Posted by Utopia [OPEN]

Northe Lands (#449129)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-01-21 12:25:06
Welcome to Sarik! The model society filled with all the people you could imagine, living in perfect harmony! Nothing ever goes wrong here, it’s the perfect place to live! In other words, it’s the new Utopia.

Peace and harmony spreads as far as the eye can see, everyone has a smile on their face. Joy and contentment fill the air. No one would ever dream of leaving, and everyone is desperate to enter. It’s the perfect society after all.

Or is it?

Life is dangerous when you only trust in what the authorities say. They tell you every thing is okay, they say everyone is happy, they say that no one would ever want to leave, but… something isn’t right. Blind faith will lead you down dark paths.

Secrets are paved in gold, corruption grows in the purest of places. The Utopia, the only livable place left on earth, Sarik. Do you have what it takes to survive in this environment?

After a plague of mutant rats destroyed earth, only one civilization was left standing. The city of Sarik is located on a peninsula, two-thirds of the city boundary perches over steep cliffs that drop suddenly to the raging ocean. The part of the city that connects with the rest of the land mass is blocked with a massive wall of iron and steel. Only one tiny gate allows people in and out, and no one would dare to leave through the oceans. But despite being isolated on this landmass, the people are happy. They are living in paradise. They have all the food they could ever eat, supplied to them from underground farms. They have anything they could possibly want, all the freedoms a person could ever use. And, they have magic.
The same radioactive rain that brought the first of the mutant rats, also brought strange new awakenings to the human societies. These new abilities are highly regulated, one of the only restrictions placed on the people of Sarik. But the people don’t mind. That’s the price they pay for living in such a perfect society. And anyway, not everyone receives the new magic, and it could be highly dangerous. As they are told on the news, it’s better for them to hold off using their magic too much, until the scientists figure out if there are side-effects. They don’t want the humans to become the mutant monsters.
But of course when it comes to perfect societies, there’s always something else going on. Something that could endanger everything as everyone knows it.


This currently does NOT have a set in story-line. It is basically just our characters messing around in this sort of post-apocalyptic setting. If you have any good story ideas feel free to share!


Here’s an OOC


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Edited on 02/06/24 @ 19:33:52 by Northe Lands (#449129)

Northe Lands (#449129)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-03-27 13:37:59

Altair stalked along the wall. He paced back and forth a distance maybe four or five yards. He was along an area that was usually secluded, but it wasn’t uncommon for others to show up. It was a nice little area, the sunlight filtered in half of the day, but it was hidden in the shadow of the wall for the other half. Currently, the sun was directly above, warming the top of Altair’s head.

A young sparrow hopped along in the grass, not a foot away from his feet, and though Altair didn’t say a word, the little bird chattered away. Occasionally he’d nod or make a noise of disdain, but it wasn’t obvious that the two were communicating. A discarded bag sat in the grass a few feet beyond, papers, notebooks, bird seed, and snacks, spilling out. Altair was planning something. Or, maybe he was just trying to take his mind off of whatever had been going on recently.

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Lustrous Gleam (#451812)

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Posted on
2024-04-08 05:20:57

Lila was tending to her little garden at her families house, frowning at a particularly frail looking fern. Is it not getting enough sunlight? Or are the pH levels low? Or maybe the surrounding plants are stealing the nutrition from the fertilizer?
She shrugged and decided to put it in its only little pot to see what would happen.
I could just help it out myself.. A part of her brain spoke. Not a whole lot all at once, but maybe just a little bit everyday for a week or two..
Lila shook her head at those thoughts. She knew she couldn’t. It was a risk she never took anymore. Not after her brother saw her and told their parents.
Lila sighed and made a note to self about picking up a new clay pot the next time she was at the store. For now, she was going to find a secluded spot and read her plant guide book. She went back to her room and grabbed said book and left the house. She knew of a park not far away and headed towards it.

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Northe Lands (#449129)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-04-08 05:55:01

He was still pacing when another bird came flying over from the buildings. It was bright red, and from the minimal research Altair had done, he recognized it as a Scarlet Tanager. He’d seen it around a lot, and it’d become one of his favorites. Apart from his little sparrow buddy of course. He also knew these birds were rather rare, usually never seen or heard. Currently it perched in the lower levels of a tree, chirping quickly and hurriedly.

Altair stopped to watch it, listening. Then he waved his hand at it and it quieted down. He walked over to his bag and sat down in the grass he pulled out a sheet of paper filled with smudged pencil writings. He considered this piece of paper for a moment in silence. Until the little sparrow started back up again. Altair glanced at the bird, stood again, and went back to pacing once more, fiddling with the edges of the paper. The sparrow went back to following him, chattering away, broken occasionally by the song of the tanager.

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Edited on 10/04/24 @ 13:03:47 by Northe Lands (#449129)

Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-08 07:18:30
Karim was sitting on the beach area watching the waves flow in and out imagining his freedom when he finally stood up to the scientists and government but he knew he couldn't do it all by himself he needed help but he has never seen another person with magic, at least not one that used it openly, so he just had to keep looking and using his magic in short bursts as to not catch the law enforcements attention so he could get tested on. Karim waved his pinky slightly and a small sandcastle was built a few feet away from him

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Northe Lands (#449129)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-04-20 10:17:36

He was growing angry. The paper crumpled under his fingers until he balled it up and threw it at the ground. The sparrow let out a warning call and fluttered away, then it all went deathly silent. Altair stood there for a moment longer, before finally containing his boiling rage. Not now. He bent to pick up the crumpled notes and wandered back over to his bag. He shoved everything inside and slung it over his shoulder. The scarlet tanager in the tree chose that moment to question him hurriedly.
“The beach,” Altair mumbled to himself, or in response to the bird. “Maybe I’ll try a boat again, the water can’t be that terrifying all the time…”
As he set off walking, the sparrow fluttered along, chirping in a way that almost sounded scolding, yet cautionary. The other bird had flown off, so it was just Altair walking along, pretending to not notice the sparrow flying along beside him. It wasn’t an obvious ‘flutter next to his shoulder’, but landing on various ledges and objects and windows and even the ground, a few paces ahead.
“Oh, quiet will you? They can’t prove anything.” Altair grumbled, fed up with this bird’s chatter. It obliged for a few moments, then started back up again. Altair sighed, but he didn’t want to risk looking absolutely insane for such a stupid reason. These birds sure were chatty.
When he finally made it to the beach, he walked right up toward the edge of the waves, but careful to not be close enough for the water to touch him. The sparrow stayed near, despite how suspicious the duo might look. Altair had in fact noticed someone sitting in the sand near some sandcastle, but he wasn’t worried about it. Or maybe he just didn’t care. He stared down at the water until a seagull screamed overhead. He looked up and squinted at it.

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Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-20 11:26:36

he was sitting in the sand as he watched another person walk onto the beach and stand at the shore where the water just barely missed him as it washed onto the shore. He blew some sand towards the boy as he himself disappeared into the sand and started to 'swim' over to him under the sand watching him and the birds that were always following him

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Northe Lands (#449129)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-04-20 12:13:05

He turned towards the now blowing sand, confusedly. Had that other boy- wait. Where’d he go? There was just someone over there wasn’t there? The sparrow had fluttered away when the sand took to the air, but it came back now.
“I’m not crazy, there was someone just there, right?” He mumbled. The bird chirped back. “That’s pretty bold, magic in daylight like this?” Altair responded. He turned to scan the area around them. “He couldn’t have gone far…”
The sparrow bounced around in the sand, offering chirps of wisdom, or stupidity.
The seagull that had been circling above, came down to land. It went on talking in those annoying squeals, strutting as if it thought it was the coolest thing around. Which, it definitely did. It was also definitely telling Altair all about this ‘sand man’. All the while it paced around, tapping its beak into the sand between phrases of squawks.
Altair just sighed, turning to face the horizon again. He thought the other boy had just left or something.

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P!nk (#146066)

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Posted on
2024-04-21 19:40:58
A large, calloused hand lightly cupped her face, and a gentle thumb wiped away a fat teardrop that rolled down her cheek. It was a fruitless gesture as it was quickly replaced by more. "There there my little rose, you mustn't cry so, you have to stay strong for your mother," a deep voice crooned, wiping away more tears. Primrose gazed up at the owner of the voice, barely able to see his face through her watering eyes, but she knew it was her father. She knew this moment, remembered it painfully well. She'd been a girl of just ten years, and it was the last time she had seen him. She tried to call out as her father's hands left her face, and he turned away, but she had no voice. She could only sob silently and watch as her father was led out of their home by the authorities, his gentle hands, that had never harmed a fly, restrained by handcuffs....

Long lashes fluttered open, revealing pale lavender eyes that were still watery with lingering emotion. It was that dream again. It had been plaguing her almost every night as of late, only this time it wasn't night, it was the middle of the day, and she had simply fallen asleep while sunbathing on the beach. Reaching a gloved hand to her cheek, she wiped away the remnants of tears, sighing softly as she did so. "Come on now Prim, you can't be out here crying in your sleep again, people will think you're weird," she muttered to herself, sniffling a bit. She grabbed the bottle of cool water she kept next to her and took a couple of sips, though her throat felt tight. Now replacing the drink at her side, she looked down at herself to check the progress of the tan she'd been working on, and a confused frown crossed her face. At some point during her little beach nap, both she and the strawberry themed towel she'd been resting on had become covered in a light dusting of sand. Odd.
She began working to dust the gritty sand from her exposed skin, only to become distracted as the incessant squawking of a seagull reached her ears, drawing her attention a little further down the beach where she noticed a lone figure. Subconsciously she reached for the thin pink cardigan that she came with, pulling it over her baby blue bikini and hiding the ugly burn scar from the world. So much for tanning.

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Edited on 21/04/24 @ 20:24:03 by P!nk (#146066)

Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-23 11:38:58
Karim in the tunnels underneath the boy started to shift the sand forming it into quicksand before he quickly reappeared just as soon as he was missing back on his towel surrounded by the castles. "is everything ok over there man? looks like you're stuck" he said as he looked at the quicksand pulling him in inch by inch

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Northe Lands (#449129)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-04-23 13:45:40

He didn’t notice the quicksand initially, but the two birds beside him leaped into the air, both screaming out warning calls. Altair who seemed to have blocked out their noises for the time being was brought back from his day dreaming by the ‘sand man’s’ voice - as the seagull had so intelligently named. He flinched, then immediately started struggling to free himself, his panic rising.
“What the-! What did you do? I can report you for this!” He yelled, not even properly thinking about what he was saying, all he could think about was drowning in thick, heavy, suffocating sand.
In a desperate attempt to free himself, his magic activated and two large feathered wings swirled into existence. He fought flailingly to gain enough momentum to fly, but without a solid surface to use it was extremely difficult. Jumping in quicksand wasn’t quite working out for him..
He looked like a fool, but it seemed that all his fears had suddenly and overwhelming risen up to take over. He’d thought the sand was safe. He never thought someone could start sinking in sand. Water was bad enough, but now sand?

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Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-23 13:53:09

"Relax little one you're fine I'm just messing with you" he said as he blew sand over the quicksand and started to shift the sand back to normal so he could stand and fly if he wanted to "I really only wanted to catch the birds but their too quick"

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Northe Lands (#449129)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-04-23 14:23:34

As soon as the sand became normal enough, he shot into the air like a rocket, at almost the same time he registered how stupid it was for him to be using the forbidden magic and just because last time he looked there was no one there doesn’t mean there would be this time. And, he could’ve sworn that kid was gone just a half-second ago. So, his wings vanished and he hit the ground rolling, only to claw himself back to his feet and stomp over to the kid.
“LITTLE?! Who’re you calling little! What’re you thinking? Don’t you DARE mess with my birds!” He yelled. In a moment of rage he kicked one of the sand castles. He’d normally feel bad for destroying such a structure, but he didn’t care now. Maybe also becuase he’d heard from the seagull that this kid made them without even lifting a finger. The birds in question were a few feet away still screeching their heads off.

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P!nk (#146066)

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Posted on
2024-04-23 17:54:27
Mimicking a fish with wide eyes and an open mouth, Primrose had observed the entire episode unfolding down the beach. It began when the tall kid partially sank into the sand, and then, as if by magic, wings sprouted from his back, propelling him into the air once he escaped the sandy trap. She had suppressed a yelp of worry when he crashed back to earth, only to quickly rise and confront another boy on the beach—a boy she hadn't noticed until that moment—and started shouting at him. Meanwhile, the nearby birds were causing a commotion, seemingly joining in the uproar. A gasp escaped her when the irate dude kicked and destroyed one of the intricate sandcastles encircling the seated boy. Primrose leapt up, biting her lip anxiously as she hurried over, assuming the worst—that the loud guy was about to harass the other, who seemed to be innocently sitting there. She couldn't just watch it happen!
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" she shouted, moving toward the visibly upset guy and the boy in the sand.

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Mantis Shrimp (#265201)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-04-26 06:38:32

"that wasnt very nice of you man I spent 5 seconds on that castle it was my best one yet but if you lost your temper I understand I do too sometimes but I don't go around breaking things because of my rage I create things instead" he said as his eyes started to glow amber color and the sand around them started to shift and change as he was building a huge life size sand castle

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Northe Lands (#449129)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-04-26 10:28:42

He just stood there, the initial anger wearing out. He stared at the kid, finding something in the way he spoke strange. When the sand started shifting he stepped back, looking around at it all worriedly. He glanced back at some girl’s yelling, only thrown off by it more.
“Yeah? Well? Well… you don’t have to endanger people’s lives like that…” He stepped closer again. “What were you even thinking? Quicksand? You ever stop to consider someone might kill you for that? And stop with all this sand!” He waved his arms at it as if he was swatting at a fly. “You’re going to end up killing some poor bird! Do you even realize how dangerous all your sand moving could be? One of them could get trapped inside and suffocate! You’re lucky those two were able to escape that quicksand or I would have killed you.” He threatened gesturing back toward the sparrow and seagull who had caught up and were fluttering around, once or twice the sparrow was dangerously close to getting smacked out of the air by Altair. They were still making quite the racket.

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