Posted by Valleyclan Rp thread

LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-09-12 08:31:06


Valleyclan was created in a far away forest that no longer exists. When Twolegs began tearing down the trees they knew it was time to leave. They traveled far and wide until they found a perfect play of land, only to discover that it was occupied. They figured it was big enough for the both of them and took a fair share of the land.


Valleyclan took over a small valley, most of the forest and half of the sunning area. Their camp lies in the valley, and is well protected by brambles.


Leader: Nightstar
Deputy: Skyflower
Medicine cat: Smokeleaf
Medicine cat apprentice:
Warriors: Stormclaw, Pumpkinpelt (Mothpaws mentor), Starlingheart
Apprentices: Mothpaw (Pumpkinpelts apprentice.)
Kittpets/loners: Jenny

Other info



Prey is very scarce in the forest. The valley has a few scattered nice but it isn't enough. Numerous hunting parties are sent each day.

Rumors/Important news

The air is extremely hostile between Creekclan and Valleyclan since an apprentice accidentally went over the border. No amount of reasoning can calm Creekclan down.

There is a gathering in a few days


Lioden RPG rules apply
-Please be active at least once a day. I understand if something comes up, but please inform me if you will not be on for long periods of time.
-As many characters as you can handle.
-Genders must stay fairly even.
-Fade when needed.
-No powerplaying please.
-If you are planning to do something huge, please contact me about it.
-2-3 sentences per post please.
-If you think anymore rules should be added tell me

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 12/09/16 @ 16:39:12 by LunarSkies (#66248)

LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-09-12 10:02:03

It was still dark out when Nightstar twitched awake from her normally dreamless sleep. Her amber eyes groggily opened, and she stayed still, simply staring out of the entrance of her bramble den. It was strange to wake up in a still unfamiliar place, and it took a moment for the hairs on her neck to relax. Once she calmed down, the slender she-cat stood. She slowly stretched each leg, and arched her back. She then padded out of her den, and onto the small pile of rocks that put her a few feet of the ground. Nightstar sat down and began to groom her pelt.


Mothpaw was freezing when he woke up, and it took a few moments of blindly poking around to discover the problem. A large gap between the brambles was allowing a cold breeze to reach him. Giving a small shake of his head, he attempted to reposition the brambles.

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Maddie (#96364)

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Posted on
2016-09-13 07:41:44


the deputy had been awake before sunrise but hasn't been present in the camp. she had been out at a near by river and had taken a walk to clear her head. she was still angered that creekclan had gotten angry over a mistake made by an apprentice. she started to make her way back to the camp, a fresh mouse in her jaws. she walked into camp and put the mouse in the fresh-kill pile. she then saw nightstar. "any patrols you like me to send out?" she asked.


the tom had been sitting around camp. he didn't really have much to do except to groom himself. he had been waiting for something to do. mostly he waited for a reason to rip off the pelts of the creekclan cats. they angered him so much. he looked around and saw mothpaw. "waiting for you mentor?" he asked.

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-09-13 10:07:34

[ Starlingheart ]
Tom ✦ 36 Moons ✦ Warrior
Location - Camp ✦ Mentions - Nightstar, Skyflower

Starlingheart rose from his nest, separated from the warrior’s den and nestled among a frond of ferns instead. The black and white splotched tom was highly claustrophobic and couldn’t stand being holed up with the other warriors with no room to stretch his legs. The thought of it made him shudder uncomfortably. In reality it was all for the best. Starlingheart tended to have rather frightening dreams, waking in a kicking, clawing frenzy. He would rather not injure a Clanmate over a nightmare and instead sought to both ease his own fears and protect the other warriors from himself by sleeping elsewhere.

His gaze trailed after Skyflower as the deputy re-entered camp and he followed her over to where Nightstar sat perched atop the rockpile she often used to address the Clan. “Greetings,” he meowed politely with a respectful dip of his head. “If you are sending out patrols I’d be honored to join one.” The tom was still a foreigner to Clan ways, picked up in the Twolegplace as ValleyClan searched for a new home. He did his best to understand and conform to their rules, but still often felt awkward in the presence of Clan-born cats. “Or, if you would prefer I remain behind to guard camp, I will of course respect your wishes.”

◙ ◙ ◙ ◙ ◙ ◙

[ Jenny ]
She-Cat ✦ 7 Moons ✦ Kittypet
Location - Forest ✦ Mentions - None {Open}

Jenny prowled through the underbrush with a focused expression, light blue eyes glinting in determination as she set her sights on the squirrel nibbling away on an acorn just a few paces ahead of her. She would definitely catch it this time. She was sure of it. Rump wiggling in the air as she prepared to pounce, the young she-cat shot forward with a mighty yowl, claws unsheathed and ready to snatch up the unsuspecting rodent. As with many times in the past, her prey detected her just in time and escaped up nearby maple. “No fair!” Jenny spat, flinging herself at the tree and attempting to chase after it only to slide back down to the ground.

She stayed like that for a good while, front claws buried in the bark while her hind legs were sprawled over the roots of the tree in a comical display as she silently seethed, glaring up at the squirrel who seemed to mock her from the branches above. The apprentice-age Balinese had been exploring ValleyClan territory for hours now and though she was aware the wild cats were here Jenny was under the impression she was sneaky enough to go undetected for the entirety of her stay. She had never been caught before after all and this was certainly not her first visit. “I’ll get you next time. Just watch,” she declared with a low growl. “You can’t run from me forever.”

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Edited on 13/09/16 @ 17:16:44 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Narisa (#97419)

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Posted on
2016-09-13 10:21:18
Pumpkinpelt || Tom || No mentions/Open

Pumpkinpelt, as per usual, had slept in. He didn't care for the chilly mornings in their new camp and would much rather wait until later in the day to lay in the sun. By the time he'd woken up most warriors were already out and about hunting and patrolling and whatnot.
The tortie tom trotted out of the warriors' den, glancing around at their bustling camp. He still wasn't used to the sight of their new home when he arose each day.

In other news, he wasn't looking forward to mentoring his new apprentice, Mothpaw. He was a good kid, sure, but Pumpkinpelt felt that he wasn't suited for the whole teaching thing. He was anything but great at hunting and his fighting skills were sub par at best. Yet alas, he'd try his hardest. The kid deserved someone that could be there for him, and that was one thing Pumpkinpelt knew he was good at.

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LunarSkies (#66248)

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Posted on
2016-09-13 10:42:19

Nightstar purred at the two cats who approached her." We definently need a hunting patrol to go out immediently. You can lead that patrol Starlingheart." She gently flicked the toms shoulder. "Send Pumpkinpelt, his apprentice and Stormcloud on a border patrol as well." After she spoke, the she-cat relized that she and her deputy would be the only ones protecting camp, but she shook her head. It would have to do for now.


Mothpaw jumped when a voice shook him from his frantic bramble positioning. "I was just trying to fix this, but I got it." He mewed, giving his paw a few licks. "Now that you mention it, I should go find him." The tom gave Stormcloud a quick nod and padded out of the den. It didn't take long to find his mentor, so he quickly made his way to him. "What's in store for us today?" He asked, his amber eyes bright.

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Maddie (#96364)

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Posted on
2016-09-13 10:47:20


now open.


stormcloud chuckled a bit when mothpaw jumped. he didn't know exactly what the apprentice had been doing but he knew it didn't really matter, just something to pass the time. he nodded. "i'll see you when you get back," he said, flicking his tail before walking off.

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Edited on 14/09/16 @ 17:18:18 by Maddie (#96364)

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