Owned by LEO

Items, decor, and food branch!

Here you can buy things for GB or SB! It honestly depends on the item. If you want to get something for free, ask me in DM’s! You might be able to convince me. Anywho, there is multiple items and stuff in here. Hope you like any of them!

Items For Sale in Items, decor, and food branch!
4 / 8
Gem: Carnelian
Gem: Carnelian
Uses: 1

Gem: Hematite
Gem: Hematite
Uses: 1

Gem: Hematite
Gem: Hematite
Uses: 1

Gem: Hematite
Gem: Hematite
Uses: 1

Memory Used: 524.20 KB - Queries: 3 - Query Time: 0.00116 - Total Time: 0.00262s