Belongs to *Astraios |G3 16BO 3x Rosette*'s Pride
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Lion Stats
0 / 100 (0%)
Level 1
Strength 137 Speed 183
Stamina 187 Smarts 168
Agility 229 Skill 66
Born With: Unknown Total Stats: 970
Lion Currents
Age 16 years, 2 months old
Sex Male
Pose Evil
Heartless (Evil)

Elder Stage
Newborn Stage 100%
Young Cub Stage 100%
Cub Stage 100%
Adolescent Stage 100%
Adult Stage 100%
Elder Stage 100%
Breeding Info
Father Salander X (Deceased) Mother 6BO CD HF (Deceased) View Full Heritage
Last Bred N/A Fertility N/A View All Cubs Bred (36)
Appearance Markings
Base Outlaw (Dark Brown Skin) Slot 1: Brown Dorsal Line (72%) Tier 2
Slot 2: Under Cream 2 (83%) Tier 0
Slot 4: Feline 9 Lilac (1%) Tier 2
Slot 5: Onyx Pelage (100%) Tier 2
Slot 6: Quartz Soft Unders (35%) Tier 2
Slot 7: Saffron Points (46%) Tier 1
Slot 8: Outlaw Cheetah (100%) Tier 3
Slot 9: Silver Points (70%) Tier 1
Slot 10: Goridhe Rogue (2%) Tier 2
Slot 11: Lilac Rogue (8%) Tier 2
Slot 12: Bushveld Zebra (80%) Tier 6
Genetics Cream Dark Countershaded Special
Eyes Blue
Mane Type Thick
Mane Color Cimmerian
Mutation Piebald (Ticked)
Marking Slots
Equipped Decorations
Lifetime Patrolling Results
Total Patrols 0 Total Stats Gained 0 Total Items Gained 0

G2 outlaw, 9xBO, 12m, New king??? heir (main)... His name means "to increase glory". It seemed fitting as I have always envisioned him as a tyrannical beast

Accidentally found out he had 9xBO when I advertised him as having 7! (A lovely person corrected me)

Notes for self:
Outlaw is a BO base,
Cimmerian is a BO mane color
ALL tier 2 & 4 markings are BO
Outlaw Cheetah is BO
Tier 6 is RMA exclusive

karma isssss -2858 (as of 12/22/23)
karma isssss -5985 (2/5/25)

Memory Used: 709.09 KB - Queries: 19 - Query Time: 0.00508 - Total Time: 0.00937s