King Zorroa's Den

I really love when y'all do the little interaction-roleplay things in the comments! I will always try to respond to them if I get the chance.

All lions will be stored in the dynasty.

Unsorted lions will be chased, killed, nature reserved, or for giveaways (or I just forgot to place them in a cave) And please, please, PLEASE check my territory space and my adolescents before you send me any lions. If you send me ugly ones, I will probably chase them or give them back to you.


You're resting in the outskirts of a forest that you ventured long ago. You made a friend the first time you visited, but he is long gone. Some say that his son took over, but he never had a son as far as you know. Once you get up, you notice a lion sitting in the fog. You freeze, not knowing if he was side-eyeing you or staring off to the side.


Offering writing commissions until Jan 2026! Feel free to DM me for examples or to get your lore, description, heat rules, whatever you want! Each word costs 1 SB (Silver Beetle). If it turns out to be too expensive, we can negotiate prices or you can pay in items!
I'm open to basically anything, EXCLUDING illegal content.
Please be aware that if you don't pay afterwards, you will be blocked!
Terms and Roles

What Are ‘Kings’?
Kings are male lions, who are the leader or kings of their pride. There can be multiple males in one pride with multiple females, but there can be only ONE king. The other males patrol. Only the most dominant gets to breed, but there have been some instances of some co-kings breeding with females in secret. This is a trainable role.

What are 'Queens'?
A Queen is a lioness who is the King's "wife". A queen will only breed with her king. A king can change his queen anytime he likes, but most kings are in total love with their queens and love them for who they are, and it's not just their looks. There can be only ONE queen per pride. This is not a trainable role, as you should not be trained for love.

What are 'Heirs/Heiresses'?
Heirs are lions who are 2 years old and above who serve as successors to the most dominant lion in their pride. They engage in ongoing training, including sparring with the stronger members of the pride and participate in patrols alongside co-kings until they eventually assume the position of ruler when one of their parents relinquish their role, whether due to stepping down or passing away. Heirs can be of both male and female sex and gender, as some kings have even designated their daughters as successors in cases where they don't have a male heir. But it's fairly rare.

What are 'Co-Kings'?
Co-kings are male lions that help in guarding the territory and maintaining order within the pride. Many of them will go on patrol while the primary male helps his lionesses take care of the cubs. In very rare cases, co-kings will kill or chase their king just to breed with the females. It's rare because it usually results in him dying to the king or being swarmed by his pride. They are only able to breed with outsider females. This is not exactly a trainable role, as their main thing is to just scout and bring back news.

What are 'Seniors'?
Seniors are lions of any sex and/or gender who have reached the age of 12. They may still hunt, as long as they are strong enough and wish to do so. At the age of 14, they are eligible for retirement and they will enjoy their last 2 to 5 years of living before death, where a funeral will be held the day they die.

What Are ‘Lead Hunters’?
A lead hunter is just about the same as a huntress, but she leads the hunting party and sets a strategy to take down their prey. A hunting party is usually led by the most successful lioness in the pride. This is a trainable role.

What Are ‘Huntresses’?
Huntresses, otherwise known as pride members are lionesses who are highly skilled at hunting and provide food for the pride. There are three kinds of huntresses. One is a tracker, who tracks the prey's scent and footprints. The second one is a chaser, who chases the prey. These ones are usually the fastest and most agile. And the third ones are the Lead Hunters. This is a trainable role.

What are 'Mentors'?
Mentors, otherwise known as 'teachers' are lions (mostly male) who teach cubs how to fight, hunt, stalk, and other important life lessons for their future jobs.

What Are 'Herbalists'?
Herbalists are exactly what you think. They are lions (mostly female) who undergo specialized training to become skilled in the use of herbs and plants for various purposes, including healing, medicinal remedies, and other natural applications. Herbalists are usually infertile lionesses because they are strictly prohibited to breed. If herbalists get pregnant, they will be killed, chased, or sent as an outskirter until the cub is grown. This is a trainable role.

What Are 'Broodmothers'?
Broodmothers, or foster mothers, play a vital role in lion prides. They care for the cubs of other lionesses, allowing the mothers to rest, hunt, or engage in other activities. Broodmothers often have cubs of their own. This is a trainable role.

What Are 'Senior Students'?
Senior Students are adolescent lions who have completed their training. Senior Student classes are more harsh, and this is when adolescent males come into play. They choose whether or not they want to train to fight and hunt for their future role of king, but if they don't wish to, they will either: A, become a Co-king, or B, become an Outskirter. They typically become a Co-king because untrained lone lions usually die, so most take the training and become an outskirter.

What Are 'Students'?
They are female cubs who are 5 months old. They will train for 7 months until they graduate into a Senior Student, who also have 5 months to a year of more training.

What Are ‘Cubs’?
Cubs are the young offspring of lions. They are born to any lioness, prideless or not, and they play a crucial role in their future. That is, if they wish to join or create a pride and are provided with enough protection and training to survive.

What Are 'Outskirters'?
Outskirters are lions of any sex/gender who move out into the outskirts of their pride. These lions are not attacked because they usually do not bother the pride unlike the Prideless. Male outskirters are allowed to take the place of the king in prides, so long as he proves himself better and stronger, otherwise, he will be chased out, or potentially killed. Outskirters can also form a pair or small groups of 3. Some can be as large as 7 members, all of the same sex.

What Are ‘Prideless’?
"Prideless", otherwise known as "Roamers" is a term used to describe lions that do not belong to a pride. It refers to lions that are solitary or have been separated from their original pride for various reasons. Much like outskirters, males are able to take the place of the king in a pride.

(More coming soon!)



Parvatagalu Region (Mountains Region)
These lions have sharper claws, thicker, grayscale/brown coats, and larger lungs and hearts than average lions because they are adapted to the mountains. They are nicknamed the “Leopard Lions”, not to be confused with the Leopon, because of their amazing ability to climb as well as a leopard. They will use their climbing to their advantage, to hunt and escape. The Parvatagalu region is also one of the most dangerous regions to explore, due to the rockslides and harsh climate. This region is close to the Basoa/Forest region, being only 2 miles away from there.

The Serengeti (Savannah, Ngorongoro)
The Serengeti is the largest region where many lion prides call home. It is known for its diverse population of lions, which come in all shapes and sizes. This region is also the origin of most lions.

Basoa Region (Forest Region, AKA my personal favorite, i'll go all out on this one)
The Basoa Region is a captivating area, characterized by its dense canopy and abundant biodiversity. It is in close proximity to the Parvatagalu region, and yet offers a complete contrast in terms of ecosystem and terrain. The Basoa is a haven of rich and diverse flora, painting a vibrant tapestry of greenery that stretches as far as the eyes can see. The overhead canopy filters the dappled sunlight that gently bathes the forest floor. The lions in this region are almost identical to the Parvatagalu, with the exception that Basoa lions have thinner coats and in some cases dark rosette markings, making them stand out as a unique subspecies.

Padura Region (Swamp Region)
The Padura is nothing but an ordinary ancient swamp. Lions here are designed for swift movement, especially underwater. They have evolved longer legs and webbed feet more noticeable than other big cats. They do not usually swim, but they do hunt various things like wading birds, fish, small crocodiles etc. The lions here usually have darker brown skins, but some have been seen having... green fur? (murk base reference ong)

Gwenga Region (Desert Region)
The Gwenga is a large desert in Africa teeming with thriving life in the arid ecosystem. Lions in the Gwenga have evolved dense coats that are tan or grey-brown in color. Think of them as just bigger, and more... uh, "cuddlier" sand cats. The Gwenga lions are also really adaptable too, as they can tolerate various weather conditions and/or temperatures by just shedding or growing more fur.

Thiya Bay
(WIP, reminder that this is a place near a lot of human civilization bla bla bla yeah all that stuff just GET IT DONE AND STOP PROCRASTINATING COCO!)

(Don't mind Jake Paul in the background.)

The Local Nesting Cave
A cave where pregnant lionesses and broodmothers go to take care of their cubs. Herbalists can be spotted there as well.

Another location in progress...


This Pride's Law and The Law-Breaker's Punishment (TW: MENTIONS OF CHILD MURDER- wait don't we already do this a lot in the game?)

1. All members must show respect to the leaders and their offspring. The first second and third time is a warning, and the fourth time is a 2-day exile, and the fifth is a permanent exile, until you "open" an appeal by simply walking through the outskirts and finding the King, proving that your attitude has changed for the better.

2. All co-kings must NEVER breed with the Queen or a female member. They can only breed with the prideless or the outskirters. If a co-king does it once, they're being kicked out instantly. If they produce any cubs however, they will not be murdered as it is seen as infanticide.

3. If any member kills a cub, they will be executed as soon as the King or Queen finds them guilty. No warnings or temporary exiles.

4. All pride members will never get into a fight with another, unless it is sparring. The first to 5th time, the pride members will be separated. The sixth to ninth time, the one who started it will be punished with a verbal warning. The last time, the attacker will have 3 days to leave permanently depending on how serious the fight was.

5. If a herbalist is pregnant, she will be temporarily exiled until her cub(s) is 2 years old. She will still be treated as a member of the pride when she is gone, as you must show appreciation and respect to the one who saved your life and many others.

6. (WIP)


The Rest of The Prides
(If you want your pride to be put here, go ahead! Just give me your region name or a region name from above, your king, queen, heir, and relationship with us. There can be more than one pride in a region!)

Parvatagalu Pride
King: Qullu - A lion with hazel eyes and gray-brown rosette fur. He has a black mane.
Queen: Ekaiza - A clouded piebald lioness with grey eyes and ammonite fur and onyx markings.
Heir: Lainoa - A frail piebald adolescent lioness with hazel eyes and brown rosette fur.
Co-king(s): Maya - A lion with sky blue eyes and demiurge fur with no markings. He has a noctis mane.
Lionesses: 34
Adolescents: 13
Cubs: 41
Kwizera and Qullu's Relationship: Both of the kings share a harmonious and positive connection, almost as if they were brothers. (Highly passive)

2nd Mountains Pride
King: Chester
Queen: Alcyona

Serengeti Pride
Queen: Rachinii - (wip)
Rachinii's King: Dakari - (wip)
Potential Heirs: Akpan, Cadira (runt), Sanyu, Sharde (largest in the litter)
Lionesses: 78
Co-kings: 9 (i am NOT naming all of them)
Cubs: 108
Kwizera and Rachinii's Relationship: Kwizera has never met Rachinii, but he's heard her name being tossed around by his Serengeti lionesses. (Neutral)



Here's some facts that I couldn't include:

The Basoa and Parvatagalu are so close to eachother to the point where they share the same outskirts

All of the regions were at war a century ago, and some of them still have bad reputations

When this pride started, it was canonically 1999 September 2nd

Kwizera had to fight 2 lions to claim this territory

Kwizera is a lioness (literally). You'll understand once the lore comes out!

There can be more than one pride in a region (I think you already know this)
Things about me:

My online name is Coconut, but I go by Saada Iseda on Lioden. I am a biological female (she/her), and I'm 18 years old currently and my birthday is on 4/18! (April 18th)

My favorite season is fall and winter because I LITERALLY HATE HOT WEATHER. My favorite food is anything that's edible and tastes at least decent!

I am very passionate about writing. My grammar isn't the best, but I do whatever makes me happy honestly. And if you want you can PM me for roleplay. It depends on what kind of roleplay though. AND only through Discord.

Some weird thing about me is that I prefer to have neutral karma. I don't know why. But I will try to get good karma in the December event!

I'm pretty over-confident and determined. If you look at my goals you'll see - I feel like I'll complete all of these LOL



I need to think about it..

Have 10,000 SB at once!


Earn every achievement in the game (51%, 32% challenger achievements)

Have EVERY mutation in the game (Don't need all at once, just "unlocking" basically) (5?/46???)

Get a Tovero Interstellar Piebald lioness

Get a king with Cloudburst base, Barbary, Katanga or Savage Cloudburst mane shape, black skin, Foggy eyes, and a bobbed tail. Markings must be Cloudburst web, mist, shroud, brindle and ebony shaded rosette(0/1)

Get a king with Haruspex base, Savage or Katanga Noctis mane shape, black skin, Lehsunia eyes, and Charred Patches. Also any kind of dark markings, or no markings at all.(0/1.)


Have 3 RLs, not from buying them, I'm GETTING them from the actual raffle.

Potentially have the largest pride EVER in Lioden!

Have 6000 (6k) Leather Beetles at once! (Will be doing a lion meat giveaway after)

Have 10,000 (10k) Heart Shells at once! (When I complete this, I'll be doing a massive giveaway or raffle after valentine's!)

Have 5000 (5k) Rhino Beetles at once! (Not doing a giveaway. I'm doin it for the cool scars!)

S'aada Iseda was in the company of her eldest sibling, Utjirinaka. They sat in his lair, in a casual conversation as they watched the stars and the moon, casting a bright white glow over them. The air filled with their laughter as they joked around and engaged in playful bickering. But soon — all of that came to an abrupt halt as they heard rustling in the bushes surrounding them.

“What was that?” S’aada asked as she looked over to the source of the sound.

“Probably the wind, but I’ll check.” Utjirinaka stood up and walked over to the bushes, and sniffed them. Utjirinaka's ears perked up as he caught a whiff of the familiar scent lingering in the air, as well as the smell of death... His eyes narrowed, scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. The bushes rustled again, more vigorously this time, prompting him to take a defensive stance.

S'aada's curiosity grew, and she stood beside Utjirinaka, ready to face whatever or whoever was lurking in the shadows. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the dense foliage, stepping into the moonlit clearing. It was Gusenya, their brother who had been hiding away to recover his energy and gain strength for a few hundred years. He smiled and shook the leaves off his mane, and looked at them.

“Well, well well.. If it isn’t my older brother and baby sister hanging out! It’s been a while. Surprised to see me?”

Utjirinaka's eyes widened slightly in disbelief as he laid eyes on Gusenya. It had been centuries since they had last seen him, and his sudden appearance made he and S’aada feel uneasy.

S'aada's facial expression turned into apprehension, and she took a step back, her gaze fixed on Gusenya. Memories of past misfortunes flooded her mind, causing her heart to race.

Utjirinaka stared intensely at Gusenya. "Gusenya, why have you chosen to reveal yourself now? Have you not been in hiding?" he asked with a low rumble.

Gusenya's smile grew, sensing the tension in the air. “I came here to kill, and I feel like you two would be a great first target...”

Utjirinaka's eyes narrowed as he took a step forward, his muscles tense. "I will not succumb without a fight," he said firmly, his voice low.

S'aada positioned herself between the two as a barrier. "You two, wait! I-I can talk Gusenya out of this, just please don’t fight!”

Gusenya growled, flattening his ears in annoyance. He lunged towards S'aada's face, but before he could strike, wait- HEY! You shouldn't be reading this here! You should check out my google docs for the full version!- wait- It isn't finished yet? Oh. Uh.. come back later on.

Level: 10 Branch: Kwizera's Shop
Stats: 313 Territory: 69
Lionesses: 69 Beetle Slots: 7 / 7
Cubs: 85 / 345 Grandpaw:
Male Slots: 3 / 3 Subordinate Males: Carialyns
Frozen Slots: 1 / 1 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 6 lions with mutations in King Zorroa's pride.

King Zorroa's Player
Member ID #449433
Saada Iseda | Main
Joined: 2023-09-02 04:29:44 Last Active: 2024-06-08 16:32:17

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1 Pregnant Lioness

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It will cost 20 energy to attack this lion.

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King Zorroa's Recent Allies
played by Caldera
Level 6 - 85 lionesses - 52 cubs
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Bingus Von Bingus II
played by Bingo
Level 19 - 41 lionesses - 28 cubs
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played by nita ║
Level 10 - 11 lionesses - 5 cubs
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night trail
played by emma
Level 9 - 19 lionesses - 8 cubs
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everest the 13th
played by Gay.Quinn777
Level 6 - 24 lionesses - 20 cubs
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played by Loren
Level 5 - 6 lionesses - 2 cubs
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King Zorroa's Clan Memberships

A Better Giving Tree

A Kings Lineage

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Anomalous Felines

※Random Acts of Kindness※

Birds of a Feather

Blazing Vitiligos

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Chased Graced

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Coven Of Blessings

Dawn Of The First Gens

Decor collectors!

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💎 Rampant Rosettes 💎

Furry Fandom

Give a little get a little

KiMandarin Invasion



local thrift store

Lord of the Spirits

Money Hungry


Mutie Adoption Center

Mutie bakery!

Muties for Everyone

Mutts and Chased Raffles

Ponyacci's Plentiful Pantry

Raffle Addicts!

Reflecting Nebula

RL Recreation Project


Splotches Stop and Adopt!

Stud Buds


The Collector

The Dragons Hoard

The Giving Tree - Items Hoard

The Lioden Gazette

Thrift a lion

Traveler’s Guide to Lioden


Wombo Combo

King Dynasty

Pride Dynasty



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