Petal Dust arrived on the pride because of a trade made by Clouded Dreams. She was a teenage lioness at the time, and as soon as she arrived, she began bonding with Moth's fligh - Jay's Feather's daughter.
Time went by, and Petal Dust began having an affair with Moth's Flight, who ended up becoming her mate years later. They were inseparable, and Moth's Flight, who was older and more experienced, taught Petal Dust everything she knew about hunting.
Petal Dust was devastaded to see her beloved mate becoming weaker and weaker, both by her age and by an illness that even the healer couldn't treat. She didn't leave her side, and comforted Moth's Flight during her final moments.
She was assigned as lead huntress by the dying lioness, not only because of the bond they shared, but also because she was her only apprentice, and the only lioness that knew every technique of hers.
Random Flavour Texts
"You find Petal Dust practicing a hunting pounce that she was bad at. You tell her she COULD take a break, but no...she won't stop until she gets it just right!"
"Petal Dust is lying in your favorite sunny spot, fast asleep. You tried to nudge her off. Nope. A nip? Nope. You bodily flop on her. Nope, she is STILL not moving! Dang."
"As you walk up to her, Petal Dust stares at you intently. She awaits a greeting, and does not return one until you have given exactly 6 nuzzles and a lick to ply her with.."