Posted by Toedendra Honden (Roleplay Page)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2016-02-03 16:29:48
I'll go ahead and start.

Spartan | Male | 6 years | Tibetan Mastiff | No pack | Mentions - None

Spartan climbed up and out of the snow, shaking out his white coat from the snow, not that it makes that much of a difference. The wind was blowing harder than usual today, and his fur constantly got in his face. He wasn't as cold as he was annoyed with how much fur he had. But he will never get a trim because his Master is gone and all traces of the humans are gone. He hasn't even met another dog for a while now. The large dog sighed and began to trudge through the snow. He didn't know where he came from since the blizzard covered up his tracks while he was sleeping, but presumed he was going a different way.

He stuck his nose up in the air to scent for anything that could be of use to him. But alas, he found nothing but, snow. He hadn't eaten since two days ago after he found a rotting carcass of a caribou, probably taken down by a group of dogs or something. He got a little nibble out of it, but nothing to satisfy his hunger.


Carter | Female | 2 years | Alaskan Malamute | Frozen Tundra Pack | Mentions - None

The female emerged from the snow where the pack had decided to sleep in for the night. Under the snow was insulated and supplied some warmth. Most dens were covered up by mounds of snow, and the only good dens were up in the mountains, probably taken by wolves who managed to survive the blizzard like they had. Carter glanced around, waiting for her other packmates to pop up to. She looked up to the sky to see what time it was, but it was all white. The sun was nowhere to be seen.

She huffed before bounding around in the snow, a little farther away since she didn't want to accidentally jump on top of one of her pack mates while they were still covered with the white sheet. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth. She ignored the fact that she was hungry, cold, and still tired and tried to at least look like she had faith left. That they would survive the blizzard.

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KenjiSnow (#57926)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-04 13:30:13
Larkin | Female | Leonberger | No pack ( yet? ) | Location: General Woods/Area | Mentions: ( Perhaps Spartan? )

Larkin had scented a pack of dogs moving through the temporary territory she'd established for herself for the next fortnight. She moved to follow the prey, if there ever was any. It was rare to get a treat, but burrowing animals were becoming more frequent now that the snow was lessening now and again. Scavenges were always a good option; sometimes she could nab a bird of prey or another scavenger.

The large canine's thick fur was covered in snow, but it was free of clumps, matting, tangles, and knots for the most part. Taking care of one's self was of utmost importance in this situation, and she didn't feel like wasting energy. Patrolling, however, was a must in this situation. Expending a bit more energy in order to ensure her own safety wouldn't be too much trouble. Larkin kept herself low to the ground as she set out to patrol the small borders she'd set. The whips of the wind didn't help her, but the small scratches she'd left on the smaller trees here and there allowed her to navigate. A figure a ways ahead shifted and alerted her to its location. What was that?

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Elephabulous (#13952)

Badland Strider
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Posted on
2016-02-05 03:09:54
Livius| Male | Young Adult | Shiba Inu | Frozen Tundra Pack | Mentions: Carter? Any other pack members?

The shiba would have been in the process of poking his head through the snow when the female was bounding her way toward a different expanse of the snow that didn't currently contain their sleeping packmates; he hated sleeping that way, it was so claustrophobic, but warmth won out over fear most nights. Livius would pull the rest of himself out of his little snow den and frown at the sight of well, white, though he figured he should probably be used to that by now as he briefly shook out his fur and stretched with a small yawn. He would then follow Carter's lead to the area away from the others who still had yet to wake, figuring they were all going to regroup like they often did before traveling again. Maybe they would actually get some food for once, his stomach always felt in knots anymore. Plus it was a lot easier for him to hop through the snow in the path that Carter had already made, since she was larger than him, and he didn't always move too well in the blizzard.

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Abysmal (#83115)

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Posted on
2016-02-05 05:02:32
Cicero | Male | Four years & six moons | Akita | Frozen Tundra Pack | Mentions: Open to anyone|

The male poked his head out of the small, snow-covered enclosure he had slept in through the frigid night. He blinked twice, his eyes still drowsy from poor sleep. But he suppressed his sleepiness, wanting to take a stroll to fully wake his mind and exercise his muscles. He hauled his weight onto his legs and crept outside of the den, gaping his mouth in a loud yawn and stretching his forelegs and hind legs. Glistening snow fell from the bright sky, coating the surface with more and more layers. The snow hugged his wet nose as it descended from the clouds, heartbeats later it melted into liquid nothingness. The canine flicked his tail, and padded towards a massive rock that was encompassed by snow.

Leaping on top of it, he flicked his tail around his paws. Cicero set his deep dark brown eyes on the barren landscape, observing the plains, mountains, and distant shapes of pines the male could see in the far distance. The feeling that welled inside him when looking at the beautiful surroundings was almost overwhelming, for a moment he forgot he was brought up by humans. However his tranquil mood was abruptly interrupted by hunger pangs. His last meal had only been a meager rabbit. But he did his best to expel those growls in his stomach, and instead keep his focus on the gorgeous landscape.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-05 05:47:45
Apache||Female||2 years, 6 months||Siberian Husky||Frozen Tundra Pack
--Mentions: Livius

A black and white head appeared from under a pile of snow, icy blue eyes scanned around the area. It appeared other pack members were already up, so the eager young female squirmed herself out from her snow den. Once out of the snow she shook out her pelt, causing a mini snow flurry around her. Her curled tail began to sway from side to side at the excitement about what the new day may hold. As a feather blow across her path she went after it, chasing the ever illusive item. Soon a gust of wind came along and blew the feather up too far for her to follow more, so she stopped and turned back around.

Scanning the members of the pack she picked out Livius, after all the male was similar in age to her so often had the energy to entertain her. "Hey Livius, you up to anything? I'm bored and could do with someone to play with" she had now trotted over to the male. Flopping down to the ground she rolled onto her back, paws in the air and pawing at the air above her. Turning her head she stared at the Akita, her eyes shining with her youth and excitement . Her back got a little cold, so she rolled back onto her belly and began to commando crawl forwards. She was hoping to provoke him into playing, of maybe even someone else would join in.

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Elephabulous (#13952)

Badland Strider
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Posted on
2016-02-05 06:18:48
Livius| Male | Young Adult | Shiba Inu | Frozen Tundra Pack | Mentions: Carter & Cicero | Interacts with: Apache

"I'm up to being cold. And hungry." Livius would have been sitting near Carter when the other female approached, watching Cicero wake and go off on his own like he usually did. His attention went to Apache as soon as she spoke though, having noticed her trotting about as well after poking out of the snow like the others, replying with a bit of a bitter note in his tone. He didn't really think this was the time to be playing, their Alphas would surely be joining them soon, and he had also just woken up. It was hard to tell the time of day but it felt like morning, which he really wasn't a fan of. He'd watch the husky roll around, not really amused at first, though as she continued and began crawling at him he couldn't help but wag his tail. Playing did sound fun as he thought more about it; everyone was usually was so caught up in walking and hunting in the cold that they didn't get to just goof around very often. Oh what the heck, why not? Livi gave a playful bark (maybe everyone would get their butts up and moving faster that way) before dropping into a bow and pouncing toward her, stopping just short before immediately hopping back away.

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Edited on 05/02/16 @ 13:24:37 by Firelilly (#13952)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-05 11:08:19
Aaliyah (Storm) | Beta | Tundra pack | Mentions: Shasta, open to anyone. |

Storm's eyes blinked open at the sound of Livius's bark. Lifting her head off her paws she saw that many of the dogs had already woken. She struggled to her feet and gave herself a hard shake to remove the snow that had clumped on her pelt overnight. She turned to see that her brother, Shasta, was still fast asleep and covered in snow. She leaned down to lick his head and wake him, because she knew if she didnt, he would stay asleep all day

Shasta | Member | Tundra pack | Mentions: Storm, Livius, Apache, open to anyone. |

Shasta woke to the feeling of a soft tongue on his forehead. Looking up he saw that Storm had just awoken and figured she would drag him with her. He turned to see Livius letting out a playful bark. rising to his paws, Shasta gave a grateful nod to Storm "cold Morning, huh" He said passing her. He trotted pass Livi and Apache, giving them a friendly yip of greeting. Passing by he continued on his way, out of the camp and into the world of snow. He picked up a slow run and let his long, bushy, fur flow in the wind. The snow soothed him and made him feel like he was at home. Closing his eyes he enjoyed his lop, His tongue lolled out of his mouth and made him feel like a pup again, running with Storm across a frozen lake, wondering if he was being followed, but then again probably not.

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Edited on 05/02/16 @ 18:18:13 by For never, forever (#61889)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 13:22:22

Sampson | Male | 4 1/2 years | Caucasian Ovcharka Shepherd | Frozen Tundra Pack | Mentions: Pack in General / Open for Interaction

Suddenly, about at the early time that everyone else popped up (before Livi's bark), a large being burst up from under the snow, the white substance that had previously covered him spraying everywhere. His action was a rather surprising thing, -since he was the largest dog in the pack maybe even the largest that the pack had ever seen- so, it would most likely surprise any dogs near, as should be expected. After he had jumped out from under his sleeping place, the Shepherd extended his paws forward in a stretch as his large jaws gaped open in a yawn. Blinking his still slightly sleepy eyes, he looked around, beginning to observe what was going on in the pack during the fine morning.

Shaking his head, the 'beast-like' dog was able to clear the remaining drowsiness from his body, which had been gained from the poor sleep he, and many others, had probably had. Samson gazed around, looking for their Alpha, but alas, she was no where to be found. Looking around once more, his eyes searched for someone that he could ask about the whereabouts of their leader, but all of them seemed to be doing something. Frowning, the Shepherd plopped down on his hindquarters, waiting for something to happen, or for their Alpha to pop up from somewhere.

Skylar (Sky) | Female | 4 years | Siberian Husky | No Pack | Mentions: Spartan perhaps? (if that's alright) / Open for interaction

A few moments after the sun rose slightly, the feminine head of the husky slowly lifted up from under the blanket of snow, the snow that had been resting on her head sliding off, leaving only the smallest of clumps left on it. Other than this, the female's whole body was completely covered and hidden, as it was a light color. Her name did fit her. Gaping her jaws open in a yawn, Skylar slowly began to rise from the snow, shaking her body after doing so, shaking off the snow that had acted like a blanket. Once she had gotten as much snow off her body as she could, the husky moved forward a few steps, eyes narrowed as she looked around, the wind blowing at her face rather violently. Being a rather light and graceful female, it was quite hard for her to hold herself upright on the ground, since the cold winds seemed stronger than they usually were. Still narrowing her eyes at the stinging air, the rather graceful husky began to move forward as hard as she could against the wind, her continually stinging nose sniffing the air for any hopes or signs of food or prey.

As the wind began 'calming' down (not blowing as hard) she began to see clearer. Just as Sky's sight began clearing slightly, her blue eyes immediately saw a figure in the distance, the slightly near distance. It was a rather massive creature with a great amount of fur- so much fur that she might have even thought it was a polar bear had she been farther. Looking even 'harder', the husky realized it was indeed a dog, not a bear- as she had thought. She figured it was a mastiff of some sorts, but she knew she could be wrong, having considering her sight [at the moment] and distance. Cocking her head slightly, the rather graceful female began moving forward, as best she could, towards the thing. Usually, considering her history, Sky was not one to want to go near other dogs, but at the time she had reasons for wanting some sort of 'friend'. For one, she was starving, and this massive canine looked like it could handle and carry out a hunt quite well. Also, it was very, very massive- as mentioned many times- and she needed some sort of protection from the wind. Again, having a 'travel-partner' might not work, but maybe the canine ahead would help her and then leave, or maybe it would suggest the partnership, or something. Maybe it could work.

Ooc: Sorry this took SO long again, and it is probably the worst entry post, if not the worst post, ever...! D: . I promise in the near future they won't take as long, and maybe they'll be more well-written, just the past few days have been... confusing... xD Again, sorry. :D

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Edited on 29/02/16 @ 14:03:34 by Christicat15 (#54511)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-08 22:38:25
Apache||Female||2 years, 6 months||Siberian Husky||Frozen Tundra Pack
--Mentions: Livius

Just as her hope for any form of play was beginning to dwindle she watched Livius, his body language began to change. With his bark her rear end went into the air, changing her position into a play bow and mimicking his. She barked back, a very obviously playful tone in her bark as her tail swayed from side to side. Feeling the tip of her tail brush her back it began to speed up, glad she actually managed to get someone to enjoy some free time. As he pounced forwards and then went backwards she pounced forwards, before beginning to scuttle around him. Suddenly she stood up on all fours and leapt onto him, hoping to knock him into the snow before she took off running about. Once the young she-dog was in a playful mood she could spend forever just wasting time, after all she was still only a very young dog.

(Sorry this sucks xD)

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 23:01:24
Nikita || Female || 4 Years || Great Pyrenees/Wolf Mix ||
Frozen Tundra Pack, Alpha || Mentions: Everyone in her pack

Nikita shoved herself out of the snow-hole she had dug hours before, heaving her still sleepy body out of the white substance. Her pelt blended in slightly, allowing her a few moments to lay there in the snow before resuming the fight against the snow. She yawned loudly as she fully emerged from it, shaking her pelt and sending snow flying. She smiled softly as she spotted some of her pack members, and settled her eyes on a few nearby that seemed to be playfighting. She hadn't done anything like that in quite a while; perhaps it was time to seek out a partner to play with. Standing up, she trotted into the middle of the ring circle of her packmates, stopping to scratch her left ear with her hind legs. The sun was blinding; she was forced to avert her eyes. As she did so, she spotted a familiar, hulking shape nearby. "Sampson!" She called out playfully. "Fine morning, huh?" She laughed sarcastically, curling her lip slightly as more flakes of snow began to fall down onto her snout.

(I'm on mobile, so sorry if there were any spelling mistakes!)

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 06:01:58 by Calla N.<<Legolas's Girl (#76766)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-02-12 16:43:56

Sampson | Male | 4 1/2 years | Caucasian Ovcharka Shepherd | Frozen Tundra Pack | Mentions: Sampson / Open for Interaction

Sampson had continued to sit in the middle of the temporary 'camp', brown gaze observing what was going on around. Apache was playing with Livius, who had emitted a bark that woke a few of the others, finally. Cicero was off away somewhere. A pretty normal morning, well other than some of the dogs... playing. Yes, that was unusual- to the shepherd at least. As a result from his rather discouraging past, the Russian dog was rather serious and stoic, not the most fun canine in the pack, that was for sure. Yet, there were still a few things, dogs, that managed to make him happy. Okay, maybe not a few, there was only one or two and, for some reason, he could only think of one. Nikita. Yes, the quite beautiful Alpha of the pack. It wasn't just because of the slight crush he had on her, it was really because the she was his only 'friend' in the pack. The only one he could play and actually have fun with.

As if on cue, a familiar voice was heard behind him and he had recognized the smell. Quickly, being rather excited now, Sampson looked over his shoulder and, once he saw her bounding over, he stood up and turned around, facing her as she stood in front of him. Almost immediately, there was a bright spark in the usually cold and reserved eyes. Realizing he had been wagging his tail, he put on a rather embarrassed expression and tried to still it, succeeding, but only barely. He smirked, "Yes, a fine morning indeed." he said with a small smile- a bear-like one as he had the quite 'bear-like' appearance. Looking up, he observed the sky for a moment; despite the white all around, the sun had somehow managed to shine through the snowfall. Looking back down at the quite smaller female, only a moment after he had looked up, he smiled again. As a playful spark flashed in his brown eyes, his tail began wagging and his body got into a more loose position. Sampson was eager to play- for once.

Ooc: I have a rule for myself to wait for more people to post before posting (so I can avoid 1x1's), but no one posted for at least a day or two, so I posted in an attempt to get it back up...

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-14 14:40:08
Aaliyah (Storm) | female | Beta | Tundra pack | Mentions: Nikita, Sampson |

Storm watched as Shasta thanked her and trotted off and out of camp. She knew where he was going. Out exploring again, She thought. She turned to see that more of the pack was beginning to rise, and the day was soon to start for all of them. Seeing the alpha female, Nikita, she trotted over and addressed her and Sampson with a polite dip of her head. "Should i organize a party?" She asked "The prey is scarce in this weather, and i can hear bellies rumbling from here." Storm was mostly referring to her own, she hadn't eaten much the day before. She looked at her superior with respect and reason, though she wasn't ever sure how to act around alphas, she had always been a bit shy around many other dogs.

Shasta |male | Member | Tundra pack | Mentions: open to anyone. |

Shasta slowed to a halt once he reached a bit of high-slopping snow. He sniffed the ground quickly, almost without reason, before trotting up the fluffy hill. His paws sank deep into the snow and up to his belly. Letting out a quiet but playful yip he lunged in further into the snow before jumping back out from the once-beautiful hill. Shaking his shaggy fur clear of clumped snow, Shasta saw that the hill was now just a pile of destroyed snow, scattered all over the ground, and not really a hill at all anymore. He gave a happy smile before suddenly becoming much more serious and alert. He picked up the faint scent of a large mammal, he couldn't make out what type it was, but he was sure it was edible. He quietly put one paw in front of the other, trying not to make a sound, and went in the opposite direction of the scent. He wanted to catch it of guard, but not alone. A dog could be helpless trying to talk down a hoofed-mammal alone, and there was a very good chance of injury as well. Shasta slunk through the snow and back in the direction of his pack-mates. He knew that they would be thrilled to hear the news of near-prey, but shasta wasn't sure if they would send a party right away. I guess ill find out, He thought as he became padded to the camp site.

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For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-02-18 10:28:13
((Nuuuhhh , don't die! D= ))

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