Posted by Wolv (Applications) (OPEN! A Werewolf Rp)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-07 12:36:14
(This follows the books to a degree, but is based about 100 years after Humfrey was bitten in. ALL pack members of the original few are gone, a new generation in their steed. Book Series of "Wolv" on Wattpad. "Wolv" "Ice" and "Home" are the three books. This will follow Wolv, none of the others really. @Humfrey_Mahikan on Wattpad, I have permission to use this concept for my RP! NO ONE ELSE MAY USE THIS WITHOUT ASKING Humfrey_Mahikan!!)
This probably looks really hectic and messy, and it probably is I'm sorry XD It was the only thing on my mind when Humfrey_Mahikan said I could do this... Worked on it for awhile. Since this is an application I reserve the right to refuse or deny any applications for any suitable reason. It will only be open for a certain amount of wolv's.

Ow! What the heck? A sharp, burning pain sprung up in your right arm just above your wrist. Weakly opening your eyes you find a perfectly formed bite mark circling your wrist. It felt to the bone, with every movement the pain flared up. At every tooth imprint in your skin black tendrils were wrapping their way steadily up your arm, the burning pain following them. What happened? Then you remember, you were Ojibwa, one of the natives in Bloodvein, a first nations reserve on the Canadian shield. You had gone solo camping, or even kayaking, around in the Atikaki Provincial Park. Though one night three sets of glowing eyes, were the rumors of the Ma'iingan coming true?! You heard of them from others around the reserve, they came to your specific reserve for a symbiotic relationship. Over the years they had stopped biting in so many people, the bites coming few and far between. The pack had all but fallen silent until about 100 years ago an outsider was bitten by accident when he was dying from an incident within the rapids. Now they had resurfaced, engaging in biting 2-3 people a year instead of the 1 every few years. But why you? You were healthy, strong and fit enough to be chosen, and so... they bit you! Though you were alone and in the wilderness with no way to return home now. Steadily over the course of two days you began changing, your fingers and toes began growing long black toes, the palms of your hands/feet turning black as did your eyelids. Next your entire body began changing to this unnatural color, why was it becoming so painful? For hours you coughed up mouthfuls of blood, your insides ripping themselves apart and reforming into their next shape. The one they'd stay in forever, all the bones in your body painfully snapped and reshaped, your skull breaking into pieces and your mouth growing into that of a muzzle. Finally you just blacked out from the pain, waking up with enhanced sight, smell and everything! Your new body felt weird and tired, though a few immobilizing howls irrupted from the woods beyond the waters of Atikaki, you felt yourself wanting to answer the ghostly sounds bringing you forwards. Would you be an alpha or an omega? It's all up to the Wolvs now.

~Wolvs = The bitten, the changed, STERILE! (only TWO wolvs have been naturally born. NONE since!). It's a one way street with them. You change into a wolv but you can never change back, or so it was said for hundreds of years. It's rumored that a past alpha, Keme was his name, could change back and forth but painfully and with a toxic plant that few remembered the name of. Wolvs are large creatures, an alpha-type towering over all the others while the omega-types were much smaller and thinner then their counterparts. It is said an Alpha and Omega cannot be together for obvious reasons.The wolv must constantly have sustenance, always needing to eat. Though if allowed to gorge (on large game like caribou or elk), they can go for a week without eating. WOLVS ARE ONLY SHADES OF BLACK AND BROWN! ONLY OUTSIDERS ARE ANY OTHER COLOR (Match their hair color)
~Alpha - Overall lead wolf, overpowers and towers over any and all other wolves.
~Elders - The wisest and oldest of the pack
~Alpha-Type : The largest of the pack, strong and fast. They are the only ones who can truly hunt down anything larger then a fox.
~Omega-Type : The smallest of the pack, set to doing the 'dirty work'. They run border patrols, drive outsiders away from the pack and can barely hunt rabbits let alone the prey an alpha-type can.
~Ma'iingan = Ojibwa word for Wolf
~Translator found at XX
~~Pack Law : Alphas word is law, don't question what is (don't question the ways), newly bitten are to be left to change on their own, DO NOT bite outsiders, only the alphas can decide who is bitten, omegas will be harshly punished if they are to bit someone. -Alpha is to eat first, followed by elders, lastly omegas-~~
~Punishments : Canines smashed out, all four to be destroyed, Will grow back after 3 weeks (IRL). Separated from the mate for a week *if they have one*. Banished from the pack forever (Worst case scenario).
~There is only ONE pack. NO loner/rogue wolv's, if your wolv is banished you may make another wolv.
~Omega's are sent in groups of two (decided by me) to patrol, their routes beaten into the earth by their paws.
~For anyone wondering they are Direwolves, that's why their wolv's are so large.
~~Alpha-Types are anywhere from 2.8-3.5ft at the shoulder, and weigh anywhere from 160-200lbs. Omega Types are anywhere from 2.5-2.8ft at the shoulder and weigh in at 120-180lbs.~~

Territory Info:
They own ALL of Atikaki, The entire park is their territory. Their borders are about 300 yard short of Atikaki park borders. They stay out of sight this way, but can still watch the pack.
~DEN~ (I forget where it is placed in the books as I couldn't find it sorry ^^'') The den is about 1 1/2 miles off of the Bloodvein River, it lay in a small clearing, a large rocky area jutting out of the ground. A couple crevices lay within the rocks surface, but the den itself lay in the bottom right crevice. Just big enough of a space for the Alpha to fit through, inside it opens into a large cave. The omegas sleep on the floor in the back of the cave, while the alphas sleep on the ledges of the cave.(which are much taller then they appear in the picture).

RP Rules:
~NO Power-play/god-modding; Such as using another character that's not yours in any way. Insta-hitting. Indestructible/Powerful characters.
~5+ Sentences! Be Descriptive. Correct grammar and spelling to the best of your ability. NO "Kills prey runs back home drops and sleeps." Or "__ Panted and slept, it was hot outside." Or "Doug asked Jay 'do u know the best place to hunt? r u hungry?'"
~Keep cussing to a minimum. Put 'marshmallow' in other if you read this far.
~The youngest age of being bitten in is 7, the oldest being 22~
~2 characters per person, can't be your own mate. If you can prove you can handle more you can have up to 4.
~You cant be in one place then suddenly go to another if something is going on that you don't like. If you read this far ignore the marshmallow part and put 'wolv' in Personality..
~Title your posts! I understand the occasional slip up as I do it as well. Title = "Name / Age / Gender / Rank / Mentions/Location
~OOC in ( ), * *. [ ]. { }
~Looking for Admins to help me, PM me.

Alpha; Lead wolv, largest and strongest of all (Mine)
Elders; The wisest and oldest of the pack, help the alpha make decisions for the pack.
Alpha-Type; The largest of the pack, strong and fast. They are the only ones who can truly hunt down anything larger then a fox. Could hunt a young caribou/elk by themselves, only 2-3 needed for an adult.
Omega-Type; The smallest of the pack, set to doing the 'dirty work'. They run border patrols, drive outsiders away from the pack and can barely hunt rabbits let alone the prey an alpha-type can.

- Ishkode / Male / Pg 1
Elders (4)
Alpha-Types (5+)
-Hades / Male / Pg 1
-Alaska / Female / Pg 1
-Nyx / Female / Pg 1
Omega-Types (8+)
-Nibi / Female / Pg 1
-Erebus / Male / Pg 1
-Omen / Male / Pg 1


Age when bitten in? (7-23)
Type/Rank? (Alpha-Type, Omega-Type)
Strengths (+, 2-3) & Weaknesses (-, 2+)
History: (OPTIONAL)
RP SAMPLE: (Make sure it's your best work!)


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Edited on 25/11/16 @ 14:35:18 by Wolflord (PM me for Work days) (#17200)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-07 13:05:15

Myeengun "Little Wolf" (How ironic ey?)
Wolv name ; Ishkode "Fire"
Ishkode is a fierce wolv, one who isn't afraid to take charge of the situation, he keeps a firm paw on his pack-mates and keeps them safe from harm. Ever since the demise of the legendary Keme and a few other failed leaders he strives to be better. Keeping no major secrets away from the pack and watching over them. He loves all his 'bite-children' dearly and even goes as far as to treat them as his own.
Age when bitten in?
Alpha-Type / ALPHA!
Strengths (+, 2-3) & Weaknesses (-, 2+)
+Good leader
-Due to large size he's not very agile
He doesn't remember much of his past, as he was very young when he was bitten in, all he remembers is waking up as a wolf in the middle of a small forest fire on the opposite side of Bloodvein... An Wolv alpha-type finding him and bringing him back to the pack calling him Ishkode, for the fire he escaped from. (The only reason he's white is because he was bitten in as a child, was an outsider)
Above. 3.8ft at the shoulder weighs in at 240lbs.
Other: He likes noodles

Nibi "Water"
Nibi is a quiet wolv, she has accepted her fate and even embraces it! She listens to orders fairly well and even has developed a small crush on one of the alphas, though that isn't something she'd admit out loud. She isn't a stickler for the rules but follows them for the sake of living, not wanting to be chased from the pack and tossed to the wilderness not being able to hunt.
Age when bitten in?
Strengths (+, 2-3) & Weaknesses (-, 2+)
+ Speed
+ Quick Thinker
+ High Pain Tolerance
- Agility
- Strength
Nibi was out washing clothes in the river since once again the water in her house had faltered and ran out. She had been picking up on howls from the other side of the river, though ignored them. Surely the Wolvs hadn't returned right? Well maybe they had! That'd be great.. She lived alone anyway.. Who would miss her? She jumped in a canoe and aimlessly wandered to the other side of the river, the howls were captivating to her and she ended up following them deeper into the wilderness. Moments later a slick white wolv jumped from the cover of the heavy brush and sunk it's teeth deep into her arms.. Two years later she had grown used to her wolven body, though the pack is still a bit wary of the newcomer.
2.5 feet at the shoulder and weighing in at 120lbs, she truly is one of the smallest wolvs of the pack. A few scars dot her body from scuffles over food with other omegas.
Other: Has yet to take a mate.

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Edited on 12/11/16 @ 19:35:27 by Wolflord (LOff; Weekend Hiatus (#17200)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-07 13:05:25

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-11-07 21:16:39

Ooh, Wolf I told you I didn't have time, but I can't resist xD I wish there was a Beta or Second-In-Command though. Oh well :)
May I reserve an Alpha-Type?
Thank you! :D I'm so excited lol

"Your heart stops when you realize you became the wolf your parents always warned you about."


( Human Name: Ethan )

25 years, 2 months


Age when bitten in?
8 years

Alpha Type

Strengths (+, 2-3) & Weaknesses (-, 2+)
+ Incredibly Strong
+ Intelligent
+ Brave
- Not as agile
- Aggressive
- Vicious

As a result of his terrible past, Hades is very aggressive, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of mercy or submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason, this fearless WOLV will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this male fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for a loved one. Given his slightly short temper, Hades is a very quick-to-fight brute and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with claws out and teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Hence the name Hades, meaning 'King of Hell', a scary title. And this fits him. He is a scary male in the pack and many know him to be strong and aggressive. Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a pack, or loved one), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

Hades is also very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Hades is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and col personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes, and if he does ever find a mate, he'd be interested in having pups.

A fearsome - yet attractive - male with scarily pitch black fur. Along with this, the fearsome brute has terrifying and intimidating yellow eyes that can intensely stare at one as if he is staring into one's soul. Standing at a fearsome 3.8 feet (at the shoulder) and weighing at a startling 200 pounds (a lot of it muscle), Hades is certainly larger than most wolves, and is typically a beast of a male, with an immense amount of strength, like his father before him. He has rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training (from his father+by himself), and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Hades is a wolf known to strike fear into others, having a fearsome appearance. In addition to his other fierce qualities, this black male has razor sharp canine teeth. This broad-shouldered male has a few scars on his body from the many battles he has fought, including one down across his eye from his mortal enemy [OPEN], a long one down/across the left side of his neck, three faint claw marks on his left back leg, and a small, barely noticeable one across his dorsal bridge (nose). Hades also has other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Despite all the scars Hades wears, the brute is still an attractive wolf, though he does appear as a fearsome and intimidating brute- his black fur, scars, piercing eyes, knife sharp teeth, and his massive, muscular body all making this so.



Guuuurl, you know me! x'D

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 22:38:20 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-08 02:29:47
@Christi, Hades can't be so tall or way so much, Alpha types have a limit of 3.5ft at the shoulder and weighing (at a tops weight of) 200lbs. You didn't read everything either :P

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-11-08 06:20:36
@Wolf - Oh I saw that, but then saw your character weighing and standing above the limit and assumed lol. I'll fix that :)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-08 06:24:33
@Christi, Yes its because he's the lead alpha, who stands above all others and weighs more then them as well. and you still didn't read everything XD

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

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Posted on
2016-11-08 06:24:34

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Edited on 08/11/16 @ 13:24:41 by Wolflord (LOff; Weekend Hiatus (#17200)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-10 12:10:33
@christi, x3 seen the edit now.. accepted

Anyone else?? o.o

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-11-10 15:00:29

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
(only white bc she is an outsider, and has blonde hair ^^)

Human name: Ellie



" I believe that even in the darkest of dark wolvs, come light shines through. No one is born wicked, no one is born pure of heart; it is simply what path you choose to take. I believe in second chances, I know that sometimes people make the wrong choice, they make decisions when their hearts are full of hatred or sorrow. And they feel that the path they have chosen whilst in that state, is the path they must walk forever, but there is always a way out. I believe that even the tiniest spark of good, can ignite a fire"

Alaska is a bubbly, bright and level headed young wolv, although she is sometimes cautious of people she isn't close to Alaska is very social and is always up for a nice chat. She has a good sense of humor and is very passionate about what she believes in. She has been known to act shy and flustered around wolvs that she has strong romantic feelings towards, often hesitant to strike up a conversation. Pure white wolv believes that everyone deserves a second chance, that you are who you choose to be; and that no one can change that. Alaska becomes very emotional when wolvs mention her brother, she loved him with all her heart and looked up to him; the feeling she felt when he deserted her was like her heart shattering into a million pieces. Alaska likes to try and put the past behind her, looking for the best in life and other wolvs, unfortunately sometimes ghosts of the past will make an appearance, and when this happens she is a totally different wolv. Alaska can be very untrusting, but once you find a way into her heart, she will love you 'till the end of time. Although she is kind and gentle most of the time do not rub her up the wrong way, despite her size she can be extremely furious. She is lean, nimble and not afraid to face a wolf twice her size.

Age When Bitten In?


Strengths & Weaknesses
-Finds it hard to trust newcomers
-Can get cocky

Her human name was Ellie, and she was 9 years old when she was bitten. Her older brother Conrad was on his GAP year, and as their mother was very busy he took her down to the forest to give her some room. Whilst staying in a small camp site strange creatures came in the night. Ellie was backed into a corner by one, it's murderous eyes fixed on her pale flesh. When she needed Conrad most, he fled, abandoning her. She was bitten and forced to watch as he looked her in the eyes, turned, and ran away. These events changed Alaska's life forever, she learnt to get her own back and only trust those who she knew with all her heart she could rely on. Alaska knows she should despise her brother, but after all that she has gone through she can't bring herself to feel that way.

A stunningly beautiful white wolf with intense blue eyes. She is slightly under the average weight for a female, weighing about 100lbs and about 3.0ft at the shoulder.

Other Source

RP Sample
I wasn't sure if I was known enough, we have RPed together before although that was a while ago. I can submit a sample if needed ^^


Name: Omen

Age: 24 years

Gender: Male

Personality: Omen is kind, caring and soft-hearted. Although he has quite the sense of humor and often has a flirtatious atmosphere. He is strong and fast and a diligent fighter, this often causes him to this causes him to be impatient and sometimes slightly reckless. He is brave enough to look danger in the face. And is is very protective of those he cares about.

Age when bitten in:


+ Strong
+ Fast
+ Hard Worker
- Reckless
- Super Flirtatious

Appearance: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Height: 120
Weight: 2.8

Lol he is still a bit of a WIP, you can tell I put more effort into Alaska o.o

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Edited on 25/11/16 @ 19:18:26 by Sprinkles {4 day hiatus} (#86006)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-12 08:19:58
@Sprinkles, she's a tad small, and white.. She might be the only other 'outsider' allowed into this rp. a sample is appreciated but not required from you o3o

From this point on. ONLY black and brown wolvs may be used!

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-11-12 10:18:16


:: Human Name ::
Camille Rivera.

:: Wolv Name ::

:: Age ::
19 years old.

:: Gender ::

:: Personality ::
Nyx is an outgoing and enthusiastic young wolv with a thirst for knowledge and a taste for adventure. Her deamnor can easily come across as overbearing, even if it's unintentional. She's fairly domineering in nature and believes she always knows best. Even when proven wrong she will stubbornly hold onto her opinions without any hint of abandoning them. An avid scholar, she's prone to rambling on for hours upon hours on a single subject and boring her packmates to tears, yet never allowing them to leave her presence until she's finished speaking. If she doesn't educate them who will? Honestly, she's doing them a favor! She rarely shies away from conflict or a fight, being a rather confrontational person. Her loyalty to Ishkode is resolute and unwavering. It is likely his words, commands and advice are the only ones she will heed.

:: Age Bitten ::
8 years old.

:: Rank ::

:: Strengths & Weaknesses ::
+ Swift, agile and athletic.
+ Loyal and reliable.
+ Intelligent and educated.
- Overly stubborn.
- Argumentative.

:: History ::
Bitten as a child, she has been a wolv for much longer than she was ever a human. As such, she has fully accepted that this is what she is now and has very few feelings of bitterness or resentment. She was born into a multi-racial family, her mother pure Ojibwa while her father was Afro-Latino. The family were visiting Atikaki Provincial Park when Camille wandered away from her parents and grew lost in the wood, lured away by an interesting looking bird. She doesn't remember much after that before waking up in the middle of a clearing as a wolv and being assimilated into the pack.

:: Appearance ::
A moderately sized she-wolv of her type at 2.8 feet at the shoulder and weighing 260 pounds. Her pelt is medium-length, thick and a mottled mix of blacks and browns. Her round eyes are a very pale golden. Her legs are long and body slender.

:: Other ::
Roasted marshmallows are my favorite summer snack.

◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘


:: Human Name ::
Gregory Black.

:: Wolv Name ::

:: Age ::
25 years old.

:: Gender ::

:: Personality ::
Outwardly volatile and unpleasant. He doesn’t trust easily and expects the worst out of everyone, preferring to be left alone than sought out for any sort of social interaction. General first impressions of Erebus would likely be he’s an extreme cynic with little to no regard for anyone else around him. This isn’t exactly true, while he will keep to himself given the chance, he’s been known to intervene if someone needed help and is more compassionate than people give him credit for.

Often seen as strange and too aggressive to approach outside of pack duties, he doesn't have many friends to speak of. Erebus isn’t someone who is particularly used to being treated nicely and views himself poorly. As such, he really doesn't know how to deal with others being agreeable toward him and will still prove quite prickly even in the face of genuine kindness. An attitude like that rightfully tends to push wolvs away, but should anyone prove persistent enough to stick around he’ll eventually grow less guarded and friendlier around that particular wolv.

:: Age Bitten ::
22 years old.

:: Rank ::

:: Strengths & Weaknesses ::
+ Hardy and self-reliant.
+ Strong bite and excellent aim.
+ High pain tolerance.
- Leg injury means he isn't very quick.
- Hostile, temperamental attitude.

:: History ::
He's had a pretty rough life thus far, from a childhood full of bullying and abuse at home to a mostly solitary adulthood with little in the way of positive social interaction. An outsider to the Ojibwa, he was visiting the park on a solo camping trip, as he's always had an affinity for nature if nothing else. He was bitten in the night, taken by surprise as he slept. Erebus doesn't feel he has any better standing within the pack than he did in the human world. He questions his existence there and treats everyone with thinly veiled scrutiny and mistrust. His leg injury was sustained as a teenager. He doesn't appear particularity interested in discussing how it happened.

:: Appearance ::
A smaller Omega-type at only 2.4 feet and weighing around 118 pounds. He's fairly fluffy so that makes him appear a bit larger than he is in reality. His coat is predominately black with a white mouth, throat, chest, underbelly and front toes. White tipped hairs also line the legs, face, shoulders, back and sides. His eyes are a piercing bright golden. He walks with a heavy limp, his right hind leg permanently injured before the change.

◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘

Can I cheat and not post one considering you know me?

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Edited on 12/11/16 @ 23:26:27 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-12 10:21:58
ohhh looking forwards to it o3o

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☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2016-11-12 10:24:27
Ah okay sorry about that, I will fix up her size and I can always change her fur colour if needed ^^

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-11-12 10:28:26
no you're fine :) It'll be nice to have two outsiders among the pack since the rest are natives. Adding Alaska and Hades to the list.

Omegas wanted: 2-3 before beginning (Depending on Potatopaz' character)

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-11-12 10:33:49
I planned on making an Alpha-type and Omega-type. Would that be alright, or would you prefer more Omegas?

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