Custom Decors

Looking for more information on a custom decor, or want to try it out on your lions to see how it looks? Pick one below!

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Artist # Made By #
Decor Name Purchasable Show only decors that are for sale

** You won't be able to search for specific manes if you have Cub or Adolescent selected.

Splash of Sapphic...
Splash of Sapphic...


Spooky Bean
Spooky Bean

Spooky Chains [En...
Spooky Chains [En...

Spotted For Ferus
Spotted For Ferus

Sprig Floof
Sprig Floof



Stained Glass Sun...
Stained Glass Sun...

Star Bandings
Star Bandings

Star Disease
Star Disease

Star Fire wings (...
Star Fire wings (...

Star jewelry [Dwa...
Star jewelry [Dwa...

Star Shoulder Tat...
Star Shoulder Tat...

Star Stuff (Ferus)
Star Stuff (Ferus)

Star touch mane/t...
Star touch mane/t...

Star Touched
Star Touched

Star-Kissed Mane ...
Star-Kissed Mane ...

Star-Lined Ruby V...
Star-Lined Ruby V...

Starbird Earring
Starbird Earring

Starborn [Smilus]
Starborn [Smilus]

Starbound (Female...
Starbound (Female...

Starbound (Males)
Starbound (Males)

Starbound (Purple)
Starbound (Purple)

Starbound (Red)
Starbound (Red)

Starbound Passion
Starbound Passion

Starburst Draconi...
Starburst Draconi...

Starcaller Vestme...
Starcaller Vestme...

Starcaller's Eyes
Starcaller's Eyes

Stardust Tears
Stardust Tears

Stargazer Jeweled...
Stargazer Jeweled...

Stargazer's Garb
Stargazer's Garb

Starlette Lilies
Starlette Lilies

Starlight eyes
Starlight eyes

Starlit Heritage ...
Starlit Heritage ...

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