Posted by End of the World RP thread

lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:43:15
A zombie rp! If you want to sign up here's the link~

hate the character not the person!
No god-modding
no killing another without permission!
Fade to black for sex scenes!
Please don't leave anyone behind!
Feel free to curse as much as you want, but please not every other word!

Alright let's begin :)

Character Sheets

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 09:54:02
Charlie Kalin/crossbow/has dog:'vane' (should I bother doing this or should we just wing it?)

Charlie was was sat on the forest floor Throwing a very old and tattered ball for vane, he found it himself and even when you could die the next day he was still willing to play. Vane came back tail wagging but had finally been worn out and lay down with his head resting on her leg. She rubbed his chest and said softly "I'll never understand how you managed to adapt so quickly but I'm glad you did" she looked up at the person who had just made a twig snap ready to be ordered or something else along those lines...

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lolpeaceoutlol (#6100)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-05 10:55:37
(I like when people give character info at the top :D)

~Brianna ~ 19 ~ Mentions: Charlie ~

Brianna walked behind a younger girl and her dog. The girl was just sitting there throwing the ball. She looked young, mid-teens maybe? The world must be tough for a girl like her. Brianna knew she was struggling enough as it was. Brianna gave a slight smile to the girl. "Hello there, I'm Brianna. I mean no harm just passing through." Brianna said calmly. Who knew if this girl was part of a group, she hoped the girl wasn't just out here by herself.

(kind of short. Sorry!)

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 11:08:04
Chalie/15/vane(dog)-(bit neater)

Charlie was quite stunned to see someone else alone and since vane hadn't reacted badly, meaning she didn't look like threat, so she stood up and held out her hand " I'm Charlie out here for a morning stroll in this amazing world" her voice sounded 'quite' sarcastic but she held smile and made sure vane was at her side ready, as expected he was.

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Edited on 05/01/16 @ 18:11:51 by Zanzear (#79048)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 11:08:38
Draco Carnus-20-Bisexual-Interacts with: Brianna, Charlie

Draco dragged the freshly-killed doe into her garage, stringing it up by a chain and letting it hang there as she cleaned her arrow, hanging her bow near the front of the garage and flipping out her hunting knives. She cut into the deer and began to clean it out, dumping everything from the inside of its gut onto the ground for her wolf dog, Kiba, to eat, as he hadn't gotten much nutrition lately due to the lack of food. Neither had Draco, come to think of it. Kiba eagerly began to eat as she began to butcher the deer, taking off its skin. She finished and gave everything she didn't need to Kiba, who eagerly took the extras. Leaving the deer meat in a half-working freezer, she turned away and waited for her dog to finish as she cleaned her knives.

Once he was finished, she stood and grabbed her bow, motioning for him to follow, which he did so. They walked through the woods for a while, looking for another meal. She suddenly heard noises, and raising her bow, began to walk towards them. She could see two figures; scared they were zombies, she was just about to shoot when she realized they were speaking. Her fears resolved, she lowered her bow and shook her head. She didn't like people much, that much was true to be said. She continued to walk, attempting to go around them.

(Haha, I have always been a bit graphic during gorey parts, but if you don't like it just tell me and I will certainly tone them down.)

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 11:15:55
(I find it fine and were aiming to be realistic so... Yah)


Vane suddenly stiffened and bark in the opposite position she was facing. She lifted her crossbow and aimed at usual chest head height as she spun around but relaxed a bit when she saw a person and slightly lowered her weapon when she saw the dog "stay" she ordered vane he stood still but was clearly ready for a fight. As in any important life-or-death situation she shouted "hey!" To the person in the distance.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 11:54:22
Draco Carnus-20-Bisexual-Interacts with: Brianna, Charlie

Draco snorted rather loudly when the younger girl called after her, causing Kiba to bark. She growled and made her way over to the girl, Kiba's hackles raised and the furs on her back quivering as she approached the other dog, her tail and ears up in a dominant, wolf-like way. "What the hell mate, you scared off all the game for miles!" She snapped, her bow dangling from her left hand, still clearly loaded. Kiba snarled and she retorted at her dog with a "Sitte. Opphold." The dig immediately lowered herself to the ground, obeying her master's Norwegian commands to sit and stay still as she dealt with her oppressor.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 12:07:43

She looked down and let her weapon dangle by her side then reached into her Bag which was hung on the tree. She pulled out two things, two treats because she knew vane would get jelous and a small squirrel which was still quite fresh.

"There's a lot her even if it's small a meals a meal and vane especially good at finding it, here have it we ate earlier" for the moment she has forgot about the other stranger.

She looks at the... Dog?.. and sees the red fur and a gentle smile forms on her face "At least you have eaten, you can go a couple days not eating but don't experiment how long you can"
She frowns a bit "Not a good idea" she mumble although life quickly returns to her face "Look sorry, rough day but you haven't killed me so... Thankyou and sorry you can have these" she offers

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Edited on 05/01/16 @ 19:10:53 by Zanzear (#79048)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 12:13:06
Draco Carnus-20-Bisexual-Interacts with: Charlie

Draco turned her head, studying the girl for a few moments before snapping her fingers, allowing her dog to get up and sniff Vane again. "I suppose it's alright. After all, I haven't found anything but the doe I caught this morning for around a week, so I suppose I cant blame you. I just don't like people much." She said, taking the food she had held out and giving some to Kiba, who snatched it up with a snap of her powerfully muscled wolf jaws. "Name's Draco. I don't go by any surnames, so I ain't gonna tell you that one. My bloodlines have all been eradicated and I don't plan to carry them on."

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 12:20:41

Charlie seems quite impassive "I'm Charlie and he's Vane" she says as rubs his head and he sits quite relaxed. She smiles brighter then before " I want to show you trick but it'll take awhile she looks at vane with serious tone says "fetch" and vane seemingly wanders off in a random direction and she turns back to Draco with her eyes going glassy " not many of us like to think we had families" she sits back down against the tree and stretches "well vane may take a while so you can either go hunt deer or we make campfire tell scary stories" midway her voice carried sarcasm but she meant it sort of.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 12:25:01
Draco Carnus-20-Bisexual-Interacts with: Charlie

"A campfire would suffice, I believe. Kiba's temperature is lowering a bit." She commented as she touched her dog's sides. "Besides, she can hunt for me." She turned to Kiba and pointed to the forest, rubbing her ears. "Finn hjort, Kiba." She ordered, and Kiba took off into the woods, her nose to the ground. "So, what is someone young like you doing out here all alone?" She asked, as the girl was clearly at least five years younger than her. She climbed a little up a tree and began to shear branches off, trying to get wood for a fire.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 12:34:57

She confused that Draco had actually agreed to a campfire but then felt her heart sink a little "my dad was work when this shit started and I had kill my mom, no matter what excuse I use in the end the truth is I killed because she was useless.... Because she want able to adapt to the fucking end" she felt her anger rise but knew she couldn't let her self breakdown taking a few breaths she continued "I'm here because of the physcos" she lazily pointed into the opposite way Draco had came. "Before this happened they was somehow ready for this, the members of the group either owned gun shops or were in the military so I'm staying here till they kill each other" she felt better now and her rage had fully subsided "so let's see who dog brings back the biggest prey"

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 12:40:07
Draco Carnus-20-Bisexual-Interacts with: Charlie

"Yes, I can relate to that. My mother and father became infected shortly after it started. Needless to say, I miss them very much. Especially since I was the one to kill them both. To keep them from hurting others." She sighed and jumped down from the tree, stacking the wood to make a fire and using the flint rocks she had in her tool belt to start a fire with the sparks from them. She smiled at Charlie's challenge. "Alright, but I'm warning you; Kiba's part wolf, and she's damn good at taking down a fully grown female elk."

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Minist [Rarely On] (#7400)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-05 12:41:38
Minnly Finn :: Female :: Scythe (currant weapon) :: Open for interaction
She help the long stick she trudged though the streets. People had just started moving back in after the walkers left to find food else were. The short blade was stuck to the end of her Scythe. It was a truly unique weapon to use. Soon faint voices drifted into her ears. She moved closer. Slithering though the empty streets with ease. She stopped once the outline of three people became clear. She watched them with interest. They had a dog, it would surely sniff her out. After all, she smelled like walker.

(Sorry, im just use to the term walker not zombie. I'll put James in soon)

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 12:44:37

"Part wolf" Charlie mumbled out loud she looked at Draco "hmm makes sense about hi-hers opinion" her brain searched for some kind of joke "if she can take down a elk then what do you do?" She smiled to make sure she knew it was a joke but now she was curious and no longer this person in any way

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-05 12:54:42
Draco Carnus-20-Bisexual-Interacts with: Charlie

"Well who else is gonna cut out their guts and cook em'?" she joked, smiling. Suddenly, she could hear barking, and her huge hundred-pound wolf mix burst from the woods, her hackles high. She was staring at the road, her eyes gleaming with malice. Draco stood, pulling out an arrow and loading it. "Only one thing stops her from hunting; zombies." She growled, standing up. "Vis meg, Kiba." She commanded, following the dog as she obeyed the command and began to walk towards the road, her hackles up. She burst from the trees and stopped in front of the new girl, snarling loudly and slobbering great, thick tendrils of saliva as they dripped down her chin. She began to circle the girl, cutting all escape routes off as Draco raised her bow. "State your business. I don't appreciate strangers so close to my home." One other person is enough.

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