Posted by -ADDED TO THE GAME-Items for SB - Ideas

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-04-26 22:35:11
Well, everyone knows the Lioden developers are trying to balance the economy. However the SB cap is the worst way they could try to do so, as this will not make GB prices go down, neither will this make SB more desired.

The two main reasons why people are hoarding SB:
- Because what do you spend your SB on? Decorations? Not everyone is into such things and once you have decorated all your lions, what then?
- Because they want to buy GB. GB has so much more uses than SB, so of course people prefer it.

Now, how can we solve this?
By making SB once more the main currency and giving it back some light and usefulness as it is supposed to have.

And how can we do it?
By introducing more items to the Monkey Business that actually arent just decorations. Items that are useful, and alter gameplay. It is a wrong setting that every useful item becomes GB only.

But if there are more SB items then what will happen to GB? GB will be less worth! All amazing features should be GB only!
I see it as a problem that everything that has a 'too good use' is always made GB only. Of course people will look to buy GB instead, hoarding SB, and make prices skyrocket. Make some amazing features SB only, to raise its value. While I understand that GB is needed and the purchase should be encouraged, if SB isnt supported either, then the economy is never going to be balanced. Plus SB is the main currency... yet it is useless if you dont trade... or dont like backgrounds.

This thread is to suggest SB items, which you can buy from the Monkey Business ONLY, so the Oasis cannot have them. Feel free to add your own ideas. Please note that the names arent the ones I would like the items to be given.

Note: I wont put prices, this is for the developers to decide what they should cost.

-Customization Options-
- Reroll: -Added-
- Basic customization kit - Thread -

-New Items-
- Playtoy pack: -Added-
- Critter pack: -Added-
- Carcass pack: -Added-
- Quest guide: This might give your lion +5-10% chance to find the item or animal you need for your quest. Of course for NPCs you will need to be in the right environment.
- Anti-illness and healing items: If the sicknesses and wounds are introduced, there could be SB items to help heal the lion, lionesses and cubs. (-Original Idea-)
- Cub protecting items: If cub mortality is introduced, there could be items that help avoiding it. (-Original Idea-)

-Game Play-
- Energy tank: -added-
- Offer to snake: -added-
- Smell bad: The item makes you smell bad, decreasing the chance for enemy NPC encounter, but has a slight bad effect on impression too. (-Original Idea-)
- Catnip: This item will increase your impression slightly and attract slightly more females, but also catlike predators. (-Suggested by DragonSage-)
- Feed all Button: -Added as GB item-
- More accurate Scrying stone: For a small fee, it will also list you the markings the cubs will have.
- Adolescent preview: What the name says. Just put in the lion ID and it will show you its adolescent image. (-Suggested by DragonSage-)
- Adult preview: -added-
- Titles for Lionesses: If the titles will be implemented, they could be sold for SB. (-Suggested by PlaguedRuby - Thread-)

-New Games-
- Game tokens: You buy it from the Monkey Business (For example can be a Dice) and you can roll it to get a random prize. (- Suggested by Raksha-)
- The Wishing Rock: Once or twice a day sacrifice some SB to the Wishing Rock and perhaps your wishes will come true. The fee should probably be around 100 SB perhaps even more. I'd say the odds should be reasonable, perhaps 1 in 3 for something good, 1 in 6 for something bad and the rest of the time nothing. It could be used by any lion, the effects would be applied to the lion who used it. (-Original Idea-)
- A daily or weekly raffle: -added-
- Maze: Successful navigation through the maze and puzzle obsticals under the time limit would result in a small exp boost or stat boost. (-Suggested by DragonSage-)

-SB Fees-
- Plus Hunting party: -added-
- Subordinate Male Slot: -added-
- Signature token: Using this grants you the ability to have a signature. Can be rented for a week, then needs to be re-purchased. (-Original Idea-)

This suggestion has 346 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/10/14 by Axel (#6627)

Nux (#7237)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2013-04-26 22:47:17
support most of it.

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Raksha (#8106)

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Posted on
2013-04-26 22:48:58
Don't support:
Reroll because as you said, it makes a lion go back to lvl 1 so no one will want it which means there will be a huge risk of buying it by accident.
Mane Changer because it is a custom feature to have the mane you want which should be GB.
Cheating Death aka living longer should only be a GB item since it would be some sort of advantage thing.

Do support:
Lion Name Changer
Usual Eye Changer as long as it isn't Custom colors

Also an idea I have is for some sort of Game Tokens sold at the monkey. Could be Dice, for example, and you could pay 100sb or what ever price per Dice aka per Roll. Buy the Dice, go to your Hoard, select the Dice, choose Roll, have a chance of winning prizes just like you do in the Cups game (altho a better chance at winning of course)

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-04-26 22:56:16
Reroll: I for one wouldnt mind if I was able to reroll my plain lion. I dont care about stat changes as at least it gets interesting again. Like restarting the game. And how can you buy anything accidentally? You click it and it goes into your inventory, I dont think it will change your lion automatically. This is actually an item found in the Oasis, you know.
Mane changer: You know, it would be nice if we could finally have something as well. Not just GB. If this comes in and will be GB only, prices will go berserk again. Would boost SB spending again.
Cheating death: I dont see much advantage other than letting a lioness live forever. She cant breed and cant hunt anyway, so what is the advantage?

Guys, the goal of this all is to bring up the value of SB, of course we need items which rival that of GB items.

Btw, I will add the token items.

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Thalassa (#7869)

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Posted on
2013-04-26 23:02:01
I also support most of it.
I'd suggest some changes in the Mane Changer. I'd be better if it provided a random chance of getting one of the current manes (Scarce, Normal or Thick). The new manes should be custom only.
I'll aso agree with Raksha about Cheating Death being a GB only item. Although there could be two Cheating Death items. One that costs SB, makes your lioness immortal but does not let her hunt or breed and a GB that also makes your lioness immortal but she will be able to hunt and breed.

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Edited on 27/04/13 by Thalassa (#7869)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-04-26 23:20:55
We dont quite know if the new manes will be truly custom or not. Maybe you can get them with a reroll even, we dont quite know. I would love to see them available for everyone though. Just to keep the balance.

As for Cheating Death... this is what I was talking about. The Oasis cannot have these items in any way, to make SB desirable again. We need a good use for this currency or GB will stay the main currency. Oasis is out here. Monkey Business only.
Plus it would be extremely unfair if a lioness is staying alive forever yet she can hunt (so gain stats and bring back carcasses) plus breed good stat cubs. Super lionesses would emerge very quickly. The cheating death item shoud prevent super-lionesses this way. They cant hunt and you cant breed them.

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Edited on 27/04/13 by Axel (#6627)

Freezerchick (#9281)

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Posted on
2013-04-26 23:21:37
I'm with Raksha and Thalassa on the Mane Changer and Cheating Death :)
Great suggestions so I support XD

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Elumara (#6675)

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Posted on
2013-04-27 03:00:43
I support everything but the reroll; cheating death; mane change.

For cheating death instead I think the lionesses that are immortal....WHY? because we spend so much GB to MAKE them pretty....if the lion can keep his colorations...why cannot the female?

I also think that the customized immortal lioness should still be able to hunt/give birth..contribute to the pack. Why spend money on GB...then spend the GB on a lioness....and after so many months she dies and u loose ur custom lioness you worked so hard to achieve on?

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Edited on 27/04/13 by SinfullyTru {MAIN} (wanting male cubs: SEE den for Thread Link! NO pm's!) (#6675)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-04-27 03:08:06
I dont understand you guys, or more like you dont understand me and what I am trying to suggest. I think all of them would be wonderful additions.
Because every each one of the useful items are GB only, which makes people want to buy GB for SDB, skyrocketing the prices. We will need useful and actually worth items that are SB only, NO Oasis, to try and get people to buy for SB more and have something that actually changes gameplay that you can buy for SB. Understand now?
We need valuable items for SB as well. Not just GB. Or else we cant stop the skyrocketing of prices and it will all go out of control. We need something that people actually buy and want to buy. For SB, to drain it from them. If everything new is introduced for GB only, then we did nothing more but increase prices. We need a balance.

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DragonSage (#4453)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2013-04-27 05:56:59
One of the biggest reasons all the 'good' features are GB features is because GB fund the site. Yes introduce more SB items (and more than just decorations), but GB demand still needs to be there to encourage people to buy GB.

Playtoy pack
Critter pack
Carcass pack
Quest guide
Cub and adolescent decorations
Scar decorations
Game tokens
Carcass decorations

No Support
Mane changer - The ability to change a lioness's inheritable traits (like eye color, mane type, ect) should remain GB only because customizing your male or creating custom femaels are the biggest source of funding for this game.
Usual eye changer - We already have a GB item to change eye color, we don't need one that only does a random wild eye color. Plus I wouldn't spend money for something that would randomly change eye color
Cheating death - This is way too powerful for a SB item (then again I'm not too keen on most ideas to keep a lioness from dying although I do support a way for custom lionesses designs to be reused)

On the Fence
Reroll and Lion name changer make sense for [expensive] SB items however they are already GB items and people who've bought them for GB would probably be upset they 'wasted' a GB
Energy tank - There's already a GB item that refills energy; it would be nice, but we already have one and some people buy the energy boost on a fairly regular basis for levelling purposes

As for useful decorations I support it but the stat or skill bonus should disappear if item is de-equiped.

Other suggestions
The Wishing Rock - Once or twice a day sacrifice some SB to the Wishing Rock and perhaps your wishes will come true. The fee should probably be around 100 SB perhaps even more. I'd say the odds should be reasonable, perhaps 1 in 3 for something good, 1 in 6 for something bad and the rest of the time nothing. It could be used by any lion, the effects would be applied to the lion who used it
You could wish for several things, for example:
-Power - A good result would be up to +3 in a random stat or skill for your lion, a poor result would be a loss of a random stat or skill.
-Energy - A good result would be up to 30% energy regained, a poor result would be a loss of energy (or no energy loss if you are at zero)
-Health - A successful wish would grant an extension of up to 3 months of life to your male (or making him younger, if it would be too difficult to have a varying age of retirement/death). A negative result would be taking some months off his life span (or making him older if its too difficult to have a varying age of retirement/death)
-Food - A Successful wish would grant a random carcass or two. A negative result would make your lion hungry
-Amusement [lioness/cub only] - A successful wish would raise mood or grant a toy. A negative result would make you loose mood.

Some suggestions on the game development board would lend themselves nicely for SB fees. One example I can think of off the top of my head is for hunting.
There are several suggestions for changing hunting, to either allow more parties (and only the ones that have been hunting are on the 45 minute cool down) or allow more lionesses out at a time. If more parties are implemented perhaps have a SB fee to buy a new party [this could be a permanent party (is so the fee should be high) or the slot could expire after a certain time]. If more lionesses are allowed out at a time, it would cost 50 SB per lioness above 5 sent out (with a max of 10 lionesses total) - this could be a reoccurring fee.

When the subordinate male/use for male cubs comes out, perhaps you could use SB to choose the male(s) to keep/use

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Edited on 27/04/13 by DragonSage (#4453)

Moonfeather (#6369)

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Posted on
2013-04-27 07:17:23
I support pretty much all of these. :3

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-04-27 20:47:47
Added the new ideas. Do you know the username of the one who suggested the hunting party change? Just so I can credit them for it.

Basically everything that is custom would stay GB. However if I want to change the mane or look of my lion to another 'wild' look... then I am not sure if I want to truly pay GB for a wild common look. The Reroll or mane changer wont contain custom only colors or types, just wild types. In this case I dont think anyone would like to pay 10 GB to change their light cream male for example to dark golden (so roll as long as they dont get a dark golden), or if they want a wild a mane type. I am not yet sure if the new manes will be custom or can be found in the wild as well. Of course these items wouldnt be cheap.
And basically this would mean that the Reroll would be SB only, so would be taken out of the Oasis.
And simply there would be an eye changer for SB as well, containing only wild colors. I for one wouldnt mind to change the eye of my lion on either account. If one uses the GB type... well.. then of course they can have custom colors, like blue and red. With the SB, it would be only wild colors. Just to give the non-GB users something to change as well. I think it is fair compared to what you can do for GB.
As for the Energy tank: It would give of course not a full bar, and could be limited in use, as I have written. You cant make the lion's energy full with the use of this item, but just add 10-20 energy every hour or every two hours. Of course I am aware of the GB item, and I can see here a chance to set the price of GB a little. The GB item costs 2GB. So, if we count with 500SB for a GB (Which I think is reasonable), then it costs 1000SB. We could make the Energy Tank... say... 400SB, which I think means that it is more expensive than the GB item if you count the cost. The price of GB would be slightly controlled.

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DragonSage (#4453)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2013-04-27 21:13:34
There have been multiple people who've suggested hunting changes. I'd say credit Akando's thread since it has several ideas (many within the comments).

You may want to break the list of items into categories in the top post since they are getting pretty long and is starting to resemble a wall of text which makes it difficult to read and means people are more likely to hit the back button and not read the text. Some category options and items that would fit there are:

-Customization Options-
Mane changer
Lion name changer
Usual eye changer

-New Items-
Playtoy pack
Critter pack
Carcass pack
Quest guide

Cub and adolescent decorations
Scar decorations
Useful decorations
Carcass decorations

-Game Play-
Energy tank
Cheating death

-New Features-
The Wishing Rock
Game tokens

-SB Fees-
Plus Hunting Party
Subordinate Male Slot

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Edited on 28/04/13 by DragonSage (#4453)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2013-04-27 22:00:26
Okay thank you. Will do.

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Quitrn (#7797)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2013-04-27 22:03:55
support. :)

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DragonSage (#4453)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2013-04-27 22:24:03
That looks much better and its easier to read. I decided to create an individual thread to the wishing rock idea, although I did link to this thread in it. The wishing rock thread URL is

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