Bellona is a rather quiet lioness. She tends to spend her time alone in her part of the den. Bellona does get along with other lions, but its a bit hard for them to see past her coldness. She is skilled in many things -as a cub, it was discovered she possessed great intelligence for strategic planning, strength for wrestling down large prey, and an uncanny ability to know exactly where and when prey will be an area.
She's the lead hunter and the top Lioness, she has been known for her amazing hunting skills, as she has brought down much large prey single-handedly, especially elephant. Bellona was born in the middle of an unexpected snow storm and enjoys playing in the snow from time to time. Some lions see Bellona as semi-anti-social and distant from the other lions of her pride.
Bellona, is now the Queen of the pride, married to Jothia, king of the Hydra pride. Bellona tends to enjoy watching the training of the pride's cubs, especially the smaller cubs. She is known around the pride's territory by other animals as the night stalker or even sometimes the beast of the night, as she is hard to sense coming, especially in the night.
For some lions across the land, Bellona is their hero and the lion they look up to. She has brought many things to the pride- land, and plant life, a secured place for hunting and an excitingly large amount of new pride members. Bellona also helps in organizing the hunting parties and deciding which cubs get to join the hunt for lessons.