Posted by Revival Project (Current: Nov 15, 2019)

Anubis | Ruffian
Project (#158217)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 12:42:57

- Goal -

Much as I love my old king, I have decided to use my main (seeing as my side is a freezer at the moment) for a revival project. My goal is to revive as many dead or inactive raffle lioness lines as possible, starting with the ones I personally favor. If there's a raffle lioness you'd like to see revived, feel free to suggest it for future projects. Just note that I am trying to stay as low cost as possible, which means that harder projects will likely take longer (such as the dreaded rosettes).

This thread will be used to track my progress on the revival as I go along.

What generation are you aiming for?
I will be aiming for the lowest generation I can manage. I'm too stubborn to go for anything higher than G3, so expect as low as G2 if I get magically lucky. Combo bases are special cases where, unless I can find an NCL with the exact base I need and I can get a factor on the king I am using, they will likely just be the lowest I can reasonably manage given the factors (unless the factors are all applicators, which is no problem whatsoever).

What will you do when you get the clone?
I will be keeping my king as that NRLC until the RLC starts cloning. This will be a safety precaution since there is no guarantee she will actually clone. Instead of breeding to that RLC's father, I will be using another G1 stud to save on replacement costs. Once she successfully clones, I will try to spread her line to others who are interested. Otherwise, I will just keep her line alive myself so that she doesn't disappear into the ether once more. Ideally, I'd like to keep these lines alive and well even if it means one clone a generation (which would be tragic, but what can you do).

Are you looking for anything specific to get the project going?
If you have lionesses with the markings/base I need that I can reverse breed to or a stud with the markings/base I need, that would be perfect. Some markings aren't very common on the TC and some bases are very expensive, so any help I can get in increasing the amount of them I have available is great. The more I can breed, the more chances I have to get the project done relatively quickly. I will only be looking for bases, skins, eyes, manes, and mane colors once all markings are on one cub.

You can find what I currently have for the project in my Primordial Creations cave.

Why do you have more things crossed off than are on your king?
Since there are markings I need for my side king that aren't yet available in the proper slots, I am using my side king for the project too until I figure out what I want to do about that. That said, I do have notes next to each stating which king has what.

As of right now, my main's king (this account) tracks total progress in getting everything on one base while my side tracks the markings. I am doing this so my main can keep breeding bases for my side to breed to while my side breeds markings for my main to breed to. This saves me some cost on getting more special bases to breed since I'm not using my side for anything else at the moment.

What is your next revival?
This is subject to change but, as of right now, I am setting my sights on reviving the November 22, 2019 raffle lioness next.

★ - Current Revival - ★

The current RLC revival is the November 15, 2019 raffle lioness. From what I can gather, she had two female clones (one male, possibly more) before she was immortalized. One never cloned and is too old to breed, and the other is an adolescent but has been inactive since 2020 as of writing this.

Base: Ruffian Main
Skin: Greige Main/Side
Eyes: Sunburst
Mane Type: Incubus
Mane Color: Noctis 1 Applicator

S1: Cream Ringed (85%)
S2: Black Ends (100%)
S3: Cream Soft Unders (100%) Side
S4: Noctis Pelage (50%) Main/Side
S5: Cream Margay (100%) Main/Side
S6: Noctis Shell (80%)
S7: Fiery Bottom (100%) 1 Applicator
S8: Feline 5 Noctis (100%) Main/Side
S9: Cream Trim (50%) Piety
S10: Bone Underfelt (100%) Side

★ - Costs - ★

Also known as the Tragedy Pit when I get more fails rolling. Breakdowns show beneath each if/when available.

- 20gb Ruffian-Based Rep
- 18gb Cub Sex Changes
- 10gb 2/15 Kinged (Jan. 28, 2024)
- 10gb 1/15 Ruffian Base Kinged (Feb. 24, 2024)
- 10gb 6/15 Kinged on Side (Mar. 31, 2024)
- 10gb 7/15 Kinged on Side (Apr. 30, 2024)
- 0gb 5/15 Ruffian Base Kinged (Jun. ?, 2024)

- 1,025sb Starting Marking Lions
- 3,150sb Stud Fees
- 23,400sb Marking Removals
- 3,000sb Fiery Unders Applicators
- 7,800sb Rock Salts
- 0sb Ochre Powders
- 600sb Noctis Mane Applicators (+Trade Items)

Items Used (Totals):
- x18 Cub Sex Changers
- x13 Marking Removals
- x39 Rock Salts
- x8 Ochre Powders

Other Fun Info:
- 4 Project Kings Used
- 7 Starting Project Lionesses
- 5 Ruffians Bred

Special Thanks (November 15, 2019):
To #166431 for the side king (King #3) and letting me borrow a bunch of Ruffian ladies! They've all been a lifesaver for the project.
To #441632 for the no marking griege skin NCL! She kickstarted almost all of the griege skin lions I have.

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Edited on 08/06/24 @ 08:53:20 by Anubis | Ruffian Project (#158217)

Anubis | Ruffian
Project (#158217)

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Posted on
2024-01-15 12:43:29

- King 1: 2/15 -

Goal Markings:
Noctis Pelage in Slot 4
Feline 5 Noctis in Slot 8

Why did I start with this?
There weren't many cheap options for these markings in these specific slots on the TC when I was initially searching, so I decided to give myself more chances for them until I got a good amount going. I will be replacing him with a Ruffian eventually to save on costs since Ruffians are currently pricey.

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Edited on 28/01/24 @ 12:02:39 by Anubis | RLC Revival Project (#158217)

Anubis | Ruffian
Project (#158217)

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Posted on
2024-02-06 15:26:47
Finally got Bone Underfelt to pass, so I'm slowly getting more of the ones I couldn't find many of when starting the project.

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Anubis | Ruffian
Project (#158217)

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Posted on
2024-02-15 09:57:32

- King 2: 1/15 -

Goal BOs:
Ruffian Base

I have a 10/15 cub without the base or skin (but every BO marking) but I want to make sure I'm not spending extra on more Ruffian ladies since those are extremely expensive. Thus... Ruffian king with no markings! The mutation was not intentional. He just happened to be the cheapest with the least markings.

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Edited on 15/02/24 @ 09:58:22 by Anubis | RLC Revival Project (#158217)

Anubis | Ruffian
Project (#158217)

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Posted on
2024-04-01 09:45:23

- King 3: 6/15 -

Goal BOs:
S3: Cream Soft Unders
S4: Noctis Pelage
S5: Cream Margay
S8: Feline 5 Noctis
S10: Bone Underfelt

Since my side is no longer frozen and he was a random potato (to me, anyway), the marking side of the project will take place there until the markings transfer over to the Ruffian. This will allow me to (hopefully) create Ruffians to breed to the side king once he has all of the needed BOs, and any fails there can go to my main to potentially pass markings in the same fashion. I am not too pressed on the side passing the mane since that is an applicator (and I am working on actually getting that for convenience since it is a MB applicator), so I won't be worried if it doesn't pass with other BOs. My main goal is just to get those BOs onto one.

Yep, we have another unintentional piebald. At least they're mildly funding the project?

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Edited on 01/04/24 @ 09:53:12 by Anubis | Ruffian Project (#158217)

Anubis | Ruffian
Project (#158217)

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Posted on
2024-04-10 12:24:20
Small updates on the project:
- 1 Ruffian has been born from my main's king, and she's the first! She is almost a marking copy of my main, only exhibiting a single marking that will be removed so that it cannot overwrite the S8 marking,
- 2 cubs have been born which only need one BO marking. When they are of age, I will be giving the side king Ochre Powder to hopefully get that final marking, and ensuring the pass of Greige skin with Rock Salts. If I can get all of the markings on one cub, that means the only BO I have left is Ruffian.

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Anubis | Ruffian
Project (#158217)

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Posted on
2024-05-13 14:50:17

- King 4: 7/15 -

Goal BOs:
Griege Skin
Cream Soft Unders
Noctis Pelage
Cream Margay
Feline 5 Noctis
Bone Underfelt

I may have forgotten to update this for a bit. Whoops! Only the base is needed now.

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Edited on 13/05/24 @ 14:50:39 by Anubis | Ruffian Project (#158217)

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