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![]() Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-18 22:18:29 |
![]() Edited on 26/05/19 @ 23:31:55 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Cervicorn [G1 Maroon Ennedi] (#33365) Total Chad View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-04-22 14:10:24 |
![]() Edited on 03/05/19 @ 13:54:27 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076) |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-01 17:04:17 |
Name Winter Age 2 years and 5 months Gender female Orientation female Rank red willow - huntress Breed wolf-dog Physical Description Looks like a husky,has brown and blue eyes. Coat color is black on top and a white under belly,her ears look like a wolf along with the rest of her body, She has a long muscular legs for running fast and hard. Demeanor Winter can be rude weather it is to her pack mates or loners,she is one that is know not to mess with or make fun of.She can also be very kind towards the pack pups or elders,she loves playing with the pups and teaching them how to hunt. Winter is very hard working and tries to prove herself worthy whenever she can ,she only does this because of her half wolf half dog self. When she is alone Winter will howl to her brother hoping for him to come and save her from herself. Winter can be flirty to the ones she likes in the pack,she will drop hints on how she feels but will also give them the cold shoulder throwing around mixed emotions is what she is best at.She can become very hyper and run around barking at anything that is small and that she can chase. History Winter lived with her brother with some old folks. She and her brother Solar would always sneak away and go exploring,they would always make sure that they were never late or caught . They would always go out to look for wolves to see if they could find their father and mother. Learning from a street dog that their mother ( husky) had given them to the old folks and that she ran away with their father (wolf).Each day they would go farther and farther into the forest but every time they would come back and forget about it until the next day. In the early morning Winter and Solar had gotten into a fight and it lead to Winter running off going to cool down. When she came back the house was in flames,she felt the hot flames trying to lick her. She felt her body freeze and tried to look for her brother but backing away she ran off and got into a safe spot. She ran away and looked for a place to lay low until the fire was out. She still looks for her brother and sometimes swears she sees his ash colored pelt bolting through the woods when she is on a patrol or hunt. Relationships Solar - brother - NPC Theme song Bellyache Other open for mate ![]() Edited on 01/05/19 @ 18:18:27 by Happy hyena (#128112) |
Polo (#96942)
Maneater View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-01 19:09:14 |
![]() Edited on 18/06/19 @ 15:01:15 by Polopony (#96942) |
Mire | G1 Subtle Supernal 3R (#51844) Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-02 13:40:12 |
![]() Edited on 30/05/19 @ 18:16:39 by Icy (#51844) |
FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-03 09:18:12 |
Roleplay Sample ![]() Edited on 05/05/19 @ 04:56:44 by FearedLion [Back?] (#67784) |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-04 20:50:59 |
![]() "No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart." Shanina Shaik Name Dakota Age 4 years Gender female Orientation Straight Rank red willow - huntress Breed st.bernard Physical Description Dakota much like her brother Bucky is a larger dog but she is also much smaller than him standing at 27 inch and weighing 150 lbs that is mostly muscle,her fur is a beautiful red and white that makes her brown eyes pop. Her fur is short unlike her other siblings and is very dense around her thighs the fur gets slightly bush and that includes her tail but becomes very short towards her tail tip.She has the dark mask that her owners loved the dark parts include her ears,face. Scars : Dakota does not have any scars other than the one on her back left hind leg Demeanor Like most of her breed she is very loving and kind but she can also be very cocky and much to many of her pack mates disliking she can be snotty at times.She can become very silent when it comes to bad things that happen around or to her pack because of the fire she fears that something could happen to her or her brother. Dakota is a vert gental female to pups and elders. History Dakota was born to two very attractive, highly known, pure bred Saint Bernards. She was in a litter of eight dogs in total, not including herself .She had six brothers and two sisters alongside him. They were worth a ton and were easily bought, being reserved for their owners before they even opened their eyes. Dakota was ne of the bigger females so she Time went by rather quick and soon she was ready to get her forever home,fear had welled inside her as she watched her siblings get taken away from her and her parents,coming to her turn Dakota let the two younger couple take her and bring her to the car. Barking she watched as the place she grew up in slowly fade away. About a month after she was taken her persons started taking her to weird events with dogs walking around and getting shown off to a crowd much like her humans,later on she soon started to train and do what the other dogs did but she only was with a few people and one other pup like her. When Dakota was two years she began to be shown around the world become a champion her persons took a break and had her go outside and spent time with other handsome dogs but much to her disliking they were all snobby and rude. Later on when she was running around she was caught by a fallen fence and had to get stitches. Dakota was at the park when the fire broke out,she was separated from her persons in the crowed of wailing people and dogs. Running to the safety of the field far far away from the park Dakota was now alone as the fire ragged on. Not wanting to wait and see if the fire got to her she took off into the forest and roomed around until she came to the Red willow pack. She joined when she turned 3 years and 11 months Relationships MotherCaramel : Deceased Father Bandit :Deceased Siblings Bucky|M | brother | alive Gunner| M | Deceased Rocky| M | Deceased Joey | M | Deceased Ginger| F | Deceased Theme Song bad guy - billie eilish Other Open for mate https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/portrait-nice-st-bernard-dog-female-393630622?src=-1-65 ![]() Edited on 05/05/19 @ 10:55:34 by Happy hyena (#128112) |
Derp (#69377)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-05 10:50:22 |
FearedLion [Back?] (#67784)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-05 10:51:21 |
wip ![]() Edited on 12/05/19 @ 16:42:23 by FearedLion [Back?] (#67784) |
Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)
Heavenly View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-05 11:53:17 |
Limebird (#89309)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-09 18:12:12 |
Name Age Gender Orientation Rank Breed Physical Description She is tri-color with a large black splotch on her back that extends to her back paws, while the rest of her body is white. The white separates the black on her back and the black on the back of her head that fades into orange around her muzzle. She has orange “eyebrows” and bright brown eyes. Along the center of her face is a white stripe that connects with the white on her chin. The only scar she has is a long slit on her stomach. Demeanor History She escaped through the backgate of his home one day and made her way to the outskirts of town where she hunted and made a nest, soon giving birth to 5 pups, two dying during birth. She loved her 3 left over puppies and named them, Comet, Stardew, and Maple. She raised them happily into adolescents before the fire hit. She didn’t see it coming and soon lost them in the blaze, not knowing if they survived or not. Relationships Theme Song Other ![]() |
Folklore (#139547)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-11 12:44:50 |
![]() Edited on 30/05/19 @ 18:15:57 by ♛LADYSEER♛ (#139547) |
cloud | 🍉 | they/he (#175820) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-17 17:55:38 |
A mighty Great Dane sat atop a crumbling building- one he heard yips and barks and growls from within. The pack was inside, mingling, fighting over scraps, talking about what to do next. The big dog, he went by the name Cole, leant his back in an odd way before lifting his hind leg to scratch vigorously at the metal thing around his neck. It made a metal-clicking-metal sound before he got annoyed by the sound, and stopped. Cole sat straight again, his longing gaze aimed over the rubble and ashes of the fallen city, beyond that, maybe to the tops of the trees able to be seen in the distance. His big paws sat neatly against each other, gingerly though, because they were sensitive and stingy when they touched anything sharp or hot. A wiry, thin tail lay out behind him, twitching in a curious, eager way whenever his cut, perked ears had turned to a sound further than the building he was currently stationed on top of. "Come home, will you?" The male's normally thundering, calm voice was quiet, longing, and lonely. "Come get me. I'm still here," he whispered to whoever might here- he hoped it was his family. ![]() Edited on 18/05/19 @ 08:55:54 by cloud (#175820) |
。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-19 07:10:59 |
![]() Edited on 20/05/19 @ 21:15:41 by 。BlazeRed。 (#27478) |
Sacramora (#140353)
Magnificent View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-25 18:11:37 |
Risha padded gently down towards the steam, stopping every couple of seconds to make sure no one had followed her. A familiar scent fills her nose, along with the old smell of blood and rogues. After a couple of seconds of weighing her options, she trots away from the stream, and follows the smells. When she finally found where the scents lead, she saw blood in front of a make-shift den. Risha pricks her ears, and hears whimpers and scratching of a young pup. The young female makes her way into the den, and finds a black and red pup, whimpering. (Ect. Ect.) ![]() Edited on 27/06/19 @ 22:38:19 by a Moderator |
pekoyama (#175041)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2019-05-26 18:39:46 |
"Look, just do one thing or another...not be two people at once. That's all I'm saying" name Arthur age Arthur is five years of age. gender Arthur is born male and identifies as one. sexual and romantic orientation he is heterosexual and heteromatic. rank he is a Fallen Ashes Fighter. breed Arthur is a purebred German Shepherd. physical description Arthur is a tall and stocky male, he holds a black saddle marking with a red-tinted tan underbelly and legs. his face is also a red-tinted tan with a long muzzle and black nose, he holds some faint markings of black spots, but they've blended with the rest of his face. he holds medium sized brown eyes, long black ears, and a docked black tail. Arthur does not bare any large scars, but above his nose is a small pink scar. his paw pads are black along with his claws along with a rough fur texture. he also bares a very thick southern accent. demeanor Arthur is a cold, brooding fighter who often has very few moral qualms about fighting. at his worst, Arthur could be extremely ruthless and completely unemphatic to the people he hurts. despite being capable of committing such violence, Arthur does have a playful side to his personality that comes out around those he is friendly with. he isn’t above joking or employing sarcasm with other members. notably, having a gentle demeanor around pups in contrast to his threatening persona. despite his ability to commit great acts of violence, Arthur has his own moral code and doesn’t believe in what he deems as unnecessary killing, especially if it endangers himself or those he cares about. it seems Arthur strictly believes that violence should be cold, necessary and without feeling, never out of personal enjoyment or without reason. he is very humble, and never feels a need to prove himself to other members of Fallen Ashes. Arthur has, in various forms, been called an idiot and a fool, with Arthur accepting these criticisms and mostly agrees with them. in spite of this, Arthur is cunning and rather intelligent, and demonstrates self-awareness often. this acceptance of who he is allows him to maintain his cool demeanor, especially under pressure, and not fall under the weight of vindicating himself. history before all that has happened, Arthur grew up with his mother on a farm with his father. the people who own the farm were breeders of German Shepherds, and grew a large plot of corn and wheat as extra money to feed their dogs. Arthur grew up to have a normal childhood with caring parents, but his parents also grew with them. Arthur and his siblings was their last liter, and soon after Arthur turned two, his mother died with his father following behind her after two months. Arthur was forced into breeding before the fire closed into his farm, and he ran away. as a stray dog, he grew cold and came to realize the importance of survival. he found the Fallen Ashes several months after his forth birthday, though growing lukewarm with them, he was happy to find a wonderful group. relationships he has grown close with a girl named Berry, but holds no romantic feelings for her. theme song Lady Antebellum - What If I Never Get Over You. other information I don't have any other information on Arthur right now, oof. "welcome to the world of girl love! it's slippery when wet!" name Berry, but her owners called her Winnie age Berry is three years of age. gender Berry is born female and identifies as one. sexual and romantic orientation she is bisexual and panromatic. rank she is a Red Willow Subordinates. breed Berry is a Irish Setter and Golden Retriever mix. physical description Berry is a tall and slender female with long red fur on her belly and ears. her ears ear floppy and down while she bares a long muzzle. her pelt is silky and long, red on her body and legs, but white on her maw and spotted on her front paws. her eyes are medium sized and a golden brown color, her nose and paw pads are a dark red-brown as her tail is docked. she holds no visible scars besides nicked ears. demeanor at first, Berry is a bit shocking in bold and unique personality. she is one of the most upbeat dogs out of Red Willow. she is very energetic and loves to talk, though she almost always ends up going off on bizarre, unrelated tangents. she forgets things quite quickly, so she tries to write in the dirt to help her remember. when she gets upset or nervous, Berry seems to have a bit of a verbal tic: saying things twice. despite her general quirks, Berry can be a startlingly wise and contemplative person. she holds a strong respect for individuality, and encourages others to be themselves. history Berry held a normal childhood, living with humans as a puppy with a big backyard and wonderful neighbors. that was until she was separated from her family one morning, rode with one of her previous owner's mother, who took care of Berry until she chased a rabbit out from the elder woman's yard, and wondered around for months until stumbling into Red Willow, wanting nothing but to go back into a loving family. Even if she had to work for love, she is still grateful for the life she is currently living. relationships she's close friends with Arthur, and often tries to make him smile when she comes across him, but bares no romantic feelings for him. theme song hobo johnson - 3%. other information I don't have any other information on Berry right now, oof. roleplay example her pelt was the scarlet and ginger that made fire look meek and small standing right next to it, but her pelt was a warm gaze among the moonlight. the way her feathery matching mane made each lock of fur look fine within the moon beams of the late night. her paws were a light beige with fading ginger spots and stripes on her legs, but that made her stand out even more with her playful behavior complimenting them well. the muscles beneath her pelt rippled with each stride of her legs, her large paws hitting the earth beneath her as the wind blew through each strand of fur on her body. her marbled lips were curved into that type of goofy smile, the smile that made your own lips curl if you stared with in it for too long. Her smile was almost as if you stared straight into the sun that would blind you if you were to gaze at it for too long. Her goofy grin was plastered on her face, exposing those sharp yellowing white teeth as she bathed in the moonlight. her eyes were the warmest and bright color of yellow, making sunflower petals nothing compared to her eyes. berrycatcher was darting past the trees of the seas of the dry savanna, the crunches of dry leaves and grass echoed in her ears as her yells and roars echoed through out, ensuring that she would alert an enemy she didn't want to encounter. her ginger and scarlet pelt glowed a faint white within the arms of the moon, but even in the dead of night, she had energy like a excited cub. she ruffled her ginger and scarlet mane to clear out any pestering flies that may have caught wind of her sprint through the savanna. with a huff she laid her body down to roll onto her back, but before long she saw her entire world spinning. a laugh escaped the lioness, but her laugh sounded like a hyena, as she rolled down the hill. being stopped by a dry tree jabbing into her back, causing her to let out a slight grunt. she rose onto her light beige paws, shaking her body out with a yell. "Goo Champions!" Her voice full of joy even with her roar, even with the battle arena so far away, she wanted to cheer for any lion that may meet the fate of someone's claws. though the thought was saddening, berrycatcher kept her goofy grin on her face, panting as she looked up at the stars. batting her paws upward in the air, almost like she was trying to swat flies. she was mostly pretending to catch shooting stars, hoping to find one out in the night sky. maybe she could wish for one of the lions to not meet the fate of some bloodthirsty lion, but who can tell with that bizarre mind of hers. what really mattered, was how fine she looked in the moonlight. ![]() |
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