Owned by AtreyuGhost

Echo's Lucky Sales

Interaction w/ pride

A leopon trots over to you, tipping her head with the friendly flick of her tail. Even though she looks very young, there's an aura of an old soul lingering inside of her, a purr rumbles in her throat. "This one is in charge of the sales branch, as well as currency. Echo help's her king in haggling and trading.." she sits herself down, brushing her flat and rough tongue over her left paw. "Take a look. Tell This one if anything peaks your interests."

Wanna Haggle?

A heavy coated and striped leopon with white patches paces her way over with a warm look in her oddly colored eyes. "Excuse me, but if you're looking to haggle for a specific item. Echo, as stated, watches over the trades. Our king also doesn't mind possible trade offers if the price is deemed too costly." She murmurs, dipping her head respectfully.

Items For Sale in Echo's Lucky Sales
5 / 12
Applicator: Inverted Brawl
Applicator: Inverted Brawl
Uses: 1

Eye Applicator: Demon
Eye Applicator: Demon
Uses: 1

Heavenly Blessing
Heavenly Blessing
Uses: 1

Random Marking Applicator
Random Marking Applicator
Uses: 1

Random Marking Applicator
Random Marking Applicator
Uses: 1

Memory Used: 532.97 KB - Queries: 3 - Query Time: 0.00466 - Total Time: 0.00590s