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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-02-22 19:32:07

Main Roleplay Thread


Please fill out the form below in its entirety. Remove asterisks from coding before posting. This form is designed to keep things brief so please try and keep to the guidelines given within each section. The idea is to let everyone get a feel for your character without giving everything away so characters can get to know and discover things about one another via roleplay.

<*p style="font-family:FONT HERE;color:#000;text-align:center;"><*a href="SOURCE URL HERE"><*img src="IMAGE URL HERE" width="500">

Your character's full given name along with any nicknames/aliases.

How old is your character?

All welcome.

Same as above.

Physical Description
Write a concise description telling us what your character looks like. 1-2 paragraphs at most.

Write 1-2 paragraths detailing your character's personality.

Important friends, family members, etc.

Theme Song

Anything extra you might want us to know about your character goes here.

If we aren't familiar please provide a roleplay sample below your form and put it under a spoiler in order to save room. If you aren't sure how to do that the code is provided below. Remove asterisks before posting.

[*spoiler]Roleplay sample here.[*/spoiler]

Please pm me both a rundown of your character's ability and a brief description of their backstory. While these things aren't required in the bio form so there's an element of surprise, as the admin, I need to know the finer details.



While I'd like everyone to try and come up with something unique I may allow similar abilities so long as they function differently. Obviously, if I get multiple people asking for the same thing I will start caping people off. Your character may have only 1 (one) ability so choose wisely.

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Edited on 10/04/19 @ 23:30:48 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-02-22 20:22:31


Cayenne Willow.

21 years old.



Physical Description
Taller than average at 5'11" with a robust, sturdy build, and a head full of long, curly gingery brown hair kept parted to the side, ending just below her shoulders. Her almond shaped eyes are a dark shade of hazel and her skin is light brown, her face and arms dusted with red freckles. Cayenne's clothes often consist of little more than a tank top or t-shirt with red flannel worn overtop, blue jeans or shorts and an old pair of sneakers that have clearly seen better days. So long as she has something to wear, she doesn't really care what it is.

Her face is oval shaped with subtly defined cheekbones and a short nose with a rounded tip. Her build is pear-shaped and she could never be described as dainty, it's quite clear just looking at the woman she's tough as nails and quite strong despite her soft appearance. A long scar can be found stretching from just above her left eyebrow down to her chin and the eye looks to be paler than her right and damaged, a barely visible scratch slicing down the center, while her arms and hands also appear to carry more mild scarring from her former occupation. She's quite fond of birds with a tattoo of a cardinal feather beneath each collar bone.

Cayenne has a strong sense of moral justice and would be hard-pressed to ever turn down another person in need. To do nothing in a world as corrupted as this one is the mark of a coward in her opinion and she's always willing to help. Warm, amiable, and generally a very open person, but one shouldn't mistake kindness for naivety. The girl is sharp and can mask her own emotions quite well when needed. You might think you have her fooled only to find she's been watching you more closely than you considered.

Generally a well-rounded and even-tempered individual. She’s taken up residence in the old garage she once worked at and spends most of her days tinkering with machinery in an attempt to turn them into hand-made weapons. One of her most successful projects is a combination of sword and gun, though it still needs quite a bit of work. She's set the garage up as a sort of sanctuary, more than willing to take in others and finding comfort in the idea of a community.

TBD. Open.

Theme Song
Are You With Me - Nilu.
Not Gonna Break Me - Jamie N Commons.

Cayenne has a dog, specifically a red and tan Doberman she calls Garnet. They're inseparable.



Vincent Peirce.

24 years old.



Physical Description
Decently tall at an even 6'0", his height is possibly the only imposing thing about Vincent. His short, dark ginger hair was formerly rather well groomed but all things considered, it's become the least concern. Black glasses with large, round rims are worn at all times as his vision is impossibly blurry without them and his eyes, which were formally a pale blue-green, are now a vibrant amber with what appears to be small flecks of red spreading throughout the irises.

Vincent's skin is fair with faint reddish freckles. He has what some might describe as a boyish face, often mistaken for being a bit younger than his actual age. His body type is fairly average, not overly thin and possessing only slight muscle definition. He's clearly not the type who spent hours working out before society unraveled but isn't quite as helpless as his gentle face and otherwise unassuming appearance likely imply.

Vincent is a timid man, one who failed to stand out much before the virus took hold. Soft-spoken and reserved, most of his spare time was spent either continuing his work at home or volunteering at the local animal shelter. Charitable, sympathetic and one for wearing his heart on his sleeve, it’s a wonder Vincent has managed to survive the downfall of humanity this long. His sense of self-preservation isn’t especially high and he tries to see the best in people over assuming the worst.

Such qualities might be considered admirable, but they leave him dangerously vulnerable. Despite being fairly passive in personality he's surprisingly confident in the use of his ability, which is perhaps the reason for his continued survival. While his patience might seem unending, even Vincent has his breaking point and needless to say, when and if it happens, it won't be pretty. He appears to have a great deal of anxiety and grows nervous in the presence of weapons.

TBD. Open.

Theme Song
Be Calm - Fun.
Fear and Loathing - Marina and the Diamonds.



Gregory Black.

30 years old.


Homoromantic Demisexual.

Physical Description
Short and skinny, no taller than 5'6" and weighing in at a measly 126 pounds. Greg has very little in the way of solid muscle and isn’t a particularly threatening looking person. His skin is rather pale in contrast to his inky black hair and his eyes are startlingly blue, his expression seemingly permanently tired and worn. Is it any wonder with current circumstances? His face is covered in freckles that can range anywhere between appearing so faint they are barely noticeable to especially prominent depending on the lighting provided.

His hair is short with the tendency to look a bit scruffy along the back of his head despite his attempts to appear neat and well groomed. Sharp cheekbones lead down to a narrow chin while his nose is thin and pointed. He walks with a heavy limp thanks to a leg injury he sustained in his early teens that proved permanent and has used a cane to assist his walking in the past, recently it was lost in an attempt to escape the plague doctors and he's made himself a make-shift leg brace to replace it for the time being.

Outwardly volatile and unpleasant. Greg is highly skeptical and expects the worst from most people. He spends his days keeping out of other survivor's way, well aware his appearance practically screams "hey, look at me! I'm an easy target!" Besides that, taking care of and depending on yourself is always easier as far as he's concerned. A general first impression of the fellow might be that he’s an extreme cynic with trust issues, and that assumption wouldn't exactly be wrong. While he will keep to himself given the chance, infamous among those who knew him for his sharp tongue and desire for solitude, he's not completely heartless and certainly not lacking in courage.

Greg isn’t a man particularly used to being treated nicely and views himself poorly. As such, he doesn't know how to deal with other people and will still prove quite prickly even in the face of genuine kindness. An attitude like that rightfully tends to push others away, but should anyone prove persistent enough to stick around he’ll eventually grow less guarded in that particular individual's presence. He isn't without his talents, surprisingly quick despite his injury and constantly vigilant. He's an insomniac and rarely sleeps, only getting enough rest to sustain himself and keep him on edge.


Theme Song
Sick Boy - The Chainsmokers.
Elastic Heart (Rock Cover) - Written By Wolves.

Gregory has a condition known as ocular albinism, meaning it only affects the amount of melanin in the eyes rather than his skin and hair. He’s lucky enough to not have any impaired visual acuity which is common in people with this mutation, but he is sensitive to light and prefers night over day as a result.

Recently Greg has made a rather unusual friend in the form of a large black horse which appears to have adapted to consume meat and rapidly evolved into an apex predator. He is, needless to say, being cautious around the beast.

That moment when all of your characters have freckles. Whoops?


All images are linked to their sources.

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Edited on 10/04/19 @ 23:45:45 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2019-02-25 03:50:42


: Name :
Verity Cieśla

: Age :
26 Years

: Gender :

: Orientation :
(Questioning slightly, though. She is unsure if she is also attracted to girls.)

: Physical Description :
When you first lay eyes upon her, Verity definitely doesn't seem like the most imposing of figures. She has a small build and stands at a height of 5'2". Though it isn't noticeable straight away, she does have a fair amount of muscle, especially in her arms. She has sharp facial features; defined eyebrows and high cheekbones, and her large, dark brown eyes often have a determined look to them. Despite her size, she can still come off as intimidating. Her resting facial expression is serious and fierce, which often makes her appear unapproachable. Curly brown hair frames her face, only just reaching her shoulders when let down. Her skin is a tanned brown colour and when she smiles she has a dimple on the left side of her mouth.

: Demeanour :
An extremely intelligent girl who has a way with words, Verity could definitely be a polite, well-spoken person if she wanted to. Instead, however, she chooses to be brutally blunt with everything she says. There was a time when she might have been willing to be diplomatic with others, usually for her own gain, but the apocalypse changed her - the need to fight for her survival brought out the tougher side of her. She speaks exactly what's on her mind and refuses to take shit from anyone. If she doesn't like you, you can trust that she'll let you know. Some people might admire her honesty, but more often than not she comes off as a rather abrasive personality.

She's has very little care for the livelihood of others, but that's a wall she put up herself after the start of the apocalypse, feeling that if she wasn't empathetic towards the struggles of other people it would be much easier to ensure her own survival above anything else. Even in her normal life, Verity had a job in a cut-throat industry where the only way to get to the top was to constantly outdo or cut other people out, and as a result she doesn't place her trust in anyone. Furthermore, she doesn't like being told what to do, and quickly gets snappy with people if she feels they're being too bossy. For these reasons she hasn't been able to keep any meaningful allies for over a month, and, one way or another, always ends up on her own again. She is, however, very strong-willed, and a survivor through and through. She's thick-skinned and never gives up, going after her goals with ruthless determination. It would take a lot to knock her down.

: Relationships :
None Currently
[Open, PM me.]

: Theme Song :
bad idea - Ariana Grande
Oh No! - Marina and the Diamonds

: Other :
Though she wouldn't exactly call him a companion, some form of mutated canine has been following her around since pretty much the start of the apocalypse. Verity suspects that it was once a fox of some sort, but now it has pitch-black fur and round, dark brown eyes. Its pelt is sleek, but extremely short - it doesn't have any extra fluff anywhere. Its ears are almost too large for its head, and they appear almost bat-like. Even though Verity has seen it eating large amounts of food, its still very lithely-built; the outline of its ribcage is always visible, similar to the build of a whippet.

He's proven himself to be quite dangerous, and even attempted to bite Verity when first meeting her, but because he's been completely harmless towards her ever since (and also because of her lack of human company), she's allowed him to stick around. She's named him 'Pooka', after a mythological Celtic spirit that often appears as a black dog in tales.

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Edited on 06/03/19 @ 05:31:03 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478)

Ravyn (#130409)

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Posted on
2019-02-25 11:27:46

Thane Percer

27 years old



Physical Description
At 6'2'' Thane is fairly tall. His shoulders are slightly boarder and mostly fit his height but still leave his frame looking a bit narrow. Even though he might not be a solid wall of muscle, his muscles are still decently defined giving him over all a fit appearance. The warm undertone his skin used to have has faded considerably, which has left him looking rather pale.

The top of his head is filled with many unruly curls in a warm dark blond, almost bordering on a bright caramel brown. The curls are quite loose, mostly left to their own devices and so long that they fall past his strong eyebrows and ever so slightly in front of his eyes. His hair is longest at the top of his head while being shorter in the back and at the sides. A muted olive green colors his irises. His nose is straight for the most part but a tiny bit crooked at one point because it was broken once. The shape of his face is more on the narrower side and tending towards rectangular. The cheekbones are just barely defined in contrast to the rather angular jawline, which is lined by a very short beard, that occasionally gets a bit out of hand after a few days.

Thane isn't one to stay quiet. He speaks his mind openly, is very direct while doing so and will often use irony, which sometimes results in people, who don't know him, feeling attacked or hurt. Generally, he appears to be talk-active and open, but he will quickly close off when it comes to anything concerning emotions. You'll also most likely never hear him talk about himself in great detail. Despite that, Thane carries himself with a lot of confidence, at times even bordering on arrogance. He is definitely not the most patient person and it doesn't take much for him to become annoyed. But when it comes to that he will try to keep his temper in check for as long as possible (with varied success). Even at times when he is fed up with the world, is Thane able to look past petty fights to get done what needs to be done. That is unless you pissed him off royally. Because he can (and will) hold a grudge until hell freezes over.

He might not strike you as a perceptive person at first, but Thane always pays very close attention. While interacting with someone he is especially skilled at reading between the lines and actively tries to look behind the front that people present to him; All remnants of his former work as a journalist. In addition to that, Thane is all about assessing any given situation or person as quickly as possible. As mentioned, he is highly observant despite being seemingly uninterested and will try to form an assessment during the first minute of encountering someone or something new. Although this has helped him escape some sticky situations unscathed, he is also bound to make misjudgments, some of which he could come to regret later.

TBD, Open

Theme Song
I Can Hold A Grudge Like Nobody's Business - Adam Jensen


As the sun continued to creep higher and higher across the sky, Smokepaw carefully set one paw in front of the other, keeping his steps light and quiet. The apprentice was crouched deeply, the fur of his belly dragging against the pale grass ever so slightly. A few tail-lengths from his current position rested a sparrow, stubbornly searching the earth for seeds. The grass grew very scarce in this particular place offering little to no cover for the sneaking cat. Hesitating for a moment Smokepaw came to the conclusion that his tiptoeing wouldn't bring him much farther than this. Now he had to be fast to be successful, but he was quite confident in his abilities. 
Bolting forward with his paws so fast they barely seemed to touch the ground he crossed the two tail-lengths seperating him from the bird. The world seemed to slow down during these heartbeats as Smokepaw observed how the sparrow noticed the predator and started to open the little wings in panic. 
...Not fast enough, crossed the grey tom's mind in irritation when his prey managed to open its beak for a high-pitched shriek just a second before his claws and fangs finally connected and the sound died inside the small creature's throat together with the light in its black, beady eyes.
Smokepaw dropped his catch immediately, his tail lashing around frustrated while he huffed and cursed to himself: "Mouse-dung!"
Surely most animals in close proximity had heard this shrill and alarming cry. To continue this hunt he needed to find a different place now. Just perfect! The corners of his mouth turned down in a dissatisfied scowl and he sighed dramaticly before picking the dead sparrow back up. 
Sulking won't catch prey, Smokepaw could almost hear Spottedtail reprimand him with this sentence as he already did many times before. Still, he couldn't keep himself from huffing just one more time prior to the continuation of his way. 

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𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪 (#150179)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 14:35:18


Zachary Park.
[ Born 박민혁, Park Min-Hyuk]



Pansexual, homosexual lean.

Physical Description
Zachary stands at a confident 5'11, though his frame leans to the slender side. Despite his rather thin build, muscle runs through his body, barely noticeable until he lands a hit. The inside of his left arm is lined with tattoos, curling up his shoulder and ending at the back of his neck. 'LUCK' is tattooed subtly between his collarbones, for reasons unexplained. Both ears are pierced, but only one is adorned with a thin silver chain earring. His eyes are his most intimidating feature. Previously black, he woke up after the virus with his right eye a piercing silver, contrasting frighteningly with the onyx of his left.
His pitch black hair was once tended to well, but the situation let the locks flow free and hang over his eyes. Zach is almost sickeningly pale, almost vampire-like, if seen in the dark with his monochrome garments and mysterious aura. The young man bears a startling 'resting bitch face', with a stare that feels like it could bore holes into one's mind.

Nothing really changed about Zachary's personality even after the virus took away the people around him. He had always been a secluded, solitary being, prefering the silence of the disaster to the previous bustling of the cities. Past was troubled, falling in with the wrong crowd and spending much of his time messing around with street gangs and vandalism. He got better after his admittance to college, only a few months before the fall of humanity. Zachary seems to have easily grappled on to the 'world apocolypse' idea, and his bitter, quiet persona has adapted with no problems.
Zach might be a hint too confident for the situation, with his street experience and ability to get him through each mess. The only rare smile seen is usually a knowing smirk or the scarce quirk of his lips to show amusement. He has the temper of a still lake, calm, cold, and still until a pebble is tossed into it's depths. The smallest things can set him off, in icy, brutal splashes.

[Single, PM or hint in RP]
Zeta ; A mutated black she-cat with white eyes, elongated canines, and quills along her tail.
Family ; Infected, deceased.
Friends ; [OPEN]

Theme Song
Natural ; Imagine Dragons.

Fluent in English, Korean and Japanese.

Roleplay Sample
I think I'm good. If I'm not, I'll add something later.

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Edited on 28/02/19 @ 10:24:29 by Anonymous (#150179)

(she/her) (#41009)

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Posted on
2019-02-26 20:25:49

Clovia Panthera, can go by Clovia, Clover, Clov




Physical Description
Clovia is a decent height and build, measuring around 5'7" and weighs a good 154 lbs. She packs a bit of muscle as she's used to handling heavy objects. Her skin is pale but slightly tanned. Her eyes are a crystal blue and are often described as piercing. Her hair is brown and goes down to about the bottom of her rib cage. Most of the time it will be tied up and tucked away. She has a few scars from her line of work. They're mainly around her arms, hands and sometimes her torso. Her hands are quite rough and calloused, being exposed to hard work over the years. She'll wear a normal shirt, as well as pants but she still wears boots. She has multiple piercings, one on her right eyebrow, one of the left side of her lip, one piercing in her left ear and two in the right. The eyebrow piercing is a simple silver stud, her lip is a metallic blue ring. The first two earrings are black squares and the second piercing on her right ear is a thick, black ring with Roman numerals in silver up to the number five.

Clovia was often silent, not too outgoing or extroverted and would often be seen by herself, reading a book or off in her own little world. Not much has changed since the virus hit, but she is now more nervous, alert and wary. She tries her best to keep fit and to get stronger to be ready for any conflict in the case of crossing paths with some plague doctors or other enemies. Clovia holds her friends and family dearly and will not hesitate to put herself at risk for the sake of their safety. She is quite curious, which sometimes leads to her ending up in places or situations that she shouldn't be in. Quick-witted and a critical thinker, she often makes up a plan in a time of need. Although sometimes she will stress or just not be able to come up with a plan, which leads to her stressing out even more, can lead to panic and eventually, a panic attack. She can be quite jumpy, and if scared enough, will use her power as an escape tactic.

Clovia, unfortunately, lost her family to the virus and is unaware of the status of most of her friends.

Her best friend right now is a snake-like creature that has wings with hooks, and will often be seen hanging off the back of Clovia. Its' scales are black that shine a dark blue, and seems to be blind, relying on Clovia to see for it. The other senses are heightened and will be able to hear and smell things that Clovia doesn't, hissing if it feels like something is wrong. It has a set of razor-sharp teeth, and like a shark, can replace one if it falls out. There is no venom in any of the teeth, but it does hurt a lot when it bites. Once it has bitten something, it is very hard to get it off due to the creatures' stubborn nature. The diet of the creature consists mainly of meat but will eat the occasional insect or parasite. It seems to be able to go for a long time without clean water, but Clovia will give it a little bit of water every three days or so, as she doesn't know exactly how long it can go before dying.

Theme Song
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark - Fall Out Boy

Is quite scared of the plague doctors and dreads to meet one, especially the crow. She is fascinated however by the legend of the mysterious creature called the Reaper.

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Edited on 22/03/19 @ 17:18:46 by Midthedragoness {side} (#48000)

Andie (#112823)

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Posted on
2019-02-28 09:39:11
Soleil Adria Bisset

23 years



Physical Description
Soleil has a slim and dainty form. Her height is 5 foot flat, so she is short. Her skin is smooth as silk and very dark. Her body is lean with muscles tightly corded to her bones, yet still holding a womanly figure. She has long curly hair a midnight black in color with her eyes a matching dark chocolate in color. She has soft facial features with full lips and seemingly large beautiful eyes surrounded by thick lashes. The woman has a petite nose that's rounded. Her typical outfit is ripped light blue jeans, converse and a form fitting long sleeve shirt. She has a few scars littering her body from her previous work. A tattoo adorns her smooth skin on her left shoulder of a simple horse design. On Soleil's inner right bicep she has the words tattooed: "We're all crazy, some of us just hide it better than others." A strange marking, not a tattoo but it closely resembles one, crawls up from the tip of her middle fingers and stops wrapping around her wrists. It looks as if she was struck by lightning or electrocuted there and it spread in a rare way, yet that is not the case.

This survivor is a fighter at heart, some would say literally. She is very feisty and witty; not at all scared to tell people what she thinks. Probably one of the most outspoken person someone will meet, Soleil is also very intelligent. Being outspoken is a great thing, yet knowing how to word things where others will listen and respect the person speaking is an important skill as well. She is very articulate and watches how she words her opinions.

While Soleil has this serious and fighter side she is also very thoughtful and caring to those close to her. She can be too trusting at times, but she always tries to see the good in others. As well as being able to communicate her thoughts and feelings she is also a good listener knowing you can't effectively communicate without being able to listen and not just hear the other person's side. The woman may come off harsh and overprotective, however that is her way of showing that she cares.

(Pm for plotting them)

Theme Song

She can speak French (Native), Spanish (Fluent), and English (Fluent) as growing up in France her schools and parents had taught her these languages from a young age and has come in handy.

A hard nights sleep kept the alpha up. Her body ached to sleep, but her mind wouldn't relent and kept her awake with gruesome images; memories. Things she had gone through in the beginning of her time here. The Savannah was a wild and dangerous place Samira had never seen nor experienced before that vacation. Since then she has melded in with the landscape. She became the beautiful sunrises, the exquisite flowers, intricate weather patterns; but also the deadly virus on the mosquito, the stench of death whenever a sick animal or human was close to passing on, she embodied the harsh environment and unforgiving nature that surrounded the black canine. Her dark eyes swirled as if she was death itself, however she fell just short of it. Her body was real and no matter how much the female suppressed them she had feelings as well.

Samira was out well before dawn her paws leaving sizable craters in the soft dirt as she carried herself along the pack's temporary camp. After leaving the village with humans the canine had run across other a lot like her. Lost and alone. She offered protection and all the guidance she had even though the untameable beast known as Africa was new to her. Time passed and her little posse grew to a group and then a pack. They were an interesting mix, but she wouldn't change it for the world. Samira would lie her life down for these dogs. Her pink fleshy tone made an appearance as it ran across her top lip lightly coating it in saliva and cooling it more in the vanishing chilly morning hours. The nights were freezing and the days were scorching, but she came to love the few hours in between the two extremes and it kept her going. The alpha's tail swayed easily above her back as her whole body seemed to scream power and dominance with every move. There was something dangerous and unpredictable about Samira that was untapped and unknown to the world.

A howl pierced her ears a while later and she looked in the direction it came from. It appeared some of her pack was rising and getting to work on feasting for the long day they had ahead of them. Constantly on their toes from not having a place to call their own bothered Samira deeply, however she needed to push it away. Her stomach tightened in hunger pains, but she just growled and kept walking. She could eat later when she was sure no lions or other higher predators were closing in on their make shift camp. A faint scent of a lioness was in the wind. It wasn't strong enough to pull too much worry from the alpha, she will check the borders again that night and see if it had gotten stronger or weaker.

Farther down the imaginary borders Samira and her co alpha established she could smell her beta, a scout and a rogue. Hackles raising she picked up the pace and then calmed herself as the pungent scent of blood was no where to be found....yet. Samira licked at her top lip and kept moving at a fast pace to meet this newcomer. Her tail was dominantly swaying above her back as she approached the group. She had confidence in her pack members, however she wanted to be sure herself that the male was no threat. Seeing Stella and Sephtis she nodded her head in greeting to both sending them kind and grateful looks. "I am Samira one of the alphas, and you are?" Her cold tone rolled from her as she addressed the unknown male.

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Edited on 28/02/19 @ 11:49:46 by Andie (#112823)

Polo (#96942)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 12:41:34

"Sugar, we're going down swinging."
Adelaide Victoria Thompson; Addie




Physical Description
Addie is no more intimidating in appearance than the cat draped across her shoulders. She's of short stature, only standing to 5'3 on a good day, with a round, childish face and gentle, cognac brown eyes. She's mostly leg, her torso being rather short, though this is hard to discern from beneath the baggy clothes she wears. Oversized cargo pants tied at the waist by a rope give her legs a shapeless appearance. The varsity jacket she wears over a sleeveless tee shirt falls over her hands, so only her fingers are visible when her arms hang at her sides. It also acts a reminder of her past, the patch on the back that of a fencing mask and two crossed weapons. Her wavy, mousey brown hair is usually tied back, though loose pieces tend to fall from her hair tie and frame her face. It's rare for her to wear it down, but on occasion, she will. The same goes for her jacket. She carries, in a plastic PVC pipe of a sheath, a sword, stolen when the world collapsed. The sheath is duck taped black so as to better blend in. It's thrust through one of her belt loops, and hangs down to her ankles. Despite her small appearance Addie has quite a bit of skill with the sword, she was the best on her team in high school.

Her arms, though the strongest part of her, don't carry much tone unless in use, at which point her ropy muscles become more pronounced. She is, however, deceptively strong and fast, especially with the weapon, if albeit clumsy in nonthreatening situations.

Despite her childish appearance, Addie is very mature. Perhaps it's because she was forced to grow up so quickly, or maybe because she'd witnessed horrors no child should. Regardless, she shouldered her burden with a grim determination, and that is what shows up most in her personality. She doesn't laugh or joke much, preferring seriousness and honesty over a stress relieving laugh. Despite her rather dry sense of humor, or lack thereof, Addie is a passionate, deep person, with the usual overflow of emotions of the average teenager. To hide this, she puts on a false facade, a devil-may-care attitude backed by the sword at her hip. Her age is a huge, imaginary, issue for her. She believes herself too young for others to take seriously, and she resents it.

The Addie you meet is very different from the Addie you come to know. Should she feel pressed by a stranger, she often lashes out, coming off as aloof and aggressive. But should one take the time to get to know her, she's a quiet, sweet kid, with a talent for drawing, though she hasn't used it since the world ended. Contrary to her quiet demeanor, she is quite eloquent, and deceptively wise beyond her years, should she choose to actually think. Her sexuality is a secret she keeps buried deep within. Though her parents accepted her when she came out, many didn't, and she lost the vast amount of her friends.

Addie's main friend is a mottled calico cat by the name of Ody, short for Odyssey. He either drapes himself around her neck or trots beside her. Some days he goes missing, but he always manages to find her. Her family was wiped out by the virus, leaving her as the lone survivor.

Theme Song
Sail: Awolnation

She tends to feign interest in men to conceal her sexuality

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Edited on 04/03/19 @ 19:08:28 by Polopony (#96942)

cestrelandreams (#152266)

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Posted on
2019-03-02 15:24:47


"I am not one of them."

Enzae Virate Mercier
Zay, Vee




Physical Description
Enzae is surely something else. He isn't exactly short, but he definitely is compared to most other men of this time. He stands at no taller than five foot seven - and that's with his shoes on. Off, he's five six and a half at most. He makes up for this with his attitude, however. Enzae is small and lean, thrown together in a tight, whiplash-runner sort of way. His legs and arms are nicely toned, but you wouldn't see him winning any lifting competitions. His hair is a tousled mess of waves and curls, and its coloration varies between many shades of brown. Every now and then, there's a white-blonde streak cutting right through the strands where the sun has bleached it. His eyes, which never quite seem able to fixate on a single point, are the palest shade of grey imaginable, and framed with thick, dark lashes. His features are delicate and almost doll like, giving Enzae a prettier look to him than most boys usually possess. He's clearly of some European descent, though his skin is too naturally dark for him to not be a form of mixed.
Enzae's body is littered with scars and wounds. None seem to be self inflicted, thankfully, but it is clear he's gotten into a lot of trouble. His arms are covered in strange black sprawling. They seem to be tattoos, but they are carved into his skin, and the language is unidentifiable. The only eligible words are Lost. and Help us. He speaks not a word about these, nor does he pay them any attention. Every now and then, a new one will manifest. It seems to be linked something...
He wears a large, black hoodie, black jeans, black gloves, and a black half-mask that only leave his eyes revealed. Enzae has both his tongue and lip pierced, though neither are much more than tiny metal studs.

Defensive, sarcastic, and isolated. Enza is far from a kind and humorous person. He's extremely emotional, and often lets his feelings get the best of him. He's quite impulsive, but is strangely good at holding his tongue nevertheless. He acts out before he speaks, doing rash things that perhaps one with better control would think twice about. When he's not making snide comments, he's usually silent. Enzae has made it quite obvious that he does not want anything to do with anyone else. He does not want to team up. He does not want to make friends. He wants to be left alone, with no one other than Ombra for company. He's incredibly withdrawn and defensive to the point someone's presence alone can get him tense. If questioned about absolutely anything to do with himself, he will grow rude and snap harshly until the other backs off, or just go completely silent.

As he himself states, Enzae has no family, nor friends. His sole companion is a mutated pygmy hawk, which is soot black in appearance and has beady, unsettling scarlet eyes. His arms are littered in open gashes from where it is constantly latching on his arm. He has dubbed this disturbing creature Ombre des Ténèbres, or Ombre for short.

Enzae is prone to seizurish fits, and is known to vomit blood while using, or after using his ability. It seems to have a heavy impact on the man, and leaves him in a lot of pain.
He holds a lot of similarities to a certain group, with both his ability and his chosen companion. Many consider his presence a poor omen.

Will edit it in! Just wanted to get this down real quick in case there's anything that needs to be changed.

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Edited on 23/03/19 @ 15:44:07 by Telle Tilla (#152266)

Ravenflare (#89598)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-03-03 13:26:45


Matthew Knight
Likes to be called Atlas
Only known as Attie by his closest friend, Nikolas




Physical Description
Atlas's stature isn't all that grand, standing around 5'8", though he's expecting to grow at least a few more inches. Although he's lean, he definitely has muscle, partly acquired from spending long nights practicing karate at the dojo. Before the plague, Atlas would slick back his unkempt hair with gel. He liked appearing clean and upstanding. Now, in the wake of the apocalypse, Atlas's deep, chocolate brown hair takes on more of a spiked appearance. His pale complexion makes his dark hair stick out from the rest of his face. He has a broad nose, thick eyebrows, and a square face, his jawline being the most prominent feature. His eyes are considered hazel, but appear to be more brown than green.
Before the plague, Atlas had worn a black turtleneck, navy chino pants, black combat boots that have definitely seen better days, and a navy trench coat with black cuffs. Atlas hasn't had the chance to change since the plague, but he's itching to find cleaner clothes soon. He's quite particular with what he wears, as his go-to outfit is a turtleneck and trench coat.

Atlas has an upfront personality; he's daring, bold, and not afraid to fight those who stand in his way. He gets offended quite easily, as he's a very self-centered person. He believes every man and woman is out there for themselves, and that it's a kill or be killed world (especially now that it's an apocalyptic environment). Atlas is, and has always been, a lone wolf. He's never had many friends, as he prefers to keep to himself. Trust issues cause him to be wary of others and assume the worst in people. He also hates it when people assume what he can and can't do based on his age. He doen't like being treated like a child.
Despite all this, Atlas feels a certain responsibility to take care of others who are weaker than himself. He may not want to get very close, but he wants to be seen as a protector, or a hero. He may be standoffish, but once you're able to break through his iron wall, Atlas will slowly warm up to you. Depending on who you are, Atlas is very loyal. He will stick with you to the very end.

Atlas had a close friend, Nikolas, back before the plague spread. They were inseparable since they were young. As Atlas got older, his feelings towards his best friend began to change. He wasn't sure what these feelings were, but he had a creeping suspicion. Before he could explore these emotions, the apocalypse hit, and he lost Nikolas forever.

Theme Song
Lemon Boy -

None at the moment.

I think I'm good for this? If not, just let me know!



Victoria King
Goes by Tori




Physical Description
Tori stands at 5'9" and has a slim build. Although she might not have much muscle, she makes up for it in personality. Her short, once natural blonde, now bleached hair swoops over in the front, leaving the rest to hang listlessly. Her eyes are a cold, stormy gray; much like her personality. Her face is very angular, with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. She appears to be quite bony, whether that be from malnutrition, or other causes. Tori always likes to dress in style, even if it's the apocalypse. No matter what she dons, expect it to be classy.

Much like Atlas, Tori has a punch now, talk later kind of personality. Unlike Atlas though, she's more calculating and thoughtful. If she thinks she won't be able to win a fight, she won't start one. Due to past experiences, Tori is able to take control of a situation with ease. She can be quite manipulative when she wants to be. Because of her desire to control and be the one on top, Tori is very interested in The Crow. Taking him out would be much too risky, but she always keeps the thought in the back of her mind. For now, Tori is constantly keeping an eye out for the Plague Doctor leader. Tori hates secrets, and has a festering desire to know what exactly the Plague Doctors do to their victims. She can be quite pesky when she wants to piss off the right people. Drawing attention to herself is her specialty.


Theme Song
Everybody Wants to Rule the World -

None at the moment.



Elijah Edwards



Biromantic Asexual

Physical Description
Elijah stands at 6 foot and has a lanky build. He appears to be a bit awkward with his stature, as if his long legs weren't actually meant to be his. He has little to no muscle, making him appear to be an easy target. He is most definitely a neat freak, and always makes sure his chestnut brown hair is combed down in one way or another. His eyes are a kind, warm brown, matching his warm personality. Elijah has a diamond shaped face, with noticeable cheekbones and chin cleft. Elijah's square glasses gives him a dorky appearance, paired with his plaid flannel shirt and brown dress pants and shoes.

Elijah gives off a rather friendly aura. Although he may be a bit off putting due to his overly-positive attitude (considering the apocalypse and all), all he wants is someone he can rely on. He never had many friends before the plague, as many found him odd. He feels that ever since the plague began, it could be a new beginning for him too. Although he sees the good in everyone, even he is terrified of the Plague Doctors that roam the land (and rightfully so). He likes to see himself as a meticulous person, but he was known to be a clutz by his coworkers back before the plague. In certain situations, his clumsiness could get him killed, along with anyone else who is with him.


Theme Song
None at the moment

Elijah has an undead pet rat named Tod

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Edited on 05/03/19 @ 22:24:18 by Ravenflare (#89598)

ys.| (#121220)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-03-03 15:46:12


Suren Forsberg




Physical Description
An easy description of Suren is pixie-like. She has the build of an acrobat, small (5') and lean, with toned muscle. Wavy, messy platinum hair is usually braided into two lose strands down her back, and her eyes flash a startling gray blue. A small splatter of freckles runs across her pale cheeks and nose. She wears comfortably clothing, dark and layered, a scarf looped around her neck to protect her face or tied around her waist as a second belt, and well worn boots on her feet.
Suren carries herself easily, even with the heavy bag slung over her back. Her mouth perpetually tilts upwards, giving her a slightly whimsical, if dreamy expression half the time. It gives her an oddly innocent look in such a desolate wasteland. She carries a knife on her waist, but it seems more for practical day to day use than for causing harm.
She often looks as if shes listening to something only she can hear, and is often talking to herself even in the presence of others.

Suren is a relatively laid back girl it seems, traveling the wastes on her own, making friends when she can, though never staying any one place for long. She seems to be looking for something, but never mentions what. While she knows better than to trust strangers blindly, she likes to assume the best of her fellow survivors. It seems perhaps odd that such a relaxed person has managed to survive for so long, but if questioned Suren would just shrug and call it luck. She isn't one to leave someone in need behind, and seems to ride the pacifist line and would rather talk than fight when in a conflict.
for some reason, she almost never talks about anything before the plague, and even seems to not focus on anything that hasn't happened within a day or so, seeming to prefer to look forward instead of back.


Theme Song
None yet.


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Edited on 10/03/19 @ 10:52:18 by 🐀Peachy Possum🐀 (#121220)

Fire (#159928)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-03-03 19:09:26

Echo Wilders


Gender fluid
Echo switches at random, and tends to be female more often, but it's practically impossible to tell what their real gender is.


Physical Description
Echo is exactly 5"8 with a weight of about 120lb. They have shortly chopped silver dyed hair, and eyes that appear to be of almost a reddish color. Echo has a body stature somewhere between a male and female. They seem a bit more muscular fan your average woman, but just the slightest bit curvier than a male is perceived to be. They are also flat-chested, which makes life a lot more easier for them. They have strong thighs, making them especially good at doing parkour, running fast, and jumping high.
Echo wears a white shirt with a black leather jacket and black ripped jeans along with a pair of black and white Converse. When they don't lose it, they also sport a black beanie. Echo has three silver earrings on their left ear, and a strange necklace with a little capsule hanging on it.

Echo tends to be quiet and thoughtful person at some points, or rash and bold as others. Echo is kind and friendly, but they tend to speak their mind, and and can often be brutally honest. Echo is an open-minded person, and they fight for what they believe. They may be quiet and friendly at first, but once you get to know them, they open up and show their vulnerable side. Echo has a knack for giving sarcastic comebacks, and can often sound rude to others who aren't close to them and familiar with how they act. Echo is playful and mostly calm, but they aren't afraid to shed blood when it comes to the safety of those they care for. Echo tends to overestimate themself and pretend that they have no weaknesses. But even the most hard headed people have their breaking points. Echo has a pessimistic side that they rarely show, but they always spouts out encouragement and try their best to fill others with hope.

Echo has a fox companion named Kai. He usually walks beside her or rides on her shoulders. He can be quite vocal, but he's always quiet when he senses something is off. Due to being captured and tested on by scientists, he has elongated canines and practically impenetrable skin. It's hard to tell, but one could think that he can understand the human language.

Echo is open for friendships

Theme Song
Bebe Rexha - I'm A Mess
Don't Dream It's Over - Miley Cyrus feat. Ariana Grande

Echo is good reading people by their body language and expressions. She can also understand an animal's body language.

Sam shook his head as he walked through the school doors, splattering rain water everywhere. He opened his locker and looked in the mirror he glued to the back, wincing as he looked at the ugly bruise on his cheek, which he had received from his father last night after he had come home from drinking. He looked around, hoping no one would question it. Most kids would call the police or tell someone when they were abused by their parents, Sam foolishly clung to the hope that perhaps he could change his father or find help for him, what even suggesting that is father should see a therapist was what got him the bruise on his face in the first place. "Hey, Sam!" Sam turned around as his best friend Alex walked up to him. "Oh, he hit you again, didn't he..." Alex said angrily as he looked at Sam's face. "Don't worry about it, it'll stop soon, I'm sure of it." He said as he grabbed his stuff and closed his locker. "Oh?" Alex said with the tilt of his head how so?" Sam paused, not sure what to say. "I don't know, I feel like something's bound to happen. I just have to figure out how to get him some help" He ventured cautiously. Alex scoffed. "The only help he should receive is time behind bars." He muttered indignantly. Sam ignored his friend's comment and nudged him in the direction of their homeroom. There was hope for his father, he knew there was. He just wished he knew what to do.

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Edited on 10/03/19 @ 11:17:40 by Blue Thunder (#159928)

Turnip Chair (#117787)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2019-03-04 18:59:09

"Do not tell me all is fine;
When I lose my head, I lose my spine."

Oliver Waterworth

31 years old


Homoromantic Asexual

Physical Description
Oliver's hair is curly, dark brown, and completely unmanageable. He used to keep it short so that it was out of his way when he worked, but since The Plague happened he's given up on taking care of it; now it has become much more overgrown and is constantly hanging in his face. His eyes are dark brown and soft yet expressive, always giving away his thoughts even if nothing else will. Perhaps not glaringly obvious at first glance, Oliver is ethnically Jewish, although he has never been particularly involved with the religion itself. He may be considered conventionally attractive to some, but any questions of appeal tend to fade the moment he opens his mouth to ramble on about how much he wishes he could meet The Crow in person and have an educated conversation with him.

In terms of build, Oliver is rather tall, standing at 6'1 and weighing slightly less than two hundred pounds. He lacks any serious muscle, but he isn't just skin and bones either - he's got a bit of lean bulk on him due to the heavy lifting he's had to do during experiments involving large objects. That being said, he has never worked out a single day of his life and a strong slap would probably kill him. Contrary to what some may assume, Oliver isn’t a clumsy person by any definition. He is incredibly sure-footed and has excellent hand-eye coordination, and the stereotype that awkward scientists are also clumsy has always baffled him. If he had a tendency to knock everything over, why on earth would he ever be trusted in a lab with dangerous chemicals and equipment?

Oliver is an undeniable genius. He's a scientist through and through, and pretty much fits the stereotypes that adhere to his career. He's somewhat antisocial, and exceptionally awkward around others. He gets nervous in social situations and can constantly be found drumming his fingers or trying to fiddle with glasses he no longer has (he wore glasses for most of his life before his abilities developed and he no longer needed them, but old habits die hard). However, he's also extremely curious and will study someone up and down and sometimes come off as rude and invasive without even realizing it due to his poor social skills and inability to read people. Whether charming or pitiful, Oliver is very easily fascinated by ordinary, insignificant things such as literal dust. He can entertain himself for hours just by admiring his surroundings, and he has a keen eye for minor details most people couldn't care less about. It's all part of being a scientist, really.

Despite how much he may protest, Oliver is a natural-born leader. He automatically steps up to take charge if necessary, and he knows how to command attention and give orders that people want to follow. He tends to surprise others with how easily he manages to take control, as most seem to think that he's just a sweet guy that wouldn't dare stand up for himself and tell others what to do. That, of course, is not the case. It isn't often that he steps into a position of leadership, much preferring to do his own thing while the people around him decide on orders, and he isn't a fan of being told how to do his job (in his defense, he's one of the best in his field, having been recognized internationally for his scientific achievements). Survival isn't really his thing, and his self-preservation instincts are severely lacking (as is his common sense, because despite being world renowned for being one of the brightest minds of his generation, he is painfully ignorant), but he's come to the conclusion that his odds of survival would be much greater with a group and is determined to make it work as best he can.


Theme Song
Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford & Sons

he’s way too excited about the effects of the contamination to be healthy and will probably end up getting abducted the first plague doctor he encounters because he wont stop fanboying and asking them science-y questions

he has an unhealthy obsession with the crow in particular and dreams of meeting him in person despite the fact that there's a 110% he would be immediately abducted


"If I just lay here,
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

Thiago da Silva
pronounced tee-ah-go

28 years old

he/him pronouns


Physical Description
Thiago is about as inconspicuous as a spotlight at midnight - his lean 5’11 stature is perhaps the only aspect of his appearance that doesn't immediately draw all eyes to him. His medium-length afro is dark green, almost resembling hair dyed using permanent jello that can never be outgrown or washed out. His eyes are the same unnatural green in color, a strange contrast to his dark bronze skin. He is ethnically Brazilian, but he grew up speaking English and as a result knows very little Portuguese beyond basic greetings and phrases.

As though all of the obnoxious green wasn’t already blatant enough, vines grow from the veins in Thiago's wrists, curling around his arms and serving only to leech off of their host and expose his abilities like unwanted pests. To a curious mind they might be fascinating, but Thiago would happily cut them out if he knew how to do so without also killing himself in the process.

Before the apocalypse, Thiago was always known for having the biggest heart around. He was everyone's metaphorical big brother, and he made friends with everyone he met. He wore his heart on his sleeve and put it on display for all to see, able to break through even the toughest of façades to reach the damaged human beneath. Had he not become a visual artist, he certainly would have made an excellent psychologist - or elementary school teacher. His boyfriend was always his greatest supporter in pursuing his passion for the fine arts, and while Thiago was busy taking care of everyone else, Ignatius was always there to take care of him in return. Creativity, optimism, and kindness were his three defining traits, and he left an unforgettable impression with everyone he met.

Then the world went to shit and Thiago lost everything, including himself. He had to watch as his boyfriend fell victim to the first wave of disease, had to watch as the love of his life struggled and fought and withered away until the plague finally let him die three months after he contracted it. When he began to show signs of change, his body's way of adapting to the cruel and relentless new earth, he tried to stop it. While before the plague he would have eagerly welcomed his newfound abilities, excited to explore their limits and uses, now he despised them, for it wasn’t fair that he should be able to adapt easily to the new world while his boyfriend perished. He became pessimistic and withdrawn, not necessarily rude or cruel but no longer the open book with a heart big enough to accommodate the entire world that he once was. He lost all passion he once held for art, leaving all of his sketchbooks and brushes behind when he left the only home he had ever known to escape his own conflicted mind.

Ignatius Romanov - boyfriend, deceased

Theme Song
Chasing Cars by Sleeping At Last

yknow about halfway through writing his personality i realized hes basically just lucio from overwatch but with visual art instead of music but i love him too much to go back now so hopefully blizzard doesnt sue me lmao


"Fire, it burned my skin,
But I still want to play with it."

John Peterson
strictly goes by Jack

17 years old



Physical Description
Jack has strawberry blonde, shaggy hair that always gets into his eyes and that he constantly threatens to cut but never follows through. His eyes are a bright, far-too-innocent blue, giving him a distinct appearance (and if the distinction is that his harmless appearance is a stark contrast to his definitely-not-innocent personality, well, who is he to judge?). Pale freckles dot his face, most notably on his nose and cheekbones, but he despises them for “making me way too obvious of a target” (what he actually means by this is anyone's guess, and no one has dared to ask).

As far as body frame goes, Jack is a bit on the small side. He stands at a mere 5'6 and weighs about a hundred and ten pounds, and while he claims his lithe size is his body's way of adapting to being an excellent thief, it's really just the result of never quite getting the right vitamins and nutrients throughout his childhood. Due to his age, his metabolism is also quite fast, which really hinders his ability to survive on his own when he's constantly hungry. It's a wonder how he's lasted this long after the apocalypse, for more reasons than one. Numerous silver scars are scattered across his skin, not quite noticeable at first but impossible to miss once you know they're there. Most are the result of small wounds from street fights (more like street attacks, really, since Jack had never exactly been known for his fighting prowess), but his wrists show proof of self-inflicted cuts, although none fresher than from a couple years ago. His most obvious scar, however, is a jagged knife wound on his back that starts at the base of his neck and ends near the base of his spine, mangled and uneven in a way that suggests he was never treated by a doctor for his injuries. He refuses to remove his shirt in front of others out of fear of them noticing his rather impossible-to-miss scar, and he refuses to talk about it or explain what happened.

Jack is the embodiment of a Gen Z nihilist - he’s just here for the show, and his self-preservation instincts are practically non-existent. Really, he shouldn't even be alive. He's had so many near-death experiences that they no longer faze him, and as a result he willingly throws himself into trouble without hesitation because “life is meaningless and nothing matters, yeet!” Despite lacking in basic survival instincts, he has all the signs of someone that grew up on the streets and never had a family or a home - from near-crippling trust issues to an uncontrollable tendency to hoard any and all food and practically inhale anything he eats before anyone has a chance to take it away. Beneath all the poorly timed Vine references and self-deprecating jokes is a broken kid that would give anything for a sense of security, even if he isn't quite consciously aware of it yet - but that doesn’t mean he won’t fight tooth and nail with his snark and venomous sarcasm the moment someone attempts to bond with him.

Perhaps his greatest downfall, however, is his constant desire for attention. Sure, most people like having the spotlight on them occasionally, but most wouldn't go to the extent that Jack does. If he feels too left out or unwanted, he will intentionally hurt himself just so that someone else has to take care of him and shower him with attention and hopefully affection. His desire for attention is a dangerous thing, as to outright ignore him would practically be a death sentence, but feeding into his self-harming habits only further encourages it. His mannerisms towards attention stem from his lack of basic care as a child, and it's painfully obvious to those that know what to look for, but it certainly doesn't excuse his behavior. It also doesn’t excuse his questionable kleptomania or the fact that he may or may not be a pathological liar, but like with everything else in life, he doesn’t really care.

Open, but don’t expect him to be easy to form any sort of bond with. He's much more of a “don't try and talk to me unless I come to you first” type of character.

Theme Song
Baby Boy by Mother Mother

hes definitely going to end up abducted by the plague doctors or eaten by a 500-pound carnivorous hamster out of his own stupidity

also hes really good at mimicking voices, but only immediately after hearing the voice (unless he knows the other person really well) and he isnt the best at deeper voices but dammit if he won't try

me: "jack is the prime example of an unsurgible tumor" tate: "You should have put that in his bio"

tate made me write this for my rp example

The sound of graphite against paper seemed almost deafening in the silence of the room while Oliver scribbled away, hunched over a desk illuminated only by a small battery-powered lamp. He knew he shouldn’t be wasting the limited power they had, especially not on something as selfish as nonsensical rambles regarding a very specific man, but he would never dare to write such things in broad daylight for all to see. It wasn't that the writing itself was bad - he had a Ph.D. in English from Harvard University, and he was well aware that his literacy far surpassed that of most - but the things he wrote about were…questionable, to say the least. Any literary enthusiast would have had a heart attack at his waste of an English degree.

Although, could fanfiction truly be considered a waste? It was still writing, only without having to create everything from scratch. And the main subject of his stories was so mysterious and rarely-seen that most of his character was from Oliver's own imagination anyway, and that had to count for something, right? It had been awkward at first, sure, but once Oliver settled on a loose personality for The Crow and got comfortable writing in the second person, everything had sort of fallen into place.

Which was how he currently found himself halfway through the tenth chapter of his latest work, writing at a pace far too rapid to be that of any person not condemned to only writing after the others had fallen asleep or disappeared into the night. He had unlimited ideas to write down in a very limited amount of time, but he had to keep his attention divided between his paradise and his actual surroundings lest someone discover his guilty pleasure while he was too caught up in his hobby to hear them coming.

With how well he managed to write even under immense pressure, he deserved another honorary doctorate. Could he even earn a doctorate for writing fanfiction?

The distinct echo of footsteps approaching had Oliver frantically scrambling to hide the loose sheets of paper beneath some old books that definitely didn't deserve to be used in such a disgraceful manner. He flipped to a random page in the novel closest to him in a desperate attempt to appear as though he were doing anything other than writing terribly self-indulgent self-inserts.

“Dude, it's two in the morning. What the hell are you doing?” Jack asked in annoyance as he appeared in the doorway, and had Oliver been gifted with any other ability he likely would have been so startled he'd have fallen out of his chair. Even with his incredibly sensitive hearing, Jack was nearly silent when he walked, and he'd been caught off guard more than once by his quiet footsteps while distracted. Lucky for him, this was not one of those times.

“I, um. I’m reading. Clearly. Because of the book in front of me,” Oliver replied nervously, tapping a finger against the open book in a gesture he hoped would prove his point but only made him look more restless. He knew it was too much to hope that Jack hadn't noticed and wouldn't point it out.

“Oh, is that so? What are you reading?” Oliver mentally cursed himself for not checking the title before haphazardly throwing the book open as soon as the unwanted visitor walked in.

“Oh, uh. Let's see…” he trailed off, desperately scanning the two pages available to him for anything he may recognize. Nothing. Despite what his English major may suggest, he had never been much of a reader, far too busy with experiments to sit through the length of a novel. He was really beginning to regret not reading all of the books he was assigned in college.

Jack walked over while Oliver was lost in thought, lazily studying the pages as though he, someone that has never read a day in his life, would know the answer from one glance. “War and Peace?” he offered suddenly, cocking an eyebrow at Oliver like he was impressed that a world-renowned scientist with two Ph.D.s would be able to read such an advanced novel. Had he not been so shocked, Oliver would have been offended at the implication. As it was, though, he flipped the cover over to find that Jack was, amazingly and impossibly, correct.

“How did you-?” he began, only to be interrupted by the teenager.

“Is that what I think it is?” Oliver followed his wide-eyed gaze to the papers on his desk, the beginnings of panic already creeping at the edges of his mind.

“What? N-n-no, I was just keeping a journal of all that has happened since The Plague. Y’know, just in case,” he stammered, trying to shove all of the papers into an easy-to-conceal pile and away from the critical eye of a rowdy teen.

“Then why do they all say ‘Reader X Crow Fanfiction’ at the top? Explain that, atheist,” Jack retorted, clearly not about to let any of this go.

“You can't…please don't tell anyone about this.”

“I can't keep a secret to save my life.”

“That's not true.”

“Alright, fine then. I'll keep your dirty little secret - on one condition.” Oliver really shouldn’t have been surprised there would be a catch. When was anything ever easy with Jack? “You let me read it. All of it.”

“No. Absolutely not. I am not letting you read any of this,” he insisted, shielding his prized work from Jack's prying eyes.

“Fine then, suit yourself. Just wait until the others hear about this, oh man. I can’t wait to see how they react.” He wasn't bluffing, and Oliver knew that, and Jack knew that Oliver knew, and Oliver kind of wished he could crawl into a hole and die. If Jack was the luckiest guy in the world, he was the unluckiest.

“Alright, alright. Fine. But you can’t tell anyone, period. Don’t even hint at it. Or show it to anyone without actually saying anything, because that counts too.” Oliver was immensely glad he clarified the rules, as Jack looked suspiciously disappointed at the latter statement. This was definitely his biggest mistake, and he didn't know if he'd ever be able to look Jack in the eyes again.

“Yeah yeah, whatever. Where do I start? I'm gonna read the shit out of this.”

It took Jack nearly tearing the first page of the entire collection before Oliver begrudgingly handed it over, setting up an ordered pile for his audience of one to ensure that everything was sorted neatly and there would be no organizational errors while he read.

That night was quite possibly the most mortifying night of Oliver's life, and his ears rang with Jack's laughter and sarcastic quips long after he went to bed. After the first few nights, however, he realized that the snide remarks had turned to unintelligible mumbles of disbelief at unexpected dialogue and plot twists, until a week later Jack shoved the stack of worn papers into Oliver’s chest and demanded he finish the story or he would tell every single person within a twenty mile radius about the fanfiction.

Oliver didn't protest, handing Jack each finished chapter as he wrote them. It may not have been the most ideal of situations, but Oliver would be lying if he said he didn't appreciate the recognition, especially when Jack seemed just as invested in his dumb self-indulgent ramblings as he did.

(“I have no idea how you did it, but you managed to make me actually like the guy that wants to abduct us for some vague supervillain-y reason, so thanks a lot,” Jack had muttered one afternoon, peering over Oliver's shoulder while he worked on his latest invention.

“No problem,” Oliver had replied, the closest he'd ever come to sarcasm in his life. Jack was starting to rub off on him, but he couldn't bring himself to complain.

For once, Jack couldn’t either.)

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Edited on 24/03/19 @ 08:16:04 by Turnip Chair [side] (#103780)

greyvyard ✦ ivan
lovebot (#100511)

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Posted on
2019-03-06 05:20:07

Marcus de Brodeur



Panromantic Homosexual

Physical Description
Marcus bears a lean build at 6"2', not so well built as one would expect from someone who has to fend for their life, but certainly limber enough to make up for what he lacks in strength. Pale skin contrasts with raven black hair, paired with dark blue-grey eyes. His hair falls to just above his waist, straight and parted to the right- most times he tames it by pulling it back in some form of ponytail or bun. Marcus has a more oval shaped face with some fairly defined features, but certainly none too sharp, bearing a medium size nose that's slightly upturned. He tries to stay clean shaven, but it's not always easy to take care of hygiene when you feel the urge to watch your back nearly constantly. Very faint crows feet can be seen at the sides of his downturned eyes, paired by slightly more apparent frown lines between his brows.

Often coming across as rude and distant, Marcus has a pessimistic and cynical nature, having only been further jaded by an apocalypse. Although not violent, his temper tends to get the better of him when he’s under stress, causing him to be waspish around strangers and acquaintances alike. He doesn’t often open up and show a bit of a softer character until he knows he can invest his trust in others, which wasn’t an easy task even before things became so brutal. Despite being seemingly detached, Marcus isn’t completely unsympathetic and won’t hesitate (that much) to help another survivor if their chances of survival seem a little more slim- especially if there are plague doctors about.

• No notable current relationships [Open]

Theme Song

Marcus speaks French and English fluently.


Niles Quinton




Physical Description
Rather effeminate in appearance, he’s often mistaken as a female by strangers at a glance. With straight, shoulder length strawberry blonde hair, bangs settling right above rounded green eyes, it may be easier than one would think. He has a thin frame, lacking much muscle at all- although he does look awfully healthy fo the considerable lack of substance left in the world. His heart shaped face has a few small moles- one right above his lips, another at his temple, and one near his ear. Most of them are covered by his hair unless he has it tied up- this often comes about when he’s looking for resources or trying to escape something. He has faint smile lines and worry wrinkles between his brow, seemingly formed from years of anxiety. He’s also on the shorter side at 5’5”. He’s been told it’s strange looking up at him, though, so he’s a little self conscious about it; like pretty much the rest of him. Possessing a skin tone on the darker side of fair, any freckles or dark marking are stark against his skin. He tries to avoid slouching even in private, as many years of having to maintain a perfect posture were engrained into him. He prefers to wear a suit of some kind, though definitely on the side of casual- button up blazer, button up shirt, khakis, tie, and leather shoes made up a good portion of his closet. However, due to his lack of having much storage space anymore, he's resorted to two simple outfits; a grey button up with black slacks and a white tee and hiking pants, both having worn combat boots as the only shoes. He doesn’t like facial hair that much, so he’s sure to shave regularly if at all possible. The only thing to never come off, save for when he needs skin to skin contact with his entire hands, are his leather gloves. Beneath his gloves lie keloid scars on his knuckles, though the size has been reduced greatly through his own efforts.

Curious and inquisitive, Niles has always had an interest in helping others and science; particularly medical sciences. He’s rather compassionate and caring but has learned that these traits make him an easy target, causing him to attempt to conceal them- though he's fairly certain they leak out when the subject of taking lives comes up. He’s hard working, although he has a shorter limit of stamina than he would like. He tries to be optimistic and upbeat about the situation, but he feels helpless and rather useless deep down. On top of his feelings of inadequacy, Niles has quite the case of insecurity that he attempts to hide and tries hard to earn the approval of others to make up for it. Despite having a more tender character, Niles has proven to himself that he when he has his mind set on something, he's bound to see it through to the end- no matter what the task he's focused on is.

• N/A [Open]

Theme Song

Niles has insomnia

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Circiinus [RLC
18.03.2022] (#35103)

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Posted on
2019-03-08 15:02:46





Felix Edwin Kepler
Seldom shares his middle name with others









Physical Description:

"See this bowling shirt? I just saw it in a store window and the colours actually gave me a headache...So, naturally, I took it. "

Standing at around 5"11 and almost worryingly lean, his past habits and the life he led prior to the apocalypse is almost personified in how he presents himself. Inclined to dress in mismatched and the most outrageous things he can find, his jumbled sense of 'fashion' and 'style' seem to reflect his often confused and oblivious state of mind, his clothing of choice is often extreme. Whether dark, blunt and dull or painfully bright, there seems little balance between the two spectrums. Though his bizarre mannerisms may suggest a former involvement with alcohol and other addictions, Felix has never been cleaner, circumstances considered. In spite of being 'incredibly stylish' by his own account, his infamously curly hair remains effortlessly untouched.

Currently, he seems to appreciate darker tones, particularly favouring a black faux fur jacket, some jeans and a tight-fitting shirt. Pale-skinned with dark eyes, his wild appearance seems to embody what would come to mind when faced with the word 'hangover', and thus, he is perhaps summarised by one word. Messy.




Erratic, volatile and occasionally irrational, it appears the only thing the virus and consequential apocalypse effected was his sanity. Or perhaps, in light of his overall nature and former habits, he had always been unstable. Though overall entirely harmless, it's not entirely surprising that others may be wary or intimidated by Felix's unpredictable behaviour. Not that he can be blamed, mind you, as far as he's concerned? He's the only survivor. Often found wandering abandoned malls - even managing to have befriended intact mannequins despite being fully aware of their inanimate status - or sleeping rough in some dumpster, Felix is not often or entirely unpleasant to be around.

Charismatic and notably recognised for having a sailor's mouth, he's capable of being rather sweet. While his lack of social interactions with others over the past ten months has left him with a poor concept of sensitivity and boundaries in regards to serious topics, it appears he never intends to push things too far. Or act his age, for that matter. Childish and seemingly untouched by the full impact of the apocalypse, or more so the danger that lurks, he can be irritatingly optimistic, inclined to often make light of serious or poor situations, even more so at the expense of others.



Darcy & Klaus (Mannequins - Friends)
Otherwise? Open. PM to plot.


Theme Song:
Love Today - Mika ((A serious BOP. Sums up Felix pree well))



Of German-American descent, though lacks an accent outside of trying to speak German, and cannot speak such fluently. As a matter of fact? Seldom at all. A few words here and there, most likely often wrong. Bc he's useless.


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Edited on 08/03/19 @ 15:31:14 by Quinn (Collecting Lion Skulls) (#35103)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-03-09 20:12:50

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Edited on 09/03/19 @ 21:38:28 by Lionesspride (#128112)

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