Posted by Prides of..: Wetlands RP

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-14 08:20:24

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Edited on 14/12/16 @ 15:21:24 by Soltero (#9059)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-14 08:21:02

"Come, .. you have much to learn."

Kondo (Swahili; War)


5 Years


4ft (shoulder)

6ft (Not including tail)


-Brother; Jelani
-Queen; - -
-Cubs; - -

Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Strength / Skill
+ Very large, Intimidating
+ Inseparable bond with Jelani(Brother)
- Impatient
- Lazy, Couch Potato
- Hardly ever leaves the Courtyard

If not for the numerous scars drawn all across this beast's face and body, Kondo might have been labeled the prettier of the two brothers. However that was just not the case, this King's once handsome features marred by the many battles of his youth. No doubt a majority of these lengthy wounds came from Jelani himself, as the two siblings often practiced new techniques on one another. Anyways..

To gain Kondo's favor was to ensure your survival; well, that was if you subtracted your need for food. Although a valiant, seemingly fearless protector and warrior... Kondo often displayed a violent sense of food possessiveness. Even towards his beloved kin. Whereas the boisterous King participated in a meal's capture or not, the stench of blood would promise his arrival to its source. It is best to gobble down as much as you can chew before his grand appearance is made. As for cubs, Kondo barely has patience for them; however, he finds satisfaction when in the presence of those wishing to learn from him. A crude teacher, perhaps even a bit abusive, his lessons never lack a gain in knowledge. To stay under his care too long? The threat of becoming a meal rises with each passing hour.

Kondo is submissive to his brother only, perhaps because he enjoys the leisure lifestyle and company of lionesses.. without having to put forth much of an effort. It was nice being the laid back of two, although this did NOT mean Kondo's existence was useless. He would die defending his brother, die defending their luscious turf. These facts are not questionable; and from posture alone, Kondo can be assumed very.. territorial.

(Better Description Above in first Paragraph)
- Black dominants this male's mane, a clear distinction between the brothers.
- Both face and body are riddled with scars, telling of his experience gained throughout his youth.

Attention Cubs: Interacting with this male for a long period of time can result in heightened survival chance for cubs. This will lessen the chance of injury/death on your Danger Rolls. But be warned, get on this lion's nerves, and the risk of death might be greater in his presence than any other's.

- - -
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Source & Source

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Edited on 15/12/16 @ 09:46:43 by Soltero (#9059)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-14 08:25:18
simon_african_male_lion_by_charfade-d3cm Source

Jelani {Mighty}


5 years


4ft (shoulder)

6ft (Not including tail)


Brother: Kondo
Queen: Nakia
Cubs: Achi, Atka

Strengths & Weaknesses:
-Over protective

Jelani is a very patient male, and is not bothered by rowdy antics of the younger pride members. It is very uncommon of him to snap at anyone, or lose his temper. However if a situation arose, that called for a stern paw, Jelani is unafraid to be stern father of the pride. Gentle as this big boy is, Jelani is the more dominant one of the two brothers. However he does not mind splitting the kingly duties with his brother.

Being over protective is one thing that Jelani cannot help. Instint tells him to be aware, and ready for any threats that could come the pride's way. After all as king it is his duty to provide protection. Jelani would without question die defending his brother, his turf, and their spawn.

Jelani has a strong bond with Kondo, and this can be seen in the affection and attention the large male gives to him. Of course their love may be a little more on the rough side at times, but what do you except from two brothers.

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 15:42:36 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Kuma ™ (#16165)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 00:46:50


Nakia (chaste, faithful)


7 Years

Queen to Jelani

Height, Length, Weight
3"5, 5"8, 260 lbs

Jelani's Queen
Daughter: Achi
No known siblings

Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Caring personality
+ Protective, Submissive
+ Small, makes for good speed
+ Very intelligent
- Lacks strength
- Small, vulnerable
- Weak-willed at times

Nakia is a quiet, submissive, sweet lioness who puts her all into caring for those close to her. The pride is the priority, and pleasing her King is the first on her list at all times. She will always lend a hand into leading hunting parties and giving huntresses strategies and tactics; albeit not being as strong as other lionesses, she makes up for it in wits and cleverness, along with remarkable speed. Though this fails to help in a hunt, other than when the party begins a chase. Nakia is the utmost loyal, as she has never abandoned her pride or mate in their times of need, or in times of hate. She will always put others before herself and serves to protect and mother the lionesses and cubs of the pride. She is seen as a motherly figure, someone to talk to and someone to confide in because of her wisdom and her tender care. One thing to mention is that despite her loving nature, Nakia intends to keep her rank as Queen, as in, show and prove her dominance above the other ranks. Although she may not enjoy violence, she bares a sharp bite and will not hesitate to finish pride disputes and to protect her ranking. This is hardly seen in her personality though, unless it is necessary.

Nakia is a rather small, slender lioness with a deep golden coat and tawny features along her legs, stomach, and face. She has noticeable tear marks along her face, which teases the fact that she relates to a cheetah, in her sleekness and speed. The Queen has natural beauty to her, a gentle flaxen gaze and rugged tufts in her ears; the only rugged thing about her, really. Her tail tip is a dark umber colour and her nose is rather dark, speckled and dotted. Age has failed to show itself within her features as she looks as young as any other lioness, despite her older age.

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Edited on 18/12/16 @ 11:39:39 by Kuma (#16165)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 00:51:38


Johari {Swahili; Jewel}


5 years


3 foot, 10 inches (shoulder)

5 foot, 9 inches (Not including the tail)

245 Ibs

Aunt ~ Dayo

Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Skilled Hunter
+ Level-Headed
- Speed
- Infertile

Johari is an all-around friendly lioness, with a lithe tongue and a skill for casual dry humor. She knows her way around a conversation, often flirting with the males in and around her duties. Her opinions are unwavering and the female's stubbornness have been the start of more than a few minor skirmishes. She is quite self-confident and knows her skill in physical activity, principally hunting and combat. Johari has 'wandering ears' and they love to pick up on topics she may or may not have been meant to hear, but as it "may be important information to know" (According to her) she believes that it is part of her duties. Besides, someone may be planning a mutiny!

Johari was born to a pair of pride lions, her mother being Sumatra, a sister to one of the queens. She was the only live one out of a litter of six as Sumatra had poor fertility and was prone to miscarriages. When she found that all but one of her babies had died, she made sure to devote all of her time to the strong female. When Johari was one, a hunting party drug back her mother, killed by the wildebeest they were hunting.

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Edited on 27/12/16 @ 12:14:55 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 01:41:48

Achi {Strength}


1 Years 1 Month


2' 11" at shoulder

4' 5" (not including tail)


Father- Jelani
Mother- Nakia
Siblings- Atka

Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Quick Thinker
+ Small and Agile
+ Fast on her Paws
- Young/ Inexperienced
- Curious to a Fault/ Nosey
- Loud

Being a young feline, Achi is quite the adventurous adolescent. She is very curious, often getting herself in trouble with both the pride and the impatient herds she ends up near. This lioness is always covered in bruises, scrapes, or other abrasions due to her hectic exploration. While she does not have good judgement, Achi's brain works a million miles an hour... just like her tongue. Achi could talk for ages if not told to shut up by an older lion, and even then she can continue on her boisterous ways. She is very fast and loves racing. It is not determined yet whether her small size is just because of her age or just because she naturally small, as she is reaching the age when she stops growing. However, it does not matter the Achi, who takes full advantage of being smaller. During short spars with her pride members, this lioness is very quick and agile on her feet. Although, this often leads to her bragging when she wins said battles.

Achi has received a lot of her physical attributes from her mother. It is likely that Achi will only grow to be a little bit larger, as she is a near reflection of her mother. Beautiful like her mother, this lioness is sleek and fast.
((Most information is under personality))

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 15:32:08 by RoosterChick~ #poopfordays (#46649)

Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 02:06:42


Dayo (joy arrives)


7 years





Sisters: Mudiwa (full)
Niece: Johani
Cubs: Zoa'x, Lesedi, Scry

Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Very patient with cubs
+ Selfless
- Overly protective of 'her' cubs
- Short tempered with adults

Dayo is an extremely nurturing lioness which lends her perfectly to the job of broodmother, a job she takes extremely seriously. She loves to care for cubs and tolerates pretty much anything outside of physical injury from them. This, however, tends to mean that all her patience is used up on the cubs and is none is left for the adults in the pride. She also has a tendency to be overprotective of the cubs, particularly newborns, and will generally not allow anyone other then the litter's mother around the cubs until they're ready to be weaned. When taking the cubs out of the den, Dayo is usually hyper aware of everything going on so that she can steer them clear of danger and she will always be one of the first to put herself in mortal danger to protect any one of the pride's cubs, whether in her care of not. She's also selfless in that if there's ever a shortage of food, she will starve herself so that the cubs and adolescents can eat or will allow already weaned cubs to nurse from her. Her nurturing personality also sometimes can extend to the adults of the pride if they happen to be ill or injured. She will do her best to make sure they are properly fed and cared for, providing doing so doesn't interfere with caring for the pride's cubs. Just because she is short-tempered with the adults doesn't mean she doesn't care for them or has no empathy for them.

The most notable thing about Dayo's physical appearance is her coat. It is predominated by a deep golden color that almost reaches red. It fades to cream on her chin, belly and the inside of her thighs and the inside and back of her front legs. On the cream on her belly and legs, you can just make out faint spotting. She has black etching on her face, most notably on her cheek bones, contrasting well with the yellow of her eyes. Her nose is black on the outside and fades to a dark brown in the center. As far as her build goes, the best way to describe it is all around average. Not big or small, just average.

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Edited on 20/12/16 @ 12:14:05 by Jalesi (#99503)

Kelshand (#19565)

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Posted on
2016-12-15 05:35:11


Mudiwa {Beloved}


7 years

Queen to Kondo

3.7ft (shoulder)

5.5ft (Not including tail)


King: Kondo
Sisters: Dayo (Full)
Neices: Johari, Lesedi, Scry
Nephews: Zoa'x
Cubs: -

Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Intelligent
+ Physically strong
+ Good Leader
- lacks speed
- risk taker

Personality: Overall, Mudiwa is a well rounded individual. She is intelligent from her life experiences and physically strong due to her genetic confirmation. Her goal in life is of course to pass along her genes to a new generation who she can also teach and bestow knowledge upon in her own, specific ways. Her heart remains forever loyal to her pride members, as well as a unique affection for her King. Her word is trustworthy, though a stretch of truth will occur if it benefits the pride. Mudiwa is a very protective mother, as most should be, but will allow her cubs to have a mind of their own to learn things the hard way. With this Queen you must earn your keep by actions because talk is cheap and promises are hollow. Hunting is enjoyable for her when it comes to the bringing down of prey animals. Her brute strength is impressive for a lioness but her speed suffers in turn. Typically social and friendly, Mudiwa can be intimidating when truly angered. Her blows are harsh and her threats solid and she is not against leaving memorable scars as reminders to her enemies. She is rather social and mostly friendly, but wary of newcomers and strangers for quite a long time.

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Edited on 25/12/16 @ 09:27:09 by Kelshand (#19565)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-15 06:35:17

picture source
Name pronunciation

3 years old


3' 5"

5' 6" (not including tail)

274 lbs

Sister- Nakia
Cubs- N/A

Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Agile
+ Intelligent
+ Social
- Overprotective of her family
- Slender build means she's not the strongest lioness
- Her fearlessness often gets her into bad situations

Sihiri can be a bit fiery at times, which is odd considering her eyes and aura give off that of a calm female. Often her temper will flare up if someone threatens her family's safety, but other than that she is a calm lioness. Her intelligence helps her upon the hunt, usually putting her three steps ahead of the prey. Although intelligent she would never be able to hunt large prey alone, her strength simply isn't up there yet. What intelligence she has she lacks in common sense, giving her a rather fearless vibe. This fearlessness usually end up in her getting into a situation she could've avoided, which isn't always the best for her. The one thing Sihiri could never stand is if she were to be alone, she's too much of a sociable creature. Her favourite lion to hang around with though would be her sister, she likes to keep her family bonds strong. This lioness is calm and collected, often emulating her older sister. When on the hunt however that seems to turn around, she's a ruthless killer with no mercy. The final thing about her is her rather dominant personality, anyone she feels she is above she will try and take charge over. This behaviour mostly comes out when hunting again, as she feels she has good hunting skills.

-Most of her coat is a dark golden colour, although her underside is a lighter creamy shade.
-This light creamy colour also surrounds her eyes a little and goes from the bottom of her nose to the top of her mouth.
-Her eyes have a black colour around them, this blackness ending where her muzzle begins to come out.
-Her eyes are a light amber colour
-Her nose has an orangish tinge to it.
-There are minor scars on her muzzle from altercations with other creatures.
-Her tail ends in a dark brown tuft.
-She has a slender build, hence her agility and mild lack of strength

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Edited on 15/12/16 @ 13:47:14 by ~Kiannia~ (#27008)

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-16 12:26:45



Three months


Dam: Dayo
Sire: Kondo/ Jelani
Siblings: Leader cub, Follower cub

The smallest of her litter, Scry is often overlooked when the cubs are all together. This is because she isn't as loud or as boisterous as her siblings, instead preferring to take things slowly and be as cautious as possible. When she's by herself, some of her natural curiosity does come to the surface, although she wont intentionally put herself in danger to sate it.

Around the adult members of the pride, Scry is one of the more respectful cubs. Truthfully, the large adults frighten and intrigue her, and she can often be found watching them from a safe distance away. She shows particular interest in the two Kings of the pride, as she wants to know which of the brothers is her sire. She has never voiced this question however, due to her fear of the repercussions.

During training, Scry is very engaged and seems to soak up the instruction of the older members of the pride. However she does allow herself to be outshined by her more boisterous siblings, often ending up on the sidelines behind their antics. In order to make sure she doesn't get left behind due to this, she often will ask for more training after her siblings have grown bored and wander off.

Scry is easily annoyed by loud lions, but her gentle personality doesn't allow her to express this. Because of that, she does tend to snap at undeserving lions such as her trainers on the days when her siblings have been particularly noisy. She's also incredibly impatient, although most can't tell this. Rather than vocalize her impatience, this lioness' body language gives her away. When forced to wait, Scry will often shuffle her paws and may even pace if she has to wait for too long.

All in all this cub is a quiet, respectful member of her pride.

Strengths and Weaknesses:
-Easily annoyed

The runt of her litter, Scry will always be smaller than her siblings however she is well proportioned for her smaller frame. Her fur is the typical color that comes to mind when you hear the word lion, with its warm golden base. Her guard hairs are a lighter shade, giving her a multifaceted golden appearance that will help to camouflage her when she hunts. Her eyes are dark amber and rather unremarkable, and her nose is mottled pink and brown. All in all, she is a typical lioness, if a bit small.

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Edited on 18/12/16 @ 18:39:03 by Transkitty (#101285)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 06:46:06

Three months
Dam: Dayo
Sire: Kondo/ Jelani
Siblings: Scry, Follower cub

Zoa'x is a very talkative young cub who is very hard to control, always eager to explore and get into trouble. He has a knack for annoying others, is intelligent enough to find a way to go on escapades, and arrogant enough to think nothing can injure him. This cub is very protective and loving of his two younger siblings, especially Scry, who he believes is not strong enough to protect herself.

Everything Zoa'x does is powered by mind and soul, and the passion that he radiates is impressive if exhausting. This cub is very a result he is hard to train, contain, and manage and unfortunately he almost always gets his siblings to go with him on his adventures big and small. He believes nothing is out of the grasp of his paws and once he wants something he will do nearly anything to get it...whether it be break the rules, play innocent, or manipulate others it does not matter.

If needed Zoa'x can be very patient in getting what he desires.


Zoa'x is the largest of his two siblings, fluffy, and deep russet in color. Beneath his pelt, lies a body that could grow to be strong, agile, or both depending on life choices. Dark opaque eyes seem to be yet indecisive of their future color switching between a deep copper, gold, brass, and bronze, a noted contrast to the dark red of the young cub's nose.

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Edited on 17/12/16 @ 13:48:37 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 09:09:24


Lesedi {Light}


3 months


Dayo - Mother
Kondo/Jelani- Father
Scry, Zoa'x- Siblings

Lesedi has a very relaxed, laid back nature about her. It is hard to aggravate this level headed female. She tends to take what comes at her with a highly positive attitude. Very much so a go with the flow lioness. Many may think because she is so laid back that she is lazy, this however is not the case, Lesedi can be just as active as any other lion

This fae has nothing to give but her affection, and will do so often. Especially to her siblings and fathers...that is when one of them is not cranky. Even so she is a quick learner and knows when it is time to leave. Being a quick learner also grants for a good pupil. Often wanting to learn things from the older lions.

Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Intelligent
+ Patience
+ Level Headed
- Light coat color
- Laid back

Unlike her siblings Lesedi bares a light coat. Not to be confused as an albino as it is more of a really light beige instead of a white. The one distinction she has that proves she is not albino is her cub spots. The cub spots along her pelt are dark brown, appearing even darker against her lighter coat color. Her eyes are a pale blue green color and will remain so on into adult hood.

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Edited on 17/12/16 @ 16:35:51 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 08:07:51

{Gaurdian Spirit}


Picture Source

:: Quote ::
"It is impossible to move once cloaked by the shadow of doubt.
But you must keep fighting."

:: Gender ::

:: Age ::
1 Year 1 Months

:: Rank ::

:: Height ::
4'7 {Head}

:: Length ::
5'10 {Excluding tail}

:: Weigth ::

:: Family ::

:: Personality ::
Atka is a determined young lion who when faced with protecting the prides cubs, or his own sister is prepared to face any danger head-on. Though that's not to say he isn't terrified when doing so, in fact he could scare himself enough till he becomes unsure of himself and begins to question if he'd even be able to overcome such a feat as saving the ones he loves. Taking on the appearance of a cup himself as he seems to shrink out of his pelt, it is quite a thing to witness as you watch the once proud and large male turn into a shivering mess of self doubt. And this state is nearly impossible to take him out of, your best option is to let him collect himself in peace.

And even though some pride members might think him silly or pathetic for these uncontrollable acts of his, he still highly respects them as he knows they bring the pride it's meals, as well as help with any danger threatening them. After all he is still a young male, and has much to learn, even hopes he will be able to overcome these episodes of fear that haphazardly take him.

:: Strengths ::
• Determined
• Merciful
• Honoring

:: Weaknesses ::
• Unsure of himself
• Easily distracted
• Inadequate

:: Bio ::
Aligned with his kindred's coats, his is much brighter in comparison than most with opal eyes that sparkle like freshly fallen snow, or the twinkling of stars in the winter night. And as well as being quite large for his age, you could say Atka is a sight to be seen. His face is a bit nicked around the muzzle, but this is partially do to falling in a patch of brambles as a young Cub and the wounds healing poorly. Other than that, his pelt is untouched and regularly groomed. His crown of fur has already began to grow out along his neck and shoulders, and along with his face taking on a mature undertone with a sharp jaw and cheekbones, accompanied by narrow and wise looking eyes, Atka looks to be transforming into a very handsome young male.

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Edited on 24/12/16 @ 04:08:53 by NaiPherah ❆ Happy Holidays! (#88158)

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