Posted by Too scared to ask money for art

Sileo (#79993)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 12:12:20
As the title says, I'm too scared to ask money for my work. I've been wanting to do commissions to support myself financially aside from the retail job I already have, but every time I put up my prices for commissions ( I've had commissions as "expensive" as 50 cents ), Some of my friends would see it and bombard me with messages about how I'm asking too much for my art. Even down to telling my my very first actual client payed too much for my art ( The art in question was a 3 minute long animation and I was paid in band merch ) and to be fair, all that had really stripped away my last bit of confidence and willingness to continue as an artist.

Has anyone ever had this before? Does anyone know how to deal with situations like this?

Or am I genuinely just delusional for thinking I can even ask anything for my art?

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Hen [G1|Frail|x3
Ros|Ebony] (#123712)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 12:54:37
man honestly you're good. the little pixel animation was fab, and I've seen people pay at least £5 for that kind of thing.

your digital and other work will still sell, granted for less than animated stuff! but if people are willing to buy it, sell it ! listen to what your friends say, and take it into consideration, but also remember that you're pricing your art at the effort it took to make it.

Keep practising and eventually, you'll get to the stage where you can charge $60 for a painting.

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Zambz (#2687)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2020-03-10 13:39:37
IMO your stuff is totally sellable!
I've heard that pricing too low can also turn people away tbh, not sure how true that is but your stuff is for sure worth more than 50 cents!

I've been in the same mindset for a long time tbh so I get how it feels, tho I'm not rly sure how to fix it lol. The only way I know is to ignore that nagging voice that says ur not good enough to sell or whatever n just keep posting n such! The more experience you have with the commissions the better you'll get too I think owo

I started posting on furry reddit n ended up getting 200 dollars from simple ref sheet commissions at 30 each in only a month so if I can do that you can sell your stuff too!

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 13:57:49
Ignore those people. I think you can definitely sell your art, especially art like that animation :O lovely work <3

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Sileo (#79993)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 14:21:55
Thank you all for the responses! I think I just have to work on my confidence again first. The only time I felt really confident about my art was while I was working on this, and I really hope to reach that level of confidence again.

Thank you all so much for the support. I might even open up an art shop on here to start back up ^^

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2020-03-10 14:57:26
Dude, that's amazing :O I love that video, great job <3

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Sileo (#79993)

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Posted on
2020-04-21 13:33:20
For those that still follow this thread, I finally gathered the courage to open up an art shop, albeit for only a small part of what I do. Again, thank you for the support!

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2020-04-21 16:27:27
Do you have a link? :D

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Sileo (#79993)

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Posted on
2020-04-21 16:40:59
Yes I do ^^

Still not too sure about my prices though, but since they take so long to make, I don't want to go too low.

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La Vida Loca (#212869)

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Posted on
2020-08-09 09:01:21
You as an artist have the right to price as high or low as you want, it's your work and people are buying your time not your friends. So In case anyone comes to you saying "They told me I over paid" Explain to them how the systems work, it also helps mentioning these 2 facts in the forum shop such as notes or rules.

As for the shop prices, You mentioned their take the time to get them done, so if you're worried of over pricing -- Dont.
Like I mentioned before, people are buying your time to get the order, So you have full right on Setting a price you deem fit.

I personally as an artist have never ran into the problem when my friends would go psycho and attack my clients, So I can only make suggestions/recommendations of how to dealing with based on how I would control the situation.

1. Create a blacklist
Now blacklists are very popular among artists, closed species, etc. Blacklists will help control customers, and warn others you are taking your business seriously instead of playing around. It's also a fancy artist term for people who are banned from your shop. It will show you have a sense of authority as an artist, If they break one too many rules of your or even just one but based on the severity, You may place them on a blacklist. It's also a good idea to set a rule such as "Do not ask these people why they've been blacklisted."
I know this sounds like warding off customers or making a bad impression, but it's not. Making sure people know that certain (or potential ex-) clients Serve as a warning of who they are as a person, if someone has ended up on your blacklist, then that means they are to be vary of.

And lets the people ON the list know they are no longer welcome at your store, because of how they behaved/what they did. In response to your kindness and respect to take up their order.

2. Set some Ground Rules
Always, Always, ALWAYS - make sure you have set your shop rules also known as ground rule. If you want the order to be for nothing but personal use only ( ex. Character art, Character Profile avatar/picture, Character related). Be sure to state so.
Using the rules to make sure people see that your'e requesting for them to be patient because Commissions are hard work and hard work takes time, is a very good idea. This should prevent them from harassment of "is it done yet?" "Are you doing it?" "When's my work gonna be done?". They have to understand the fact they are on your FCFS list. and that they will get their turn when you're finished with the current client.

3. Do not be afraid to Calmly confront the person/friend.
Emphasis on calmly, I understand it's a really shitty feeling and nearly impossible to give them a piece of your mind without full force. But as an artist showing them You're not a doormat like they think - with composure will leave them mouths gaping. They are only cocky until they're defeated.

So instead of shouting, cursing, or direct blaming them - Simply bring this up with them calmy and explain to them how you do not appreciate them acting like they own your work or your shop. Remind them that IT IS YOUR art, and not theirs. If they have objections to pricing, they're welcome to set up their own shop and treat it as good or bad as they wish. Ask them to stop harassing your clients because their opinion simply doesn't match yours.
If a client wishes to exchange a band merch to pay for your art (especially if it's of equal value as the cash) they are more than welcome to do so if you agree to it.

and I know this may sound difficult to do with composure, but trust me, If you take up your role as as an active artist and act professionally they will be stunned on how less or if at all that didn't get under your skin.

Keep in mind this is an Example:
Julien saw Mary's art shop. and was interested in her work. He contacts mary, and asks if he'd be able to exchange a piece of merch from her favorite band Scorpions - in order to pay for the commission since they're priced equally. The commission costs him 5 euro, and the shirt was 4,99. Mary agrees, and they make the exchange after 3 days when the order is complete and Julien happily thanks her.

Jack - "Mary You're pricing your commissions far too high for the community. 50 dollars/50 euro/50 cents is Just too high for anyone! You have to lower yourself more down to acceptability. Julien overpaid for your work!!"

Mary - " Jack, I know you're my best friend, and While I understand your input on this. I would appreciate it a lot if you didn't treat my work and my shop like your private possessions. If you believe my prices are too high in your opinion, you're more than welcome to start up your own commissions and Price them as high ow low are you desire.
Secondly I would like you to know that, People are not only paying for the product, but buying my time to gain the product, and the way Julien decided to pay was Okay with me since their price was equally ranged.

I'm not trying nor going to argue with you, but I do not approve of yo harassing me, or even yet My clients because of what they paid seems too much in YOUR opinion. If they didn't think the pricing was fair they would not have placed the order. And while it's my shop, my time, and my work -- I dictate what pricings deem fit. Whether it'd be Cash, or a site's virtual currency such as Lioden's Beetles or Flight risings gems and treassures.

I understand if you're mad because of all this, but I just wanted to set things straight and make things clear. I will also understand if you don't think I'm being a good friend by confronting you. But trust me I am being a good friend, because I would'v never tried to drive your shop down the drain instead of kindly asking about it and asking for clarification on how's that and why."

Jack is unsure whether to feel offended or angry or simply feel foolish or embarrassed. Mary's words have left him speechless because did not expect her to stand up to him, and with composure as if it hadn't bothered her what he had said. He knows Mary is the one who's actually right, but his ego delusions him and makes him think he is right in the situation. What he didn't think of was that Mary could easily make friends who know how to behave and support unlike what he had done to her.

It's generally a very passive way to tell someone "STAY DOWN! I'm the one in charge here, not you.". and if they think You wont be able to live without being friend with them they will always be wrong, because even if they think your friendship wont work, you yourself will find many that will. Especially through art. Forms of art is the best way to find friends who you can actually connect with, will understand your struggles as an artist and so on so fourth. (Based on my experience such friendships are forever) so you Shouldn't be overly devastated about them leaving, yes it will hurt, yes It wont be easy, but You will find people who are better and know how to actually behave themselves. Other artists will give off tips, advice, and honest opinions if you invite them to by simply asking. Just make sure not to abuse this by relying on them to make the deciding opinions on prices for you lol
It's good to ask what they think and take it in consideration, but also make sure you add your own spice to it ^^

I had about 7 other points on the list but I forgot them in the long run while multi-tasking sorry.

But the bottom line in everything is always the same

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