Owned by DrBandy

bandy's odd n'bobs

This shop contains items I don't want or need. Usually I accidently buy things and then realise I don't actually want them, so they usually go here; -- This is not updated regularly - I don't go out of my way to get stuff for this branch I'm just really stupid and impulsively buy items before realising I don't actually want it. I don't want stuff but i also don't want it going to waste.. and i do want money.

Items For Sale in bandy's odd n'bobs
12 / 16
Applicator: Brawl
Applicator: Brawl
Uses: 1

Applicator: Rumble
Applicator: Rumble
Uses: 1

Charmed Dwarf Lio...
Charmed Dwarf Lioness
Uses: 2

Clean Lake
Clean Lake
Uses: 2

Eager Cub [Golden]
Eager Cub [Golden]
Uses: 5

Eager Cub [Onyx]
Eager Cub [Onyx]
Uses: 5

Eager Cub [Onyx]
Eager Cub [Onyx]
Uses: 5

Scar: Anklebiter
Scar: Anklebiter
Uses: 10

Scar: Hind Leg Right
Scar: Hind Leg Right
Uses: 4

Scar: Hind Leg Right
Scar: Hind Leg Right
Uses: 4

Scar: Long Right Eye
Scar: Long Right Eye
Uses: 4

Screaming Rabbit ...
Screaming Rabbit Relic
Uses: 5

Memory Used: 538.08 KB - Queries: 3 - Query Time: 0.00163 - Total Time: 0.00283s