-LOCKED - July Event!
Posted on 2016-06-30 06:25:18
Falling Stars!


July has started, and as it's commonly known, the greatest meteor showers will begin this month, especially over the southern hemisphere, thus Africa gets bombarded by millions of tiny meteorites! (The Earth is hit with roughly 40 000 tonnes of space debris, bits leftover from the Solar System formation EACH YEAR. Crazy huh?)
Your lions noticed that the lights also appeared in forests as fireflies! Is this all connected? What's the mystery behind that?!


Clouded Forest & Fireflies
A beautiful clouded forest will open its thicket to you if you pay your toll to an eagle guard. Once per 30 minutes you can hunt for fireflies and work towards unlocking the amazing firefly shop! Make sure to sit down and enjoy the dancing fireflies before you catch them! :D
2016: New items will appear in ALL tiers of the shop, including art done by Deertush and Zax, our new artists!

Celestial Lion & Meteorite Shards
This month as well, a mysterious self-proclaimed god Apedemak appears on Lioden's lands and asks you to gather Shards in explore. Don't worry about his... unusual nocturnal ways, he probably tries to show off his celestial coat under the starry skies.
The more shards you collect, the more amazing stuff you can unlock from his far away lands. Shards aren't currency, at least not the typical kind. You'll notice what they're for soon enough ;D
2016: A challenger appears...


Apollyon makes his appeareance more visible this year, posing a threat to Apedemak! He's incredibly strong and his paws are on fire - if you attack him in explore, be aware the fight will be bloody! (Apedemak still licks his wounds after last "tussle"). But if you defeat Apollyon, 30 shards will be yours!

Defeat him or Get your butt smacked all the way to Alpha Centauri


Sooo... #TeamApollyon or #TeamApedemak?

On the EVENT PAGE, crafting will be available right away - and since the Jasper and Moonstone will be more abundant this month than any other gem, we decided to add more fun stuff to craft for people who aren't interested in the new base or eyes:
Craft 50x Moonstones into Moonstone Base applicator (Dust: Moonstone)
Craft 50x Jaspers into Jasper Eye changer (Dust: Jasper)
Craft 15x Moonstones into Jewelry: Moonstone Veiled Circlet
Craft 15x Moonstones into Jewelry: Moonstone Circlet
Craft 15x Jaspers into Jewelry: Jasper Adornments
Craft 15x Jaspers into Jewelry: Jasper Necklace

gemjasper.png -> dustjasper.png
gemmoonstone.png -> dustmoonstone.png

Event start & end
Events automatically start at midnight Lioden time of month's 1st day (July 1st here) and end on 11:59pm on month's last day (July 31st). All your currency is always stored till next year!

Apedemak's tiers!

T1: Zimbabwe Explore
You spend shards here! 1 shard = 1 minute of exploring.
This will send your lion scavenging for treasures, depending on the time you spend, the results will actually vary! 10 minutes spent will differ from 54 minutes and that will be less exciting than 140 minutes! Obviously though, you will find unique items depending on your time spent so have fun discovering!
2016: Abundance of critters
In every area when you explore long enough, there's a small chance that you'll find one of new rare decors: Hamerkop, Silvery Blue Butterflies, Rusty-Spotted Genets, Speckled Mousebird or a Rock Kestrel! Each is specific to one area.

T2: Celestial Raffle
Just like last year, every 12 hours a new lioness will appear with a base, markings and eyes that are unique to this month!
2016: Sidereal + recycling
This year based on user plea, raffle lionesses will show a Sidereal base with Skyward or Celestial markings (100% randomized), and alternate with a lioness with a Skyward/Celestial base and Sidereal markings.

NOTE: Random Marking Applicator might make Sidereal markings appear before the raffles are out - it is extremely rare, but it is possible.

T3: Murder Stone er, Celestial Stone
When you sacrifice a lion that is not pregnant, not brooding, not nursing, not in trade or cooldown, not frozen, not secured, not hunting, not patrolling, not raffled, you will receive a wonderful reward for brutally killing sending the lion to Apedemak's world. Rewards vary, and remember - we cannot bring back a lion you sacrificed by accident. There's a lot of confirmations, though. Better name those lions KILL ME or MURDER STONE or something like that just to be sure.

*Cubs cannot be sacrificed. Even if cubs were chased, the mom is still considered nursing until 16 days of cooldown pass
*Stone does not affect karma

Near the end of the month, the Frivolous Apedemak Decor will appear in Oasis!

Art by Chee <3 11670

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Edited on 03/07/16 @ 13:10:23 by Xylax (#4)

peepy (#48100)

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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:25:37

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Edited on 30/06/16 @ 13:25:47 by ida (#48100)

ParanorMel | Soul
NHR (#40605)

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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:25:39

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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:25:45
Very cool! Love it.

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kate (#72991)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:25:46
Sounds great!

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Edited on 30/06/16 @ 13:26:09 by Kate (#72991)

Toxic Nightmare (#9417)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:25:51


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Edited on 30/06/16 @ 13:26:07 by ToxicNightmare (#9417)

🐾Wolfpup🐾 (#93283)

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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:25:56

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Mashy (#67925)

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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:26:00
Julyyy!!! :D MY favorite looking-event so far!

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:26:08
Oh that's nice! Awesome. And I think I watched the stream where Xy sketched the two snarling lions

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Edited on 30/06/16 @ 13:26:44 by Samba CC (#28104)

Shajana (#35123)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:26:10
That's great!

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Fevertree (#91487)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:26:12
THIS IS SO GREAT. What a beautiful time!

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sprite's fury
[semi-frzn] (#67568)

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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:27:09
Oooo so excited c:

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Veldt🐾[Hard Mode] (#89944)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:27:20
Very awesome.

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TinySide👑 (#75024)

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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:27:36
*-* Gotta love them bad boys<3

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ʙʙᴇʀ (#91861)

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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:28:27
Oml this is my favourite one!!!

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Enigma (#3819)

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Posted on
2016-06-30 06:28:36
Let the Fun Begin!

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