Posted by Looking for input/Price Checks

Dork [G1 Qahir Frail
Pie] (#277938)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-11 04:08:36
So, I do the art thing. At least kind of. And, as good as I am at telling other people that do the art thing to value their work, I am terrible at doing that for myself.

I have some examples of my artwork uploaded here, as well as on my insta (however, I am unsure if we're allowed to link to/give out socials on here), but I can certainly provide it if that's permitted.

A lot of these were practice pieces as opposed to full projects, practicing anatomy and foreshortening. That said, I am pleased with how far my skill has come in the last year or so given that I'm self taught and I took a long hiatus from visual art.

So, I guess first off:

1. I'm always looking for constructive criticism on pieces themselves. I'm aware my human anatomy is much better than my animal anatomy. I'm working on it. I also know my shading could use work. Darker, dramatic shading is admittedly something I'm still experimenting with with digital art.

2. Is my art sellable? Is it something people would buy, for irl currency, game currency, or otherwise?

3. Any advice for structuring selling art here on lioden? I have some thoughts, but I'd like to see what people that are making it work already are doing.

4. How do I set prices? ;_;

Thank you so much in advance for your time! :)

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Edited on 11/09/22 @ 04:10:33 by Dorkasaurous (#277938)

Alira (#254843)

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Posted on
2022-09-11 18:47:57
Im not an art curator or anything, but the faces (human and felines) on your drawings are done so well!!

I definitely think there would be a market for your art, especially completed ones! The one with the man and women and the solo sketch of a woman are my faves!

Most people seem to set up a thread with some samples of their work, and prices range depending on the amount of detail they would like added

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Dork [G1 Qahir Frail
Pie] (#277938)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-12 01:11:08
Thank you so much! I've been working on that quite a bit, so I appreciate hearing that. ^_^ I definitely am better at humans/humanoids than I am animals (or at least I am more comfortable drawing them). I'm hoping to find a point to start at with pricing. Because I don't want to scare people off, but I also don't want to undersell myself.

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Alira (#254843)

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Posted on
2022-09-12 01:18:36
Setting prices is so hard!

Have you sold art before? Prices should always reflect time and effort spent on the piece as well as experience - there's so many factors to consider.

Would you consider reaching out to other artists on Lioden and gathering their opinions on pricing? or look at art threads to get an idea for yourself?

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Dork [G1 Qahir Frail
Pie] (#277938)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-12 02:02:45
Kinda? Only very casually between friends and I honestly suspect I probably underpriced myself.

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Alira (#254843)

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Posted on
2022-09-12 02:13:03
If you don't mind me asking, what was the rough ratio between the detail of drawing and pricing?

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Dork [G1 Qahir Frail
Pie] (#277938)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-12 02:15:39
Full body line art, color and shading. Included a lot of work on details like feathers, etc. Also included accessories on the character, etc.

Charged $65. Took... a very, very long time. Was happy to do it. But realized after the fact I should probably undersold myself.

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Alira (#254843)

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Posted on
2022-09-12 02:19:22
Oh wow you definitely did give them a very generous family and friends discount :o

How much detail did you want to put into your sales project? How much time did you want to allocate to your projects? Are you planning to offer add-ons?

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Dork [G1 Qahir Frail
Pie] (#277938)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-12 02:24:39
So. When I was working full time, not much. I have since become unable to do so and thus have a lot more time on my hands which has provided me the opportunity to practice as my health allows (though I refuse to sacrifice my health for anything- hobby, job, or anything ever again).

Add ons are definitely an option, I think. Whether it be a sketch in addition, or practicing up chibi figures to go along with whatever the order is. I also like to show the person requesting the art in question the rough sketches and such so they can request changes, etc.

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Alira (#254843)

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Posted on
2022-09-12 02:31:35
Absolutely! You need to have limits to have a healthy and happy life <3 You're happy to have a few hours dedicated to a project?

Have you thought about having a minimum requirement for your work?

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Dork [G1 Qahir Frail
Pie] (#277938)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-12 12:13:11
It would be nice. Especially to help establish a routine in my day.

That I actually had not thought about. Part of why I wanted to out out feelers and get input from people. :)

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Alira (#254843)

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Posted on
2022-09-12 14:56:36
I would definitely look into having a minimum amount of work! It can totally be something simple but I feel like it encourages people to look at the range and add-ons and also ensures you're not being underpaid for the work you're doing :)

The humanoid sketches that you showed - I would offer around AU$25-35, is that in a price range you are comfortable in? And then of course, would likely use a few add-ons on top of that.

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Dork [G1 Qahir Frail
Pie] (#277938)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-12 22:38:50
For the sketches/lineart? Yes.

If someone wanted full color, shading, etc.... I would probably charge more based on prior experience. Not an insane amount more, but there would be more of a charge because more time, etc.

The only other thing I can think of is if they wanted extremely detailed clothing, jewelry, tattoo designs, etc.

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