Paradise's Den

Currently collecting ALL Bee decors!

- by me

about me

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- by #70050

Heya im Hex and i hoard shrikes and bees

I'm a 22 year old gal/nonbinary pal (she/her/they/them pronouns are all gucci!) who likes collecting bones, crystals, feathers, and candles. Do be warned that I curse A LOT (i inherited it from my grandma <3). I'm bi, so if you have issues with this please don't contact me for the sake of both of us!

I'm happy to help out anyone that needs it, if you're new and need some guidance on anything please just ask! I've been around since 2014 without a single hiatus so I know the game like the back of my hand, haha. And if I don't know something, I'm more than happy to find out for you! ♥

I'm pretty chill and am very much a forgive and forget kind of gal, I don't hold past issues over people's heads so long as I've heard they're at least trying to better themselves. If we've had issues in the past but I don't have you blocked, I'm not upset and am happy to talk again if you want!

MISPRICED TRADE POLICY; If you message me within 5 minutes of purchase I'll send your items back! After 5 minutes I'll assume you meant to sell at that price and will keep or resell. My apologies if you miss the time frame, but I can't keep items sitting for hours in case they were mispriced ^^". You're free to ask after the 5 minutes and I'll be happy to give it back if I still have it, though! ♥

I don't accept random friend requests! If we've been talking and you consider me a friend, though, please do feel free to ask me to toss you a friend request ♥

Pride Lore

"Friend or foe?" Rumbles a deep voice, raspy and crackling. "I have not much use for friends, nor patience for foes."
A dark lioness stands before you, revealing herself from a darkened cave. Her fur ripples with blue and violet tones under the pitch colored splotches. She holds a bloody, dripping sword in her maw. Many eyes glow behind her, with flashing teeth and snarls. "Friend!" You barely breathe, captured in her terrifying presence. "Hmm...we will see, make yourself at home." With that, she turns, flicking her tail and stalking back within the cave. Did she want you to follow her...?

Paradise is a horrific brute, coming into her power as the ruler of the Celestial Realm by turning the subjects against the previous king, Apedemak, her biological father, with lies and manipulation. She killed him with his own prized Celestial Stone, the only object powerful enough to permanently end a Celestial. In the process, the stone shattered, causing Paradise to become aglow with Celestial power and permanently chaging her pelt to flash in bright Celestial colors. With the breaking of the stone, there is no longer a weapon powerful enough to end her brutal reign. Lionesses and lions within her rule are treated with kindness, but anyone who threatens her meets their end at the blade of her Celestial sword. Perhaps it would be better to make diplomatic relations with this one.

Apedemak was asked to be the donor to sire Paradise by Oleander and Mary, Paradise's mothers. Oleander is much like Paradise, calculating and constantly looking for a way up in the world. Mary is kind, gentle, and adores her wife and children. She sees the good in both of them, in Paradise for protecting everything she cares for (even if Mary does not agree with...well, the countless murders), and Oleander for the kindness she shows to her family.

Paradise's wife, Mimic, a hellhound, stands at Para's side and is a constant reassurance to Paradise that all of the choices Para makes are for the good of the realm. Mimic is a whisper in Para's ear, urging her to continue ending the lives of anything that stands in their way. Paradise would do anything for Mimic, but if push came to shove...Mimic would likely not do the same. Mimic is here because Paradise is powerful, Paradise can protect Mimic from the Hell that she burned bridges leaving behind. Paradise is no fool, she knows that her wife is not entirely who she claims to be, but Paradise cares for her, and will continue to be her protector until the end of her reign.

** The canon July storyline is entirely null and void in my lore.


- by #70050 <33333
Typhoon_02_sm.png - by #60775

- by #135863 of #70050's Alchemist and my Crypt. ♥


- by 75471 of my lovely pon Saturn


Wampus_pixel_1.png- by #70050

- by #32043- by #32043dd2xx9a-b876ef9a-882a-4ae4-b510-586ac8355e53.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzg0MzVhMjMxLThkNjMtNDA5MS04MjE3LTBjZThlZjgxZTA0Y1wvZGQyeHg5YS1iODc2ZWY5YS04ODJhLTRhZTQtYjUxMC01ODZhYzgzNTVlNTMucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.FENOfuPnRAMvnUslwDhxW3_PzafhFSx12gZeohMxg3Y- by #48846dct47l6-99be31db-33d8-4763-a62a-a417a441000a.png- by #161171commissiondone_by_typhon_the_potoo_dcyeq8e-pre.png- by #54817dcxf6at-3d26e65d-bd49-4f18-941c-267d92d32a31.png- by #149569eolgc8m_by_typhon_the_potoo-dcymn51.gif- by #165325kiddo_by_tuffykat_dcu0jgt-pre.png- by #108442dcxo7fs-773485c6-2522-428a-aab0-85f701d931bf.png- by #149569wampus.png- by mewampus_symmetry.png- by mewampus_chibi.png- by me- by #167702typhon-KING.png- by #148843commissiondone_by_typhon_the_potoo_dcyeq8e-pre.png- by #75471dcxed78-34cfd652-bc38-4f99-b586-3e9954fe3614.png?width=732&height=427- by #149569





** I do NOT breed or own Rumble lions, if the marking affects you please know that you're safe to look through my pride! ♥♥ **

This den has 24 lions that may leave soon due to their low moods or starvation!

Level: 5 Branch: The Void
Stats: 163 Territory: 183
Lionesses: 166 Beetle Slots: 0 / 8
Cubs: 246 / 915 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 3 / 7 Subordinate Males: ! Out For Love
4bo Guava Pale Cairn
Primal Fangs groupie
Frozen Slots: 12 / 12 Cave Slots: 6 / 6
There are 11 lions with mutations in Paradise's pride.

Paradise's Player
Member ID #41384
Joined: 2014-08-10 11:37:58 Last Active: 2024-06-08 9:32:50

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⛔ Block Member

0 Pregnant Lionesses

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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Paradise's Recent Allies
played by syn [oh yeah its silly hours]
Level 16 - 24 lionesses - 14 cubs
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played by Insyndiar [FROZEN]
Level 20 - 33 lionesses - 13 cubs
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played by Hex (NOT ROLLING - DM 41384)
Level 2 - 101 lionesses - 24 cubs
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Thunder Over The River
played by Heda Vampiric
Level 3 - 17 lionesses - 0 cubs
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played by KRAKEN.
Level 13 - 1 lionesses - 0 cubs
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Anoscetia V
played by 🍡Pinenut - G2 Pearl RLC
Level 18 - 71 lionesses - 24 cubs
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Paradise's Clan Memberships

*...Breed-Only Beauties...*

Building Better Kings

Lex's Decor Store

Sam's Club

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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