Posted by ◄Head Shot► ~ Zombie Apocalypse Sign-Ups

Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 02:24:38
No one ever though this could happen. We don't even know why it did, from where it came. A virus? That is what we believe but...who are we to know? We couldn't stop it and now all we can do is survive. However we can, whatever the means.


Welcome to ◄Head Shot►! A zombie-apocalypse role-play. The roleplay starts in the beginning of the outbreak, whatever is causing people to attack each other and sprawl back to life as growling, limping and forever-hungry geeks is spreading quickly and the authorities have completely failed at keeping it in control. You can stay or move, try to help others or take advantage of them, remain on your own or group up with other uninfected but whatever you choose to do the question is: will you survive?

~Player Rules~
All I have to say is that I trust each of you to have good manners and be respectful towards each other. If anyone is looking to bully, bother or simply be part of a senseless fight I beg you refrain from joining this role-play.

~Roleplay Rules~
◆ Semi-literate to literate writing.
◆ Try to be as active as you can.
◆ Have as many characters as you want as long as you keep all of them active.
◆ Be prepared to have your characters hurt, it's all part of the fun :)

OOC Thread
RP Thread

I'd like to give some suggestions about what I would like this role-play to be like:

~This is a surviving roleplay, meaning that living should be really a hard thing to do. That's the fun part!
~This is the type of roleplay which needs dynamic, its mostly a sandbox rp: feel free and encouraged to drive the story wherever you please!
~ Get your characters hurt! Surprise us with their sudden death! Keep whatever future you plan for them a secret and let the others be destroyed by the sudden, surprising death of a character they loved! Let us be EVIL!
~ Don't be afraid to play the bad guys. Robbing, assaulting and kidnapping can be lots of fun too and guess what: in the apocalypse its legal :D (please don't do that at home kids, in RL it is punished by most societies c:)

~ Our zombies are dumb, slow and relentless. Feel free to try to out-walk them.
~ Bit = Game Over, Scratched = Game Over, Accidentally got some blood into your mouth = Nah, you are good. Infection only occurs if its by biting or scratching.
~ Though not everyone is infected, the virus (or whatever it is) easily infects dead bodies so, although dying without being bit or scratched doesn't mean you will turn there is a possibility you might; à la The Walking Dead but with a "surprise respawn" twist.
~ You read the roleplay's title? Yep? Aim for the brains. But you know, spine or knees and they'll only be biting the dirt. Or any poor soul who falls near them.
~ In this roleplay there will be what I call the "Danger Events". This can mean: a zombie herd, a human gang attacking you, a freaking hurricane, anything that puts characters in a VERY serious life-threatening situation and where they risk dying or serious/fatal injury. DE will be announced with slight anticipation just in case you want your characters out of the danger zone.

Danger Events

As it has been briefly explained before, a Danger Event or DE means something will happen that puts the characters under great risks. These can vary:
~ Injury
~ Loss of supplies
~ Get them separated from their groups
~ Ending locked up somewhere
~ Dying

And many more. But,

When can a DE occur?

Danger Events can be involuntarily triggered by the characters actions, plotted out by players (and this plot informed to me so that I give proper warning to other players), purposely provoked by other characters (for example, if a group attacks another) or simply dropped by me for unexplained reasons.

There are many types of DEs

We have:
~ Danger Events: These DEs are the ones you will be seeing most often. It means that something bad is bound to happen in a certain area, meaning it WILL happen. You will be warned when a DE is about to take place.

~ Potential Danger Events: These differ from common Danger Events in the fact that PDEs MIGHT happen. No character can be sure if they are going to happen or not. Areas under PDE threat will be marked, meaning you will be warned when a Potential Danger Event might happen.

~ Z Danger Event: Or how I like to call them, the "run for your life" Danger Event. ZDE are the most dangerous ones as well as the most rare ones. Characters will not know what triggered them nor when they are coming. Players WILL NOT be warned.

One last thing: Go easy on your starting supplies and please consider (though if you want to I may allow it depending on how your character sheet was developed) that very little people know how to wield a freaking katana and that almost no one has a wolverine-claw-like blade thingy around. But again, if I think its explained with enough decency I might allow it :)

For those of you who haven't read: No need to write anything in Other, if you were just going to look for that you can feel free to go on. But, if you haven't read: trust me, I'll know :)

Posting images: (remove asterisks)
<*img src=*link*>
Posting link: (remove asterisks)
<*a href=*link*>*whatever you want to write*<*/a>


Dean Ederwin | Male | 27
Piper Jude Ederwin | Female | 23
Alastair "Celestial" Vance | Male | 24
Cassandra de Barros | Female | 23
Theodore Weaver | Male | 24
Minly Finn | Female | 24
Paige Valentine | Female | 24
William Grey | Male | 24
Bandit Blaze Pheonix Grayson | Male | 26
Micaela Kanze | Female | 18
Samantha Jynx Wolfson | Female | 23
Vasile Cojocaru | Male | 25
Chloe Butler | Female | 11
Charlie Fuentes | Female | 25
Jacob Blake | Male | 12 years, 11 months
Adrian Marcus Reagan | Male | 23
Meahgan Louise Schäfer | Female | 19
Zena Xao | Female | 22
Tabitha Grace Archer | Female | 16
Faustino Kanze | Male | 30
Zakharia Jeylls | Male | 25

And without further ado, character sheet:

◉Full Name:
▹Nickname: (if any)
◉Physical Description: (if you have an image you can just fill the sub-categories. If you don't have an image of your character please describe it and fill the sub-categories)
▹Relevant Features: (tattoos, scars, piercings, anything)
▹Consumables: (food and water)
▹Medical Aid:
▹Significant other:
◉Previous occupation: (what did your character do before the apocalypse?)

Optional fields you can add to your character sheet if you so wish(please place them anywhere you want between Physical Description and Other categories):
◉Pets: (know that pets have a very low chance of surviving. And please avoid wolf-dog hybrids.)
◉Likes & Dislikes:

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Edited on 09/01/16 @ 06:27:58 by Rocheneux (#43822)

Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 02:24:49
◉Full Name: Piper Jude Ederwin
▹Nickname: Almost everyone calls her Piper except for her brother who, on the other hand, can call her anything but Piper. Some of the nicknames he gave her are: Pie, Pips, Pipes, P.J., Peeps, Pipsi and many more.
◉Gender: Female
▹Orientation: Heterosexual
◉Age: Piper is currently 23 years old.
▹Birthday: July 11th
It is not every day that you get to know a girl like Piper. She has a very strong personality, with a dominant attitude and quite a cold demeanor. She is strong, sure of herself and doesn't like beating around the bush. Though she doesn't like interacting with other that much she can be very direct and upfront if she wants to for she is not shy or timid. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty, specially if this is done taking care of herself or the ones she loves. She is naturally untrusting of others and it is very hard to get her to let people know her. Pipes is very intelligent and has a knack for reading people's intentions.
Once she gets used to being around someone and she likes this person she can probe to be much more laid-back and relaxed, even sometimes quite affectionate. She is fiercely loyal and honest and will always speak her mind, even if it means coming out as harsh.
◉Physical Description:
▹Height: Piper stands at 5'6".
▹Weight: She weights 112 pounds.
▹Health: Piper doesn't have any major health issues, she is healthy.
▹Relevant Features: None.
◉Resources: Piper could only get what was at her cabin before being picked up by her brother.
~ Canned goods and soups: enough to last four days if well rationed.
~ Two water bottles.
▹Medical Aid: First Aid Kit (containing: sterile gauze pads, adhesive tape and bandages, band aids, antiseptic solution, calamine, ibuprofen, thermometer, tweezers, sterile needle and thread).
~Smith & Wesson 59
~Hunting Knife
~Baseball bat
~ Ammo: Enough to last a while if she doesn't get in any compromised situation.
~ Backpack
~ Binoculars
~ Sleeping bag
~ Flashlight
Dean Ederwin ~ Older Brother
Joe Ederwin ~ Father, Infected and killed by Dean.
Jude Ederwin neé Davidson ~ Mother, Diseased eight years before apocalypse loosing her fight to cancer.
Ellaine McCarthy ~ Best and only friend, status unknown.
▹Significant other: No one.
◉Previous occupation: Piper was a waitress at a local bar at her town.
~ She is a very good shot.

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Edited on 05/01/16 @ 10:46:09 by Rocheneux (#43822)

Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 02:25:17
◉Full Name: Dean Ederwin
▹Nickname: None really; sometimes his sister calls him names but just to bother him, they are not actually nicknames.
◉Gender: Male
▹Orientation: Heterosexual
◉Age: Dean is currently 27 years old.
▹Birthday: April 18th
Dean is a tough man. He is infinite times more charismatic than his sister and has an ironic, sassy sense of humor. He is intelligent, quick-witted and immensely brave. Though he many times acts like he couldn't care less, Dean is actually quite concerned about others and avoids physical confrontation as long as that is an option. But as said before, he is brave and would go to literally any extents to ensure his sister's safety and his own and no one comes before that. With the people he cares about he is selfless, caring and although not a master of showing affection, he is quite attentive. He has a hot temper and anything involving the things he cares about can set him off in very little time.
◉Physical Description:
▹Height: 6'2"
▹Weight: 180 pounds
▹Health: No major health issues, he is healthy.
▹Relevant Features: He has a couple of scars here and there.
~ Canned goods: Enough to last two days.
~ Two packs of rice.
~ Three gallons of water.
▹Medical Aid: Pain-killers and some basic medications he had in his truck.
~Glock .17
~ Combat knife
~ Hunting Rifle (with scope, silencer and magazine extension)
~ Ammo: He is running a little bit low on ammo for his handgun but has enough to last a while on his rifle.
~ Truck (one wheel replace)
~ Paracord
~ Backpack
~ Tent
~ Sleeping bag
~ Construction and mechanic tools.
Piper Jude Ederwin ~ Little Sister
Joe Ederwin ~ Father, Infected and killed by him.
Jude Ederwin neé Davidson ~ Mother. Died seven years before the outbreak due to cancer.
Dean had a couple of friends but he really doesn't know what was of them after the outbreak.
▹Significant other: No one.
◉Previous occupation: Dean worked with his father at their car repair.
~ He knows how to hunt and used to love learning survival skills, it ended up coming in handy.

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Edited on 05/01/16 @ 10:47:10 by Rocheneux (#43822)

BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 03:27:32
OMG this looks amazing! Definitely cannot resist role playing here, can I reserve a spot for later?

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Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 03:37:44
Of course you can :)

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 05:56:11
◉Full Name: Alastair "Celestial" Vance
▹Nickname: None really, many of the townsfolk like to call him "cowboy" or "rancher".

◉Gender: Male
▹Orientation: Bisexual

◉Age: 24
▹Birthday: May 5th

Alastair can be quite the hot-head, if somebody was wanting to get under his skin it wouldn’t really take too long. Other than that he can be quite the laid-back man and a bit independent, over time after the outbreak, he has usually been forced to live independently which he doesn’t really mind to much about. Even though Alastair is quite the independent person he can be friendly, he won’t hesitate to help others if they are on his good side. Alastair can also be a really sarcastic bastard when he’s feeling up to it, sarcasm is one of his main skills. Though when angered he is a force to not be recon with, he can become very intimidating and malicious if someone or something tries to challenge him or attack him. After the outbreak hit Alastair has became more sheltered and keeps to himself a lot, he isn't the bright eyed and happy man he once was back before the outbreak hit.

◉Physical Description: fc9986e7c1ead86f79ce3d5d717a7071.jpg
You will usually catch Alastair in his usual long-sleeved button up shirt and in a long sleeved or short sleeved t-shirt or even a leather jacket, it really just depends on the weather outside or what he feels like wearing. Though he always wears his “famous” jeans and dark brown cowboy boots and black rancher hat.
▹Height: 6'4
▹Weight: 187 pounds
▹Health: His physical health is fine if you don't count a usual bruise or small scratch. His mental health isn't really the greatest, Alastair has both ADHD and PTSD.
▹Relevant Features: Alastair has one large tattooed wing on his right shoulder blade that crawls up the back of his shoulder and arm, he also has an arrow on the side of his left middle finger. Alastair has a long old scar that meets the end of the wing tattoo in-between his shoulder blades, luckily the wound wasn't to deep to affect anything or kill him, but he sometimes has small aches from the scar. He had gotten that scar from almost getting gored to death by the ranch bull, he slipped and fell into the pasture while they were trying to coax the angered bull into a different pasture to separate him from the females, he did not like that at all and so he went after Alastair.

▹Consumables: He doesn't have much but he picks up what he can scavenge or what he had scavenged from his home.
~ Some canned goods: he has some stored in his backpack and his horses saddle bag.
~ Bottled water: He keeps these again in his backpack and saddle bag.
~ some snacks like granola bars things like that in his back pack.
▹Medical Aid: He has some pain killers and different things of pills and two rolls of bandages stuffed in his back pack and somewhere in one of his horses saddle bags.
~ He keeps a bow and arrow with it's quiver on hand, he has around 10 arrows and he always goes back as much as he can to retrieve as many as possible.
~ He has a hunting rifle he took from his father's bedroom, it has a silencer on but it's running low on ammo.
~ He keeps a nice hunter's knife strapped to his hip.
~ his horses tack such as western bridle, western saddle, saddle blanket, a saddle bag that fits around the horn of the saddle, and a extra blanket for himself that is tied to the back of his saddle.
~ He has a lasso hanging from the saddles horn.
~ A nice large backpack.
~ A matchbox which has about seventy matches left tucked away in his back pack.
~ Some clothing he had rolled and tucked into his back pack.

James Vance-Father-deceased- James was the ranch owner though the old man became infected after the outbreak and Alastair was forced to kill him.
Amanda Vance-Mother-deceased- Amanda died by the infected hands of his father, though thankfully her corpse did not resurrect.
▹Friends: He had a couple friends but after the outbreak he hasn't been able to find them so he assumes that they are dead or infected.
▹Significant other: None

◉Previous occupation: Alastair was a ranch hand and worked for his father to take care of the ranch.
◉Other: His father had taught him how to hunt and survive at a young age, saying how every person needed to know these skills. His favorite to hunt with was with a bow and arrow. He has a thick yet light Norwegian accent which usually gets mistaken for a British accent, his voice is deep yet light and usually said to be present to the ear. Though as a kid and throughout half of his teenage life he was always scolded by his parents whenever he wouldn't address a women or girl by ma'am or a man by sir so of course being raised around a lot of cowboy's and ranchers he has picked up their slang to were he never notices himself slip into that cowboy drawl.
◉Pets: Alastair was able to salvage his horse from his country home, a handsome dapple grey American Quarter horse gelding named Zeus, his mother picked out the horses name. Zeus was Alastair's first specially trained horse, he would work from dusk to dawn training that horse anything, from special commands to just basic keeping the horses head nicely leveled with the spine.

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Edited on 06/01/16 @ 20:41:17 by Fantastic Dorito (#78562)

Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 06:25:24
Great character sheet!! :) Accepted!

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:14:15
Thank you!

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laura. (#36409)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:25:19
res c:

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MaeBae (#8161)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:30:51
Hmm, might join! Bookmarking in case (would be good to get back into RPing, I'm a little rusty, haha!)

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:31:51
God, this is so detailed I love it too much and can't resist the urge to roleplay here!! Reserve me a spot?

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Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:36:31
Sure! Looking forward to reading new character sheets *-* I love them

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:42:22
Same XD

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Scowle (#75418)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:49:40
Application incoming! c:

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BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:57:02
Some many people, so many character forms incoming! I love it! I cannot wait till the RP starts.

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Hellebore~ (#43822)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 10:00:33
Shower me with forms .3.

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