Posted by Storm’s Peak Pride Lore

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-08-11 13:36:53

Storm’s Peak Pride


A raven is any of several larger-bodied passerine bird species in the genus Corvus. These species do not form a single taxonomic group within the genus. There is no consistent distinction between crows and ravens. Names are assigned to different species chiefly based on their size.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction and Table of Contents
2. Territory wip
3. The Code of the Balance
4. Beliefs wip
5. Traditions
6. Ranks
7. History
8. Naming System
9. List of Current Pride Members
10. High Priestess Lumiel Shimmershadow’s Reign
11. High Priest Solstice Moonmist’s Reign
12. High Priestess Pandora Nightspark

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Edited on 22/05/24 @ 06:33:27 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-08-11 13:45:43




Special Places

Storm’s Peak: Storm’s Peak is a rock formation, which lies in southern direction near the river. The pride is named after Storm’s Peak and made its home there. On top of the rocks the High Priest/-ess holds speeches. Three caves have been dug here: The High Priest lives in the Stormkeeper Cave, in The Hallowed Cave sleep the mutated lions and in the Stormwhisper Cave lives the rest of the pride.
The Pilgrims Cave: The Pilgrims Cave is located near the northern borders. Here may sleep travelers with the permission of the High Priest/-ess for a short period of time.
The Memorial: The Memorial is an old tree in the Sighing Cliffs. The lions lie flowers at its root to honor their ancestors.
Shrine of Balance: The Shrine of Balance is a cave near the center of Storm’s Peak Pride territory. Half of the cave is dedicated to Umbra, the other to Lux. Umbras half is decorated with moons and Lux’ with suns. The lions come here to worship their goddesses and to pray.

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Edited on 21/05/24 @ 11:36:08 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-08-11 13:52:49

The Code of Balance

1. The High Priest speaks the goddesses word.
2. You must uphold the Balance. Only take what you need, no more, no less.
3. Uphold your inner Balance between shadow and light.
4. Meet travelers, who mean no harm, with kindness, but defend your territory from those who fail to uphold the Balance.
5. Tolerate your neighbors, as they are as important to natures balance as you. But punish those, who fail to uphold the Balance.
6. Do not hunt birds. They are the messengers of the gods..

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Edited on 21/05/24 @ 11:39:13 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-08-11 13:53:40



Umbra - the goddess of the moon, darkness and death

Umbra created the world together with her sister Lux. They are each other’s counterpart and create the Balance. There is no life without death, no light without darkness, no creation without destruction and no sun without the moon. The Balance is of utmost importance and it is a lion’s duty to uphold it. Without it the world would perish.

Lux - the goddess of the sun, light and life

Diana - the goddess of the hunt

It is said that Diana once was a mortal lioness. An illness raged in her pride and everyone, but her, was either too sick, too young or too old to hunt. So she had to hunt for alone for her whole pride. It took her two days, because her pride was big. The goddesses were so impressed by her that they helped her pride get well and made her immortal as the goddess of the hunt.


A raven is any of several larger-bodied passerine bird species in the genus Corvus. These species do not form a single taxonomic group within the genus. There is no consistent distinction between crows and ravens. Names are assigned to different species chiefly based on their size.


A raven is any of several larger-bodied passerine bird species in the genus Corvus. These species do not form a single taxonomic group within the genus. There is no consistent distinction between crows and ravens. Names are assigned to different species chiefly based on their size.

The Second Sight

A raven is any of several larger-bodied passerine bird species in the genus Corvus. These species do not form a single taxonomic group within the genus. There is no consistent distinction between crows and ravens. Names are assigned to different species chiefly based on their size.


A raven is any of several larger-bodied passerine bird species in the genus Corvus. These species do not form a single taxonomic group within the genus. There is no consistent distinction between crows and ravens. Names are assigned to different species chiefly based on their size.

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Edited on 22/05/24 @ 06:19:24 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-08-11 13:55:53


Header One

A raven is any of several larger-bodied passerine bird species in the genus Corvus. These species do not form a single taxonomic group within the genus. There is no consistent distinction between crows and ravens. Names are assigned to different species chiefly based on their size.

Header Two

Header Three

The term "raven" originally referred to the common raven (Corvus corax), the type species of the genus Corvus, which has a larger distribution than any other species of Corvus, ranging over much of the Northern Hemisphere.

The largest raven species are the common raven and the thick-billed raven; these are also the largest passerine species.

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Edited on 22/05/24 @ 06:15:09 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-08-11 13:58:02


High Priest/-ess: The leader and shaman of Storm’s Peak Pride. They have a special connection to the gods. This connection grants them shamanic powers and foresight. They also know the art of healing.
Priest Apprentice: They are the High Priest’s/-esses heir. Usually they are chosen as a cub, when the High Priest/-ess is getting old. They learn everything a High Priest needs to know.
Chief Huntress: The Chief Huntress is the High Priest’s/-esses right paw. She coordinates the hunts and advises the High Priest/-ess.
Executioner: It is the executioner’s duty to carry out the punishment the High Priest has given code breakers. The Executioner is always someone the High Priest/-ess trusts. There is only one executioner, who is either a huntress or scout too. They advise the High Priest/-ess alongside the Chief Huntress.
Scouts: Their function is it to patrol the lands of Storm’s Peak Pride. They search the borders for trespassers, monitor the herds movements and check that other predators uphold nature’s balance. After their patrol they report back to the High Priest/-ess and the Chief Huntress. They are usually males.
Huntresses: They hunt and provide food for the pride. While it is their main duty to hunt, they also fight if needed. They are usually lionesses, because the lions of Storm’s Peak Pride believe lionesses are better hunters. This is because of Diana’s, the goddess of the hunt, story.
Protectors: They look after the pride’s cubs.
Apprentices: Adolescent lions, who learn their future roles.
Cubs: They are too young to perform a role.
Elders: Lions, who are too old to perform their roles.

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Edited on 22/05/24 @ 06:13:54 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-08-11 14:12:43


Originally Storm’s Peak Pride was named Pride of Ancient Whispers. The Pride of Ancient Whispers lived in a land far away. One dry season stroked by a dire drought. The lions were clueless, clearly they had done nothing to threaten the Balance or upset the gods in any other way. The herds perished and many lions died to famine or thirst. The culprit was soon to be found: the humans.

The pride couldn’t influence the humans like they could the other predators, so the High Priest at the time decided they had to drive them out of their land to restore the balance. He died in the first battle and High Priest Storm took over. Storm kept trying to drive the humans out, but to no avail. Soon only a few lions of the once huge pride were left. Storm realized they couldn’t succeed, so he turned to the gods for help. Lux herself appeared in his vision and showed him Glistening Range, the pride’s new land.

Even though he never was where, Storm knew the way to Glistening Range. The journey was long and difficult. The pride suffered some losses, but in the end they made it. They built their dens at a rock formation that was soon to be known as Storm’s Peak. The pride settled easily into their new home and gained new members.

Storm got ill a few months after the pride arrived in Glistening Range. There was nothing that his apprentice Ajnur Midnightmoon could do for him. He passed away only a few weeks later. To honor him Ajnur Midnightmoon named the rock formation Storm’s Peak and renamed the pride in Storm’s Peak Pride.

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Edited on 22/05/24 @ 06:09:00 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-08-11 15:06:49

Naming System

Lions have two names. The first is the heartname, which is given by the mother at birth. The Heartname is considered very personal and only family and close friends may call a lion by their Heartname. The second name is the Facename, which is given by the High Priest after the lion completed their Rite of Passage. A lion is called by their Facename by everyone who is not close to them. The Facename is either a one or two word name and is inspired by a lion’s appearance, personality or something remarkable they did. Until a lion has earned their Facename, they are often called “Cousin” or “Friend”. High ranking lions are usually addressed with their rank as a title before their Facename.

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Edited on 22/05/24 @ 06:05:22 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2024-03-26 09:27:13

List of Current Pride Members

High Priest/-ess: High Priestess Pandora Nightspark
Priest Apprentice: Priest Apprentice Astraea
Chief Huntress: Chief Huntress Medea Splintershadow
Executioner: Samantha Duneshine
Scouts: Crawford Ravenfall
Bran Fogwhisker
Christie Paleblotch
Casey Dustpelt
Huntresses: Blythe Charcoalglimmer
Felicia Flamespark
Isadora Darkstone
Kassandra Fossilpelt
Flora Berrygleam
Melanie Whitepaw
Maura Moonheart
Dorothea Sunriseglimmer
Isabel Goldflame
Giselle Eveningfall
Kalliope Quietsong
Wenet Rabbitpounce
Ellen Raintrickle
Karina Goldshine
Valorie Lightrun
Ida Crystalglaze
Elisaveta Darkfur
Samira Nightspots
Jezebel Whiteglow
Dakota Honeyspeckle
Protectors: Fay Blazespeckle
Amelia Slatedapple
Cubs: Sarai

List of former Pride Members

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Edited on 30/05/24 @ 03:59:36 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2024-03-26 09:44:25


High Priestess Lumiel Shimmershadow’s Reign

- High Priest Ajnur Midnightmoon stepped down and his apprentice Lumiel Shimmershadow took over his position.

- Amaya Windmelody passed away due to old age.

- Kani Silverclaw passed away due to old age.

- Chief Hutress Adiah Sandfang gave birth to one cub. She was named Ilona.

- The cub Serafiina was found alone in Glistening Range and was taken in by the pride.

- Nilay Saphireeye passed away due to old age.

- Nuru Burntsun gave birth to one cub. She was named Eliza.

- Buffy completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Crimsonglare.

- Serafiina began her training as a huntress.

- Dreambound completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Tulippath.

- Rosebud completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Mistbloom.

- Nalah Silentstalk passed away due to old age.

- Maddox Dawnglimmer passed away due to old age.

- Ilona completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Horsemane.

- Serafiina completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Blueshimmer.

- Eliza completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Cinderglimmer.

- Aleela Hyenahowl passed away due to old age.

- Chief Huntress Adiah Sandfang passed away due to old age.

- Chinira Sharpclaw passed away due to old age.

- Nuru Burntsun passed away due to old age.

- Sanura Emberspark passed away due to old age.

- Solstice was chosen as the Priest Apprentice.

- Sadie completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Fatespeaker.

- Logan completed his Rite of Passage and earned the name Whiteclaw.

- The cub Hecate was found wandering alone in the pride’s territory and was taken in by Sadie Fatespeaker.

- Buffy Crimsonglare gave birth to one cub. She was named Ariadne.

- Tabia, Blauestorm passed away due to old age.

- High Priestess Lumiel Shimmershadow passed away due to old age. Priest Apprentice Solstice Moonmist took over her position.

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Edited on 22/05/24 @ 05:36:42 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2024-03-26 09:53:02


High Pries Solstice Moonmist’s Reign

- Hecate completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Raingloom.

- Ariadne completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Slatewhisker.

- Lehsunia completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Dawncatcher.

- Medea completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Splintershadow.

- Felicia completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Flamespark.

- Isadora completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Darkstone.

- Bastet Braveheart passed away due to old age.

- Ylva Moonwatcher passed away due to old age.

- Yuna Moonstorm passed away due to old age.

- Vengeance Bloodshimmer passed away due to old age.

- Executioner Amari Dragontalon passed away due to old age.

- High Priest Solstice Moonmist chose Sylvaine Stripefur as the next Executioner.

- High Priest Solstice Moonmist chose Pandora as the next Priest Apprentice.

- Sadie Fatespeaker gave birth to one cub. The cub was named Flora.

- Hester Heronwing passed away due to old age.

- Jaynie Dreamhunter passed away due to old age.

- Crawford started his training as a scout.

- Kassandra started her training as a huntress.

- Flora began her training as a huntress.

- Crawford completed his Rite of Passage and earned the name Ravenfall.

- Chief Huntress Ezra Nightgleam passed away due to old age. Medea Splintershadow has been chosen as the new Chief Huntress.

- Chief Huntress Medea Splintershadow gave birth to one cub. The cub was named Maura.

- Kassandra completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Fossilpelt.

- Buffy Crimsonglare passed away due to old age.

- Flora completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Berrygleam.

- Maura started her training as a huntress.

- High Priest Solstice Moonmist was killed by a rogue lion. Priest Apprentice Pandora Nightspark took over as the next High Priest.

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Edited on 22/05/24 @ 05:21:26 by Nightfox (#395242)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2024-05-12 03:56:29


High Priestess Pandora Nightspark’s Reign

- Ophelia Storyteller passed away due to old age.

- Rosebud Mistbloom passed due to old age.

- Dreambound Tulippath passed away due to old age.

- Serafiina Blueshimmer passed away due to old age.

- The cub Samantha was found near the border and taken in.

- Maura completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Moonheart.

- Samantha began her training as a huntress.

- Melanie joined the pride as a huntress.

- The sisters Everleigh and Tamara joined the pride as apprentices.

- Ilona Horsemane passed away due to old age.

- Melanie completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Whitepaw.

- Everleigh completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Morningglimmer.

- Tamara completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Midnightdusk.

- The cub Dorothea was found near the borders and taken in by the pride.

- Eliza Cinderglimmer passed away due to old age.

- Blythe Charcoalglimmer gave birth to one cub. She was named Giselle.

- The cub Isabel was near the borders and taken in by the pride.

- Isabel started her training as a huntress.

- Dorothea started her training as a huntress.

- Melanie Whitepaw gave birth to two cubs. They were named Amelia and Kalliope.

- Samantha completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Duneshine.

- Sadie Fatespeaker passed away due to old age.

- Isabel completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Goldflame.

- Amelia and Kalliope started their training.

- Logan Whiteclaw passed away due to old age.

- Dorothea completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Sunriseglimmer.

- The cub Ellen was found near the border and taken in by the pride.

- Lúcia Brightheart gave birth to one cub. She was named Valorie.

- Tamara Midnightdusk gave birth to one cub. He was named Bran.

- Giselle completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Eveningfall.

- Hecate Raingloom passed away due to old age.

- Fay joined the pride as a Protector.

- Ray completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Blazespeckle

- Lúcia Brightheart passed away due to old age.

- Amelia completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Slatedapple.

- Kalliope completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Quietsong.

- Wenet joined the pride as a huntress.

- Wenet completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Rabbitpounce.

- Ellen completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Raintrickle.

- Karina joined the pride as a huntress.

- Karina completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Goldshine.

- Ida joined the pride as a huntress.

- Ida completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Crystalglaze.

- Ariadne Slatewhisker passed away due to old age.

- Executioner Sylvaine Stripefur passed away due to old age.

- Samantha Duneshine has been promoted to Executioner.

- Bran completed his Rite of Passage and earned the name Fogwhisker.

- Valorie has completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Lightrun.

- Christie joined the pride as an apprentice.

- The cub Astraea was found near the border and taken in by the pride.

- Elisaveta completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Darkfur.

- Dakota joined the pride as an apprentice.

- Christie completed their Rite of Passage and earned the name Paleblotch.

- Astraea was announced as the next High Priest.

- Samira joined the pride as a huntress.

- Samira completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Nightspots.

- Jezebel joined the pride as a huntress.

- Samira Nightspots gave birth to one cub. She was named Sarai.

- Jezebel completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Whiteglow.

- Casey completed their Rite of Passage and earned the name Dustpelt.

- Dakota completed her Rite of Passage and earned the name Honeyspeckle.

- Lehsunia Dawncatcher passed way due to old age.

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