Posted by [Nov] Shaman Quests: An Exercise in RNG Futility

[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-11-02 01:09:08
[ Support My Other Suggestions? ]

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✪ Summary:

Shaman Piety is an extremely limited currency. Unlike almost every other quest in every Lioden event - potentially *every* other quest - Shaman Quests cannot be properly skipped without detriment to the player. Other quests allow you to skip a quest if it proves too hard. You pay an event beetle fee or SB to be given a new, random quest and you move on with life.

Not so with Shamans. If you skip a quest, you permanently lose a quest for the day. And if you get multiple quests you can't complete, well you're out of luck.

With the sheer amount of new encounters being added to the game constantly - both event and normal encounters - it continuously weighs the RNG odds of getting the correct encounter AGAINST the player. There is also a very incredibly obvious mechanic in place that makes certain encounters - if not all - harder to find if the quest seeking it is active.

After 6 or 7 energy bars, you should have found your quest encounter by now, but that's not the case. But after skipping the quest, miraculously, what you were looking for shows up.

Frankly, this is getting absurd.

✪ What I Am Proposing:

[+] Add a Scarab Beetle 're-roll quest' option instead of a total skip.
[+] DO NOT give players the same quest they just skipped.

I'm suggesting this amount be 10 Scarab Beetles. This month gives low currency drops and if you repeatedly get a quest you can't do, it'll be pricy, but at least you won't be locked out of quests entirely because it continues to ask you to look for that dumb cow or those humans you haven't seen even once since the event started.

You get 2-3 Piety per quest, and the big ticket Piety rewards for many players are Ancestral Markings. It takes thirty (30) to apply a single marking. That's 5-ish days worth of work assuming you can even complete every quest. If you can only complete 2, it stretches into 10 days.

Edit Log:
[ ADDED] 11/23/2020: DO NOT give players the same quest they just skipped.
Since there is an issue with multiple quests through the game already doing this, I'm politely requesting that if this change is implemented, it doesn't give players the same quest they skipped.

[UPDATE] 11/19/2022: LioDevs have added the following encounter as of November 2022:

However, despite it being added, some have reported rarely finding this encounter. It may not be sufficient.

Quote: "Huge support. I know they implemented the Ahihia encounter BUT I never encountered her even once in the entirety of November. At all. And I am a hardcore player, I roll every day and play for hours. So either the chance of getting the encounter is so low that it’s not even useful, or they messed up and didn’t implement it right. Either way, there DEFINITELY needs to be options for those quests bc it there were days in November where I went 12 hours of constant exploring and never got the one I needed" -via Chow.Hound (#162617)

I myself only encountered her once.
If you don't support, I'd like to know why. I appreciate constructive criticism over a simple "no".

This suggestion has 564 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 06/12/22 @ 18:29:25 by [△] Nadir (#108458)


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Posted on
2020-11-03 00:50:49
Yes please? I just wasted two energy bars + Hyperactive bonus and still didn't find the ecounter I needed to complete the quest.

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Umbrafen (#4888)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2020-11-03 12:25:44
I agree. I'm having LOADS of trouble finding the herbs I need as well.

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Desolace, Colorbomb (#36375)

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Posted on
2020-11-04 08:07:05
"Find the lost cow"....3 full energy bars and zip...ok lets skip that one, still 2 quests....Nutgrass? Ok I have that!, yay 2 piety! quest...."Defeat the Kalahari lion killing cubs." 3 full bars, 1/3 quests completed for the day...2 piety for the

I cant be logging in every 2 hours, I work, so its not feasible. I understand challenge, but as said before, this is outrageous. Im not looking for 100% doable quests, but at least make it so it doesnt require a full day of energy bars to get one quest completed.

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Edited on 04/11/20 @ 08:08:45 by Desolace, Incubus (#36375)

🦜 Jenday 🦜
[Folklore] (#175593)

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Posted on
2020-11-04 08:36:15
Supported! As far as I can remember this is the only month with a straight up skip option, so it only makes sense to make it like other events imo!

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Siyvee (#46507)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2020-11-04 08:51:25
Definitely supporting. I've been having problems finding a single thing for my quests. Herbs you can buy or trade but finding the encounters is just ridiculous.

The sheer amount of explore encounters, both event and regular ones, makes it extremely hard to run into what you need at times. It's been a few energy bars for my side and I still haven't found what I need. And I have a lot of time to play daily. Can't even imagine how it goes for those who can only log in occasionally.

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epoch (#10804)

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Posted on
2020-11-04 10:02:21
Support! It's nice to have a challenge - in no way should it be too easy to complete the quests. But wasting energy bar after energy bar is unfair to the userbase, especially those who can't play every day. It shouldn't be getting to the point where users are frustrated, especially when energy takes so long to build back up.

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-11-04 10:47:27
Thank you for the support guys! It's really, really beneficial to hear that this is such a widespread issue, because it helps supply proof. Hopefully we can get it addressed before the month gets too far in, and not have to waste this entire month.

Please feel free to share this around if you believe it is a cause worthy of your time. I'll keep promoting it.

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Emerald (#15750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-11-05 04:01:25
I'm suffering rn because I have to find a fricking cow that isn't showing up. Last time I had to find a Kalahari lion that never showed up either. I got literally every other explore encounter under the sun that WASN'T what I want whenever the quest is active, yet the last time I skipped a Quest to find one of those fucking white lions, the one I needed to appear before appears RIGHT AFTER I QUIT THE QUEST.
I swear to god I wanted to throw my laptop.
This is probably THE only month I know where skipping quests are an absolute detriment to the player, and with how little Piety we get each day and with it being such limited supply due to this issue it's such a waste of time. It''a especially annoying seeing as we need this piety to unlock the bar instead of beetles. This was my favorite event because of the theme alone, and things weren't as annoying the last time I played this site, but now it's absolute hell to get Piety with how the explore encounters have such bullshit RNG to the point it's as if it's PURPOSEFULLY withholding what you need away from you when the quest is active. That is not fun, and thus it makes this month very unfun already and we aren't even a week into it.

And this is AFTER they supposedly raised the encounter rates???? Well, I'm not seeing it. :///

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Edited on 05/11/20 @ 07:18:21 by Emerald (#15750)

[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-11-05 18:21:36
I'm very, very sorry to hear about your frustrations, Emerald. Day five and I'm still struggling with these as well. Usually a bit of persistance would eventually let me find things I need, or sometimes I run out of herbs, but buying them from players benefits player economy, but this is grueling.

Just Now: Couldn't find the Traansval Lion quest, skipped it and was given the traansval lion quest. :)))))))))

I feel so good knowing our time is being wasted this month on quests that never appear (/s), and I really hope we can get this fixed before we lose too much.

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Main's side (#171260)

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Posted on
2020-11-06 17:41:50
I was looking for a thread like this.
Wasted 3 energy + bonus energy and i still can't get that shaman quest. This is even worst than the lamb quest. Its really getting frustrating honestly especially for someone not 100% active in ld. I support this.

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-11-06 20:10:12
This has been confirmed it isn't getting fixed this year. Fantastic.

I'm disappointed, but I'll push it when I have the time. PLEASE keep providing your experiences with this. The more, the better.

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Edited on 06/11/20 @ 21:21:45 by [△] Jensen (#108458)

Emerald (#15750)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2020-11-07 02:35:10
Well great...
It's not like... ya know.. this is a LEGIT PROBLEM THAT IS AFFECTING THE PLAYERS EXPERIENCE IN THE EVENT or anything... but okay...

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atempause (#88049)

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Posted on
2020-11-07 02:57:58
I posted about it on discord but I'm gonna here too.

It took me 10 hours to find just one antelope for one quest. *10.* This is ridiculous. I don't know how many energy bars it is, I have lioden in a tab and refresh every once in a while and waste any energy I got in explore. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for people who don't have the time to check this site often.

This really needs to be fixed, it can't wait for next year if it's this bad.

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2020-11-07 08:24:23
Maybe if it gathers enough support fast enough, and enough players document how it's negatively affecting them, we might be able to get them to change their mind. Either way, I'll try. I'm sorry this is so rough on you all, guys.

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↞Vati↠ (#198713)

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Posted on
2020-11-09 05:11:17
big support.
there are days where I see like. 5 Tsavo lions, 5 lost cows and then next day, I see none of them. wtf rng. I get quest and see pretty much every encounter except one needed for quest. and I don't wanna skip in hope they might still appear, I don't wanna lose chance for piety. I am pretty active and use all energy I can while I am awake, I don't wanna imagine how it is for those who are busy and don't have time to play that much.

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