Posted by Better Den Customization

Ari {WLT} {LAWS} (#37314)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-07-07 10:08:44
Some of these things have to be implemented or at least enabled on Lioden's end, and I think I may not be the only one who wants some of these things. Thus, the suggestions.

I would very much like to be able to have a custom den overview (on my main den page), showing what information I want the way I want it shown, that shows values retrieved from my lions' pages (I could have hunger and mood bars, base colors, stats, fertility cycles, etc. for each lioness conveniently displayed in my den). According to my coder, this is impossible with HTML or CSS. I'm not personally familiar with more than HTML, but I'm told Javascript may make these things possible.

Other suggestions I've separated from my original lump of them are:
Linkable Lion Images
Lioness Thumbnails
Dynamic Den Backgrounds
Board Reply Notifications
Hoard Sorting

I will create images to display my meaning for the customization options I have in mind. I can't guarantee when I will have those images, as I have a lot of work to do, but I will put them up here when I do finish them.

Please comment if you have anything to add or suggest.

This suggestion has 12 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 11/07/14 by Ari {WLT} (#37314)

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