Posted by November Event Guide

Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2016-10-31 18:56:25
November Event Guide
November Event News Post

Not only humans believe that ancestors are linked spiritually to the living. Some lions believe they can talk to the spirits of those who passed, becoming shamans. You can gain your Piety for the Ancestors by doing deeds for the lion shamans, and in return you will be granted with spiritual rewards!

Your Piety might unlock something special, so respect the spirits and they will provide.

Alongside, you can gather a lot of herbs in Explore you don't need for quests and visit the shamans to exchange those into Scarab Beetles, which you can trade for various things.

Welcome to the Whispering Ancestors event!

This event is highly focused on exploring.
Throughout November, you will find ancient, cracked fossils and herbs in Explore, along with some special quest-specific "trigger events"!
Will you assist the three Shamans with their daily quests?

The currency for this month is icon_scarabbeetle.png Scarab Beetles!

Scarab Beetles can be found in Explore, and can be received from winning certain battles!

All biomes will have the Explore Encounters!
Biome, karma, and level do not matter for events.

This month, we are working to unlock three tiers in two different areas - the Shaman Shop and the Shaman Pit.
The "first tiers", both tier zeroes, are already unlocked.
The other three tiers will unlock special items in the Shaman Shop, and special actions in the Shaman Pit.

You can gain your Piety for the Ancestors by doing deeds for the lion shamans, and in return you will be granted spiritual rewards. You can complete three Shaman Quests per day. Choose your Shaman below wisely. Once you have completed your quest, you should bow to your shaman.

The three shamans are, in order, Shaman Aker, Sorcerer Sphinx, and Sangoma Tefnut.

Please note that it doesn't matter which shaman you choose--all rewards will be the same, either 2 or 3 Piety.
However, each shaman has their own unique quests, wherein they will ask you for a combination of herbs, rawhides, or to handle a "trigger event" in Explore.

Also note that not finishing a quest before rollover will NOT result in it counting as one of your quests for the next day. You can leave your quest active, and still be able to do your daily three the following day!

The "trigger event" is an encounter that you will come across in Explore. It has a different interaction and outcome when you have a quest for that encounter - so, the quest will "trigger" the proper event.

The shamans will all ask you to either give them herbs, rawhide, or complete a quest in Explore.
You can find herbs in Explore, or purchase them from the Beetle Training Grounds for 20 SB each.
In order to make rawhide, you have to have a carcass that is the size of a Goose Carcass or Human Leg, or bigger. Please note that the number of uses the carcass has does not matter; all rawhide crafted will count as one item.


A master of rituals and talking to good spirits.
Shaman Aker's Quests
1. "I need you to prepare an Ubulawu mixture for a spirit trance. Please gather 3 Ubhubhubhu and 3 Uqume. The spirits will reward you for your help."
- Bring him 3 Ubhubhubhu and 3 Uqume.

2. "Bring me 10 rawhides for my ritual. You can obtain them by using your carcass as rawhide source."
- Bring him 10 Rawhides.

3. "Visit an Animal Graveyard and protect a lone lion's skull from gathering hyenas. The spirit of great elephant killer will be grateful."
- Trigger event.

4. "The Ancestors are restless. Gather 3 Lion Skulls so I can prepare a ritual."
- Bring him 3 Lion Skulls.

5. "One of your great-grandfathers has visited my dreams last night. Please bring me 5 samples of Buchu so I can show him your respect with a few whispers."
- Bring him 5 Buchu.

6. "Find 2 pawfuls of Uzara and 2 pawfuls of Nut Grass, I need them to fend off the hyena spirits that haunt me."
- Bring him 2 Uzara and 2 Nut Grass.

7. "Great Ancestor of the Barbary Lions has requested that you defeat a Tsavo Lion."
- Trigger event.


A master of visions and twisted trances.
Sorcerer Sphinx's Quests
1. "I need you to prepare an Ubulawu mixture for a spirit trance. Please gather 3 Ubhubhubhu and 3 Uqume. The spirits will reward you for your help."
- Bring him 3 Ubhubhubhu and 3 Uqume.

2. "Bring me 10 rawhides for my ritual. You can obtain them by using your carcass as rawhide source."
- Bring him 10 Rawhides.

3. "I need 10 units of Umganu to calm a restless ancestor. Seems like his bones were picked by hyenas."
- Bring him 10 Umganu.

4. "Find a hill made of rocks. On top, a lion's skull will rest. Put this herb in the mouth and return, so I can communicate with the Great White Lion."
- Trigger event.

5. "Ancestors require help of a mighty lion to prevent humans from desecrating their remains. Find them. Do what you want, just keep them away."
- Trigger event.

6. "Gather 4 Dream Roots for a trance ritual. Ancestors are whispering, I need to listen."
- Bring him 4 Dream Roots.

7. "I require 10 Honey Bush stems to put myself into a trance and guide lost spirits."
- Bring him 10 Honey Bush.


A protector of the spirits and the living alike.
Sangoma Tefnut
1. "Visit an Animal Graveyard and protect a lone lion's skull from gathering hyenas. The spirit of great elephant killer will be grateful."
- Trigger event.

2. "Gather 4 Dream Roots for a trance ritual. Ancestors are whispering, I need to listen."
- Bring her 4 Dream Roots.

3. "Please find 3 Iboga Roots, I need them to talk to the spirits."
- Bring her 3 Iboga Roots.

4. "I need you to prepare an Ubulawu mixture for a spirit trance. Please gather 5 Marula Fruit and 5 Uvuma-Omhlope. The spirits will reward you for your help."
- Bring her 5 Marula Fruit and 5 Uvuma-Omhlope.

5. "Great Ancestor Broodmother requested that you tend to a wounded lioness in wild."
- Trigger event.

6. "Please find 5 Imphepho stems, I need them to help a dying lioness, the Ancestors insist she cannot die yet."
- Bring her 5 Imphepho.

7. "Bring me a heart of fire to light spirit's path. Take this stick, soaked in special oil, dip it into a fire. It will start smoking. Bring it back to me. Be brave, as spirits will protect you from burning.
- Trigger event.

Explore Encounters
All encounters this month show up in both Day and Night time.
Underlined actions only show up if you have the respective quest active.

It's a Tsavo Lion you heard stories about, killer of five Barbary Lions!

Attack! - Fight with Tsavo Lion. [+1 ScB, Quest Complete if Active]


It's the Hyenas! They must be disturbing remains.

Defend! - Fight with Hyena Pack. [+1 ScB, Quest Complete if Active]


There’s a patch of savannah covered in scary fire!

Burn the Stick! - You dive in, setting the stick on fire. You feel flames licking your body but you come out graceful, as if the ancestors were protecting you. Now it’s time to go back to the shamans! [Quest Complete if Active, High Chance]
- You dive in, trying to catch the stick on fire, but it crisps your fur instead! You run away, trying to avoid getting burned! Maybe next time. [Low Chance]
Run! - Oh Lord Lion it’s a fire! Ain’t nobody got time for that! [+1 ScB]


Following a scent, you find a wounded lioness hiding in a shady spot. She roars at you, vulnerable.

Tend Wounds - You chew some shamanistic herbs and lick the lionesses wound, comforting her with your presence and protection. You leave after she feels better. [Quest Complete if Active]
Invite - Go to claiming page.
Attack! - Fight with Lioness. [-3 Karma]


You find a hill made of rocks. There is a skull on top!

Place the Herb - You put a herb in the mouth of the skull, establishing connection between this place and the shamans. [Quest Complete if Active]
Walk Away - You decide not to disturb ancestor's remains. [+1 ScB]


You find a hill made of rocks. You find nothing special. [+1 ScB, High Chance]
You notice a very nicely shaped rock. Sounds like a new pet for your cubs! [Low Chance]
[+1 ScB, 1 Pet Rock]


You find a skull of your brethren whitened by the sun. You stop to pay your respects for a while, before moving on. On your way out, you grab 1 Scarab Beetle.
[+1 ScB, +1 Lion Skull (Low Chance)]


You found a(n) [1-2 random herbs] and 1 Scarab Beetle!
It must be your lucky day - you've stashed it in your hoard.


You hear a loud rumble and notice nearby hill's cliff edge falling apart! You dodge the rocks, sniff the dirt and move on. [+1 ScB]
You hear a loud rumble and notice nearby hill's cliff edge falling apart! You dodge the rocks, but among them you find an interesting rock with some bone looking ornament.
[+1 Ancient Fossil OR +1 Cracked Fossil]


You stumble upon a group of humans collecting animal bones.

Charge - You rush upon the humans, scattering them away! You roar, and sit down, protecting the lion bones around. [+1 ScB, +3 Karma, Quest Complete if Active]
Attack! - Fight with Trophy Collectors. [+1 ScB, -3 Karma, Quest Complete if Active]


You wander across an animal graveyard. It's quite eerie, and you leave out of respect. On your way out, you find 1 Scarab Beetle.
[+1 ScB]

Shaman Shop
Welcome to my humble abode. We live a nomadic life so we will be gone by the end of the month. I can gather more goods and bring them here next year!

The Shaman Shop is the event shop for November! This shop is opened by completing quests for piety. Everything in this shop costs icon_scarabbeetle.png Scarab Beetles.




oSnlwS3.pngItem Catalogue | Lion Wardrobe

Shaman Pit
You notice an area prepared by the shamans. It's full of lion bones and decorations. You feel a weird presence here, but nothing happens so far.

The Shaman Pit is where you can craft your Ancient Fossils and Cracked Fossils into special dinosaur decors!
You can also do a few other special actions, but they require tiers to be unlocked first.


It takes 15 Fossils to craft one dinosaur decor.
Please note that the above fossils are, in order, Ancient Fossil, Cracked Fossil, and Fossil - Afrovenator.
Ancient and Cracked Fossils can only be found during November, but Afrovenator fossils can be found year-round in Arid Desert if you have neutral karma.

The dinosaurs that you craft are all random.

Fossil Restoration Crafting Service
Lion Shamans know secrets of turning stone to life, but for lion's safety - downsized. If you bring them 15 Fossils they will craft you a decor!

Ancient Fossil






Cracked Fossil






Fossil - Afrovenator



“Herbs are smoking among the Ancestral Remains.”
INHALE - "You inhale the smoke, it smells like spicy herbs. You feel stronger." (you received a STR battling boost for x time)
Temporarily boosts strength against NPCs.

“Herbs are smoking among the Ancestral Remains. There’s also a pool of oddly coloured water.”
DRINK WATER - "You sip the water, it tastes awful. You feel so potent, and your testicles start itching." (5% stat boost for cubs in next breeding!)
Gives you one 5% stat boost for your next cubs bred, once per day.

Tier Two also brings in Shaman Gem Crafting.


Shaman Gem Crafting

Gather all the opal gems you found in explore, so the Shamans can craft some amazing items for you.

The gems that you can craft this month are Gem: Rough Opal and Gem: Sparkling Opal. They craft the following items.


In order, they are Dust: Opal, Dust: Rough Opal, and Shards: Opal.

Dust: Opal costs 50 Sparkling Opals and turns your lion's eyes to Opal.
Dust: Rough Opal costs 50 Rough Opals and turns your lion's base to Opal.
Shards: Opal costs 30 Rough Opals and turns your lion's mane colour to Opal.

Here's a preview of a lion with all three Opal applicators!


You can also craft jewelry using the Opals; they both cost 15 Opals each!


In order, they are Jewelry: Opal Adornment and Jewelry: Opal Nosechain.

[will include a preview soon]

"Herbs are smoking among the Ancestral Remains. There’s also a pool of oddly coloured water. You can hear weird whispering."
Whisper - “You close your eyes and remember shaman’s guidance. You start whispering, and the whispers echo back in your mind, slowly turning into newly formed words from the ancestors. You receive their blessing, after which spirits fade away."

Daily reward, chance of the following:
- EXP (50 x level)
- Random Stats (10 to 20)
- Impression Boost (60%)
- Sacred Body
- Sacred Fur
- Supernal Body
- Supernal Fur
- Ethereal Body
- Ethereal Fur

Ancestral Rewards
For any wonderful good deeds completed for the Ancestors, your wishes will be granted. If your piety is high enough, they can make your karma stronger, they can make your body more powerful or even bless you or your lions with some ancestral markings.

For completing quests with the Shamans, your lion will gain Piety. Piety can be spent on the same page as the Shaman Quests page!

3 Piety: Raise Your Karma (+30)
3 Piety: Lower Your Karma (-30)
6 Piety: Random Boost to Stats (+6 Points)
9 Piety: Random Boost to Stats (+10 Points)
12 Piety: Random Boost to Stats (+15 Points)
20 Piety: Reverse Your Karma (ex. -600 to +600)
30 Piety: February Ancestry
Choose one NCL marking to apply it to a chosen lion at a random opacity above 30%. The markings are applied to the first available slot.
30 Piety: April Ancestry
Choose one NCL marking to apply it to a chosen lion at a random opacity above 30%. The markings are applied to the first available slot.
30 Piety: September Ancestry
Choose one NCL marking to apply it to a chosen lion at a random opacity above 30%. The markings are applied to the first available slot.

The markings that you can apply to your lions will be listed in the dropdown menu.

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Edited on 30/11/16 @ 23:19:55 by Katze (#20064)

BAILE¥ (#98008)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-10-31 19:14:32
Thank you for making these guides, I'm still fairly new and I'd be lost without them. Bookmarked!!!

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SilverTree (#33396)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-01 01:27:17
For the ancestry markings, does "earliest free slot" mean it starts with the lowest number? As in, if a lion had all marking slots open, adding markings would go 1, 2, 3, etc?

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iStarz (17xVit 4k
Primal) (#22926)

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Posted on
2016-11-01 02:11:06

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Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2016-11-01 03:27:04

SilverTree, that is correct! :)
I'll think of some way to word it a little more clearly, but that's basically the gist of it. If you have a lion with an open slot 2 and slot 8, the marking gets put into slot 2.

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SilverTree (#33396)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-01 05:26:10
Thank you! I just wanted to be sure. :)

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Jupiter Astraea (#94156)

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Posted on
2016-11-02 07:41:02
Nice guide :D

But even though I didn't finish a quest before rollover and it didn't count towards my three for the next day
because the quests are counted when you request them not when you complete them

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Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2016-11-03 08:39:35
Perhaps a better way to word it would be "the markings are applied to the first available free slot."

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Blue Velvet (#95620)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-05 13:47:22
What's with the Rawhides? I have 6, 1 use hide and 1, 4 use hide... wouldn't that be equal to 10 hides? Or should I have just stuck with only turning 1 use food into hides? Seems like a waste though

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MossTheOwl (#99080)

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Posted on
2016-11-09 05:44:39
Are you going to update it?

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Eny (#96925)

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Posted on
2016-11-16 08:48:49
what are the triggered events?

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Aeryn (4/50 rough
rubies lmao) (#161024)

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Posted on
2018-11-01 19:35:59
there was the shaman and his apprentice. i interacted with them, and just a few minutes ago, i got into a fight with the apprentice. he's weak lol

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Brighteningskies (#162680)

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Posted on
2018-11-19 12:46:45
Cool guide! Does anyone know what "Buchu" are? I have to collect them but I'm not sure what they are

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𝕖 ⛧ (#219323)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-11-14 18:29:12
Why won't he take my Rawhide! I have 10 stacked and he says that I don't have enough

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Citali (#165163)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2020-11-16 11:36:40
"One of the nearby waterholes has been poisoned. I have cleansed it, but some animals are still sick. Explore and find a poisoned antelope before it's too late!" from Tefnut
I have no clue how to trigger/complete the quest. If it requires access to the waterhole in explore, I don't have it.

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Breeder) (#217190)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-11-16 19:52:04
I’m confused about where to craft things for the month? I have no crafting options yet for fossils. Does that mean it hasn’t been opened yet? Or just that I don’t have enough fossils to see it?
Also I haven’t collected a fossil in literally days, anyone else experiencing the same thing?

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