Posted by wardrobe randomizer game

king rot | g1 primal
dawn (#64281)

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Posted on
2022-04-25 11:23:23

so! I've had this game going basically by myself for quite a while a now, it's something I love to do while I'm idling at work. I don't know if something like this is allowed or if forum games are supposed to be expressly interactive in some way. if you're gonna play this game, I would love it if you showed off the end result in this thread!

anyways, he's the premise.


  • To start, manually roll the gender + age + pose and mut boxes (ORDER: piebald/patches -> pose/mutation -> posed mutations) in the 'Lion Base' section of the wardrobe. You will get a BONUS ROLL if you rolled an adult female with a posable mutation, OR if you rolled her with a pose. (say I rolled an adult female, and on the pose/mut roll I got the Kind Pose. I could re-roll and get either a posable mutation OR a piebald/patches mutation. you do not have to do this though!)
  • To make things easier on yourself, TURN RANDOMIZATION OFF FOR MARKS BEFORE THE NEXT STEP!
  • Once you're ready, go ahead and allow lioden to roll the Base + Mane Length + Mane Color + Eyes + Skin of your lion! These aspects cannot be changed. whatever you get, you're just gonna have to work with! Now go ahead and unlock the marks section, but LOCK WHAT WAS JUST ROLLED. trust me you don't want to have to start over!
    * As a note, go into the settings and ONLY have mane markings on for an adult male if that's what you've been left with. otherwise you will waste points trying to remove marks you can't see. (it's the little cog button next to the randomization button!)
  • You start with 10 points when the marks are rolled.
    * removing a mark costs 1 point
    * changing opacity costs 0.5
  • You cannot CHANGE a marking completely, not even to a different color of the same marking; either remove it entirely, change the opacity, or leave it alone.
  • Now all that's left to do is roll until you're satisfied, or until you're tout of points!

I've also added this little guide for people like me who are doing this in a numbers generator to keep track of how many ~things~ there are to roll for. DU is not counted as a mut, because it isn't visible! (nor is there an option for it in wardrobe!)
* gender - 2
* age - 5
* (female) poses - 6
* total mutations - 84
* adult female unposable muts - 26
* adult female posable muts - 9
* cub/adol female muts - 12
* male muts - 23
* pie/patches (posable) - 37

and just the number of available (wardrobe) MUTATIONS for ease of access...
* adult female - 63
* cub/adol female - 47
* male - 60


so basically, think of this as like a total shuffle of sorts! and please, post your finished products here! feel free to walk us through step by step in your post what sort of journey the randomization took you on |P because this is more of a solo game, it's up to you to keep yourself accountable and honest. all in all though, just have fun! I might turn this into more of a challenge if it picks up ;3

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Edited on 30/04/22 @ 13:29:41 by king rot (#64281)

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