View 's Pride

True King

Lion Stats
58907 / 63360 (92%)
Level 25
Strength 1731 Speed 1675
Stamina 1416 Smarts 1581
Agility 1572 Skill 198
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 8173
Lion Currents
Age 7 years, 6 months old
Energy 100 / 100
Impression Dreamboat
Pose Default
Protective (Good)

Adult Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 42.307692307692%
Elder Stage 0%
Breeding Info
Father Moby Dick (Deceased) Mother 84218 Huntress 7k sis View Full Heritage
Last Bred N/A Fertility N/A View All Cubs Bred (10)
Appearance Markings
Base Manakbir (White Skin) Slot 1: Prune Siamese (100%) Tier 3
Slot 3: Henna Coat (49%) Tier 1
Slot 4: Feline 6 Onyx (100%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Onyx Lace (100%) Tier 3
Slot 6: White Panther (100%) Tier 3
Slot 7: Lilac Pelage (25%) Tier 2
Slot 8: Onyx Panther (89%) Tier 2
Slot 9: Feline 3 Onyx (100%) Tier 2
Slot 10: Under White 4 (100%) Tier 0
Slot 11: Heather Ends (100%) Tier 1
Slot 12: Onyx Tips (100%) Tier 1
Genetics Red Dark Solid Special
Eyes Amethyst
Mane Type Diabolic
Mane Color Manakbir
Mutation None
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations

Tigers Eye
Jewelry: Jasper Adornment
Meteor Shards Necklace
Apollyon's Grace
Crested GeckoCustom Decor
Axanthic Ball Python
Bearded Dragon FriendCustom Decor
Fancy Mouse [Banded Lilac Astrex]
Chilly Aardwolf Cub
Attacks Defended 2 Explore Steps Taken 10841 NPCs Defeated 1327
Lions Sent Away 1831 Lions Killed 0
Studding Services
This male lion is offering studding services, for a price of 2 GB OR 700 SB. Lionesses must have a minimum of 20% fertility to breed.

This male lion has 15/15 studding slots left open this week.

* Selecting an item to send with the request will remove the item from your hoard and apply it to the stud if your request is accepted. If your request is removed or denied for any reason the item will be returned to you. Multiple items can be sent at the same time providing they do not cancel each other out in their effects.

* Breeding to a mutated stud does not affect your chances of conceiving a mutated cub unless the stud is a variation of piebald or primal.
On the wrong side of heaven, and the righteous side of hell.

Kinged 4.14.21 with 7370 @7Y 10M.
Used 8 UAVs, 13 coconuts, 235 broken drones, and 118 giant tortoises, got to level 14, almost 15.
4.14.21 used 55 energy roots & 7 meat pies, got to 21.
4.30.21 deaged K i l l i a n to 6Y 11M.

Karma check @ 500 lioness sent away: I can reveal that your karma isssss 3247...
Karma check @ 1000 lioness sent away: I can reveal that your karma isssss 5352...
Karma check @ 1500 lioness sent away: I can reveal that your karma isssss 7880...

- - - sub patrol info - - -

May roam between my main account {#7421} and my side account {#7637} as K I L L I A N gets older so I don't have to roll my main over every day.

4771 birth stats
4830 before aging up
4918 upon aging up
• *Hellraiser* (#794125389192) - They got the following stat boosts from cub training:
+28 STR
+14 AGI
+14 SPD
+28 SMR

@ 2Y 2M (4.20.19) the buttmunch finally reached 5k :D
@ 2Y 4M (4.22.19) reached 5.1k... he really is a freaking buttmunch he's the laziest patroller ever
@ 2Y 6M (4.24.19) hit 5.2k.
@ 2Y 8M (4.26.19) up to 5.3K... so basically 100 stats every 2 days... that's with patrolling 16/17+ hours per day I want a patrol buddy *cries*
@ 3Y (4.30.19) 5486 stats
@ 3Y 2M (5.2.19, before a day of patrolling) he's got 5516... he's INFURIATING
@ 3Y 3M (5.3.19) only 5568... the past two days he's sucked 😭
@ 3Y 4M (5.4.19) O M G he might finally hit 5.6k... somebody shoot him. (edit: hit 5601)
@ 3Y 5M (5.5.19) did a little better today, ended at 5650.
@ 3Y 6M (5.6.19) -fed egg yolks and honeycomb, played with dry palm leaf- ending at 5696
@ 3Y 7M (5.7.19) -fed egg yolks and honeycomb, played with dry palm leaf- ending at 5739
@ 3Y 8M (5.8.19) finished up the day at 5776
@ 3Y 9M (5.9.19) food didn't give any stats, ending at 5811
@ 3Y 10M (5.10.19) ended at 5846 ugh 😣
@ 3Y 11M (5.11.19) *let's hope he does better today* finished up at 5871, he still sucks 😡
@ 4Y (5.12.19) HE DOES NOT WANT TO GET TO 5.9K......UGGGHHHHHH ended at 5896 *strangles him*
@ 4Y 1M (5.13.19) -fed honeycomb & played with kudu horn, got 6 stats (yesssss, over 5.9K)- I messed patrols up a bit today so finished at 5933.
@ 4Y 2M (5.14.19) finished up at 5967.
@ 4Y 3M (5.15.19) come on bby, I want to get to 6K.... ended up at 6002 I'm not even gonna complain about him today he was finally good <3
@ 4Y 4M (5.16.19 & 5.17.19 -Lioden server crash-) he's slacking again o m g, finished at 6045.
@ 4Y 5M (5.18.19) ended at 6089.
@ 4Y 6M (5.19.19) surprise surprise, he sucked again, only got up to 6118 are you kidding me?
@ 4Y 7M (5.22.19) up to 6152.
@ 4Y 8M (5.23.19) got to 6185.
@ 4Y 9M (5.24.19) what a good boy today, reached 6236.
@ 4Y 10M (5.27.19) ended up on the leaderboards today!!! ended at 6285.
@ 4Y 11M (5.28.19) reached 6317.
@ 5Y (5.29.19) not as great today, ended at 6365.
@ 5Y 1M (5.30.19) reached 6403 yay!
@ 5Y 2M (5.31.19) got up to 6441.
@ 5Y 3M (6.1.19) -ugh, I hate the dry season- he sucked today, only reached 6470.
@ 5Y 4M (6.3.19) did better today, ended at 6513.
@ 5Y 5M (6.4.19) not terrible but not great, reached 6555.
@ 5Y 6M (6.6.19) only 6582 u g h.
@ 5Y 7M (6.9.19) missed lots of patrols but oh well, got up to 6627.
@ 5Y 8M (6.10.19) reached 6655.
@ 5Y 9M (6.30.19) got up to 6679 honestly I didn't even try.
@5Y 10M (3.29.20) logged in to save account, reached 6702.
@5Y 11M (3.31.20) logged in again, why, I don't know, but reached 6714 .
@6Y 1M (2.16.21) Forgot it was HONEYCOMB MONTH, damn it!!! Up to 6745.
@6Y 2M (2.17.21) BOO, reached 6788.
@6Y 3M (2.18.21) Forgot how much he sucks at patrolling, only got up to 6815.
@6Y 4M (2.19.21) reached 6854.
@6Y 5M (2.20.21) ugghhhh, 6900.
@6Y 6M (2.23.21) let's see how bad he'll do today.... 6932 wtffff.
@6Y 7M (2.25.21 hmm... omfg 90% of his patrols have come back with absolutely NOTHING :( 6964.
@6Y 8M (2.26.21) if he doesn't start pulling his weight he's going to get replaced... 6996.
@6Y 9M (3.25.21) still massively slacking, but thank goodness over 7K finally!!! 7022.
@6Y 10M (4.1.21) YESSSS EGG MONTH :D. Fingers crossed he does good today! 7057 ehh.
@6Y 11M (4.2.21) Nikolai is looking much better, I have to say. 7083.
@7Y (4.3.21) 7105.
@7Y 1M (4.4.21) 7133, sucked but I was busy and missed lots of patrols.
@7Y 2M (4.5.21) 7168.
@7Y 3M (4.6.21) 7204.
@7Y 4M (4.7.21) 7240.
@7Y 5M (4.8.21) 7262.
@7Y 6M (4.10.21) 7284.
@7Y 7M (4.11.21) 6th on sub leaderboards! YAY! Killian is old enough to retire today, so Hellraiser will be taking over soon <3*cries ugly tears because Killian's been my baby for 5 years IRL now*7307.
@7Y 8M (4.12.21) 7329.
@7Y 9M (4.13.21) Maybe *Hellraiser* just has bad luck because how can he eat 3 egg yolks and get 0 stats?!?7352.
@7Y 10M (4.14.21) *cries* took over pride at 7370.

5.5.19 changed him from Self-Absorbed (Evil) to Confident (Kind)

Markings at 100%
Link with decor

You thought *Hellraiser* was dutifully trying to catch fish for the pride, but it turned out he was just admiring his reflection. What a buttmunch.
You see *Hellraiser* puff up and strut in front of the lionesses, confident of his dashing looks. You feel slightly annoyed.
You see *Hellraiser* puff up and strut in front of the lionesses, confident of his dashing looks. You feel slightly annoyed.
You hear from another pride mate that *Hellraiser* was telling them that he could beat you in a fight. Oh really? You'd like to see him try.


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