Owned by Tweeked| ♥

Etti's Branch

I only tend to be active during; February, May, August, September, October. If I am on hiatus, do not bother PMing me to haggle nor trade item for item. I am not interested in applicators or lions for these items. I MAY take breeding items or MODs for these items, as well as event currency from my active months. Prices are mostly final but if you are short a few GB, we could work something out. If my branch is too big for you, use CTRL+F on PC to find the desired item.

Items For Sale in Etti's Branch
25 / 200
African Flower Or...
African Flower Ornaments [Herbal]
Uses: 5

African Flower Or...
African Flower Ornaments [Herbal]
Uses: 5

African Flower Or...
African Flower Ornaments [Plumbago]
Uses: 5

African Flower Or...
African Flower Ornaments [Plumbago]
Uses: 5

African Flower Or...
African Flower Ornaments [Rainbow]
Uses: 5

Angelic Imprints
Angelic Imprints
Uses: 1

Angelic Mane
Angelic Mane
Uses: 1

Ankh Scar
Ankh Scar
Uses: 5

Ankh Scar
Ankh Scar
Uses: 5

Ankh Scar
Ankh Scar
Uses: 5

Bloodbourne Stains
Bloodbourne Stains
Uses: 1

Brimstone Imprints
Brimstone Imprints
Uses: 1

Dicey Ice
Dicey Ice
Uses: 1

Dust: Hematite
Dust: Hematite
Uses: 1

Eye Applicator: F...
Eye Applicator: Fierce Green
Uses: 1

Fragments: Carnelian
Fragments: Carnelian
Uses: 1

Fragments: Jasper
Fragments: Jasper
Uses: 1

Hirola Markings
Hirola Markings
Uses: 1

Lion Scrotum
Lion Scrotum
Uses: 1

Lion Scrotum
Lion Scrotum
Uses: 1

Nacre Lining
Nacre Lining
Uses: 1

Ragdoll Scratch M...
Ragdoll Scratch Marks
Uses: 1

Shape of Swarm
Shape of Swarm
Uses: 1

Trained Haruspex
Trained Haruspex
Uses: 1

Windfall Markings
Windfall Markings
Uses: 1

Memory Used: 551.19 KB - Queries: 3 - Query Time: 0.00357 - Total Time: 0.03473s