Posted by Dead Ends Roleplay (DO NOT POST)

KittensKove (#66322)

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2017-04-26 08:44:51
When the news got out that the dead were returning, things went into a haze. People wanted to get in their cars and drive away. Most people didn’t want to believe it. The world was coming to an end. For most anyway. As the “disease” got worse more people turned. You couldn’t escape them. The "Walkers”, as they have been called now, were horrifying. Human and animal flesh are the only things that will sate them. And even then they still want more. If a walker bites you, you turn into them. The only way to stop them? Kill them. A death blow straight through the temple. It won't work otherwise. Most of the government has been wiped out. We can’t rely on them to save us if they aren't there. So we make camps. Those with enough strength to protect many make sanctuaries, though most never last. You either survive or die trying.

(Along the way we will come up with more plotlines)
- I would really prefer you weren't new to roleplaying! No *'s. Example: *She sneak up and laughs behind him*
-Never take over someone else’s character, unless you have permission. The only characters you have control over are your own. This rule goes with killing others characters too. That isn’t allowed
-No overly depressed, suicidal characters. It kills the point of the roleplay. To have fun.
-This is a group roleplay! Please wait for others to respond.
-Respond in the appropriate place. There is a thread for talking, roleplaying, and character sheets.
-Do not “Godmod”. Meaning do not make your character be the best at everything. Make their weakness list just as long as their strengths. Theoretically.
-Be active? I’d really appreciate at least a post a day. If you can’t be active, don't join. I understand life is more important but I’ve grown tired of people joining and not staying.

Some key things to remember:
-Take into consideration your surroundings.
-A shot to the head kills. One to the stomach doesn't.
-Noises attract Walkers.
-Guns are powerful but LOUD
-Things you need cannot just randomly spawn into your hands.
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Edited on 26/04/17 @ 16:05:34 by Cherushi (#66322)

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