop, The Peddler (January Event), Slots, purchase from other players
Price: 30 HS
Description: "Guarantees at least 2 cubs in next breeding. Eaten by male."
Usage: Like buffalo scrotums, this item increases the amount of cubs in a litter. It guarantees at least 2 cubs in the litter.

Great Tit

Places to obtain: Slots, purchase from other players
Price: N/A
Description: "If fed to your main male, next breeding's litter will be entirely female."
Usage: Fed to males, this item will make the next litter bred all female cubs.

Red Cock

Places to obtain: Slots, purchase from other players
Price: N/A
Description: "If fed to your main male, next breeding's litter will be entirely male."
Usage: The inverse of Great Tits, makes the male's next litter all male cubs.


● Lastly these items are useful for freezing your lions and making them immortal. Freezing is incredibly handy if dealing with a lethal mutation as it will freeze them so they cannot die.

You can find an in depth guide to freezing lions here


Places to obtain: Slots, purchase from other players
Price: N/A
Description: "This item will freeze a chosen cub forever in time. It will never age, get hungry, or be tradable."
Usage: When used on a cub it will freeze them, making them immortal. They won't get hungry, age, or get bored nor can they be traded or run away.

Turritopsis Jellyfish

Places to obtain: Oasis, purchase from other players
Price: 5 GB
Description: "This item will freeze a chosen lion forever in time. It will never age, get hungry, be tradable or able to breed/work. Buy frozen slots to hold more immortal lions! (adols and adults)"
Usage: Has the same effect as the regular Jellyfish item but instead this one can be used on adolescents and adults only

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Edited on 19/08/18 @ 14:06:12 by Lamm [Çß] (#8762)

Doods | Clean
Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 17:48:39
Hey Lamm, thank you so much for making this :D
But the Buffalo Scrotum is 500 dry bones not 600, and the Turritopsis Jellyfish is 5GB not 2 ^^

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 17:51:59
So it has actually been confirmed what the pass rate percentages for Leopons are, or is this an estimate?

This is very nice. Glad to see an updated mutation guide

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 17:58:46
Doodally: Thanks for catching that! I'll correct it asap.

Thalath: They're official yes, all percentages I put here will be official ones, no estimates. ^^

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 18:01:35
Fantastic! I'm glad to hear that, will definitely help clear things up.

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2017-01-11 08:41:21
If any owners of a lipo cub has any health messages I may have missed please let me know. I want this guide to be as complete as possible. ^^

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Kena (#100023)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-19 20:36:29
One of my lionesses just gave birth to a Lipo cub so I'll let you know what happens! I'm really hopeful she doesn't die :(

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2017-01-20 01:15:06
Sadly since it's a lethal mutation she eventually will, but do let me know of any health messages you get!

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Jupiter Astraea (#94156)

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Posted on
2017-01-30 20:58:29
I heard that when breeding a leopon and a piebald the leopon will roll first, and when breeding a leopon and a primal the primal will roll first

is this true? And does anyone know where overgrown fur fits on that list

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2017-05-29 12:40:06
Guide updated to include the new Primal variation and the Pennyroyal item! Unfortunately I am still without a computer so I cannot make the corresponding image for the Smilus mutation. Fortunately you can see it in the wardrobe.

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Mabel (#69197)

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Posted on
2017-06-17 21:08:22
I am confused because dwarf's are passable...?

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Siyvee (#46507)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-06-18 00:33:29
Dwarf mutation does not pass D: Unless you use Lion Scrotum.

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2017-07-11 15:55:35
Now that I have a computer I am now able to update this as needed. Added the visual for the Primal Smilus mutation!

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Edited on 11/07/17 @ 15:56:16 by Lamm [Celestial​ Smilus] (#8680)

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