Posted by A Warrior Cats AU.

Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-02-28 22:01:30

Main Roleplay Thread



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Edited on 29/02/24 @ 10:20:53 by Orphan Tears (#442418)

Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-02-28 22:19:28
Name: Owl' Strain

Rank: 1

Role: Loner

Clan: N/A

Age: 27 moons

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: Owl' Strain is a very rebellious and troublesome tom who enjoys messing with others. He has a slight nonchalant personality and will downsize important or dangerous situations. He's very reckless and will often get into trouble. Though even with his personality he can be very quiet at times. So quiet he may seemingly appear next to you just to ask a question. Though he also has a big ego and is really confident.

Appearance: A rather large tom who's larger then most and well muscled. He's slim and has a Tortoiseshell coat. Cheek fluff that resembles the feathers on a Eastern screech owl, and eyes that kinda look similar to those of a owl. His right eye is a soft yellow color and his left is a soft turquoise color. He has a split in between his tongue that he got from a accident though he likes it since he thinks it makes him look cool (like those split tongues ppl have). He also has a small slash scar over his mouth. Owl wings that match his pelt. He rarely uses his wings though since he can't fly well at all☠️

Mate/Crush: N/A (just ask me if your interested)

Powers: Teleportation, Shape shifting, Hallucinations

Weakness: Cant shape shift to much or it makes his body hurt. If he makes to many Hallucinations he'll start Hallucinating himself.

Other: He has a really strong bite force. He also likes to eat a lot of random things and has eaten bugs before. Also he for some reason is extremely flexible and can bend in ways normal cats shouldn't be able to. He don't like ladybugs.

Fears: Failure, Ladybugs

Backstory: His name wasn't always Owl' Strain is used to me just Owl. As a kit his ego wasn't really big. And I meant not really big at all. He was super kind to other and his personality was almost the complete opposite of now. He loved his mom a lot and would do whatever he could to help her since she was very ill. Though as he got older her illness got worse... When he got to adolescent age his mother passed and he was left on his own. He fell in love with another time though that Tom was in a clan.. So they seen each other in secret. One day a really brutal and rude warrior that was known for giving death as a punishment to any found out. And since that warrior new the leader wouldn't allow him to kill Owl and the other Adol he planned to do it in secret. The Owl and the other young tom he fell in love with tried to fight him... But.. In the process The young tom got killed. Owl fought the warrior on his own and eventually won. But owl was heavily injured and thought he was gonna die so he used his last energy to limp over to the tom he loved and laid down next to him, ready to die next to the person he cared about. Though he suddenly woke up in a strange place with a whole bunch of two legs around him that seemed to be putting him in a cage. His body was in bandages n stuff. He was a kitty pet for a while after that but ran away.

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Edited on 12/03/24 @ 22:18:35 by Orphan Tears (#442418)

Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-02-28 23:02:21
Name: Hoof'Star (old name Hoof'Cloud)

Age(in moons): 28 moons

Sexuality: Bisexual (preference for men)

Personality: a calm and reserved tom who doesn't show much emotion. He often has a calm but stern tone in his voice and doesn't get mad easily. He is loyal and will do anything to protect his clan. He often says rude things in a calm tone to his enemies as he is really brutally honest to them. He is often cold to others and doesn't like to get to close.

Appearance: A large and well built tom who has a ragdoll pelt. His markings are super visible. His right eye is green and his left eye is a bright blue. He has large rain deer antlers on top of his head and white fluffy feathery wings on his back. He has fluffy fur and a fluffy tail. (He's a ragdoll cat)

Mate/Crush: N/A (Ask me)

Clan: HallowClan

Rank: Rank Star

Role: Leader

Powers: Telekinesis, Time stop, Controlling nature, Water bending

Weakness: can't stop time for to long since it puts a toll on his body. Heavy things are harder to lift for him. He can heal things with his nature powers though he must take the injury/sickness in return.

Other: he likes the rain.

Fears: losing someone he cares for, tight space's

Backstory: he wasn't originally from HallowClan. He used to be stuck in a rouge organization that would train cats to use them as murder weapons. He was just a kit then, and the camp was neglectful. One night Hoof'Cloud decided to run away. But as he was escaping he was spotted. He ran as fast as he could as a rouge followed quickly behind him. Hoof'Cloud was soon to get caught when suddenly someone saved him.. it was a loner.. the loner smiled at him before telling him there was a clan nearby that he could go to. The loner showed him the way and that clan was HallowClan. From there on he was apart of HallowClan.

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Edited on 15/03/24 @ 16:59:38 by Orphan Tears (#442418)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-02-29 17:36:28


Age - 30 Moons

Sexuality - Bisexual

Personality - A short tempered, yet loyal she cat. Corvidstar can be easily irritated. Seeming to flatten her ears at everything that moves. She can be extremely loyal however, and will do anything in her power to make sure her clanmates are well fed. Corvidstar won't hesitate to charge in front of a badger to protect her clan. The she cat is also very over protective, and won't let any cat venture into the forest if there's one whiff of a predator or enemy. Corvidstar has her bad days once in a while, and that's when cats should probably leave her alone unless they want a lecture or a gentle cuff over the ears.

Appearance - A large black long-furred she cat with olive green eyes. Corvidstar has large wings with almost look like a crows, hence her name.

Mate/Crush - None, ask!

Clan - Featherclan

Rank - Star

Role - Leader

Powers - Corvidstar has the ability to control storms and lightning. She also has the ability to speak with different animals, badgers, mice, etc. Also can shapeshift, likes to be a raven alot. Necromancy, the ability to summon the dead.

Weakness - If she controls the weather too much, forcing storms to form, she faints. Unable to shapeshift for a while, say she turns into a crow, she can't turn back into her normal form for a while or she risks staying said crow.

Other - Strongly dislikes outsiders such as loners or rouges, will go absolutely insane if she sees one. 

Fears - Sickness, watching a clanmate suffer

Backstory - Corvidstar was born in Featherclan. Her mother never wanted kits as she had an affair with a loner. Her mother would always yowl at Corvidkit, threatening to tear the kit's wings off. Corvidkit was always terrified of her mother, and always shrunk into her pelt whenever her mother would flick an ear towards her. Her mother abandoned the kit as soon as she was weaned, to join the loner, leaving the shaken Corvidkit in the paws of the clan. Corvidstar grew up with an undying hate towards loners. She's vowed to herself to never let a loner near her clan, fearing a kit will grow up, having to relive Corvidstar's kithood.

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Edited on 29/02/24 @ 17:37:36 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

Flowering'skies (#398109)

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Posted on
2024-02-29 21:56:44
Name: Flower'Sight

Age(in moons): 29 moons

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: A shy she-cat, but only at first, she warms up slowly to people. She will distance herself from cats who care and love her. Flower'sight was a bubbly silly apprentice, untill she messed up. She can't love, it scares her
Appearance:Small, main coonish, Thin, borderline unhealthy, cream colored, white and orangish splotches all over her body, long fur. Pink flowers sprout around her eyes and into her ears. (i drew it)
Mate/Crush: Dm!

Clan: Blossom clan

Rank: 2

Role: Medic

Powers: Seeing only the deaths of her loved ones. She can also make herbs, pretty helpful.

Weakness: Love, the fact she refuses food if there isnt much, the way she works until she can't.

Other: She makes flowers subconsciously, no matter what. She isn't blind, but is sensitive to light due to constant flowers covering and growing on her head.

Fears: love, her having secret kits and them dying infront of her.

Backstory: Her mother and father were normal, simple warriors who fell deeply inlove. She had a sister, and brother, both normal warriors. They both died, there got sick and so Flower'Sight wanted nothing more but to save everyone else.
Her mother had a second litter during her medicine apprenticeship, she did everything she was told. She lost her mother that day. She couldn't sleep, just work.
The first time she got a nightmare was the night her father left.
She knew he had left. She knew he was dead.
She was alone, so she isolated herself, only talked when cats needed healing.

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Edited on 16/03/24 @ 23:29:18 by Heaven {Inbred Lion} (#398109)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-02-29 22:29:12
Name: Crowflight

Age(in moons): 30 moons

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: He is a grumpy yet sometimes kind sweet tom (or at least he tries to be). He takes responsibility for his actions though he can seem "to hard" on his apprentices but it is because he cares very much about making his apprentice the best they can be. He is a caring tom however he can sometimes not know how to handle emotions of others.

Appearance:He is a large tom with fluffy black fur, the tom has a torn ear from an accident with his siblings. He has lovely green eyes and a white tail tip. His underbelly is a mix of black and almost gray fur.

Mate/Crush: open pm me!

Clan: Hallowclan


Role: medic

Powers: Crowflight can be considered a….spiritual cat to say the least, auroras of color will appear for him to see and even hear spirits (downsides see below), and my personal favorite power of bugs, while this power may seem useless, since Crowflight can’t control growing herbs he can use bugs (mostly because certain bugs like certain plants) to help him find herbs. The Tom finds this power slightly disturbing, cool, and helpful all at the same time. If he’s feeling extra funny he will sometimes try and scare his clanmates with said bugs.

Weakness: For his spiritual thing, he can’t tell who the spirit is exactly meaning he doesn’t know if they have good or bad intentions. Although if he stares at them for too long he will become dizzy and even faint. If/when he hears them talk it’s usually only a few useless words like “food” “squirrel” etc. though the more he listens the more he hears, but this can become an issue because the spirits will talk over each other causing words to become distorted and jumbled often resulting in him for some reason losing energy and feeling very very tired after trying to listen. Now the bugs……wellll sometimes they can be unreliable, they can wander on their own like bugs do but the main issue is this power cannot be used in large amounts (very often) for fighting and such, this will cause him to drain his energy and need to rest for a while. Although his emotions can sometimes summon the bugs.

Other: He likes the sound of rain it helps him sleep although he does not like being out in the rain or looking at it because he believes it “ruins” his fluffy fur

Fears: he fears losing his clan for the most part, he likes it here and wants it to stay the way it is. He has a fear of especially losing his (forbidden mate). He has a great deal of fear with change, change sometimes frightens him not all change but certain changes will. He doesn’t particularly care for loud noises like lightning strikes.

Backstory: Crowflight grew up born into Hallowclan. He had wanted to at first be a warrior but that changed when his mother was always busy with her duties. His father was from another clan which was frowned upon so he chose the life of a medic not wanting to tolerate the same things his mother had done (mostly just ignoring them) when he and his siblings were apprentices.

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Edited on 29/02/24 @ 23:02:08 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-03-12 17:08:58
Name: BerryHeart

Age(in moons): 29 moons

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: BerryHeart is a upbeat tom who loves to help others. He trys to be mean and grumpy but fails badly. He loves to try new ideas. He is very loyal tom, willing to take the death of his clan mates if he could. He cares very much for the queens and kits, taking fresh kill for them every day and changing their bedding. He trys not to go to the medicine den because he cares to much for his clan mates.

Appearance: He is a calico and has fluffy fur. He had different eye colors, one is green and the other one is blue. He has a scar on his eye from a battle. He has a long tail and has fluffy ear tips.

Mate/Crush: Message me!

Clan: HallowClan

Rank: Rank 1

Role: Deputy

Powers: BerryHeart can be... a bit challenging. He has horns but doesn't talk about them much. He can control thunder storms if they get a bit to crazy. He is also can hear stuff far away but he trys to ignore it. Also he leaves behind... stars in his paw prints but he can't control it no matter how hard he tries.

Weakness: If BerryHeart controls the thunder storms for a long time he gets dizzy and sometimes faints. If he touches water it hurts him but not enough for him to stay away from water forever.

Other: BerryHeart likes to be around kits and the apprentices. It keeps him busy enough for him to forget he has powers at all. He loves to tell story's to the kits.

Fears: He fear that his clan mates will disappear without him or his clan mates death, wishing he was in StarClan instead.

Background: He was born in HallowClan but he had no littermates. When he was a kit he tried to make friends but the other kits were terrified of him. He was alone, staying near his mother. When he was an apprentice, he sweared to himself that he was going to show everybody that he was worthy to be in HallowClan so he trained himself early in the morning, before his mentor was awake, practicing battle moves until he got it right. He would hunt early in the morning as well, he still does that, making sure his clan was full every day.

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Whistful (#396886)

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Posted on
2024-03-13 08:21:14
Name: Harmonycall

Age: 56 moons

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Harmonycall is a serene tom-cat whom wishes to protect everyone in his clan to the best of his ability. Although, sometimes his temper can get the best of him, but after outbursts it's common that he apologizes.

Appearance: Harmonycall is a medium-sized, long-furred tom. (About the length of a Norwegian forest cat, just not AS big.) His fur color is a pale off-white, and he has dark gray ear tips, paws, tail tip, and freckles on his face + body. His eyes are a sharp chartreuse color.

Mate/Crush: N/A, Msg me 2 ask! Please keep his sexuality in mind before asking!

Clan: Featherclan

Rank: 3

Role: Medic (If possible.)

Powers: Harmonycall has the ability to "feel" with the earth and plants around him, which is able to detect prey or hiding predators. He uses the plants as a "consciousness" to see with his thoughts. (He doesn't actually become the plant.) While he uses his powers, his ears are perked and his ear tufts blow in the "wind". (Even if there is no wind at all, just the effect of wind.)

Weakness: His powers have a very small radius. He can only feel about ~5 tail lengths away from him before he is unable to "feel" anything. Using it also uses a lot of his current energy. If he's tired, he can't use it for long and maybe even at all. His energy levels also correlate the range of his powers. ~1 tail length if he's tired, ~5 if well rested.

Other: He spends a lot of time sleeping due to his ability. The time he is not sleeping, he is studying his herbs or out foraging for more.

Fears: He fears that he may fail in helping keep the clan healthy and bountiful, and that his clan-mates will turn on him.

Backstory: Born a clan cat, Harmonycalls parents never kept track of him. They thought that, with his clumsy fighting skills, he was worthless. He often would sulk or hide around the medicine den, waiting for someone to tell him what to do. After awhile, he started to help the medicine cat, and ultimately became the medicine cat apprentice. (Then the Medicine Cat)

(If I need to change anything, let me know!)

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Pancake (#399069)

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Posted on
2024-03-14 09:17:38
Name: DuskKit

Age(in moons): 3 Moons

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: kind, quiet, likes to adventure, prefers to find then hunt

Appearance: a black and silver/grey Norwegian Forest Cat that has yellowish eyes

Mate/Crush: N/A

Clan: Featherclan

Rank: 4

Role: N/A

Powers: he has Incredible hearing better then most cats and he is very quiet when he walks around and oddly leaves no paw prints in any soft ground

Weakness: short memory of locations and slightly blind in one eye after seeing thunder strike In Front of him when he was on a hunt with his mentor

Other: he is probably the most mature of any kit- when he gets older he wants to be the clans main patrol leader as when he lived in the woods with no clan he learned how to make himself seem like a ghost by not leaving any paw prints in any soft ground

Fears: he will get lost and not be found as he leaves no paw prints

Backstory: (Non at the moment)

(please DM if I did something wrong and when I can begin the RP)

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Edited on 14/03/24 @ 09:18:08 by Solaris (#399069)

AdderBlade (#431090)

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Posted on
2024-03-15 16:25:33
Name: Flintstar

Age(in moons): 36 Moons

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual

Personality: Flintstar is a stern yet loving leader, who uses his leadership abilities fairly. While he isn't afraid to get his paws dirty, this cat tends to, overall, be a kind soul who just wants to lead their clan to prosperity. He won't stand for bullshit or lies, and commonly sees through them since he has experience with being lied to. He enforces the warrior code, but tends to find loopholes through it for his own gain, which can be bad at times. He has a bad case of anxiety.

Appearance: A strong, well built tom with a bobbed tail. His fur is the color of flint, a dark gray with black ticking (he's a ticked tabby.). His eyes are a piercing amber. He has black horns that come out of his head, guarding his face.

Mate/Crush: None, though open too.

Clan: Stoneclan

Rank: Star

Role: Leader

Powers: Horns: Sharp horns protrude out of his head. They cannot break, and if they somehow did would regrow quickly.
Vines: Can cause vines to sprout out of the ground, from thick to thin ones. The vines are commonly used to restrain others or prey, and are not breakable unless Flintstar is weak.
Super Strength: The tom is well built, and his power allows him to pack a potentially lethal clawing or bite. Strength ties into speed, and therefore he is fast because of this- one of if not the fastest of his clan.
Astral Made: His attacks and powers are stronger at night due to the stars, an added boost from his super strength already. This trait allows him to teleport at both night and day due to stored starlight.

Weakness: Horns can cause headaches. Can only use a limited amount of vines at a time. Tends to get tired more easily than other cats due to exertion from their strength power.

Other: Tends to work hard, which can cause overexertion. Want's a Clan that's strong, and believes in him.

Fears: Being forgotten and failure.

Backstory: Flintstar was born a rogue by the name of Earth. After months of lies and deceit from his rogue group, he decided to leave with guidance from StarClan. His powers became accelerated and as he grew, he learned more and more about them and how to use them to his and others benefit. Eventually he found StoneClan after awhile of being a loner, and was accepted in due to his caring and loyal attitude. StoneClan was good to them, and therefore, he was good to it. Eventually, StarClan guided his paws into the leadership position, after a devastating blow that took out most of the Clan's numbers.

(Will be updated as story progresses)

edit: adding traits to personality

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Edited on 16/03/24 @ 22:12:44 by AdderBlade (#431090)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-15 17:38:36
Name: Ravenwhisker

Age(in moons): 30 moons

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: this she cat can be quite loving and caring for those around her. Although she still has the very anxious part of her that makes it hard for her to be in her words ‘a good deputy’ she will put on the nothing is wrong face and the confidence but deep down she is very anxious about quite literally everything. Only certain cats she will express her anxiety too. She is a quiet she cat that observes other cats to understand how they behave.


Source: (Warrior Cat Adopts thread!)

Mate/Crush: will perhaps crush on SunFlower

Clan: Stoneclan

Rank: 1

Role: Deputy

Powers: Mimicking voices/sounds, manipulating shadows (see weaknesses), sensing emotions of other

Weaknesses: She usually only uses the voice/sound mimicking to help her hunt, if she does this too often she well lose her voice for a couple of days, as for the shadows when she uses this power too often especially to hide in them she becomes weak and will faint, it drains her energy the more and more she uses it, lastly sensing emotions, she has to actively be thinking about the cat she is trying to sense the emotions of it doesn’t just happen when she looks at someone, she will become dizzy if she uses this too often and she doesn’t really use it unless she is trying to understand a situation happening, she finds it rude to do this

Other: N/A

Fears: isn’t the biggest fan of dogs, and bugs she is also afraid of humiliating herself in front of her clan, being removed as deputy because of her anxiety

Backstory: she didn’t know who her father was, supposedly a rouge or a cat from another clan, her mother passed when she became a warrior to a sickness, her only litter mate her sister ran off with a rouge so they could be together.

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Edited on 16/03/24 @ 21:06:37 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-03-15 17:54:15
Name: SunFlower

Age( in moons): 35 moons

Sexuality: Bisexual, polygamous

Personality: SunFlower is known to be a very snappy and grumpy medicine cat. But she still cares for her clan but shows it in a different way. She can be a chatty she-cat when you bring up the right topics.

Appearance: A unsettling large she-cat. She has a bright orange pelt with white stripes. She has a white front left paw. Her eyes are light green. Her pupils are always in slits and her tail tip is white.

Mate/Crush: Has a slight crush on Ravenwhisker

Clan: StoneClan

Rank: 2

Role: Med. Cat

Powers: SunFlower has a good sense of direction so she doesn’t get lost a lot. She also can talk to any animals.

Weakness: If she speaks to animals for long she talks in that language for a whole moon.

Other: She tends to overwork herself and never tends to sleep.

Fears: Being killed by a dog, dogs in general.

Backstory: Her mother died when she was giving birth to her other siblings so she had to take care of her and her siblings. She was found from StoneClan’s leader and took a role of being a med. cat apprentice to a med. cat.

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Edited on 17/03/24 @ 16:40:48 by Lily (#435779)

Orphan Tears (#442418)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-03-15 19:33:18
Name: Ember'Strike

Rank: 2

Role: Warrior

Clan: Stone Clan

Age: 23 moons

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Ember'Strike is a spunky and sassy she who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She can often seem rude to people but not without a good reason. She's mouthy and She has a really high intelligence and is smarter then Most. Ember'Strike is often quite flirty to others and loves to cheer up people she considers her friend. She doesn't like seeing cats get picked on and will often stand up for them even if she doesn't know them. She can sometimes be a hot head and is easily irritated.

Appearance: She's a Orange Siberian cat. Though her markings are more bold then most. She has bright yellow eyes and a soft gradient of a darker bolder orange color in certain parts of her coat, like her head or legs. She has a white belly and a fluffy mane. She has white cheek fluff and a large scar across her back. She's larger then most Tom's and has a big fluffy tail with white mixed in different parts of it. She sometimes appears to look like fire in the sun.

Mate/Love interest: N/A (Ask me ooc or just pm me. Preferably Girlxgirl)

Powers: Pyrokinesis, Singing Hypnosis

Weakness: Can't be in water to long, if she sings to much she can lose her voice

Other: She's rather fast and is probably one of the fastest in her clan. She doesn't like to bring her problems around ppl she cares about. Uhh she acts fine when shes not. She's considered one of the prettiest she cats. She can make her fire form around her and make her look like a Phoenix and can fly that way. She also can make her fire unharmful and a lil warm so others can touch.

Fears: losing a loved one, being used, being forgotten, not being able to protect

Backstory: 2 moons ago Ember'Strike fell in love with a tom about 1 moon younger then her. They were both seen as a sweet couple by most of the clan. But there was others that thought otherwise... Others that new about the Tom's tricks but were to scared to say anything.. The tom was simply using Ember'Strike to get what he wanted. Whatever he wanted she did. And so that fed him. Until one chilly night as Ember'Strike got back from a late hunt she saw him cheating on her with another she cat.. Ember'Strike was confused and most of all heart broken and angry. She asked him why to which the tom had simply replied he had gotten bored of her. Heartbroken, Ember'Strike decided she needed some time to herself and ran off. She swore she would never let herself get used like that. And she thought that was the end.. But as time went on... The tom had started messing with Ember'Strike and tried playing with her feelings. He kept bullying her and then acting as if he loved her again. Until one night Ember'Strike found the tom Messing and flirting with one of her friends who was clearly uncomfortable. And Ember'Strike snapped. She ran at the tom at full speed and slashed his eye with her claws causing him to fall to the ground and look up at her in fear and surprise. Ember'Strike had nothing but hatred and anger in her eyes though she couldn't do nothing more to the tom due to her friend and some nearby warriors holding her back. Though that tom never forgotten what Ember'Strike did and stayed away from her. Surprisingly the clan allowed Ember'Strike to stay inside the clan due to understanding what was going on and many other she cats coming out about how horrible their relationship was with the tom.

Line from song that fits her (just for fun): "You better blow out the candle! Oh little boy when will you learn? You don't play with Fire! Unless you wanna get burned, wanna get burned... " Song name is Burned

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Edited on 15/03/24 @ 19:55:36 by Orphan Tears (#442418)

Flowering'skies (#398109)

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Posted on
2024-03-16 15:46:22
Name: Lilac'paw

Age(in moons): 9 moons

Sexuality: Queer

Personality: Rambunctious, doesn't take no for an answer, loves to hunt and fight

Appearance: Grey, black spots, Brown/amberish eyes, whitish tail

Mate/Crush: Open, but this is a young cat. no weirdos

Clan: Blossom clan

Rank: 3

Role: apprentice

Powers: Super speed

Weakness: He enjoys running too much, so she wears down her paw pads faster then most

Other: He doesn't get personal space, so he is a bit clingy
He is alive

Fears: Running into a gorge, or lake, or tree at top speed

Backstory: WIP

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Edited on 21/03/24 @ 05:14:47 by Heaven {Inbred Lion} (#398109)

Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-03-16 22:10:25
Name: EagleStar

Age: 33 moons

Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: A snarky she-cat. She is snarky to the other clan but once she warms up to you she is really kind. She loves to be around the medicine den, her normally calming down. She loves to help any cat in her clan.

Appearance: A black pelt with orange and white spots all over body. She has a long scar along her side and a torn ear. She has a light grey front left paw, has a heart on her front right paw pad. She has dark brown wings like an eagle.

Mate/Crush: Please pm me!

Clan: BlossomClan

Rank: Star

Powers: Flying, teleportation, levitation, reading minds

Weakness: If she flys, teleport, levitating and reads minds to long she faints.

Other: She loves to walk around in the forest, batting at the fall leafs in leaf fall.

Fears: Being killed and making it to StarClan, having kits that their father is a rogue.

Backstory: She was born in a group of rogues whom kills for fun. Her mother had enough and ran away with her and her littermates. Some rogues caught up to her mother and littermates, killing them. She was the only one who survived, running away as fast as she can. A BlossomClan warrior found her, taking her back where she grew up to be a leader. She had a mate before, her mate dying later from greencough. Her heart was broken in pieces, she never took another mate again.

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Edited on 18/03/24 @ 20:41:27 by Lily (#435779)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-03-18 19:52:41
Name: Cloudwind

Age(in moons): 35 moons

Sexuality: bisexual

Personality: she can be…..flirtatious with just about anyone even cats from other clans even the leaders. She adores kits and loves to play with them. This she cat though flirtatious can be snappy and sometimes blunt often making her seem mean, but in fact she is quite sweet. She strives to do the best for her clan and hopes to someday find a mate.

Appearance: She is a slim Siamese cat with the standard brownish tips on her muzzle, tail ears and paws. Her fur is a nice and smooth rather a medium length coat. She has a torn ear but aside from that is relatively normal.

Mate/Crush: OPEN pm me!

Clan: Featherclan

Rank: 2

Role: Warrior

Powers: Enhanced smell, and fog/mist generation

Weakness: Her enchanted smell can often cause her nose to become very irritated. She will faint if she uses her fog/mist generation too much.

Other: n/a

Fears: Bugs, she is quite jumpy as well, she doesn’t particularly care for the water. She had a fear of her clanmates leaving her or her mate.

Backstory: this she cats life was a mixture of happy and sad. Her father raised her and her sibilants after her mother sadly passed from greencough. They were quite young so didn’t remember a lot about her when it happened but Cloudwind was always grateful that her father stood by them and raised them to the best of his ability. Sadly her father reached retirement age and not long after his health deteriorated and he passed on. Her siblings, one is a rouge now leaving behind the warrior and clan life and the other passed due to illness.

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