Posted by Riverclan [Warrior Clans United RP] CLOSED

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 07:44:24
This thread is for Warrior Clans United members ONLY!
Warrior Clan: Riverclan

>>Spreadsheet for Clans (Available Spots)<<

Thread Supervisor: SmoGirl (#69866)

September Event: Warriors Rising

Now that the many trials Riverclan has faced is finally dying down, it is time for celebration. Apprentices are being made warriors, and kits are finally growing into young leaders. Though the peace has come, it may not last long until new troubles arise. On the Eve of the next Gathering, a mystery that was once left in the dust is now being uncovered..

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 21:57:55 by Twinky{Avid RolePlayer}😛 (#66075)

Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 08:24:55
Sunflare woke early in the morning. Shadeclaw was still sleeping and Cass was getting up, ready to go hunting.
She looks over at him. "Hey, you. How are you feeling?"
Sunpaw stretches a little bit. "Better. I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me."
She pauses, then smiles. "Of course."
Then the rogue walks out into the daylight, her pelt shining brightly against the sun.

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NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-04-25 08:42:37
Poisonfur | Male | Medicine cat | Riverclan | Riverclan camp-Medicine cat den | Mentions: N/A

Poisonfur emit a small yawn as he closely observed the herbs that were laid out upon him, his muzzle scrunching up at the foul smell of bitter herbs that had been rotting throughout the season. The slender tom gentle picked up the bundle of rotten herbs in his maw, carrying them out from the den and next to a pile of dirt that held other herbs slowly decaying, placing them gently aside and burrowing out the hole, patting the bitter herbs into the dirt and piling the dirt back up. He quietly glanced around the camp, his eyes closely watching the felines that slept and paced around, looking for any scratches or small wounds that could've occurred from any of the surrounding plants or rocks.

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Edited on 25/04/16 @ 15:42:51 by ✨NeptuneNebula✨ (#64036)


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Posted on
2016-04-25 10:25:17

Poppypaw stretched and suddenly slouched from tiredness , he took a step forward and fell to the ground. he noticed a group of cats pause their grooming and whisper back and forth. his fur became hot and he stood up indignantly and felt his paw throb with pain. moments later he shuddered, as he flipped his paw over and saw yellow ooze leak out and saw the red outline of the wound .
it was infected.
he flicked his gaze to and fro from his paw to the medicine cat that his head shook, the name poisonfur scared the fur off of him. he saw the tom counting herbs , whenever he got hurt he hid behind a bush and watched the tom.
although the paw was infected he closed his eyes and named all the animals he knew, badger,mouse,cat,bird ,sparrow'' moments later he pulled out the thorn and he laid down as he felt warm blood drizzle out. he shrugged slowly and reached to his maximum as he pawed at a wad of cobwebs and roughly placed it down . he nudged the cobwebs to his side and laid his head on his paws.

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Edited on 25/04/16 @ 17:42:51 by squiddie (#29566)

NeptuneNebula (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-04-25 10:45:12
(By instinct I must help <<)

Poisonfur | Male | Medicine cat | Riverclan | Riverclan camp | Mentions: Poppypaw

Poisonfur gave a brief chuckle as he saw the young tom pull out the thorn out of his paw, lowering his head and letting out a small sigh before grabbing fresh cobweb and an onion. He quietly padded over to the tom and glared at the wound, nearly freaked out at how badly placed the cobweb was. "I'm not going to poison you if you think so." He grumbled, seconds later a small smirk appearing on his face. "Stay there, I forgot something." After heading back to the den he appeared with chervil root and some charmomile, dropping it next to the young masculine. WIthin a few moments he lined his claw against the small wound to open it a tad further. "At least the tissue wasn't badly infected, if it got worse, I'd have to claw off much more than what I just did."

In silence the tom gently squeezed the pus out of the scratch, grabbing the onion and slowly squeezing the juice out and letting it pour onto the cut. "It may sting, don't move or flinch." He finished with squeezing more juices out of the chervil root and wrapped the small wound up carefully in cobweb. Finally after he finished, he nudged a small batch of chamomile towards the young feline. "Eat it up, it'll calm you down and make you feel more relaxed."

(Long, sorry about that)

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Edited on 25/04/16 @ 17:46:29 by ✨NeptuneNebula✨ (#64036)

Snowkit (#23944)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 12:25:00

Silentear sniffed and looked around from his nest. He could smell herbs and blood -somecat stepped on a thorn agin...- he thought. He stretched ,yawned, then padded out of the den looking around.

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🌸 Geo 🌸 (#62757)

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Posted on
2016-04-25 23:20:50
Ravenheart went with Honeypaw into the forest to find some decent prey for there small group. As they approached the river, the moonlight shone from above the tree canopy to see the coarpse of a dead cat. Ravenheart stepped back and got in front of Honeypaw to make sure no danger was around here."Stay close Honeypaw, there could be other cats around here"she said staying low.

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Novo (#81850)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 01:37:48
Soulstar - Leader - Riverclan Camp

Soulstar pulled a frown, jumping up onto the rock, 'Not many of my warriors are left now that Ravenheart. Sunpaw, and Shadeclaw are gone...' Looking down he saw Silentear walking around. Maybe he'd bring him on patrol with Poppypaw. That is, if the medicine cat said it was alright to walk on that paw of his.

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🌸 Geo 🌸 (#62757)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 01:43:49

Ravenheart looked down at the corpse of the cat and realized it was covered in Shadeclaw's scent."Shadeclaw must have killed this rogue when they finally escaped the raging river! They are near!"she said happily."We must return back to our little area to rest then see if we can trace the cats again. Ready Honeypaw?"she said turning to the apprentice

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 01:51:51
Fireberry | Thunderclan | Quest(Permission to go on Riverclan Thread) | Mentions: Ravenheart/Honeypaw
Fireberry decided to get up and search for Ravenheart, since sleep didn't come. She makes her way through the forest, being alert for danger. She could smell them, they were very close.
Then she's sees a glimpse of Ravenhearts pelt, and she picks up her pace. "Ravenheart?"
The pelt turns, and she lets out a breath of air and sees Honeypaw as well.
"We should get some sleep, It's already moon high."

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Edited on 26/04/16 @ 08:52:14 by SmoGirl {G.D.S.S} (#69866)

🌸 Geo 🌸 (#62757)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 01:56:10
Ravenheart|Riverclan|Quest|Mentions: Fireberry and Honeypaw|
"We were just returning back from the hunt. We found plenty prey and a rogue coarpse drenched in Shadeclaw's scent. They may be getting closer!"she replied happily but then a wave of tiredness rose upon her."We will leave once the sun starts to settle from its dawn rise. Goodnight Honeypaw, great job with the hunt! And goodnight as well to you Fireberry"she said as she went to her nest and laid next to her mate. Once she settled she smiled happily as she finally knows that the cats are alive and near."I will find you guys. I will find you..."she said lastly as she drifted into her sleep

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Novo (#81850)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-04-26 02:06:29
((Hey, quick question for everyone here, where are you in lioden time? I'm two hours after lioden time. Just so I know when people are getting on and how active they are.))

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 02:08:45
Fireberry|Thunderclan|Quest(Permission to go on Riverclan Thread)|Mentions: N/A|
After the other cats have gone to sleep, FIreberry silently gets up, heading out into the forest. She wanted to see the corpse. As she neared the sight where Ravenheart and Honeypaw were, a tingling in her pelt made her walk slower. She felt like she was being watched. As she reached the corpse, its pelt was dark, and there were deep gashes in its belly. Shadeclaw would never do that to a cat, no matter who they are. It must have been someone, or something, else. She leans toward the body, trying to make out any other scent than the rogues, and she came up with a tiny bit of something. She wasn't sure what though. It almost smelled like another rogue, but she wasn't sure. After looking around, she heads back to her nest, and falls asleep.

// Cass // Rogue // During the Night //
Cass was hiding behind a tree, her dark pelt unnoticeable in the night. She watches as the mysterious cat sniffs the rogue that bled out. It was the rogue that killed her mother. For some reason she felt pity, but she just sat silently, watching the feline.
As she leaves, Cass goes to look at the corpse, and sees the all-too-familiar claw marks in the pelt. If they don't leave soon, they're going to be faced with a huge problem. She gulps, heading back to the shack.

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🌸 Geo 🌸 (#62757)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 02:21:00
I am 3 hours ahead of Lioden Time :)//
Ravenheart felt a chill up her spine and jolted up from her slumber. She couldn't sleep due to the constant distractions. Even the sound of a fly landing on a leaf distracted her somehow. She stood up out of the nest and laid near all the cats watching over them. Ravenheart never been this far from camp, any of the camps. Not many sightings were familiar making her realize that they were in full rogue territory. She then padded off and went for a stroll making sure to stay close to the clearing.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2016-04-26 02:32:12
Fireberry|Thunderclan|Quest(Permission to go on Riverclan Thread)| Mentions: N/A
Fireberry was happy. The sun was shining high, and she bathed in it. Butterflies were flying around, and everything was peaceful. She almost felt like the dream was real. Then it started raining.
She gets up, trying to find a place under cover, but she heard yowling in the distance. She runs, trying to pinpoint the source of the feline in distress. She just keeps running, until she sees two cats hovering over an area in the grass.
The tom doesn't turn. He was yelling up at the sky. A rogue was next to him, trying to comfort him.
She looks down, and sees blood.
Fireberry wakes, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. She looks for Ravenheart, but she is gone. She gets to her feet lightening fast, going to look for her.

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Posted on
2016-04-26 06:13:51

Honeypaw curled up in a ball trying to regain warmth , she soon notices that her mentor and Ravenheart had gone missing. she nervously got up as her head scrambled, she hated it when she was left alone. later she noticed a scent trail heading forward, '' this is ruining my sleep schedule, soon I'll turn into a bat!'' she hissed as she quietly stalked forward .

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