Belongs to ✴️ Jarl Ranulfr 's Former Pride

R.) [B] EmeraldVelvt

"{•€¥•} Retired StorTellCor"

Lion Stats
5634 / 7040 (80%)
Level 9
Strength 49 Speed 67
Stamina 65 Smarts 55
Agility 62 Skill 25
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 323
Lion Currents
Age 14 years, 1 month old
Sex Female
Pose Default
Spontaneous (Neutral)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 92.948717948718%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Marbas (Deceased) Mother R.) Teller WhiteTail View Full Heritage
Last Bred 21 days ago Fertility Very Low (31%) View All Cubs Bred (1)
Appearance Markings
Base Obsidian (Black Skin) Slot 1: Skyward Shine (80%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Feline 7 Onyx (46%) Tier 2
Genetics Black Dark Solid Common
Eyes Green
Mane Type Diabolic
Mane Color Supernal
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Scar: Anklebiter
Lifetime Hunting Results
Total Hunts 53 Successful Hunts 48 Success Rate 90%

1st Breeding (Tribal): Barren
2nd Breeding (Primal): Barren [1M]/---
3rd Breeding [Primal]:
Aug 7. 2017

Many things have happened esp with somemembers being killed, Ciel, Renja, Kagetora. Tigerheart cofided in me what really happened to Szayel and why she did what she did. She doen't have the heart to tell of her trachery and murder. She even found for me evidence which i shall keep until there's a reason te see the light fer it.

we both know it cannot be hidden ferever though so long as Szayel's cubs are around....
Here's the past entries from pantera's walls given to me for records;

July 19th, 2017
Ciel has been killed her body found near the borders of CV tribe...She shall surely be missed. Szayel has stepped up for Leader for the time being.....

June 8, 2017
'Denzai has faled to provide a suitable successor so Ciel has taken over and Denzai has left the tribe with her bloodlie discontinued.'

~~Pride Entry~~
July 25, 2017

Things have gone on, we'v lost a bit but nothing too serious aside from Ciel n Renja's deaths. I find that a mystery and not right...I think Szayel did it but i have no proof and it's best if i don't let on i suspect or else i may be next. Daughter of WhiteTail or not....
Our Baron hasn't taken Ciel's death too well he's in very bad spirits and mourning heavily. We're giving him some space fer the time being until our Jarl thinks it's time. Still, despite his mourning and himself distancing himsel from us. I find respect in him even more as he still is able to perform his duites well....

Cubs, have been recenty born which is welcome as it felt like forever since we've heard and seen new life so tiy and growing. I hope we have a good batch though and Pen doesn't torment them before taking them but i know him well sadly...
A few more litters are going to be born and i only hope ad yearn for strong healthy cubs esp our Jarl's whose finally breed with a few of us. Penatal is shwing us kindness and good spirits fer both are Fertile fruits <3

That's all fer now....Tata
~ EmeraldVelvet

May,12th, 2017

Things are manageable once more but not much has really been of note.
Other than some membes of RunnigWind Tribe, an ally of ours, have come to reside with us until their Jarl Thicket can fix the problem of room. As he's got n more roo to keep his pride happy and better cared for.

Sadly, they'll be subject to the rules and laws of our ways if they wish to remain inside our walls. Many are too interested to care right now. Our jarl could care less about hat though so long as they don't cause trouble and follow basic guidlelines.
I fear of how they'd take to Pentatal as they Will be seeing him around like we do.

~~Pride entry~~
April 4th, 2017

numbers are more managable and with our Jarl, Seveth wearing a hare mask to bring in easy prey of hares, we eat well but i saw My sister Beeth remind the Tribe as a whole to continue our hunts and patrol as increase in Rival males hve been trying to enter our Camp. Which have failed luckily enough due to Laparis's traps.

Our current Jarl is very territorial bt he ca't take care of our lands all the time esp when he's busy with missions and hunting of his own. He can only do so much but our Baron, FireFox is very helpful and caring despite having Penatal's powers. He takes charge of things that are needed and important while our Jarl is busy and not present.

Many new and young member's are going through RoP trial hunts. Laparis has two daughters, one will take over her role once ready and the other's heling Orichata with the Nursery as she's got no cubs of her own and she grews older and weaker with age.
Humans have taken some lions from our tribe to rehome elsewhere. tobias, man cub, is still nearby Lady beeth whose become our Matriarch for the entire tribe. How lucky of her and we all will cntinue to stand by her~

~Teller EV
~ April 1st, 2017~
She became the new StorTellCor of the Tribe and since she knows what to do, she can take over and give herself a name. She chose her Mother's former Tribe's name customs. Shes now EmeraldVelvet for her eyes she shares with her mother and sister and her dark velvet like coat.

Humans have known about them for a few moons already and have esp stayed ocne they knew of Beeth's pregancy. A healthy boy cub was born, he's not a primal which helped the humans find that its a recessive gene like some other genes of the tribe. They'll be leaving with some members....the elders are in the nursery again esp and mainly those who have cubs to replace them. They won't breed again.
Older entries kept by WhiteTail

Tribe Events Journal
Jan. 11th
_Journal Entry_
' Recent tribe news has found that the demon; Penatal has been more actie recntly..moer than he should be...He yerns fer 'food' he feedds off the weak and dark energies that the 'unworhty' have to fill him. He openly attacked and has been attacking Adols and Cubs alike.

3 that stay outside than Man camp of the Tribe and in a secluded site that's sadly closer to the marshlands were openly attacked..One has bad injuries fro Penatal.
any cubs and adols who did't believe the nursery tale on Penatal...now believe them and have fear for him right now..Hopefully they learn to Respect him and his ruling and powers over these lands.'

'We have 2 small cubs, both were too close to his lands and Nearly died but escaped...He may try again. If he does and succeds, he will back off as he will be filled...fer now.'
~ Teller WhiteTail
Jan. 4th
= Journal entry =
'Jarl Bramble has arrived with Lady Catarina...Jarl freddy is nowhere to be seen but all whose present can tell from when Triles returned that Our older, now former leader is dead. Triles wears his feathers as he comes back from the area of the buried dead. He spoke to Rafilla and Leisa as Laparis brought over Oshita and her daughter to help prepare for the late Jarl's burial for later.
i will bekeeping track of all that happens today.'

Jan. 2nd, 2017
~~~ Journal Entry ~~~
'WhiteTail here,
Ashta has left us to live out her days elsewhere in peace so Triles went with her to ensure her safety..I'm the new StorTellCor now.
There was a massive scene and she and i watched the other members attack each other to see who was who...Some wouldbe most dominant but they backed off after showing they aren't to be tangled with as continued being themselves. Jilia is Retired now she will take a council rank if anyone decides to step down and fully retire.
Triles has done alot for his first day and has proved himself well...He won't breed with us until he's LV. 10 and Dreamboat so we'll see. Til then, we have permission to breed with outside lines until he's ready.

The older entries by Ashta thay i'll keep;
Journal entry
Things are getting serious..There has been a sighting of a larg red energy creature in our lands....It left a message one of the cubs saw it leave as it watched her fro the mist it hides in....All the cubs had seen it and now so have all adults....I think the Spirit of the lands has awoken and it's not a nice one...At least not for those it deems unworthy...It's watching, waiting and Freddy grows weaker with age, he can barely go out.

Jalr Bramble is supposed to come soon and hopefully before Freddy dies...We've heard hissing and voices in te night and with Freddy when he's alone in his den....
What's happening?
~ Ashta
Journal Entry
'Things have gotten a bit better yet sad as well...Our numbers are decreasing to a better number again....
new lioness; Jenna, Laurita, 'n WhiteTail from Thyme now Bramble's pride have come to join...
Triles found a adol she cub....and we've lost two older members to a natural but very peacful death...
we at least have a place to bury our dead....'
~ Ashta
Journal entry
'Our numbers have increased as our leader Freddy brings back Nomadess's, many in heat.
He's decded on an idea which is crazy and slightly evil but curious.
It's give new blood and since these females are outsiders we'll see....
We'd only have to goo through it once for him'
~ Ashta
Today was a happy day for the eldest trainees....She esp. since there's new ran introduced; She calles it StoraTellCor. it means 'one who tells tales and keeps records' in her own words.
Yep, she loves to keep track of things and tell stroies to pass the time so that's her job now.
~~~~~~~~~End of old entries ~~~~~~~~
CT Total: 6 pts
11 M. Skills: 7 pts.
SB: 54%

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