Posted by Interaction game!

acryris | Giveaway
pride (#442217)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-04-11 10:55:17

Hello and welcome to my FORUM. Wondering why your here but somehow interested? well here's what this forum is about!

This forum is a fun little activity that I personally find interest in, where I can connect my lore with other people's lore WITHOUT having anything change about it!

> How would this even work?

A; The way this would work is simple, we will exchange interactions just as you would get random interactions with your pride members, and BOTH interactions will be placed in bios with the # of the other person


(name) Greets you with a nuzzle on your neck Awh how nice! -

(other name) drops a small gerbil snack right at your paws, sitting politely they stare at you waiting for you to eat it creepy much?



> "Do I HAVE to put an interaction in my bio?"

A; Yes! if you do not I will remove your interaction from my bio



> "Can i request a interaction made by SLUGGED(me)?"

A; Yup! i'm happy to make one for you



> "What types of interactions can i request?"

A; You can request, different lenghths, settings or lions.

Meaning, we can exchange Long, medium or short interactions - different settings such as (places: your territory, my territory, watering hole ect ect" - lions such as more than one lion interaction : two lions in one interaction Pride king + pride member or queen



> "Can i request interactions iwth other repliers and not just slugged?"

A: Of course! just make sure you get permission


The Request form : if you do not post this form i will redirect you to add a from in your message.

Lion(s) in the interaction:
interaction length (long, medium, short) :
Are you putting the interaction in your king/queens BIO or pride Description:
Requesting interaction to (Me or another replier)|(ADD THE USERS 3, Don't add mine if its me):

- After you have exchanged interactions edit your form and add a DONE message under your form

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Edited on 11/04/24 @ 11:49:02 by sluggedbone (#442217)

Fiery Lioness (#298660)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-12 20:44:35
Lion(s) in the interaction: Honey’Paw
interaction length (long, medium, short) : medium
Are you putting the interaction in your king/queens BIO or pride Description: can I put it in my lioness’s bio? If not, I can make a pride description
YOUR #: 298660
Requesting interaction to: #442217

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acryris | Giveaway
pride (#442217)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-12 21:52:59

Slugged noticed Honey Paw on his turf, not knowing if the adolescent was lost or not. Slugged gave the adolescent a lick behind the ear before sliding them a small snack it's okay for them to stay for a while, that was until the adols king came scurrying over scaring Slugged and causing him to run off Oops!

Either put yours here or in my PMS and I will add it in my pride description!

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Fiery Lioness (#298660)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-04-12 22:46:42
Slugged noticed a small black feline like creature in the distance. When he approached, he unintentionally scared them off, leaving paw prints where they ran. Slugged, then followed the paw prints until he was met by HoneyPaw, who was calming the black furred feline down. “I’m sorry about what happened earlier, my father is just very protective. I just wanted to say hi. My name is HoneyPaw, nice to meet you.” She didn’t mention the black feline is scared, but by the looks of it, they were clearly frightened by your presence. “This is my friend, Crow. She is often afraid of lions she doesn’t know, but I’ll tell her that you’re not a threat.”

Edit: I forgot the cat’s name is Crow, not Moonlight, like the interaction originally said

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Edited on 12/04/24 @ 22:49:13 by Fiery Lioness (#298660)

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