Posted by Cream Colors of My Sliding Scale Model

Alma (#7695)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2014-11-14 16:48:27
I'm posting this thread to showcase the fantastic new colors I'm proposing in my Lioden Sliding Scale Thread: Check it out!!! These examples were made by me, so they're a little clumsy, but they're meant to illustrate the finer points of the Sliding Scale modification of my genetics model!

Without getting into the specifics of the Sliding Scale thread that inspired these, the basic concept of the color model is that the colors are arranged into NCL colors, Custom/Oasis colors, and Special/Raffle colors just as they are now, but there are two versions of each: a Solid version in which the color remains mostly the same throughout the body or the Countershaded version in which the topline is darker and lightens in a countershading pattern where the belly, throat, and the feet are lighter in shade. From there, each genotype (genetic formula) will produce three shades of each color, namely a dark, medium, and light shade. I'm calling this part of the model the "Sliding Scale".

This color thread will detail the Cream series of colors, so every one of these colors will be an NCL color, which I hope will let the Naturalists know that I want EVERYONE to benefit from my new model.

Because there will be MANY of these to share, I'm starting to break them down into sections that correspond with the color groups they belong to in my Sliding Scale model. If you like what's listed here, come see MORE:

Black Colors of my Sliding Scale Model

Dilute Black Colors of my Sliding Scale Model

Orange Colors of my Sliding Scale Model

Dilute Orange Colors of my Sliding Scale Model

Black Specials Colors of my Sliding Scale Model

Orange Specials Colors of my Sliding Scale Model

Golden Colors of my Sliding Scale Model

Fawn Colors of my Sliding Scale Model

With that said, here's what we'd like to show you in greater detail than the lil' thumbnails on the original thread (colors with an asterisk (*) are those we're trying to have added to Lioden):

The Dove Gray Sliding Scale:
Framed Dove Gray Swatch photo FRMDoveGraySwatch.jpg

* Gunmetal Gray: the dark shade of Dove Gray.
Gunmetal Gray photo 500GunmetalGray.jpg

* Silver Gray: the light shade of Dove Gray.
photo 500SilverGray.jpg

The Hazelnut Sliding Scale:
Framed Hazelnut Swatch photo FRMHazelnutSwatch.jpg

* Pecan: the dark shade of Hazelnut.
Pecan photo 500Pecan.jpg

* Hazelnut: the medium shade of the range.
Hazelnut photo 500Hazelnut.jpg

*Almond: the light shade of Hazelnut.
Almond photo 500Almond.jpg

The Wheaten Sliding Scale:
Framed Wheaten Swatch photo FRMWheatenSwatch.jpg

* Oatmeal: the dark shade of Wheaten.
Oatmeal photo 500Oatmeal.jpg

* Wheaten: the medium shade of the range.
Wheaten photo 500Wheaten.jpg

* Biscuit: the light shade of Wheaten.
Biscuit photo 500Biscuit.jpg

The Lemon Sliding Scale:
Framed Lemon Swatch photo FRMLemonSwatch.jpg

* Luteo: the dark shade of Lemon.
Luteo photo 500Luteo.jpg

* Lemon: the medium shade of the range.
Lemon photo 500Lemon.jpg

* Linen: the light shade of Lemon.
Linen photo 500Linen.jpg

I tried very hard to base these colors on their already-existing counterparts and to make them look as natural as I could while providing variation in the balance of reds, oranges, golds, and neutral browns.

If you like what you see here, please consider checking out my genetics thread and supporting it. Thanks for looking!

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Edited on 23/01/15 by Alma (#7695)

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