Posted by Lion Population Control - Themed Mini Event

Espenfalls ✧ G1
13/15bo (#127995)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 12:52:17

Please read my entire post before casting judgements! I want Lioden to last a long time, this may just help it do that

With the introduction of mini events, one thing that Lioden majorly needs comes to the forefront of my mind; The economy.

The increasing amount of Lioden users we the players are facing one of the most abundant times in Lioden history. While this may seem like a good thing, it really isn't. Lioden is a game because of its economy feature, and without it it would just be an image collection game that happens to have a breeding feature.

With this suggestion I hope to expand upon an idea I saw viewable here. While I was inspired by this, I will note that my suggestion is unique enough to constitute its own post. For the sake of neatness, I will be separating each point I make with bold text.

Why should we worry about Lioden population control?

While I may not be the most veteran of players on Lioden, I think I have been playing the game lion enough to realize that things have changed drastically from what they used to be. In some facets, this is a good thing. We have seen many good things change over time, but one of the not so good things is the Economy of Lioden.

See, when I joined Lioden in 2017 things were very different. What was called fodder back then is far different than what fodder is today. I recall a time where I could go on the TC and post a piebald G5 lion for 3gb and it'd actually get bought out. Nowadays, not even mutations (aside from Dus and Hybrids) hold their value. I remember a time when a rosette meant something. Especially with the introduction of a rosette breeding item, this is more than any other time the most important time to address these issues head on.

Lioden has TOO MANY LIONS for the amount of players. Now, in Wolvden they have sickness but if they added that to Lioden I'd genuinely leave. However Wolvden seems to have a failsafe Lioden doesn't: A way to control the amount of things that survive.

This game needs something similar, a way to ensure that supply and demand stay even with each other. A way to boost the economy without having to step in directly. So I'm suggestion a full event dedicated to getting rid of lions that rewards the player!

Introducing: Nature Activists Event

In a perfect world this event would be a year round thing that had a monthly rotation shop that mirrors the event currently going on in the Lioden world. It would have unique decors, breeding items, and apps special to only it. How would one obtain these items? By donating lions, of course!

However a year round constantly rotation shop event is a TALL order (However it would best suit fixing the economy of Lioden if that was what they went with.. and the longevity of the game IS important. But this isn't my call to make!) So I'm thinking a rotation of items every time the event pops up.

New items could include new mutation items, a random eye applicator (that suggestion was great btw <3), and other high quality items that would create a big demand. These items need to be EXPENSIVE to have a real affect, and take genuine time to get.

How would this work, exactly?

This feature would take a lot of hard work on the part of the Lioden Developers. I understand something like this would take a lot of time, but in the end Lioden would be nothing if the trading system became null because nothing sells anymore. It may seem harsh but it comes from a place of love. I don't want Lioden to become unplayable anytime soon.

So, lets get into it.
Points would be earned by a system of what traits the lion has. Similarly to the July events stone, all you would have to do is select the lions you want to trade in for points and the game would calculate the value itself.

In my opinion, these would be the pricings: (As a note, this can include frozen lions and lions of ANY age.)

2 or less markings = 1 point
3-8 markings = 2 points
10 markings = 4 points

Common - Uncommon bases = +1 point
Rare bases = +5 points
Special bases = +10 points

Mutations (Pies, Manes, Achro, Melan, OG claw, OG tongue, you get it the ones that arent expensive anymore lol-) +10 points

DU, Hybrid, Dwarfism, Dorsal fur, lethals - +100 points

Again this is just an estimate and please feel free to suggest adjustments! Again I'd want this new event to have high ticket items to cause demand, to cause a REASON to give up your lions and to reward players for donating more expensive lions. I also want these items to cost a LOT of points so that even if you donate a lot of high ticket lions, you may only get a couple items. This is the only way to create a GENUINE impact.

- Lions have to be 5 months or older to be able to give them up
- NCL's cannot be used (possibly)
- A limit of 50 lions per person per day will be set to encourage users to donate only their expensive lions instead of just potatoes and fodder.

What would be some of the benefits of adding this to the game?

I don't know about you, but I mass claim for breeding. The only action that doesn't cost energy when I want to get rid of ncls is well, chasing them! Imagine a vacuum for all of the unwanted ncls, that means when actual pretty lions are chased those are the chased lions that will pop up for people!

Removing NCLs from the chased pool means higher quality chased for everyone.

Not only that, but a vacuum for all the unwanted cubs means that Tree won't be as cluttered, either.

Why would I be interested in this when I don't want to give away my lions?

While this may seem like a valid reason to not support, I remind you that Rosettes are now set at 100sb. That mutations barely are worth anything. Even if you don't want to participate, this may be the only way to genuinely fix these issues.

Again, you wouldn't be forced into participating. However it would be nice to see most mutations go for 1gb minimum again!


This suggestion is a MAJOR WIP. Please feel free to give constructive criticism while I buffer out the flaws in my arguments.

This suggestion has 130 supports and 11 NO supports.

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Edited on 01/03/24 @ 19:53:11 by Espenfalls ✧ 9x Seal DR 1.9k (#127995)

Espenfalls ✧ G1
13/15bo (#127995)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 12:54:47
To address some common themes I've seen with comments on here and on other threads--

Why just giving SB doesn't/wouldn't work

I see a lot of mentions in my thread and many others "Why not just offer SB? I like SB. "
There are 2 things specifically that would be affected by that-

1. An influx of SB being generated into the game. ESPECIALLY if they priced lions higher than standard fodder prices, it would create an influx of SB that could devalue it. When one player buys fodder from another player for SB, no new currency is generated. By having something year round that gives SB directly from the site from lions it could make it so SB becomes less and less valuable (which may be good for GB, but would be bad for SB in general.)

2. Why would people give more lions up for sb to the site when they could do the same thing.. selling to someone? As much as SB would be great, it WOULDN'T solve the issue of lion overpopulation on site. If you only get 10sb per lion sold to site, you'd still only give up the lions that aren't worth very much anyway. My suggestion promotes giving away more expensive lions for similarly expensive rewards- Just SB won't cut it if we want to see a change in the economy!

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Edited on 03/03/24 @ 20:16:26 by Espenfalls ✧ 9x Seal DR 1.9k (#127995)

OllieFishh (#179334)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:14:20
People would just mass breed lions to give away. I'd see people, like the hardcore grinders, stocking up on lions throughout the year and sending them off to a side account to be frozen until the event comes to then mass "trade in" those lions, get the items, and then upsell them again. The likelihood of people just mass claiming NCLS and trading them in is also what would happen, and would probably make up 90% of the submissions.

While a good idea on the surface I think it would become a February sort of event. What I mean by "February type of event" is having people prepare the entire year in advance by collecting energy items and storing them away for the next year, in this case stocking up on lions. The valuable event items, breeding items in Februarys case, drastically drop in price and slowly rise as the event gets further and further behind us.

Or, alternatively, it could possibly make the lions worth TOO much. Overpricing is a very common thing during high demand events. Tigons prices are being increased, DUs, ect. during this time. Even not so great, or in demand items, rise in price during the event.

You mean well and it's a great idea on the surface until you realize people would just cheat the event instead of playing it how it's intended to be played.

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Edited on 01/03/24 @ 13:17:05 by OllieFishh (#179334)

uarium co-op) (#255774)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:14:25
YUHHHH PLEASE ID LOVE THIS SM, genuinely mutation selling is so ass rn. i killed over 30 g4 muties two months ago (ferus included!) because selling them genuinely wasnt worth my time. it sucks bc g4 feruses used to sell for upwards of 20gb!! now you’re lucky if ya get 5

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
13/15bo (#127995)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:22:44

As much as lions would be mass bred, it would still be SOMETHING that rewards players to mass deposit lions. Even if people did mass breed lions, at least it's not mass breeding lions to flood TC with more unwanted fodder that people undercut everyone else for the chance for a sale.

Also the chances of lions becoming overpriced is way lower than them being underpriced 90% of the time nowadays. Even if 90% of the submissions are ncls, that's why common based 2 marking lions I set at 2 points per. If the cheapest item costed 1000 points, that's still HUNDREDS of lions off the TC.

Not everyone is a hard core player with 1000 den spaces. Most of the submissions will be casual players wanting the items. It still creates a vacuum that will boost the economy.

It's better than Lioden doing nothing at all and just letting more and more lions pile up in the tree and in the TC. There's too many and there needs to be a way to fix it.

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Edited on 01/03/24 @ 13:24:32 by Espenfalls ✧ 9x Seal DR 1.9k (#127995)

Tharkenta (#160101)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:26:46
Maybe the criteria could be similar to the murder stone?

'Cubs and nursing lionesses cannot be sacrificed. If cubs were chased, she will still be classified as nursing. Lions must not be hunting, stuck in a trade (or trade offer), be on a NCL cooldown, be custom, broodmothers, protected by a broodmother, frozen, secured, patrolling, in raffles or dead.' -Wiki

+ ontop of that no heritageless lions to keep players from mass claiming ncls?

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OllieFishh (#179334)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:29:15
I think that would solve a lot of the issues I addressed in my original comment. It makes this a lot more plausible.

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
13/15bo (#127995)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:30:46
I was thinking of excluding ncls entirely, but that means they'll just get chased and flood the chased lioness pool.with potatoes too.

However that is a very valid way of removing the "abusing the event instead of using it as intended" issue. Keeping it the same rules as the murder stone would be good also, but I definitely want cubs to be able to be sacrificed so Tree isn't always packed with potatoes.

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Tharkenta (#160101)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:45:50
Maybe we could be able to yeet them as soon as they are weaned (5 months), and another thing that has come to my mind is that a daily limit might encourage people to sacrifice more valuable lions instead of mass-bred potatoes.

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Edited on 01/03/24 @ 13:48:15 by Tharkenta [20x Ros] (#160101)

Espenfalls ✧ G1
13/15bo (#127995)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:51:05
Oooo, that actually is a great idea. Mind if I add it to the main post?

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Tharkenta (#160101)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 13:51:45
Sure, no problem!

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Rosey (#221315)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-03-01 19:32:02
Some ideas I can agree with but most I can't, I moves to lioden FROM wolveden bc of many of the features and literally not being able to feed, treat, support, etc only 5 wolves. And others have stated there are ways around all of this. The July event I use to get rid of ncls that are game generated, fodder lions,etc.....

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
13/15bo (#127995)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 19:48:27
Hello! I see there may be some confusion with my suggestion.

My suggestion would not affect users who don't want to participate, as noted by by section about "Why would I be interested in this if I don't want to give lions away"

While there may be ways around it, my intention was and still isn't to FORCE players into giving away lions. It's merely a way to promote users to choose to get rid of lions instead of flooding TC with lions heavily underpriced because there is so many lions and so little people who want them.

This suggestion would allow someone to keep as many lions as they personally want to, while also giving an outlet to those who want to get rid of their lions and get rewarded for doing so without having to underpriced themselves.

This has nothing to do with Wolvden features, as I expressly mentioned I do not like Wolvdens feature.

This suggestion is really just a way to hopefully boost the economy by allowing the community to CHOOSE to get rid of excess lions YEAR ROUND or at least more frequently than 1 month in July.

My suggestion also offers far better rewards for getting rid of lions (exclusive breeding items, Mutation items ect) while the July stone only offers XP and maybe some SB occasionally. This is very different and formulated to get people to WANT to give their lions away for an event currency.

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Edited on 01/03/24 @ 19:51:35 by Espenfalls ✧ 9x Seal DR 1.9k (#127995)

Talmoi (#16689)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 20:09:58
Some way to make it random would possibly help? I know I would mass breed if I could/needed to. In July I claim and sacrifice the 44 lions I need each day.

Depending on the event length, it could ask for different criteria every few hours or so. Like an easier gorilla quest. It could request lions with a certain age or gender, certain number of markings, certain base genetics etc so people can’t just stock up and donate what they have already.

People will always find a way but it might slow them down a little… maybe
We need a lion sink of some sort.

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
13/15bo (#127995)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 20:15:27
I actually was going to include an hourly changing criteria, but I want the most people to be getting rid of lions as possible.

However.. I may add a part that perhaps every hour if a criteria is met you get double points, and the less traits met could even decrease points.

This suggestion is pretty tricky to balance perfectly, but anything- ANY better lion sink where it isn't just "if you chase the lion we give you 10sb" would be great.
(The reason sb and other small rewards don't/wouldn't work IMO is because people can go like "well I could probably just get that much sb if I sold it as fodder")

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Edited on 01/03/24 @ 20:16:24 by Espenfalls ✧ 9x Seal DR 1.9k (#127995)

Rosey (#221315)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-03-01 20:19:45
I'd be ok with even 10 sb as most fodder I end up actually selling is for 5 sb and for the gorilla's anyway, or even crafting material for what ever month is going on and if there's none specifically for that month then just random crafting items

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