Posted by Survivors of Lethal Mutations [Suggestion]

Tox (#53023)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 18:43:51
Admin edit - due to content not allowed on Lioden: please don't discuss other web-browsing sim games!

This suggestion has 276 supports and 37 NO supports.

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devot (#53075)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 19:51:58
Also a newbie, but I've got to say that I would be all the way behind giving a small % chance for (some) lethal mutations to survive. When I first saw that mutations were a thing that could happen when breeding I was really excited, but as soon as I saw the lethal mutations I've got to admit my heart plummeted into my stomach like a rock.

Lethal mutations are a fascinating idea, and I'm glad they exist, because it's a cool concept for a virtual pet site that I can't say I've ever seen done before, but there's something about a 100% death sentence while you receive 'monthly updates' on how your mutant cub is getting along that just seems overtly cruel in the grand scheme of things. I'd feel better knowing there was at least SOME chance for one of the little guys to pull through in spite of the odds from time to time (especially considering the very salient point that if a demon lion that is perpetually on fire can exist in-game, who's to say a particularly stalwart mutant couldn't live out a relatively full life).

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Tox (#53023)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 19:58:24
Yeah, I feel the same way. The idea is really amazing, but it kind of sucks knowing your new baby is just going to die from the start. A possibility of survival would be more interesting in the sense that it would make you more invested in the cub; the updates wouldn't just be sad narratives, but rather possible bits of hope that the cub could survive.

I imagine there would be limitations on survivors, though. Some would never be able to hunt, or fight, or become King; and there's always the question of breeding. How would they be kept out of the gene pool unless their deformity affected their reproductive system?

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A Duck Named Gandalf (#35478)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 20:05:04
I love this idea! :3

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Vero (Cinnabar +
brawl) (#37938)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 20:08:33
Supporting. When I first heard about lethal mutants I felt that there should be a chance for them to survive

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Bilby [project go
brrrrr] (#22185)

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Posted on
2015-01-10 20:09:48
Honestly, lethal mutations have such a small appearance rate that, even ignoring the fact that they're lethal for a reason (the animal would not survive in the wild, hell, even eyeless and blind being non-lethal is pushing the realism a little bit ^^"), the low appearance rate coupled with a low survivability would mean that there would need to be adult art created for mutations that quite likely would never even be seen ^^"

It's been suggested before unfortunately ^^"

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Tox (#53023)

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Posted on
2015-01-19 17:25:06
Okay, it's been suggested before. I'm suggesting it again because it's a cool idea and people support it.

See, the thing is, this game is kind of on the border of realism already. You've got your crazy markings and colors, your demon lions, your undead hyena pup decorations... The idea of a mutated lion surviving in the wild is kind of small compared to that, right? I mean, eyeless and blind lions survive into adulthood 100% of the time, as you alluded to. Heck, ALL non-mutated lions survive into adulthood without player intervention, don't they? That's kind of unrealistic too.

Finally, the thing about extra art for things people would never see - that kind of happens already. I mean, my proposal is for art even rarer than the rare mutations, that's very true. And being an artist myself, I understand how hard art can be and I know the artist(s) behind Lioden are already doing a lot as it is. HOWEVER, the argument specifically against creating the art because it will rarely be seen is a bit flawed. Mutated lions, as they are, are very popular on this site - when people actually sell the ones that live, they go for a big number. People hold raffles for them. People LOVE them. So imagine the absolute adoration and fixation there would be on lions that are ridiculously rare and fantastically unique - lions that have survived their disabilities, giving way for roleplay opportunities, inspirational fanart, you name it. Not to mention what devotfeige said, how it might make one feel better to know the mutated babies might survive.

Think about it - instead of being heartbroken when you receive the first message about the mutation, you are hopeful. Each new message, instead of hammering the nail in further, is something to hold your breath over. Will the lion survive? Will it not? Will the effort of keeping it in the pride be worth it? Instead of being a sad waiting game, it would be like spinning a prize wheel and hoping for the rarest prize! Exciting!

Final note - I'm sorry if I sound condescending at all. I respect your argument/criticism and I'm not angry that you disagree with me. I'm just defending my stance.

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Jedders (#52861)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-01-19 20:46:56
Honestly when I found out about mutations and the fact that some are fatal, I was sure there would be a small percentage of survival and I'm shocked there isn't... But I'd also feel bad for the artists of the site... It would be SO cool, though... >.< If they get a break form adding new colors, patterns and manes, though....

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Fenn the
totally-not-Cat (#5269)

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Posted on
2015-01-19 21:41:52
No support, Bilby voiced my concern.

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Tox (#53023)

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Posted on
2015-01-21 15:59:48
I'm not asking that the artists of this site draw in every mutation all at once or anything. That would be super unfair. Just one at a time, like any website update. The artists design adolescent and adult survivors and release them along with new manes and colors. I imagine releasing the original mutations was something like that, considering the preview art for mutations that still haven't been released yet.

I will refer everyone to this thread, which has several preview images for unreleased mutations.

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Jedders (#52861)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-01-22 04:35:14
That's a rather good idea. O.o I hope they'll do it... For some reason I doubt they will, though.

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Tox (#53023)

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Posted on
2015-01-22 14:15:56
It's a pretty hefty suggestion, I'll admit; I'm not banking on it happening, though I hope to get the support to have the admins at least consider it.

I really love that this site lets users have a voice like this, regardless. On any other pet site the best I could do would be to make a thread about "gee wouldn't this be neat?" Lioden is great.

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Virus [Message #275]
-(CCC) (#123)

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Posted on
2015-01-22 14:57:46
It'd be nice, but that's a LOT of art work to be done, notice how the non-lethals are all really simple lineart changes? They're like that for a reason. I would love to see it happen, but I cannot support it's not very realistic(Implementation-wise, not game-play wise/it will take up to much of the admins time, not unrealistic as in pink lions)

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-06-24 15:27:23
Sorry for bumping an old thread but I figure I'd voice my support for this, for whatever reason. I was super bummed when I found out that ALL lethal mutated cubs died. I mean that is really sad and depressing. And a few of them don't make sense as to why it kills the cub. I know the art work would take awhile but that doesn't bother me. I'd be willing/ happy to wait if I knew it might happen eventually. Not to mention the possibilities. Maybe LM survivors could even occasionally get a few events while exploring or hunting... I just think there should be a small survival rate for certain mutations. The cyclo.... Idk the cyclops cat mutation makes sense for 100% death, even though that is the saddest looking thing that'll also creep me out that I've seen in awhile. But most of them should have a tiny survival chance.

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Werewolf! (#92755)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-30 05:18:21
As a newcomer to the site, i'm also incredibly saddened to find that there's no way to 'save' a lethal mutie, since mutie are what i'm dedicating my gameplay to.
However, i'm throwing my support behind this, in hopes that someday little LMs will have have a tiny chance at survival, even if their play/actions are limited.

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then00breturns (#88393)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 03:34:41
there could be a scale of sorts, as well as adverse effects.

-no LM survivors could ever hunt or patrol.
-LM survivors would have a higher chance of dying in late cubhood, adolescence, or adulthood due to complications of sorts. a small chance, like 1-2% of random death once they survived past the normal death.
-LM survivors have lower maximum age, and so are guaranteed to die earlier than normal lionesses.

I think there should be a scale for most to least likely to survive, and to die early. for example:

1. cyclopia: no survival. dies after first rollover after birth 100%.
2. two heads: 1-2% chance of survival past normal death. maximum age: 1 year 11 months
3. conjoined: 2-3% survival past normal death. maximum age: 4 years.
4. extra limbs: 3-4% survival. maximum age: 6 years.
5. sirenomelia: 4-5% survival. maximum age: 10 years.

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