Owned by Shu [Side]

Custom Decors

If you want any of my custom decors and they aren't listed up for sale, message me on this account or my main(42) and I'll have it up as soon as I can c:

Flamboyant Admirer = With blush
Flamboyant Admire... = W/O blush
Flamboyant Admire...(With the different looking icon) = W/O Rose W/O Blush

If you end up buying the wrong one, just message me and I can switch it around for you c:

**Price of Shiny Water was lowered per request of Smoked - if you bought it from me at 10GB, message me for a refund of the extra amount you paid!

Items For Sale in Custom Decors
9 / 44
Fur Accessories
Fur Accessories
Uses: 10

Satanic Leaf-Tail...
Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Uses: 3

Shiny Fishy - Galaxy
Shiny Fishy - Galaxy
Uses: 10

Shiny Fishy - Galaxy
Shiny Fishy - Galaxy
Uses: 10

Shiny Fishy - Green
Shiny Fishy - Green
Uses: 10

Shiny Fishy - Green
Shiny Fishy - Green
Uses: 10

Shiny Fishy - Green
Shiny Fishy - Green
Uses: 10

Shiny Fishy - Silver
Shiny Fishy - Silver
Uses: 10

Shiny Fishy - Silver
Shiny Fishy - Silver
Uses: 10

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