Kabisa- Swahili for "absolute"
Born during the era of Shauri the Graceful, died during the era of Shauri the Miraculous.
Daughter of Shauri the Graceful and Queen Wakati, Heiress of the Shaded Stones Pride.
Shauri and Queen Wakati only coupled once, due to the queen's age. The fruitful match bore four strong, healthy daughters with coats as different as they come. Shauri acknowledged that his new pride was still shaky after crawling out from under the claws of a tyrant, and thus deferred judgement of Shaded Stones's heir to Wakati, to show respect for the aging lioness who managed to carry her whole pride through such anguish. After careful consideration, Wakati chose the third born, whom she named Kabisa, to succeed her.
"A fine choice, my lady, and I support your decision wholeheartedly. I must admit, though, that I... was not quite expecting that."
"Oh?" queried the elder lioness in a voice that was hoarse with years, but still commanded respect from its tone. "And what makes you say that?"
"Well," Shauri began, "after what you endured from the lion who came before me, I thought you would shun this child at first sight. Her pelt is dark like Mabaki's, her eyes have the same hue as his, and she bears the starry flecks of silver that he treasured so much among his pridemembers."
At this, Wakati began to laugh and laugh. "Oh, my king, my king, you must learn to think harder than that if you hope to lead this pride successfully when I'm gone!"
Shauri's pelt bristled in embarrassment, and he cast his eyes to the mirthful queen's face, waiting for a further explanation.
Wakati continued, "Don't you see? Yes, she resembles the fiend most out of all our four children, but look again. Her eyes are your eyes. Her speckles are your speckles. And the other lionesses may not have noticed yet, but I know for a fact that beneath the shining silver tips, your pelt is as dark as Mabaki's was. I have chosen this cub as my heir because
she looks like him, but she also looks like YOU. Kabisa represents both the hardships Shaded Stones has faced in the past, and the bright future we have ahead of us, guided by your strength and wisdom. There is not a drop of Mabaki's blood in her veins. Kabisa is OUR daughter - mine and yours, and the pride will remember that whenever they cast their eyes on her."
The cubs began to stir, and Wakati turned her attention to her litter, shushing them and guiding them to her nipples. Shauri gazed upon his newly born heiress, pensive. It was true- he had been so caught up in making sure he did right by his pride that he hadn't noticed that they already accepted and respected him as their leader. He and his daughter did not need to be weighed down by the burdens of the past. They would blaze ahead and usher Shaded Stones into a glorious future. Shauri chuckled to himself as he watched Kabisa push one of her littermates out of the way so she could nurse from the queen. He must truly been preoccupied to not see the reddish tips on her downy baby coat, which meant that as she grew, Kabisa's fur would be emblazoned with the fiery mantle that was unique throughout all the pride, possessed only by Queen Wakati. Shauri dipped his head to nuzzle the queen, and left the royal den with his head held high and confidence in his heart.