Posted by -ADDED TO THE GAME-Suggestion: Extensive Blocking
Densai (#22807)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-01-17 06:29:59
In some sites I've seen, the have the best rule I've ever seen in a TOS.

Honor a player's request to stop communicating with you.

Meaning, I'm suggesting something like:
-Blocking people stops them from posting on your threads and offering on your trades

In past experience, I've had a lot of trouble with the block feature not reaching out to these sorts of things. I believe that this, ceasing communications with anyone you've blocked, will cause a lot more peace with the community. Suggestions, thoughts, ideas?

I'm quite exhausted at the moment, so I won't be debating things with other players right now, only watching. :3

This suggestion has 297 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/04/15 by Apollatlas (#22807)

EasyPlesi (#23249)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-17 06:36:19

Agreed <3
I've only ever had to block a few people (less than three, lets say), yet they still posted on my threads for a while and tried to discredit me.

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mau | g1 6k frontal
3ros cel (#32469)

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Posted on
2015-01-17 06:36:34
Support, though it shouldn't affect things like suggestion threads, perhaps, due to their nature.

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Africa (#53124)

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Posted on
2015-01-17 06:37:10
I partially agree and support the blocking getting modified.

I do agree they should not be able to PM you, offer on your trades, or buy them out. I also believe they shouldn't be able to buy off your branch as well if you prefer not to deal with them. Perhaps an option when you block to also block the person from buying from you?

The only thing I don't agree with is them not viewing your den or being able to post on your topics. For the dens, it can't really hurt you for them to be able to glance through your lions so seems a lot of work.

For the topics, while I can understand, if it is an open discussion, it seems unfair as they may want to discuss with other participants about the topic. So it seems a little silly to have to make another thread. This is, of course, as long as they are being polite about it. If they're getting on the thread to be rude, that's a different story.

In general though, I do agree with the idea that blocking be a little more effective.

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Firefly (#26503)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-17 06:39:41
Honestly, I've blocked one person, due to them non stop messaging me spam. I support, as I will admit there are plenty of people here I can't stand for reasons, although I do not really block anyone unless they bother me on a more personal level.

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Arbiter (#3487)

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Posted on
2015-01-17 06:56:01
Well, Kima.. For the topics, it's kind of really understandable to block them. They can start things on the thread because the player decided to block them, and that's drama that's always unwanted. If they want to discuss about the topic, then they should just go make another thread, because it's ridiculous to allow them to comment on someone's thread if they're blocked.

In reality, they shouldn't be able to see the thread if they're blocked anyways, so they wouldn't want to comment on it in the first place.

I agree that blocking people should be more effective. I haven't had to block anyone yet, I don't think, but if they did something that's worthy of being blocked by you, then they shouldn't be able to see you at all. No contact whatsoever, no ability to harass someone. Supported.

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Edited on 17/01/15 by Reebuh {TMFEoL} (#3487)

Africa (#53124)

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Posted on
2015-01-17 07:03:34

I can sort of get that, but I don't agree. What if it's a post about a news story they have feelings on? What if it's a suggestion thread?

Again, if they're just making trouble, it would be best to have a moderator deal with it.

However, this is an open forum so it's not really fair to say "I don't like this person so I don't want them to be able to even come near me." It's a bit like saying "I don't like this co-worker so any time I'm in a room, they can't be, even if it's work related." If everyone's being polite, both parties should be able to be "grown up" enough to respect each other.

If there's an issue, I can see reporting it, but it just seems kind of petulant to try and deny them posting on the forums. Perhaps instead an option to have their posts be 'invisible' if you've blocked them?

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EasyPlesi (#23249)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-17 07:44:13

The problem is, Kima, is some people aren't mature. One of three people I've blocked harassed my for a while over an art problem. They made some art for me {that I didn't even end up using} and I paid some GB for it. A while later, she PMs me saying I didn't pay, even when I did. So, I sent her a custom decor of mine worth 7 GB. She left me alone again. Finally, she PM'd me and PM'd me saying I never paid her.

I ended up blocking him/her, but they posted on my threads (now deleted due to it) saying I still hadn't paid. I lost many of my businesses, and I had to start from the ground up. :/

Some people aren't mature, even if this is a 16+ site.

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Toska (#19637)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-17 08:26:17
Support, but would change one thing about the whole topics thing. I suggest blocking them from posting on your threads. So both people could post on the news, but not on their art threads or lion sales.

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~challenge me!~ (#53095)

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Posted on
2015-01-17 10:41:08
I believe you should only be able to block them from certain threads of your own creation. Like Queen Halloween stated someone can post something on your trading threads and ruin them. They can also spam RP threads, ruining them. I suggest that you should be able to block them from threads in the stockpile, art trades, roleplay, and any other personal forums, but your not allowed to block them from things like suggestions or discussion threads as they should be allowed to express their opinion. If the person continues harassment on these threads, you should be able to contact the mods about the player.

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Africa (#53124)

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Posted on
2015-01-17 12:40:52
@Queen Halloween
I get that some aren't, but there are people that are. I'm sure there are plenty of people that petulantly block as well as people who have legitimate reasons to block.

I'm coming more from the grounds that what if you say something someone doesn't like and they immediately go "I'm blocking you" and suddenly you can't post anywhere they have even if their only reason for blocking is a hissy-fit.

Given it's a 16+ site, I think it would be fairer to give the benefit of the doubt because it's not always the person being blocked that's being immature. I'm sure people can block out of childish as well.

That's just my personal opinion though and I can see where you're coming from. I'm sorry you had to deal with someone acting like that though.

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Renarai (#48222)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-01-17 17:35:27
I think that maybe there could be a checkbox when creating a thread giving the option to make it invisible and un-comment-on-able (couldn't think of a word) to people you have blocked. This way general, more public threads cans till be viewable but more personal ones (Sharpen your claws, art, advice) can remain invisible.

Currently the only people I'm thinking about blocking are:
-those who don't pay for art even after I sent them the full version and they agreed on it
-those who spam
-people who are downright rude

I don't want people who don't pay to be able to comment on my art thread (if I open one).
People who are known to cause trouble and end up on my block list shouldn't be able to bring their drama to my threads either.


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Shortstar (#52949)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 02:53:20
I fully support this. This could be a really important tool for people trying to avoid abusers.

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 03:57:06
I have blocked way more than two or three people. Let's say... 15.

Half if not all of them ended up being jerks to me, and in turn get me reported to mods. And spread shit about me that isn't true... And you aren't going to use my art, don't buy it.

My suggestion was if you know you are blocked, you could see like a symbol of some sort like a red dot, or the PM option would be not available. I have to revise that thread, but it saves aggravation and time you spent writing a PM to said people and then you end up blocked.

But I like the idea of blocking jerks from your threads. So I support this. And also if there is a way to NOT see the name of the person you blocked.

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PeachMilk πŸ‘ lil
Low Rider (#8330)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 04:04:01
full on support! if i block you i want nothing to do with you. this even includes buying my lions and or studding to my boys

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ambers. 🍊 (#15417)

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Posted on
2015-01-18 16:03:28
Seems a bit excessive if you ask me. No support.

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