Posted by fantasy apocalypse rp? Lf opinions

🎩Fancy fork [5
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-14 16:24:56
So had a thought, which took me a bit by surprise since I don't usually do that.

I want to do an apocalypse roleplay but with cool animals
but idk if other people would want to do this kind.

I personally can't play human characters, if you want to you can. Don't worry kiddies, everyone can get infected!

So this infection isn't a typical zombie infection, more like a parasite.

Quick bitta backstory:

The humans (as usual) have put waste to this land, the sea holds only violent infected beasts and the corpses of many. This vile disease was first spread by a pegasus, who had just been drinking from a stream. The poor creature didn't last long till it began to behave erratically - bloodthirsty, even. Its skin was sucked close to its bones, its life sapped till its own pelt had dulled. The pegasus lost use of its wings, but its teeth and hooves were just as capable of being used as weaponry. The more it bit and killed, the more this horrid curse spread quickly over the once docile lands, shaking the animals to their core. Weeks after it started there were only a few dozen non sick left, and the first few infected had now grown bone-like structures on their spines. Luckily the first infecteds were easy to kill off, as their limbs were weak and they just moved about pointlessly. There is no known cure, it affects every creature; whether it be scales, feathers, fur or skin. The best you can do is run and hope they don't catch up.

The little parasite resided in lakes, hence the first infected being a pegasus who drank water from, guess what, a lake! It is swallowed by the new host, travelling and multiplying immediately at the newfound warmth. this parasite feeds on blood, and it will stretch itself out into little branches inside its hosts' body so it can sap all the blood and nutrients from its skin. Keep in mind the host is sentient through all of this. After everything is gone, the parasite makes its way to the host's brain, morphing itself to replicate its shape and effectively disguising as one of the host's own organs. By this time the host will be completely gone, whoever you knew is dead now.
Brittle coral-like structures sprout from the spine almost like extra limbs, spreading spores into the air to infect others. Creating these bone looking appendages takes a lot of energy and the infected host will fully die after releasing spores into the surrounding area of around 3ft.


Stage one.
Irritation on back of neck and stomach.
Unsteady walking
uncontrollable movements in body.

Creatures in stage one are still fully sentient, sort of. their sanity is quickly dwindling. Hosts under the influence of the parasites will often deny that they are infected, even resorting to hostility or violence to prove such.

Stage two.
Little control of limbs.
increased hostility
paler fur/skin/feathers/scales
light blindness/foggy vision

Those who get into stage two become more agitable and unpredictable, and they lose control of their own limbs. they can still speak and are sentient. Denies infection still.
Any magical abilities the host had such as flying, fire breathing etc are greatly weakened or even completely lost.

Stage three.
No control of body.
random blacking out - leaving the parasite in full control
surreal feeling
most colour drained
flesh begins to rot
incredibly thin.
slurred/no speech.
blurred tunnel vision

The stage most infected end at, since they are quick and easy to kill. They are still partially sentient, still able to see even if their sight is mostly gone.

Stage four.
Unable to form proper sentences. (can say words)
Twisted/deformed limbs
loses ability to run
completely blind
brittle bone limbs on back of spine

Those unfortunate enough to get to this stage are sadly far gone. Stage fours are easily killable but are avoided because of the spores released from the things on their back upon death. These creatures die after a week of reaching this stage, just collapsing dead.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, do you understand it? is your interest piqued? Please.
Any species allowed! Dragons, griffins, five tailed flying moon whales, even made up species (must be either your species or an open one, or smth you have permission to use)
or just yk, normal ones

would anyone be interested?

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ace_forgotten (#262032)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-01-14 19:57:21
yo what up. wonderin if this is a group thing on discord or this for I cannot use discord. otherwise I am 100% interested

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🎩Fancy fork [5
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-14 21:40:41
it'll probably be an on site roleplay because I can't make discord servers for the life of me

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ace_forgotten (#262032)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-01-14 21:41:22
alrighty! thats what i was worried about because I would be very sad if it was a discord rp

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-14 23:33:53
i would join

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