Parrot paid her respects to .:Phrixos:. at his den. She hadn't known the Barbary king for very long, but she had heard stories. He was cruel and unforgiving, and punished the lions he found unworthy. She had left her pride as an adol and wandered into .:Phrixos:.'s territory. Thallo had found her on a patrol and brought her to the pride. She was instantly welcomed by the other lionesses, and Parrot felt like she had finally come home. But with Thallo, anywhere near him felt like home. Parrot couldn't help it - she had developed a crush on the young lion. His mane shimmered in the sun and his laugh was like bell chimes. Parrot couldn't get enough of the heir - she spent her days hunting him down to talk to him. The feeling was mutual - Thallo often came up to Parrot, starting conversations and flirting. Parrot thought that Thallo was flirting just to flirt, but little did she know se was wrong. Parrot and the rest of the pride gathered around the snow ball plant, awaiting for the crowning ceremony to begin. Thallo was crowned and the pride cheered. Then it was time for Thallo to choose his queen. The stripy lioness felt butterflies in her stomach - oh how she wanted to be his queen. But she knew there were better, stronger, prettier lionesses in the pride. She didn't stand a chance, right? "Parrot," Thallos called out. The lioness smiled widly and jogged to him. The new king. Her king. She greatfuly licked his mhzzle, accepting her role as queen and thanking him. She bowed her head to allow the king to gift her her necklace. More gifts followed suit, suchanting as a flower crown from Wait For It. Dear Theodosia gave her a butterfly, and Love Myself gave her a hamerkop. She and her beloved king settled by the river to make their den, near a little tree that provided shelter from the floods and rain.
Queen to Thallo
Iiiive, done my fair share of stupid things that I can't hide
My wonderful friends just roll their eyes, stay by my side.
Bump up f7O ✔✔
You offered a snack to Parrot, and she took it after sniffing it for a while. Then you see her giving a chunk of it to a different pride mate later before eating the rest herself. Oooh, so that's how it is?
You sit next to Parrot to see how she's doing. She leans in to whisper her suspicions about another pride mate. Perhaps it bears watching?