Lena As of 8:40 P.M. Lioden Time on 5/20/2014
Name: It's Really Just A Name. I'm Not Even Sure If It Does Have A Meaning (C:).
Lion's ID Number: Lena's ID Number is #35698970000 (She's Pretty Ain't She! :3).
Fertility: Lena's Fertility Level is High (She Makes Them Cubbies! XD).
Level: Lena is a Level 9.
Lion Stats: Lena's Strength is 93, Her Stamina is 142, Her Agility is 108, Her Speed is 134, And Her Smarts are 124. Add it all together and you get a Total of 601 before the Skill Points are added. Add in the Skill Points which are 18 and you get a Grand Total of 619 Points all together (Yeah! Go Lena! C:).
Number of Total Hunts, Number of Successful Hunts, And Number of Failed Hunts: Lena Has a Total Number of Hunts being 64, And her Number of Successful Hunts is also 64, Lena has had 0 Failed Hunts so far (WOOOOOHOOOOOO! :3).
Lion's Currents: Lena's Age is 4 Years, And 4 Months Old,
She is a Female Lioness (Go Figure Huh!? XD),
She is 100% Happy consult her Mood Level, And
She is not Hungry at all also consult her Hunger Level (I Take Good Care Of You. C:).
Experience: Lena is a Level 9 Lioness, She has 4,279 Experience Points so far (You Go Girl! :D), She has to get 7,040 Experience point to Level up, She Needs to get 2,761 more to get to Level 10 (:3).
Heritage: Lena's parents are King Mugen II , And Lioness Zoe (Very Pretty Parents. :3), And
Her Grand Parents are King Thamani, And Lioness Raven.
Appearance: Lena's Appearance consist of her have the Base Coat Color of Golden 2, Her Eye Color is Green, Her Mane Type is Normal, And Her Mane Color is Mahogany.
Markings: Lena has 5 Markings Which are,
Slot 1: White Cover which is at 100% Visibility,
Slot 4: Onyx Paws which is at 47% Visibility,
Slot 5: Brown Mask which is at 56% Visibility,
Slot 6: Onyx Low Flow which is at 35% Visibility, And
Slot 8: Leg Stripes which is at 51% Visibility.
Nursing Cubs: Lena is not Nursing Cubs as of this moment, But she will be soon (C:).
Decoration: Lena has no Decorations on her at this moment (Sad Lion Face.D":).
Number of Pride Members: Lena has 6 other Female Lionesses in her Pride, She has 8 Cubs in her Pride, The Queen Nikita, The King Ahadivu, And The Sub Male Prince Kopa
Breeding:Lena can not Breed right now because she is Pregnant (Happy Stephie! :D).
Cubs: Lena is Pregnant with Cubs right now.