Posted by Island in the Mist - Pokémon RP

Kamaria (#73186)

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2016-02-09 18:09:57
The Myth...
Legend tells of an island, far beyond the reaches of any human, where Pokémon live wild and free. There are vast rivers, towering forests, and a mountain that reaches into the clouds. There is a place for every type of Pokémon! But, this doesn't mean life is easy. The weak fall prey to the strong, packs of thug Pokémon roam the lands, and an all-encompassing mystery hovers over the heads of every Pokémon; How did they get there? What force brought them to the shores of this feral paradise, and why can't they leave? Perhaps the answers lie at the very top of the mountain, a place made invisible by a shroud of mist that gets thicker the higher you climb...

You awake to find yourself on this island of lore, with no memory of how you got here, only that something horrid had happened just before you blacked out. On each side of you, the beach stretches on forever. Ahead, a thick copse of trees greet your eyes. And far, far into the distance, a massive mountain stretches into the clouds, so high that the top is hidden from view. A river winds through the forest, connecting the ocean to a large lake at the base of the mountain, surrounded by a huge open field. Dotting the mountain are a number of caves, with one massive one right beside the lake. To the west the land turns to snow and ice, and to the east, a desert dotted with lava pools and hot springs surrounded by flat stones. Clearly, there is a place for every Pokémon! So where will you go?

Da Rules
1. No GodModding! Follow the rules of combat for Pokémon!
2. You must be active! Every day would be best, but I understand that life sucks, so every other day is fine. If you are going to be gone/unable to post for a while, please PM me in advance.
3. Grammar! Use it! No text speak, no 1337, and keep your mistakes to a minimum. Please. And if you need to speak OOC, use ((parenthesis)) or [[brackets]].
4. Each post must be at least 4 sentences. If you need to fluff that text to meet the minimum, do it!
5. No fighting OOC! Pokémon is supposed to be fun. Let's be adult about things when we're RPing fictional magic animals.

Anyone who breaks these rules will be given warnings. Three of them, and you're gone.
Kamaria~ Victoria (Meowth); Swipe (Sneasel); Poacher (Zangoose); Bathory (Gardevoir)
MoscoMoon~ Tacota (Growlithe); Max (Riolu); Raiden (*Eevee*); Sonet (Pidgeotto); Diablo (Houndour)
Valkyrie~ Trick (Murkrow); Gracidea (Deerling); Martin (*Vibrava*)
Sora_Keyblader~ Abigail (Riolu); Axel (Typhlosion)
Rin~ Florence (Furfrou); Roman (*Charizard*)
Crow~ Little Spark (Plusle)
Snape's Curse~ Keeda (Growlithe); Levi (*Umbreon*); Gaara (Rapidash)
LunarSkies~ Quicksilver (*Ponyta*) Kurama (Ninetales); Sunny (Roselia); Twitch (Vibrava)
Wanna join? HERE is the sign-up thread!

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 11/02/16 @ 12:32:42 by Kamaria (#73186)

MoscoMoon (#78788)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-10 05:50:57

Darkness. That was the last thing he remembered... pain... why was there so much of it? The world could be so cruel. In his haziness he could feel the snow encasing him, until he passed out and awoke to a warm crackling fire in the heart of his soon to be home. However here there was no warmth, a breeze blew through the mane on his head as he finally begun to open his eyes... sand. His paws grasped at it... why was there so much pain? In a second a wave broke the shore and gently washed over the lower half of his body. Water. That's what was hurting him. He struggled with his forelimbs hauling himself further up the beach, inch by agonizing inch, until he collapsed a safe distance away from the waters reach. He struggled with his muzzle, trying to look around.
'Max?' He called softly, 'Raiden? Sonet? Where are you?' He turned his head this way and that but could see nothing except a long stretch of sandy beach and directly ahead of him a giant forest of green loomed towards him. It would be safer for a fire pokemon inside the shelter of the trees than laying sprawled out on the beach but... he needed to find his friends and to do that he needed to stay in obvious sight. What if they weren't here? What if they didn't make it? He could barely remember what happened to him... a horrible explosion on the ship and panic. Lots and lots of panic. Then nothing.
/I have to find my friends./ He thought to himself as he lowered his muzzle back down into his paws, drawing his hind limbs up and in closer to his body to try and warm them up. /However I am too weak to move just now./ Tacota lifted his shaky muzzle and let out a howl, as loud as he could manage in his current state calling for anyone near by who may hear him.

((I'll be introducing my characters a few at a time ^^ Don't want a massive post to begin with!))

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 06:00:52
Little Spark//Plusle//Male//Lv. 30

The sun shined on Little Spark's face, grumbling he rolled over the sand to try and sleep a little more. Freezing, Little Spark touched the ground 'Yep, it's sand... And those are waves sound, along with the salt scent... I live in a forest, the closest beach is miles away...' Opening his eyes he looked around and found himself at lost of words. He was in a beach, with glistering white sand and deep blue waves crashing onto it. In front of him, giant towering trees formed a dense forest, with a great number of greens dancing with the wind. Farther ahead he could see a ginormous mountain, the peak hidden by a dense mist. 'What? How?... What happened last night? How did I get here?'
Sitting up Little Spark tried to remember what had he been doing before waking up. 'A storm?... Yes, a great storm! I got thrown towards a tree by the wind, then a... a flash? A flash and then... then... I can't remember. Trying not to panic when he realized that he had no recognition of getting into the island, Little Spark shook himself and decided to find signals of life. ' That's a plan, not the best or even a good one but a plan'

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 06:14:56
Poacher huddled in the small, cramped tree den he had found, while Bathory took to using her Psychic powers to build a shelter for them both. He had offered to help, but she had refused to let him, insisting that it would be easier if she did it herself. He tapped his foot. Then wriggled his tail. His ears twitched about anxiously. True, he could just take a nap and let her do her thing, but this new environment was making him nervous. "I'm gonna look for food." He declared, exiting the tree and darting off into the trees. A sound had reached his delicate ears, a howl, and the sound was so mournful he just had to check it. So unlike him, to be so on edge, but the last thing he remembered was falling into a freaking volcano, so he supposed there was cause for anxiety in this case. Seeing a break in the trees, he called out softly. "Hello? Is anyone out here?" He held onto his tail, taking comfort in the silky scarf wrapped around it.

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MoscoMoon (#78788)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-10 06:21:56

As he rested Tacota was aware of nothing but the noise of the waves, with each passing hour though he could feel his body grow stronger. There was still not enough strength to look for his friends but enough to push himself up into a sitting position and study the line of the trees in front of him. His auds twitched this way and that, trying to strain for the sounds of his friends or any other living thing. Then he heard something, the gentle patter of paw falls on verdure in the woodland. His muzzle turned in the direction the noise had come from and he gazed intently into the trees, narrowing his eyes, straining them to see. Then he heard a voice call out to him... He could tell it was the voice of a pokemon and not a human because it was not human speak. 'Hello!' He barked back, happy to hear another voice, 'hello, my name is Tacota! I got lost and I don't know where I am, can you help me?' He asked, hoping that whoever had asked had benevolent intent.

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 06:50:31
Poacher spotted the orange dot in the sand, and rushed forward at a blinding speed. "Oh, you're a fire type! Come with me, you shouldn't be near the water!" The Zangoose offered a clawed hand to the Growlithe. "Can you walk? I can carry you if you need. And... I don't really know where we are." He looked a bit sad as he spoke. He wished he could tell the other 'mon where they were, but he had no clue himself. "Oh! And I'm Poacher. Nice to meet you."

A shades wearing Sneasel strutted through the forest, arms full of berries. He was headed for a stolen Zigzagoon burrow, where he had made his home after washing up on the island paradise. He had made himself right at home here, feeling perfectly content to have his own space, his own den, and his own life. Well, nearly his own. Ducking into the burrow, he set the berries down in a heap around his most prized possession. A beautiful cerulean egg, with a cream spot and silver stripes. It was the most lovely thing he had ever seen, and to think some careless mother had just left the poor thing out in the snow on the other side of the mountain. Judging by the color, he guessed it was an ice type, but even ice types needed warmth and safety before they hatched. He rested his elbow on the thick shell, giving it a tentative tap. "Hey there, Huey. How ya doin' in there? All good?" He had taken to calling the egg Huey, because of the lovely blue hue of the shell. Maybe it was a water type? But then, why was it near the snow fields? Nope, had to be ice...

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 06:55:42
Little Spark//Plusle//Male//Lv. 30

Little Spark was about to move towards the forest when he heard a howl. More specific a Growlithe howl, flinching Little Spark looked at the direction the howl came from with trepidation. 'W-well you wanted signals of life...Be-besides n-not every Growlithe is mean, right? R-right!' Biting his lip, he decide that he would check out what was wrong with the Growlithe 'I will run if he tries something Trembling a little he started to walk in the direction of the howl, pausing every few minutes to put together his courage. Finally he manage to see the Growlithe and a Zangoose ,shaking he approached them.

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 13:56:47 by Crow(Kenow)-G.D.S.S (#67822)

MoscoMoon (#78788)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-10 07:09:38

Flinching at the speed in which the figure approached him he blinked at it, he wasn't actually sure what kind of pokemon this was because he had never seen one before, never the less the unusual white fluffy thing offered a clawed pay to help him up, so how evil could he be? Lifting his own paw up he placed it into Poachers and allowed himself to be hauled to his paws. 'Thanks Poacher,' Tacota said as he glanced back at the water behind him. 'I can walk as long as we go slow, nearly drowning for a fire type isn't good.' His eyes flickered back to Poachers before his ears picked up the noises of more delicate paws on the sand. He turned hoping to see one of his friends, but instead it was another stranger. He could tell by the body language this one was more timid and so to try and help he offered it a grin. It looked like a Pikachu but it wasn't it had red markings on it and its tail was different. /Oh a plusle!/ Tacota remembered seeing one on tv having a double battle with a minum. He glanced back to Poacher before speaking, 'hello there, my name is Tacota, tell me do you know where we are? Also have either of you seen a Riolu, Pidgeotto or Eevee around?'

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Snape's Curse (#6538)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-10 07:10:35

Urg.... Finally the world has stopped moving! Was the first thought flashing through Keeda's mind as she attempted to hold back her nauseousness, materializing outside her pokeball for the first time in hours. Almost collapsing under her own body weight, she recover enough to briefly observe the unfamiliar landscape and was stunned to find herself located on a beach of all places with the soft white sand already slipping between her toes. Umm.. where exactly are we? She contemplated silently, emerald eyes fickering between the glistening water and dense green forest for anything recongnizable. Finding nothing she turned her attention to the plain brown belt on the shoreline that thankfully still craddled her friends pokeballs, though from the looks of it they would not be needing them again any time soon. Practically crawling over to her comrades, she gently tapped her nose on the buttons and watched Levi emerge first, then Gaara. Both pokemon looked just as shaken as she felt but they were quick to gather their wits and assess the situation. Flinging herself at Levi, no words were exchanged as she silently took comfort in their presence, Gaara gently nuzzling her neck and Levi licking her cheek. Opening her mouth to inquire if they were okay, she was inturrupted by the familiar howl of another growlithe, causing the three of them to perk their ears in attention.

"Do you think I should respond?" She questioned her companions quitely after a few moments passed and no other howl came forth. Her eyes scanning the land for any other signs of life.

Levi shook his head. "No, not yet. Lets wait until we reach the shelter of the forest, that way if this pokemon is hostile we are not exposed on open ground" He stated matter of factly , turning and leading them to the looming forest ahead.

Once they were sheltered under the massive trees, Levi nodded his head to her, signaling it was okay to return the call. Lifting her muzzle to the sky, she released a long howl, perking her ears as she wated for an answer.

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 14:13:27 by Snape's Curse (#6538)

Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 07:26:43
Florence | Furfrou | Male | lvl 26 | Interacting w/: none


Once again, Florence tumbled off of the rock he was perched on and away from the berry he had been reaching for. This is idiotic! If he was back home he would be fed the finest of Kalosian cuisines on a silver platter, but, no, he was on this Arceus-fosaken island reaching for some disgusting berry. He missed the cooked slowpoke tail, the snow-krabby legs, and, oh, the miltank steaks. He was practically drooling, reminiscing over long gone times. He was snapped out of his trance when he remembered the berry he was so focused on, noticing it gone when he looked up. "Arceus!" he howled, cursing the supposed god of this stupid world.

Roman | *Charizard* | Female | lvl 37 | Interacting w/: none

What a wonderful day for flight! The wind was perfect for flight, blowing just at the right angle to give Roman the best leverage for soaring through the skies. Life on this island had become monotonous, so days like this were a treat to the black charizard. As she made her way through the clear sky, she couldn't help but take notice a significantly bright, yellow splotch on the sand beneath her. Curiosity smothering her logical side, Roman swooped down to investigate. Oh, a plusle. She dove a bit lower to get a better look, curious as to why they were on a beach of all places.

"What'cha doing around here, man?"

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 08:38:28
Poacher was glad the Growlithe could walk. He was strong enough to carry the little canine, but he didn't really want to. Then he called to a little electric type, a Plusle, and a swooping of wings alerted the Zangoose to a flying type above. A Charizard. "Greetings! Eh, I would love to stick around and chat, but my partner must be worrying right about now. She has a healing move, if anyone needs it, but I really don't want to be out in the open when night falls..." He looked back at the trees. Bathory wouldn't really be worried, but she would be grouchy, especially if he showed up empty pawed after saying he was getting food. Untying the Scarf from his tail, he fashioned it into a sling pouch, and searched the edges of the trees for berry bushes or fruit trees. "And if anyone cares to lend a claw, I was supposed to be looking for food when I found you guys..."

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MoscoMoon (#78788)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-10 09:14:24

So much seemed to all happen at once, from above a giant black Charizard descended upon them, fighting the urge to dig away under ground, Tacota stood firm and readied to be attacked, however nothing came, instead the Charizard seemed friendly, asking what they were all doing around here. /Huh... I thought Charizards were meant to be grumpy?/ At least that was Tacotas understanding of the pokemon. Still a little unsure he offered the new guest a warm smile, it seemed to be he was mostly addressing the plusle that had shown up anyway. His eyes now followed Poacher and he watched intently what he was doing with his tail band to try and collect food. /She has a healing move? That could be perfect! I need to get to full energy if I am to go searching for my friends./ His ears perked towards the sound of a distant howl, it seemed to be from another of his own kind. His muzzle twisted in it's direction and he was torn... Who was calling to him? He didn't want to leave the safety of the band he had just found in order to try and find out whom was calling out to him, especially when he needed healed. /I will wait and get healed then I will go and investigate./ He decided before turning to help Poacher.
His aim was pretty good so when Poacher made his pouch Tacota turned towards a tree that contained some apples and started firing tiny blasts of flame thrower to cut the stems, allowing them to fall onto the verdure below.

Disclaimer I do not own this image

Panic was setting in... where was Taco? He needed his Taco to feel safe! Where was Ray? Where was Son? He didn't know where they all were! He hobbled across the beach on shaky limbs and close to tears, feeling scared and alone. He had already wet himself once when he awoke to find himself alone. He was still a baby after all and couldn't even fully speak, but now he headed in the direction of a howl, a howl that sounded much like Tacos but a little different. However he couldn't tell exactly where the sound had come from and he slumped to the sand in plain view of the hiding Keeda. He was so alone, he wanted his Taco, he could feel the tears welling in his eyes again as he tried to fight back panic. What would he do when it got dark? He'd be cold without Taco.

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 09:33:54
Poacher smiled at the help the fire type was offering, and he darted this way and that to catch the fruit before it could hit the ground. He was extremely fast to be so lazy, but perhaps it was his constant napping that allowed him to build up so much energy? He held up a clawed paw to stop the barrage of flaming blasts. "That's good. Need to leave some for the tree, and anyone else passing by in need of food. We can find more on the way to camp." Poacher was constantly thinking of others, even those he had never met before, so he was more than happy to go without if it meant helping someone in need. "Besides, I think I saw some berry bushes on the way here. Pecha, oran, maybe a couple rawst berries..." He trailed off as a yawn suddenly struck him, and he had to cover his muzzle politely.

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LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 09:37:40
Quicksilver||*Ponyta*||Female||Level 25||Mentions:None

The Ponyta was laid out on the beach, the blue flames on her body dangerously dim. Eventually, she opened her eyes, and stood up despite the pain. "Where am I?" She mumbled, shaking herself, clumps of sand falling from her body. The last thing she could remember was being released, and she didn't want to think about that. She slowly stumbled out of the sand, and moved towards the forest. Perhaps even she could find someone else that would know what was going on. She continued on, with each step her flames grew brighter.

Kurama||Ninetales||Male||Level 45||Mentions:

Kurama growled, each of his nine tails lashing back and forth. It had only been a short while ago that he had woken up, and he was still on edge. He sat, half way between the beach and the woods, trying to figure out how he could escape. Perhaps his trainer had left him here, deeming that his partner was too dangerous to be left in the wild.

Sunny||Rosalia||Female||Level 15||Mentions

Sunny walked along the shoreline, her feet leaving a trail behind her. She was looking to see if any other Pokemon were laying on the beach, just like she had. So far she hadn't met anyone else, but she continued on.

Twitch||Vibrava||Male||Level 35||Mentions

Twitch had taken to the skies as soon as he had woken up, but instead of leaving the island, he decided to explore. He flew above the tree tops, wondering if any Pokemon would cross his path.

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 09:41:08
Little Spark//Plusle//Male//Lv. 30

Little Spark felt his soul leave his body when the Charizard dropped besides him. Almost lashing out, he calmed himself and smiled weakly up at the Charizard. Flinching at the sound of another Growlithe, he distracted himself with watching the Zangoose collect berries. Shifting a little, he looked up at the Charizard, Little Spark moulded some of his sparks into the shape of a magnifying glass and pointed hesitantly at the Growlithe. He hoped the Charizard understood, 'speaking' through sparks wasn't the easiest thing to do but he couldn't really make sounds, so it was that or staying silent. Looking down again he turned towards the Zangoose and silently walked towards the forest line, careful picking a berry he showed it to the other pokemon, tilting his head as an inquiry.

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Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 09:59:53
Florence | Furfrou | Male | lvl 26 | Mentions: Twitch

"Oh Arceus what is that?!"

There was some weird bug thing flying above Florence. Being in seclusion for years and being from Kalos meant that he wasn't familiar with the species of Pokemon known as vibrava, so it was only natural(?) that he was panicked at this thing's sudden appearance. Well, he wasn't afraid to fight if he had to, but he'd rather not touch something unfamiliar, living or not. You don't know the intentions or what strangers carry on them--parasite wise-- after all.

Roman | *Charizard* | Female | lvl 37 | Mentions: pretty much everyone on the beach

She felt her extra fingers twitch as she watched the smaller Pokemon's movement. She was a bit confused as to why he didn't just talk to her, but she figured he had his reasons. Turns out Roman had missed quite a few Pokemon. Well, that shows just how stupid she can be, eh? Landing softly, the lizard-like 'mon scanned over this unfamiliar group. What a weird menagerie of individuals. Not too sure as to who was the leader of this rag-tag team, she didn't really specifically speak to anyone when she spoke next; "Mind if I tag along?"

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 17:00:44 by Rin (#2458)

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