Owned by Lilith

Sales from the canyons

You've been traveling the canyons for days. The sun hits your back uncomfortably as you stumble upon a small cave. It's decorated in bones and feathers, with 2 wooden poles holding up a long string of fabric, acting as a canopy. You walk in and find a lion protecting their wares. They're wearing a large buffalo skull on their head, and feathers, fur, and bones as bodywear. They notice you and immediately ask. ‘Would you like to buy some of my wares?’

Items For Sale in Sales from the canyons
6 / 8
Angelic Sphinx
Angelic Sphinx
Uses: 5

Blue Winged Grass...
Blue Winged Grasshopper Outfit
Uses: 3

Dark Forest
Dark Forest
Uses: 9

Hadejia-Nguru Wet...
Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands
Uses: 5

Niger River
Niger River
Uses: 9

Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls
Uses: 7

Memory Used: 530.89 KB - Queries: 3 - Query Time: 0.00184 - Total Time: 0.00311s