Posted by LF: any NCL! OF: 1gb! [Open]

Caitlyn🍄 [#1 OG
tongue luvr❤] (#429797)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2024-05-04 18:57:52

So, I have gotten many a plain ass lions and made them goddesses in my pride
I was bored?

Well, right now I have the FLU *sobs*
And I'm bored so I had a silly idea!

You give me: 1 "boring" NCL
I give you: 1GB


Could I just buy one for way cheaper off TC...?
But this is fun!

There are some rules!

1. Must be NCL
3. Age should be under 4
2. No special bases
3. posed lionesses are good stuff!
4. Groupies are ok too! Though they must be female, all other rules also apply
5. You can add decor if you want!

How to offer your NCL?

Your name and ID:
Lioness link:
LIonesses name:
Lionesses personality (make something up!):
Lionesses status in pride:
Do they have a backstory? (again make something up!)

Post that as a reply on this thread to enter!

Depending on how many entries I get, I will either choose today or tomorrow probably
When a winner is chosen I will notify the thread that a winner has been chosen and PM the winner, we will exchange said lioness for GB
Your name will be in the lions bio along with a story a write for them
They will be put in my royals den and be treated as royalty!

Have fun and good luck!
(PM me for any questions)

AD: LF: NCL OF: 1GB?! Come take a look!

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Edited on 09/05/24 @ 17:03:44 by Caitlyn🍄 [#1 OG tongue luvr❤] (#429797)

EmeraldSoul {Side} (#250635)

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Posted on
2024-05-04 19:39:53
She is a laid back lioness with some wisdom.
Cub sitter
She wandered around as a rogue lioness for awhile until she found a peaceful pride to settle down with. She was always helpful with the cubs and other small tasks that needed to be done.

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Janaramallama (#456406)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-05-04 20:44:10
Rodan / Janaramallama
No name, just Newly Claimed Groupie
A gracious lady who's probably a little too forgiving.
No status. No job. She is jobless. .n.
A loner with no name, she's roamed the lands on her own for a while. She used to travel with her mother, but she's alone now. She was watching the champions battle when she heard of an old king named Rodan. He didn't exactly win, but that didn't matter to her. She liked his style. When they talked, Rodan told her he didn't really have any space in his pride, but he'd love to give her a home that would take care of her. She deserved to settle down in a place that she felt safe in. So she lives in Rodan's pride for the time being, and he works tirelessly to find her a home she'll love.

Good luck to all the entries!

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Saycheese690 (#350348)

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Posted on
2024-05-04 20:45:58
Lioness link:

LIonesses name: Carnelia Dancy Pants

Lionesses personality :
Introducing Carnelia Dancy Pants, the lioness who struts like she's got Beyoncé's backing dancers on speed dial and a swagger that says, "I invented dancing." She twirls through the savannah like it's her own personal flash mob, making even the wildest zebras stop and stare. With moves smoother than a buttered-up wildebeest and a confidence level higher than Mount Kilimanjaro, Carnelia's convinced she's the undisputed queen of the dance floor. So, if you ever dare to challenge her, be prepared for a dance-off showdown that'll have the whole savannah roaring with laughter. Bow down, peasants, and behold the one and only Carnelia Dancy Pants!

Lionesses status in pride: That one chick who cant stop dancing but those hips don't lie

Do they have a backstory?: In the heart of the African savannah, under the blazing sun and the watchful gaze of the celestial lion constellations, there was born a lioness unlike any other. Carnelia Dancy Pants entered the world on a night when the stars themselves seemed to align, casting their ethereal glow upon her golden fur as if to anoint her with a divine purpose.

From the moment she took her first steps, it was clear that Carnelia was destined for greatness. Her roars echoed across the plains with a power that made the very earth tremble, and her steps carried a grace that seemed to defy the laws of physics. But it was in the rhythm of the wilderness that Carnelia truly found her calling.

As a cub, she would watch in awe as the animals of the savannah danced under the moonlit sky, their movements a symphony of life and energy. Inspired by their grace and beauty, Carnelia dedicated herself to mastering the art of dance, spending countless nights practicing under the stars until her steps became as fluid as the flowing rivers and as fierce as the roaring flames of the savannah fires.

But Carnelia's journey was not without its challenges. Along the way, she faced doubters who scoffed at the idea of a lioness pursuing such a frivolous passion. She endured hardships that threatened to extinguish the fire within her, yet through it all, she persevered, fueled by an unshakeable belief in her own destiny.

Now, as she strides through the savannah with the confidence of a warrior and the elegance of a queen, Carnelia Dancy Pants serves as a testament to the power of perseverance, the beauty of passion, and the indomitable spirit of the wild. Her story is one of triumph against adversity, of courage in the face of doubt, and of a lioness who dared to dance her way to greatness.

She's also a lesbian

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Richie (#361937)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-05-04 21:04:56
Richie #361937

Lionesses personality: She is very shy and doesn't talk much. When she was young, others in her pride theorized she was mute... but it wasn't so. She's just not very social.

Lionesses status in pride: A drifter. She's not necessarily the best with cubs, nor is she the most skillful hunter. But occasionally you can find her telling a story of her travels to a spellbound cub-- one who sat still and quiet long enough for her to feel comfortable talking. Her knowledge of other territories has come in handy on hunts a few times as well-- while she's not the one to make the killing blow, nobody can deny her knowledge of the different biomes.

Do they have a backstory? (again make something up!)
Her shyness caused her to leave her pride and wander the savannah until she eventually was found and taken in by another pride. Mine? Now yours? She may have a fresh start, but what is it that she's hiding?

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Edited on 06/05/24 @ 17:43:13 by Richie (#361937)

cherry | bo triple
rosette (#152024)

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Posted on
2024-05-04 21:06:24
Your name and ID: cherry #152024
Lioness link: (changed the lioness bc she was 5)

LIonesses name:

Lionesses personality (make something up!):
shes very talkative, sweet and gentle, but somehow knows everything about everyone, and every secret.

Lionesses status in pride:

Do they have a backstory? (again make something up!)

she was found wandering around the pride multiple times, and seemed dismissive and carefree when asked why. she managed to charm her way out of any more questions, and simply left to... who knows where. the next time she was found was at a watering hole the pride huntresses were stalking around at. what a coincidence! cordelia quickly chatted them up, asking to join them as she had just seen something move right before they arrived. they agreed, and walked with her without much hesitation. they ended up not finding anything there, and eventually the huntresses realized they'd just been chatting for about an hour and a half. they offered to bring her back to her pride, to which cordelia seemed eager if not a little smug, and happily trotted along with them back to their territory.

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Edited on 04/05/24 @ 21:16:33 by cherry | bo triple rosette (#152024)

4m3li44 (#472031)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2024-05-04 23:02:23
Your name and ID: amelia (#472031)

Lioness link: Alexandria (unfortunately she is 5, hope you'll still accept her! :))

LIonesses name: alexandria

Lionesses personality (make something up!):
Alexandria is a bubbly, sweet and generally very friendly and extroverted, too extroverted i may say, she has won the hearts of many and has lots of potential in being a good huntress, though she is not very serious and lacks focus which makes her not very great in hunting she is great at many different things like art!

Lionesses status in pride: artist


Alexandria was a lioness unlike any other. With her effervescent personality and boundless creativity, she roamed the grasslands with a spring in her step and a sparkle in her eye. Yet, unlike her fellow lionesses who honed their hunting skills with precision and grace, Alexandria found herself struggling to keep pace.

Despite her best efforts, Alexandria's attempts at hunting often ended in frustration and disappointment. She lacked the stealth of her companions, her movements too exuberant and her giggles too loud to slip unnoticed through the tall grass. Her playful spirit, while endearing to her pride, proved to be a hindrance when it came to stalking prey.

As the seasons passed, Alexandria watched with a heavy heart as her fellow lionesses returned from hunts with full bellies and satisfied smiles. Though she longed to contribute to the pride's success, she couldn't seem to shake the feeling of inadequacy that weighed upon her.

It was during one particularly challenging hunt that Alexandria stumbled upon her true calling. While her pride set off in pursuit of fleet-footed antelope, Alexandria found herself drawn to the vibrant hues of the sunset painting the sky. With a sigh of resignation, she settled down in the tall grass and began to sketch, losing herself in the swirl of colors and shapes dancing before her eyes.

In that moment of artistic reverie, Alexandria discovered a sense of peace and fulfillment she had never known on the hunting grounds. With each stroke of her brush, she poured her heart and soul onto the canvas, creating works of beauty that spoke to the very essence of the savanna.

Though she may have faltered in the hunt, Alexandria found solace and purpose in her art. Her creations became a source of inspiration and wonder for her pride, each piece a testament to the indomitable spirit of a lioness who refused to be defined by her shortcomings.

And as she continued to roam the vast expanse of the African wilderness, Alexandria's spirit remained as vibrant as ever, a beacon of creativity and resilience in a world where beauty knows no bounds.

(Also, check out my writing commission shop! Ad: 🌸Why not get a lore or story written about your Queen or King for cheap prices and amazing writing! Come on down to: 🌸amelia's commission writing shop!🌸)

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Edited on 04/05/24 @ 23:04:55 by amelia <3 (#472031)

Alatus | G2 Mosaic
Cinna RLC (#334164)

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Posted on
2024-05-05 10:02:19
Your name and ID: Alatus ~ #334164
Lioness link: Here she is :D!

Lioness name:
✨ Bongwater✨ (has to have the sparkles)
Lionesses personality:
Would trade her cubs for a bag of doritos. Loves Taco Bell but always asks someone else to pay, mostly because SHE pays later that night for eating it. One time she got the cops called on her for drunken disorderly conduct and ran from them, was put in a cell overnight for evading, but was released after she gave a 3 hour lecture on how to make the best mac and cheese by putting mayonnaise in it.
Lionesses status in pride:
No one trusts her enough to give her a job. She has failed every job she has ever been given. She is simply a warm body for the pride cuddle puddle at night.
✨Bongwater✨ was found in a vulture nest trying to swallow one of the eggs. She almost choked and it sounded like a dying bird. Thinking it to be prey, Vaenyx climbed up the tree he hears the sound coming from… only to find a hairless cub with an egg stuck halfway down her throat. Vaenyx is a kind soul and took her home.

Now Vaenyx regrets ever picking ✨Bongwater✨ up and can’t get rid of her, as she comes back every time no matter how far he leads her away.

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1,600/2,350HS (#420086)

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Posted on
2024-05-05 22:09:07
Can I get on this??

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Caitlyn🍄 [#1 OG
tongue luvr❤] (#429797)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2024-05-05 22:09:22
It's not over yet!

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3r☆ (#175801)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2024-05-06 09:21:31
Sorry not the best just went off the top of my head for her
This is grumly she game into the pride a little while ago just hunting when one of our patrol lions seen her and had to question her upon finding out she had no pride and was injured around her neck the pride welcomed her not used to hospitality and the good nature of everyone around her grumpy gets very skeptical and is very jump/reactive. Try not to play any pranks on her the leader of the pride tried it once and she jumped so high almost the whole land could her her yowl. Apart from all that grumpy usually helps in hunts or cub sitting every now and again she's very nice to the cubbins always cautious and never let's them to far out of sight her new found friend upon moving into the territory was a small hedgehog that entertained the cubs with little tricks seeing as he's so small much that he does impresses the cubs.

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Edited on 06/05/24 @ 09:22:37 by Hashslingingslash3r (#175801)

Starleap (#454797)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2024-05-07 18:46:47
Your name and ID: Starleap (#454797)
Lioness link:
LIonesses name: Poypol
Lionesses personality: Extremely lazy and will bribe others to do things for her and then not hold up her end of the deal. Think stereotypical snarky highschool American cheerleader as another part of her personality too.
Lionesses status in pride: Treasurer (Keeps count of the GB and SB)
Backstory: Grew up as the pampered daughter of the king in her pride until one day Poachers found them and took her and the other cubs and adolescents away in a wooden box before poaching her entire pride. As far as she knows, they're still alive. She was brought to a facility that was caught by the police for illegal poaching and keeping wild animals. After that, she spent her days until adulthood in a conversation zoo, then was set back out into the wild, still sassy and snarky and thinks she's such an amazing lioness. She was found by Yoooo and brought to his pride and made one of the treasurers of the clan since.... She couldn't really do anything else.

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Starleap (#454797)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2024-05-07 18:50:52
Your name and ID: Starleap (#454797)
Lioness link:
LIonesses name: Willow
Lionesses personality (make something up!): Very down-to-earth and a go with the flow kind of gal.
Lionesses status in pride: Brood Mother
Do they have a backstory? (again make something up!): Sister of Poypol, but much less pompous. Has the same backstory, but she saw her parents being shot and killed by the poachers before being put into her box, and in that instant her entire personality changed. She went from spoiled to quiet and compassionate towards others, and would be humble and, again, go with the flow. She promised herself she would make her parents proud.

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Edited on 07/05/24 @ 18:51:43 by Starleap (#454797)

Freyja (#227242)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-05-07 19:29:54
Sorry this is a bit long- "Heartsong" can be changed if this is chosen ^^ Just a filler lol

Your name and ID: Freyja #227242

Lioness link: Clicky

Lionesses name: Imogen

Lionesses' personality: Imogen is a quiet lady who keeps to herself, but she's been known to take things a bit too far when it comes to protecting the weak due to her past. She is kind and patient with cubs, but the same cannot be said for adult lions, with whom she is typically short tempered. It's never out of malice, instead it's due to her less than positive interactions with those older than her.

Lionesses' status in pride: Imogen prefers to stay on the outskirts of the Pride as a self-appointed Protector. She is also a very accomplished huntress, but she typically only ventures out when food supplies are running low, scared of a repeat from her past.

Backstory: Imogen's life started rough, at only two years olds, and a fresh mother of three, she watched as a new male took over her former pride, slaughtering all those who dared oppose him. Imogen had every intention to stay, to put up with this... monster of a King purely for the protection he offered from the surrounding prides and hyena packs...

Then he turned on the cubs.

Imogen was away hunting when the bloodbath began. The ruthless king and his groupies took out the defenseless cubs, some hardly even days old. The brood mothers didn't stand a chance, either killed or forced to watch on in horror. Imogen was too late to save her twin boys, the males were always the first to go in such an attack, and saving her lone daughter quite nearly cost her life. The lioness escaped only by sheer luck, her daughter scruffed tightly as she was forced over the edge of the cliff her pride resided on. It was a horrible tumbling fall, but the ancestors above seemed to protect the run-away mother, who landed with a splat in a slowly drying pit of mud. Another short hour and she likely wouldn't have survived the fall.

Battered, bloody, and covered in filth the young mother knew she was saved for a reason. It was in that moment she decided to dedicate her life to saving those she had failed. Imogen would dedicate her life to protecting cubs the world had all but turned their back on.

She was freshly 3 when Heartsong found her, scarred from her daring escape, and her life of solitude, but alive and thriving with a small band of rescued cubs and adolescents. Understandably, she was apprehensive about joining Heartsong's Pride, but his charm, and promise of a safe space place for her band of "children" to reside, was far too convincing.

The young mother now resides on the outskirts of his pride, too scared to grow attached, too comfortable to stray too far. But now her children are fed regularly, they have more cubs to play with, and her dear adolescents have role models to follow on patrol. Imogen... well, she could get used to this life.

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Edited on 07/05/24 @ 19:31:25 by Freyja (#227242)

Starleap (#454797)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2024-05-08 06:44:03
(Wait, do we send the Lioness to you now or later?)

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Caitlyn🍄 [#1 OG
tongue luvr❤] (#429797)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2024-05-08 06:44:47
Later! If you are chosen!

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