Posted by -LOCKED - -ADDED TO THE GAME-Improvements to site UI/navigation

mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-08-01 01:00:52
I've been mulling over several more things that could improve site interaction, and I thought I'd put them all in one place. Feel free to suggest anything, and I may be editing in more things as I come up with them.

- Sales

Search items for sale by manually typing, rather than going through the scrolldown menu. Would simply make things a lot quicker to search for, especially if you don't remember the full name of what you're looking for.

Would be extremely useful to have the ability to sort branch results by ascending/descending price, and GB or SB prices.

-Custom Decor List

Please, please, PLEASE introduce a search feature here. The filters aren't going to be that much of a help if you're searching for a specific decor. While there are only 6 pages now, how about down the line, when there's over 100?

-Trading Center

Several things to mention here, some of which likely have been brought up before. The ability to sort items by type, and put a stack of something into a trade would be immensely helpful. As someone who on a regular basis puts over 200 uses of food in a single trade, it gets rather clunky. The way the stacking would work, in my mind, is that you have two selection areas, or, perhaps, tabs, one of which has single items listed, and the other would have stacks.

Secondly, why not put transfers to a user on their actual page, rather than having to go through the TC? It would just be another hyperlink on the little bar that has the Block, Friend and PM links. That being said, it would be amazing if Transferring could be altered so that a user can send multiple items of different types in a single interaction (i.e. currency, items and lions), also with the option for sending a stack.

Aliya (Golden Pride) (#12734)

Add the ability to cancel multiple trades from the page where you can manage them.


Mainly the option to bury/unbury a full stack of items at a time, instead of manually clicking through.(I have mentioned this in another suggestion, but I might as well rehash >n<)

A function to sort through buried items, or have them properly arrange alphabetically would be nice. I have item's of the same type that I've buried simultaneously, and yet they're not next to each other in the buried section of my hoard, which is odd...

-Toggle Chatbox Button

I feel that it would be better placed above the box to avoid accidental pressing instead of 'roar', or somehow make the button smaller by replacing it with a graphic instead of text

-Confirmation popups

I understand WHY we have so many confirmation popups, but I wish we could have a settings menu to determine which popups we want. I personally find many of the event-related popups, as well as those involving hunts and patrolling to be unnecessary and annoying, so I have a popup blocker, despite the fact that I don't have the extra security when buying things, and avoiding accidental chasing.

-Buy multiple things

Personally, I find it clunky that we can't buy multiple things at once. For example, say I need to buy 20 Tackweeds, or 10 items of the same type from an event shop, of multiple hunts for a lioness. Why not have an option of putting in how many of an item you want to buy? Default would be 1, of course. Could either be a dopdown menu, or, ideally, a field in which you could enter a value.

-Wardrobe/Oasis marking default

Change the marking percentage default to 100%, rather than 0, more often than not, more of the markings you're previewing are at 100%, rather than 0.

-PM tweaks (Pasha the Bad Witch (#5512) )

Would add the ability to message people directly via their forum mini profile or the chats, perhaps have a small symbol that would lead either to a new tab or popout window of the messaging center.

-Scry stone (Pasha the Bad Witch (#5512) )

Add the option of a dropdown menu that lists all lions of your pride for ease of navigation. This would be an alternate option, you'd still be able to preview by code.

-Branch tweak

Make it possible to add items (in bulk or singles) on your actual branch, rather than having to go to your hoard every time you wish to add an item to sell.

-HTML pre-set

Add an option to profiles so that you can paste in a preset HTML formatting code for forums, which would be automatically added to the typing areas when you go to post. Alternatively, have a button that pastes in the code.

-Food count (Echo (#15480))

Add a counter for food uses while in your hoard on your food page, while adding to trades, and when looking at trades to avoid large amounts of tedious mental maths.

Alrewolf (#51084)

>Merge both wardrobes into just a "lion" wardrobe, and have the option of choosing "lion/lioness" in a drop down menu. Lionesses already have everything they need in their coding for a seamless switch. Currently, there is no easy way to go back and forth between a lioness' design and that of what she would look like as a lion, or vice versa without having two wardrobes open.

>Have "days until expiration" show up in the monkey shop. SOMEWHERE. When I have my lions all fed, but still 20+ carcasses expiring, I would love to sell them. But I can't because I don't know what's expiring and there's no way to "mark" things for the monkey shop unless I want to bury all the non-expiring foods in that particular stack, then dig them back up again.

>Have an option to "invert" the exploration UI. I know this might sound kind of odd, but the pictures aren't nearly as important as what's going on in the text. I wish there was a way to invert it so that people like me (and it's not like I have a tiny laptop screen, either. My laptop's is pretty standard) don't have to constantly keep scrolling down whenever the page reloads, such as if I hit an option that pops up when exploring.

This suggestion has 104 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 20/11/15 @ 11:51:34 by Maulise | Herb Floof (#32469)

Pasha (#5512)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-08-01 03:07:58
I would add in general to anything involving "pages": paginated designs are considered a very outdated UX principle these days, unless you're trying to bait a bunch of clicks out of people in an irritating way. Infinite scrolling a la Tumblr is where it's at. And it's damn addictive, for a game site like this one.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-08-01 03:26:21
Pasha: That's true, but I imagine it's done via pages at the moment due to server limit issues. I imagine they may change their interface when the server change is made ^^

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Pasha (#5512)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-10 06:31:13
I have a new one: message people directly from the chat box and forums, either with a link or a hover-over menu.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-10-10 06:33:44
Good one, adding that in! c:

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Pasha (#5512)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-10-10 06:37:28
How about a drop-down menu listing your lionesses in the scrying stone, with an alternate option to type in? Gets annoying to copy and paste ID's and I mess up frequently.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-10-10 06:43:24
Oh, yes, agreed ouo I imagine it might be more cluny fo people with large prides, though c:

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Allaeysis (#29319)

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Posted on
2014-10-10 06:43:56
LOVE the "bury stack" idea because I have wished for this feature after certain Events that required items( Like the Water fruits and Hides) They just sit in my inventory taking up space, and since I'm an avid explorer I often find myself with 50+ items I'd like to save for next year. :P

Not fun when you have to bury 87 cacti one by one.. -___-

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-10-10 06:47:30
Allaeysis: I know the feeling ;; I still have all my cacti and water roots in my inventory because it's too much effort to bury or throw them all out x-x;

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Spectre [CLEAN Pied
Spectre] (#8680)

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Posted on
2014-10-10 09:30:26
I'd love to be able to filter the custom decor from newest to oldest and vice versa. I often just want to see what's new and it's kind of annoying to have to go through every page to do so.

Basically have more helpful filter options like "most recent"

Edit: As for burying multiple things, just use hoard organization so you just check the boxes. Still kind of annoying but much easier than going to the items one by one.

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Edited on 10/10/14 by Mid [V.V] (#8680)

🐺 inky (#32221)

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Posted on
2014-11-01 23:44:55
This is such an obvious one and probably suggested 100000000000000 times, but adding lions to the wardrobe by ID.

Easily switching the sex of the lion in the wardrobe (for previewing sexchangers).

Just two little things that would smooth everything out considerably. <3

Full support on all of the above.

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Edited on 02/11/14 by Wayward Angel {L.L}{CCS} (#32221)

Draconifors (#47584)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-11-03 00:59:32

Another improvement that may also be useful... what about distributing lions in your den by categories? Something like the digging things system. Like, for example, if you want to divide your lionesses in huntresses and breeders, or to separate the ones you want to sell from the rest.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-11-03 08:56:31
Draconifors: Separate suggestion here. c:

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Echo (#15480)

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Posted on
2014-12-28 11:24:06

I are bumping the good ideas

Adding food to the TC is pain.

I also think you should be able to see total uses of the food you have. This could be effective within your hoard [advertising your total food amounts for sale would be MUCH easier - but the little blue bubble of uses for a stack is VERY helpful], within a trade, and whilst making a trade [lawd please].

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2014-12-28 11:30:21
Thank you <3 I keep forgetting to bump my older suggestions!

Adding into the original post, thank you! ^^

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Alrewolf (#51084)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 00:30:45
I was wondering if it might be possible to do a few things:

>Merge both wardrobes into just a "lion" wardrobe, and have the option of choosing "lion/lioness" in a drop down menu. Lionesses already have everything they need in their coding for a seamless switch. Currently, there is no easy way to go back and forth between a lioness' design and that of what she would look like as a lion, or vice versa without having two wardrobes open.

>Have "days until expiration" show up in the monkey shop. SOMEWHERE. When I have my lions all fed, but still 20+ carcasses expiring, I would love to sell them. But I can't because I don't know what's expiring and there's no way to "mark" things for the monkey shop unless I want to bury all the non-expiring foods in that particular stack, then dig them back up again.

>Have an option to "invert" the exploration UI. I know this might sound kind of odd, but the pictures aren't nearly as important as what's going on in the text. I wish there was a way to invert it so that people like me (and it's not like I have a tiny laptop screen, either. My laptop's is pretty standard) don't have to constantly keep scrolling down whenever the page reloads, such as if I hit an option that pops up when exploring.

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