Posted by ~ Luxstruo ~

Emmon (#37702)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-22 08:04:50


These are a closed species, so please don't make your own. You can adopt some here:

BC Suggestions

- Spikes
- Multiple tails
- Ear tufts


Which body characteristic do you like best so far?

1. Overgrown Teeth - 0 votes
2. Ridge- 2 votes
3. Elbow Tufts- 0 votes
4. Feathers- 1 votes
5. Fluff- 0 votes
6. Horns - 0 votes

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Edited on 23/02/17 @ 17:17:39 by Emmon (#37702)

Emmon (#37702)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-22 08:12:44


What do luxstruo's insides look like?

They have no insides, really. They're just more or less solid light from one side to the other. Like chocolate bunnies uvu

How fast are they?

I just imagine them hovering around, but since they're made of light, I gather they'd be able to travel as fast as it. So like REALLY fast.

Can they be killed/stabbed/hurt physically? Do they bleed?

They can't be hurt physically, and they don't bleed. The only way to kill them is to cut off their light supply. Or, if there was such a creepy thing, for another luxstruo to eat them. I don't think taking their light away really causes them pain, mostly they'd feel really worn out. Lots of emotional distress, though, because they'd see themselves steadily shrinking in size.

Can their flames be moved from their head without killing them?

In theory, their flame is their mind, their consciousness. I haven't played around much with the idea of having them send it away to check out stuff. I don't think they would die if it was taken away, but they'd want it back, for sure. And the flame can't be snuffed out voluntarily by anyone but the luxstruo it belongs to.

Can they also speak telepathically, or is it just to share emotions and if they want to actually convey something will have to speak?

They can't speak telepathically. I think to discuss tangible things like places and things they'd have to talk. But they're a lot in the feeling and experiencing sphere of things. They don't have to work hard to find food or shelter, so there aren't a lot of tangible things to talk about.

For example, a luxstruo might want to show another one this tasty light source they found. They could just come up to them and send them this wave of excitement, and the other luxstruo would follow them just to find out why they were so excited. There doesn't necessarily need to be words exchanged.

Can they learn more than one language and use human speech if needed?

They have all of eternity to learn stuff, so yeah. They'd have to be interested, though. A luxstruo who feeds off of man-made light would be more likely to pick up a human language.

Luxtruo Owners

- Raijū (Blue Lightning) - Natural, Triangle, Ridge
- Radium - Unnatural, Bone, Feathers

- Forest - Natural, Shoulder

- Einstein's Cross - Natural, Firefly
- Desert Sun - Natural, Side

- Serenity (Stars) - Natural, Under
- Fall Lake - Natural, Under

- Fireplace - Unnatural, Triangle, Ridge

- Pink Heart - Natural, Scatter
- Memorial - Unnatural, Scatter
- Tokyo - Unnatural, Gut
- Zenith (Neon) - Unnatural, Firefly+Hip, Ridge
- Mountain Stream - Natural, Hip, Ridge

- Stream - Natural, Back+Under
- Helium - Unnatural, Side+Firefly, Elbow Tufts

- Fall Fire - Natural, Scatter

- Tailights - Unnatural, Shoulder+Firefly
- Heart Nebula - Natutal, Heart, Fluff
- Xenon - Unnatural, Back, Overgrown Teeth
- Midnight Snow - Natural, Heart, Fluff

- Lanterns - Unnatural, Heart, Feathers

- San Fran - Unnatural, Gut
- Campfire - Unnatural, Triangle

- Soroseth (Volcano Starlight) - Natural, Firefly, Ridge, Overgrown Teeth, Horns
- Dairage (Embers) - Natural, Firefly, Fluff

- Blue Legend - Natural, Shoulder
- Firefly - Natural, Side+Firefly
- Ice Rink - Unnatural, Scatter
- Chandelier Plant - Natural, Firefly, Chemical X

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Edited on 23/04/17 @ 11:08:48 by Emmon (#37702)

Rowan (#54006)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-22 12:36:51
Theses are one of the most amazing species I've seen here on Lioden, the moment I set my eyes on one I knew I needed to have it.

Suggestion: for those who like roleplays, it might be cool to make a luxstruo rp.

These are just some questions you might want to answer.

1- Will we be able to buy a luxstruo while it is in different stages (child, adolescent, and adult)?
2- Do we have the option to chose a luxstruo to reproduce?
3- Would you ever make customs?
4- Would there be special luxstruos (something like mutations, or different forms)?

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Edited on 22/06/15 by xXFaceTheMusicXx (#54006)

Emmon (#37702)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-22 13:27:04

1- Will we be able to buy a luxstruo while it is in different stages (child, adolescent, and adult)?

I won't be selling them in different stages, since all of them except the adult stage would make them a MYO adoptable.

2- Do we have the option to chose a luxstruo to reproduce?

Not yet. I do plan to make that optional later, though you'd have to buy the offspring design from me. It would be the equivalent of getting a custom, but with the possibility to transmit fancy body characteristics without having to pay more for them.

3- Would you ever make customs?

Yep :)

4- Would there be special luxstruos (something like mutations, or different forms)?

I'll be putting out a batch with different features soon. Y'all can feel free to suggest some things, though. I've got a few drawn up already (Fluffy, Feathers (like on horses), Elbow tufts and Overgrown Teeth). Those will be passed on through parents, when I do the whole reproduction thing.

Since the luxstruo's bodies are made of light, there's a possibility that after a looong existence, they may learn to manipulate it into less natural forms. Imma see about that XD I think they'll keep their general form, though. I'm really into the tall-spindly-floofy-tailed-curly-eared thing XD

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Elenvalta (#17120)

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Posted on
2015-06-22 18:19:47
Do you know how soon you'd be making customs? I would love to get one of my city, lots of lights here haha.

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Emmon (#37702)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-23 01:07:12
@FLying Changes

I'll be putting one up today, actually :) It'll just be a standard luxstruo, though, no fancy body additions.

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Emmon (#37702)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-23 04:00:13

Posted bright spot chart!

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Latona Eichel (#20720)

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Posted on
2015-06-23 04:02:46

I love it! I can't choose which I like!

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Emmon (#37702)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-23 04:02:59
The coding is being uncooperative >:C

Edit: AHA evil code demon has been defeated /hairflip/

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Edited on 23/06/15 by Emmon ~On Hiatus~ (#37702)

Emmon (#37702)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-23 04:04:48

Glad you do XD

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~Panda~ 🐼 (side) (#37420)

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Posted on
2015-06-23 04:14:54
I must has demm allllllll <3 xD
Cant wait for more

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Emmon (#37702)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-23 06:27:59

Some luxstruo with different body features have been added to the adoptables thread, if y'all wanna go take a look. If you have any suggestions for other ones, feel free to post them here :)

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Hawkeye (#55590)

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Posted on
2015-06-23 14:58:56
I'd totally buy one if it maybe had spines or maybe more than one tail?

What about the greedy one's? Do they look the same, or do they look different from the other one's?
And since their creatures that eat light ect... what do their insides look like? SInce being genderless means they don't have any dangly bits ect and they don't eat like normal things where they... you know, don't have to expel waist. SO I was just wondering what their anatomy looks like inside of it looks like anything at all XD. Are they capable of eating other things? Like can they try a hotdog and be able to taste it and digest it?
How fast are they, and can they be killed/stabbed/hurt physically? Do they bleed?
Can their flames be moved from their head and still live? Like can someone capture it to use it for their own gain or something, or will they automatically die if it's messed with?
How do they feel about if their called binary terms, or does that matter at all to them?
Can they also speak telepathically, or is it just to share emotions and if they want to actually convey something will have to speak? Can They learn more than one language and use human speech if needed?

Just added a few(Okay more than a few) questions XD

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Edited on 24/06/15 by Hawkeye (#55590)

Elenvalta (#17120)

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Posted on
2015-06-23 15:30:28
Ooh! Perhaps little tufts on the tips of the ears? I would die for one like that.

And for customs, do the little mutations work for those as well or are customs only the type of light/design?

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Emmon (#37702)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-06-26 00:33:10

I'd totally buy one if it maybe had spines or maybe more than one tail?

I actually thought of the spines and extra tail, but haven't found a way to make that look natural yet XD They're kinda fluffy and stuff. The extra tails have a better chance of happening.

What about the greedy one's? Do they look the same, or do they look different from the other one's?

Greedy Luxstruo would probably just be giant mofos, maybe with some deformities since they eat too fast to properly assimilate the light.

What do their insides look like?

They have no insides, really XD They're just more or less solid light from one side to the other. Like chocolate bunnies uvu

Are they capable of eating other things? Like can they try a hotdog and be able to taste it and digest it?

They may eat the light that bounces off of hotdogs, but, no, they won't eat the hotdog in itself XD

How fast are they, and can they be killed/stabbed/hurt physically? Do they bleed?

Actually, hadn't thought of their speed. I just imagine them hovering around, but since they're made of light, I gather they'd be able to travel as fast as it. So like REALLY fast O_O
They can't be hurt physically, and they don't bleed. The only way to kill them is to cut off their light supply. Or, if there was such a creepy thing, for another luxstruo to eat them ono I don't think taking their light away really causes them pain, mostly they'd feel really worn out. Lots of emotional distress, though, because they'd see themselves steadily shrinking in size.

Can their flames be moved from their head and still live? Like can someone capture it to use it for their own gain or something, or will they automatically die if it's messed with?

Wow, you ask really pertinent questions XD I have no idea /shrug/
In theory, their flame is their mind, their consciousness. I haven't played around much with the idea of having them send it away to check out stuff. I don't think they would die if it was taken away, but they'd want it back, for sure. And the flame can't be snuffed out voluntarily by anyone but the luxstruo it belongs to.

How do they feel about if their called binary terms, or does that matter at all to them?

As explained in the species info, luxstruo don't really talk all that much, and I don't think they have all that much contact with humans. Since they don't have a concept of gender, it's very unlikely that a luxstruo will use binary terms to adress another luxstruo. But, nevertheless, if they were to be refered to with he/she pronouns, I don't think they would care much. It's all the same to them.

Can they also speak telepathically, or is it just to share emotions and if they want to actually convey something will have to speak?

Eeh... I think to discuss tangible things like places and stuff they'd have to talk. But they're a lot in the feeling and experiencing sphere of things. They don't have to work hard to find food or shelter, so there aren't a lot of tangible things to talk about. Like, a luxstruo might want to show another one this tasty light source they found, but they could just show up and send them this wave of excitement, and the other luxstruo would follow them just to find out why they were so excited. There doesn't necessarily need to be words exchanged.

Can They learn more than one language and use human speech if needed?

They have all of eternity to learn stuff, so yeah. They'd have to be interested, though. A luxstruo who feeds off of man-made light would be more likely to pick up a human language.

@Flying Changes

Totally gonna do ear tufts XD

And for customs, do the little mutations work for those as well or are customs only the type of light/design?

I haven't put out the option for the body characteristics on customs yet. It may be available later, though for a price. I'm still figuring stuff out XD Right now, you can choose light source and bright spot pattern :)

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~Panda~ 🐼 (side) (#37420)

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Posted on
2015-06-26 00:56:22
Speaking of man-made light.

Will you be making any that are of man-made light?
And will they look quite different? o.o

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